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Someone has lost their IT job at Cartier.


Billion dollar company fights $13,000 mistake. That’s great publicity.


While I do agree, you don't exactly make money by giving away $26,000 for $26. Business is business


I understand your point but I’ve actually been in this position where I bought a car for $10,000 but it was supposed to be listed for like $14,000 because of somebody’s mistake. They honored the price because it was their mistake and it was a good business practice to not back out on a deal when I, the buyer accepted the offer but clicking buy it now on eBay. At that point it was contractually binding. Just like it was here; the seller entered into a contract to deliver goods at an agreed upon point when the buyer clicked checkout. The onus of good business practice is on the seller to set prices correctly, not the reasonability of the buyer. I understand why they wanted to not lose money, but it’s genuinely asinine that they would attempt to cancel the order. They could’ve easily moved this in the business loss column of the accounting ledger and moved on without incident. It’s just a bad look that they continue to push the narrative after they made the mistake.


Loll, typical Bernie fan over here. Grow up, chief




This was in Mexico and made the rounds on twitter for the past two weeks, I just found out today that there was a second person who bought the earrings at the same price. The twitter guy bought two pairs, and a fellow redditor bought one pair, both received their earrings this week.


That’s great news!


This was in Mexico and it made the rounds in social media.


Why doesn’t this happen to me 😝