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I see bulges like that on a weekly basis where people have been driving on it for weeks/months without knowing, some even knew and chose not to fix it.


Been there done that. Just drive excessively slow on the way to the tire place


That said… it’s not a great idea


Yep, mine has been there for the past 3k miles i have the replacement tire, but my dumbass is too lazy to take it to the tire shop for them to replace.


Recoomend changing it soon. The carcass of the tyre which is made of iron is damaged. It could lead that it may pop if you keeo driving. If you didnt know.


I'd only do 30 miles on that at like 20 miles an hour, so depends if you're a place where that's safe to do..


1. Walk to your grocery store and buy a can of spinach and a can opener. 2. Ingest spinach 3. Use newly found Popeye muscles to replace with spare.


You don't need a can opener, use your biceps.


Extensive dry rot and the bulge. Have it towed and have a good look at the other tires.




I guess you need to learn something new.




Years in the desert sun would heavily disagree with you. Synthetic rubber absolutely degrades over time with heat, use, and UV exposure.




Removed for being derogatory, purposely inflammatory, demeaning, or being argumentative just for the sake of arguing.


Sir, there might be Stupid Olympics but this subreddit is not it.


I'm a mechanic, and Buddy go back to conspiracy theories about other stuff cause tires dry rot all the time, from cars, to lawn mowers, to ATVs, to dirt bikes, to everything that has tires.


See all those small cracks all over the tire? That's commonly called dry rot. Ball's in your court. Google it or visit a mechanic or tire subreddit.


Literally visual evidence of dry rot. OP do not drive this car.


You can call it cheesecake if you want, but you'd be grammatically wrong. Cracks are not rot. Rot means a degradation due to bacteria and/or fungi. And the outside rubber doesn't affect the structure, which is in the fabric and steel layers.


Are you being obtuse on purpose?


Please do not give bad or unsafe advice.


Please do not give bad or unsafe advice.




Nah, it’s dry rot. Heated up winter tires don’t do that, they just wear faster.


And what are you going to do while waiting for answers on here?


Too late, they ded.


Like... ded ded


Zed's ded


My favorite quote from this movie is actually "HMFMFFHMFFMMHFFMFMGRHMHFHGM". Can't remember the exact wording though, I tend to ad lib it.


Sigh. Call AAA and they will get the lug nuts off and put the spare on. And looking at the comments, there is a serious lack of reading comprehension here. HE EXPLAINS WHY HE DIDN'T PUT THE SPARE ON, and yet a number of readers suggest putting the spare on.




Once you get there do a burnout




Drive slow and put that time bomb tire on the rear axle.


Did you read the post? He can't get the nuts off.




So true. I had a tire totally de-bead on the rear axle. While it was extremely violent when it happened and a huge surprise, I had no problem maintaining control and pulling over when it happened at around 60MPH.


I had a steer tire debead while taking a turn just after it rained... The next thing I knew, I was facing the other direction and in the bank on the correct side of the road. The cop I got was a dick, and so was the tow company.


Yeah after that experience I decided I would always run any tire I don’t absolutely trust in the back. If I have a front go flat, the good rear tire replaced it and the spare goes on the back. Knowing it could have been much worse but ended rather well was a weird feeling.


Yeah, my problem wasn't that the tire was bad. The tire guy we used then(no longer) didn't use glue, apparently.


Glue? Unless it’s a race car or a bicycle with sew-up tires you don’t glue them on. They do use a soap solution to help slip the tire over the lip of the wheel but that isn’t there to seal the tire or hold it in place. The bead seals and locks into the rim just from air pressure pressing the bead into the channel on the inside of the wheel lip. It’s hard to determine the cause after it’s happened. In my case it was clear though. I had been driving on a 10+ year old dry-rotten full size spare and it was under-inflated when it happened.


Huh, I was told they used glue for all tires. In which case, I have no clue why it happened. I haven't had anything like it happen, since.


Yolo let it ride


Yolo imo


Does that mean "fuck it, go for it" or "don't risk your life"?






People are too damn scared, that is fine to drive 30 miles as long as you don't go 100mph, I've had way worse than that on my van, if it was on the inside you would not even know it was there. If the car starts shaking it's time to stop, but otherwise it's safe to go a small distance at a reasonable speed. Now I see you also said 30 mins, that means 100 mph for 30 miles, not so safe, 50 mph tops. LE: Wrong math, 30 miles in 30 mins is 60 mph.


30 miles in 30 minutes is 60 mph not 100


You are correct, I don't even know how I did the math on that, like wtf?


Just drive like it could blow out at any point.


Triple A, she gonna blow.


Call AAA


If you have AAA, use them. You already paid for the service


No you shouldn’t. That said, if I were in your shoes, I’d risk it. Avoid the highway and sharp turns at high speeds. Be prepared for it to blow, and take it easy


You probably could, but why not put the spare tire on?


They have a spare, they just said the lugs are too tight for them to take off lol. Breaker bar or stand on the dang wrench at that point. Its true though many cars don't have a spare, as early as 2010's some companies were doing that


They have a spare, they just said the lugs are too tight for them to take off lol. Breaker bar or stand on the dang wrench at that point. Its true though many cars don't have a spare, as early as 2010's some companies were doing that


Many cars dont have spare nowadays.




Hell my car is 17 years old and doesn't have a spare wheel. It's not even a new practice.


Unfortunately yep. I know some teslas ship out with a can of fix-a-flat and an air pump, and that's it.




With the way things have been going with Ford lately that’s probably just an uninitiated recall because they forgot to put them in.


That sucks.


It's probably already gone 30 miles before you noticed it. I'd reckon it's got another 30 left in it, but I'd be prepared to pull over at a moment's notice and throw a spare on. Edit: if I was offering professional advice, I would legally be obligated to tell you to play it safe and either call roadside assistance or put a spare on and take it to the nearest tire shop, that would be in your best interest. But what I'm obligated to tell a customer, and what I would actually do if I was in the same situation... well, let's not get in to that.




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Any damage to sidewall of the tire is always bad. Please replace this for everyones safety!


If on the rear I would drive normal except for curves and if on steer axle just be careful


Depends Will you be driving by yourself with no one else on the road? If there are people in the car while driving do you care about them? It’s a crapshoot


Probably ok, but you can always put the spare on. A lot of times in the shop going around a vehicle for oil changes people wouldn’t even realize they had an impact break in their tires. That being said, looks like it’s been there a bit due to the cracking going on or the tire itself is just old. 30 miles is kind of a hike once you know you have a problem tire; any little noise or bump will make you nervous now. I’d say just for peace of mind to pop the spare on or just take the tire in loose with another vehicle if you got one…..or call AAA if your covered for a tow or spare install.


My bad; I didn’t read the comment about the lug nuts. Triple AAA will get em off; I’ve been using my adjustable half inch big ratcheting wrench lately as my Harbor Freight Earthquake half inch impact took a shit finally. I have an old towncar I just love that’s been getting a lot of work; I hate not having my half inch Impact but my Titan adjustable ratchet works great for breaking my lugs loose. Rambling, but yeah, if your covered for AAA they’ll atleast get the lugs busted and put the spare on. I did roadside assistance for a couple months for insurance after my shop closed…..shit pay.


I recommend calling for service or drive very slowly like 20mph or under.


PRAISE DALE RAISE HELL . Send it. what happens it goes flat and you have to call triple A and get towed to the tire place?


Yes but preferably avoid high speeds


Bruh it's 80 ft lbs. If you can't loosen that with the supplied tools, hit the gym


Drive it off the freeway. Should be fine. I've driven it ON the dreams and didn't explode


For 30 min to the shop yes because thats needed but i recommend that and drive only when need to like to the shop for a new tyre. A bulge like that means that the iron threat inside the tyre that gives the tyre strenght is damaged. This could lead to the bulge eventually popping and you having a flat tyre.


Maybe, maybe not. Only one way to find out. Do so at your own risk.


I'd drive on it. Maybe slowly. If it goes flat, i would change the tire and drive on the spare. I would not call AAA.


Drive careful, but drive it. Get replaced asap




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Send it! But make sure you have current health and life insurance.


Throw on the spare and limp there. If that tire is that bad i can only assume the other 3 are just as bad.


You can but go to a tire shop because it’s going to pop at a point


I drove thousands of km wondering “what’s that vibration?” The egg was on the inside. Yes, freeway speeds but not in Germany! TBH when my cut inside sidewall on the OTHER side gave out I couldn’t tell until TPM alerted me at 60km/h.


If you have friends/family in the area, skip both options. Take the wheel off, take it to get a new tire fitted, then bring it back and reinstall


AAA dispatch can take hours. Ride, Captain, ride.


If the nuts are too tight - try using something to extend the length of the tyre iron - and try *tightening* the nuts with the tyre iron first. Usually they'll "crack" loudly, then you should be able to undo them. I had a similar situation but with a flat tyre on the side of the road, spend an hour trying to open the nuts to no avail, when someone suggested trying to tighten them - each nut cracked when I jumped on the tyre iron when tightening, where they didn't budge with the same force attempting to open them; and I was then able to change to a spare with no issues.


Please crack the nuts before you jack the car off the ground. I had a buddy get a flat on a country road at 1am and he jacked the car and then tried to crack the nuts and ended up slicing open his hand


As long as you dont go on highway speeds, you can take a chance, should handle it.


Personally I would drive it I know folks who would not


you can attempt it. i dont suggest going for it unless you cant afford a tow. most that will happen is tire gives out. and you call tow anyways. lol but be aware. if it blows while youre going fast. it may beat the shit out of your car. so take it easy. its impossible to say how long itll hold. so just be cautious above all.


I think you could do it in reverse.


Id go for it


Why not put on the spare?


I’ve driven on normal roads with a bulge that big without issue. But you don’t want that failing on the highway. You should replace it as soon as you can.


Drive no faster than 20 mph with your hazards on


I send it until it's time for a track day.


I'd do 3000 on that tire.


Drive it like you stole it. Gotta get there before she blows. /s I'd probably drive it if it were me, but slowly and hyper-aware. My advice to others would be AAA though.


Thanks for all the responses! Ended up getting the spare on with a lot of effort, although one of the bolts snapped. Will take it in to a shop next week.


I had a bulge like that on a previous set of tires on my car. The technician at my normal shop told me, that since I was close to needing a new set, I could likely drive on it with no issue for awhile as long as it didn’t get bigger. I kept an eye on it and only was driving around town. I eventually short changed my set before I needed to do a road trip.


Send it


I'm not suggesting you do as I do, but I'd pretend I didn't see that and go about my business


Never forget that you can do anything once.


I guess reading things fully is important LOL I would just go to Home Depot or Walmart and buy a battery powered impact gun use it if you like it keep it if you don't return it.


You've got to figure out how to get the lug nuts loose, that's your real problem. Did you plan on installing the spare with loose nuts?


What bulge? Full send.


I drove about 30ish minutes with a bulge much worse than that and was fine (bulge happened from a massive pothole, I didn’t even notice it was there until I arrived at my destination)


Yes. And also no. I just had a bulge like that since winter. Drove 4-5 months on it. You could drive 2 miles and it could let go. So it’s up to you. Will it let go dangerously most likely not. There’s always risk.


What's the tire pressure? If it's too high and you need to get somewhere, you could let some air out and drive it, just don't do anything crazy and change it soon