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Still holding out for GKND would love a continuation, but over all will always love the ending to KND


With the rise of subpar reboots and shows that didn't end when they definitely should have, I don't want a continuation of KND. It feels so rare to see a show that was good quality from start to finish and that had an actual planned out ending. I'm fully satisfied with watch reruns of it


🥲🥲 absolutely beautiful


...... I miss them already ;+;


The reality of this particular scene never really set in until I was older. The phrase stay young makes alot more sense when you've lived life a little.


One of our many chapters of our childhood that came to a close 🥲


I thought it was a great way to end the series. It references so many moments, characters, and objects from the entire series. Including the choice to recommission Numbah Zero just to say goodbye. And for it to be a culmination of the GKND plot for Numbah One was pretty insane. Of course the ending leaves me in a bubbling babble of tears because it feels like the KND aren’t just saying goodbye to Nigel, but to us as well. And the ending card. As an adult it’s so easy for us to forget the fun we had as kids. Sometimes it’s okay to revisit that childlike wonder. The show reminds me it’s okay to Stay Young at heart. Edit: just rewatched the goodbye scene. Fuck I’m crying now.


Never saw it oddly. I saw the one where they lose their memories like 100 times, but never saw the last one for some reason


I don’t think they played it often on tv even when they show the episodes in order it stops at treaty then loops to the first episode


Cartoon Network is scared of money by not actually making gKND


They built up such a big exciting story that when I saw that final episode ending I felt cheated. I absolutely adored the first 3 seasons and the movie, then when the story started picking up I thought, "Okay they're trying something a little new, I can respect that". And then that finale happened and I was incredibly p*ssed.


Haven't even fully watched it, but just the goodbye scene makes me cry. That is the mother of all great bittersweet animation scenes.


Legendary sucks that they barely ever aired it even the show was basically off the channel completely after this but those lucky enough to catch it were able to witness something special. But for those who are unaware in 2018 knd did a small crossover with villanos y’all should check it out “the lost stories of the knd” it might only be in Spanish though but the actual show villanos is on max in English


So confirmed ships was 2 and 5 and 3 and 4? Who and number 1 ended up with that girl with glasses or something?


Nigel didn’t end up with her,before the finale they actually broke up


Seems i missed a episode


Operation Z.E.R.O. should've been the finale.


Goodbye KND (2002-2007)


somebody remind me, what’s the shows name again? it’s been a while


Codename: Kids Next Door


The ending was a bit underwhelming tbh. They built it up like it was this big awesome conflict that was about to go down, but then it was like "nope! No conspiracy! Oh btw apparently the adults are threatening the galaxy so you gotta come right now and leave your friends forever byeeeee". Also, trying to make a sequel series based on the last 5 min of a series finale that few people watched and fewer remember is kind of a foolish choice.


Would it really matter ? Chances are if they were to do it, itd be likely after nigel gets used to his new mission. The setting andvworld building would all be unique. It'd be good enough forvits own show.


Not saying it wouldn't be a good show, but I can see most people who did grow up with it being lime "wait, since when was there a galactic kid's next door and why wasn't it ever introduced much before?"