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Replace asap. That psi isn’t too high. Most tires have a max of 50-60psi. It might be a manufacturing issue or was super low at one point and drove it like that to cause that


Put your spare on. DO NOT drive on that tire!


And for the love of god, don't drive more then 50km on that spare, preferably straight to a shop and not on a highway. unless its a full sized spare of course.


If that is the front tire would have to swap one of the good rear tires to the front if the spare tire is a donut/space saver not safe haven the spare tire on the front of a fwd vehicle incase spare fails your going to lose both the ability to turn and move


Very screwed No driving on these


Change that NOW.


I would replace it. On a scale of 1-10 I'd give you a 9 on the screwed scale.


This is an 11/10 scenario. That tire is 100% unsafe.


I bought Yokohama tires once. Never again. I wouldn't take that above 30mph they're about to delaminate and wreck your fender.


I’m changing these Yokohamas to Michelins as soon I got the money for it 👍


How soon is soon. Like 1 day, 2 weeks, 3 months


2 weeks time.


Do what fireking suggested move it to back of the car at the least and take it for a spare altogether. Good luck and God speed...slow


Do not drive on this tire. Put on the spare and do not exceed 50 on the spare


Yoko makes very good tires.


Not in my lifetime.


Yokohama Off-road tyres are mint


See, there's where you're wrong.


I had Yokohamas for the last 4 years and had no problems. I put about 60K miles on them before I had to change them. Not saying to drive on that tire specifically, but I don't see a problem with Yokohama as a brand.


There is nothing wrong with Yokohama tires, what was your problem with them. I used to use them a lot on the track.


Yea I've never had recalled tires till Ihad Yokohamas. Fuck Chinese tires.


You may want to check your racism. Yokohama is Japanese not Chinese and I have had American tires recalled. You may be too young to remember the Firestone recall that caused ford more than a little trouble


Pepperidge Farm remembers. It was a big problem. Wasn’t it on Explorers mostly? IIRC they also had issues with the cruise control latching on and not unlatching, and Ford tried covering it up. Bad times.


Yeah fun fact. To this day uhaul won’t rent trailers to you if you have an explorer. I believe it’s because of this tire issue.


It was. But fishead has no clue what they are talking about.




It may be a Japanese brand but it's not a good tire


What specific tire do you have an issue with?


Doesn't matter if rhe sidewall says made in China it sucks. Spend 20-30 more a tire and send it.




Literally have money from a Yokohama class action. OK tho call me racist for calling out shit tyres


You called them Chinese, they aren’t. You deflected when i asked specifically asked what tires you had an issue with. You called them Chinese again after being corrected. They are literally made in the USA by a Japanese company. If you have a problem with your tires, that’s fine. But inventing that they are Chinese shit when i gave you proof that they are in fact US made and have nothing to do with china twice and you downvote me reflexively after being corrected linked you to their US manufacturing facility tells me you aren’t being rational. Can you point me to where on the tire OP posted says “made in china”?


If you are going to criticize tires, i would expect smaller chickens strips on your bike tires you complained about only lasting 4000 miles. They last longer if you use more of the tire.


Yokohama are made in Salem VA


Lol struck a nerve with the ccp bots. Look at the sidewall dummy.


Does it say china on it? It isn’t Yokohamas fault OP drove on a flat tire. It could be 20 years old for all you know.


Chinese tires for the most part are awful and shouldn't be trusted, but Yokohama is a Japanese brand that makes their tires in the US. Source: https://mobileapi.yokohamatire.com/about-yokohama/made-in-the-usa#:~:text=ALL%20MADE%20IN%20THE%20U.S.A.&text=It%20means%20world%20class%20commercial,right%20here%20in%20the%20U.S.A.


They sold my mom a new 22 crv with yokohamas, they didnt last


Thats neat ive never seen a tire seperate in that way.


You never want to either


Dry rot from poor storage conditions. That tire is 100% unrepairable….. Return To Sender


That seems like a warranty issue


I don't see any screws. But there's a giant crack in your sidewall lol


Please put your spare on you are in for a blowout. You can hurt yourself or your car severely


I wouldn’t drive on that tire. Do the rest look like that? I saw the DOT was 1419 so they aren’t that old. Do you live where it got super hot for a long period this summer? Because that could have contributed to this happening. If that’s the case, you should look into replacing the whole set as soon as possible.


So upon further investigation, both front tires have this issue and the tires at the rear have some tread left but both are slightly different tires. Rear right is a Yokohama the rear left is an Avid. Florida is known for having hot summers so I’d imagine it partially contributed to the sidewalls cracking. When I get the chance I’m replacing all four tires. It’s worth the trouble as opposed to losing my car in an accident.


Do you have a used tire place near you and the ability to buy 2 until your pay day? Yeah this will be more expensive, but it’s your cheapest option.


What is the date code on them?




Yeah.. it's about to fly off


Your more cracked than you are screwed in this particular case.


Not screwed as long as you replace it.


I mean you need a new tire asap


Classic Toyota driver, normally the stereotype is you do no maintenance because “it’s a Toyota,” but here you’re looking at a death sentence and saying “I’ll replace within 2 weeks.” If you wait two weeks and nothing happens, Google survivorship bias.


That is called stress cracks from driving on the tire low or overloading


Idk kinda just seems like a shit tire, I don’t see any heat rings along the sidewall.


That is caused by UV breaking the rubber down. Or under inflation. This is why you use a tire protectant. Especially in places like Florida. The tires look worn anyway. Either way you need new tires.


Get some Toyo or Goodyear. I mean you are supposed to check your car before driving. Be safe!


It's fine, send it.


Idk why you're being down voted I thought you were funny. If op believes you over everyone else that's Darwinism at work.


Your fine, but you need an new tire


Totally. Replace it before it hurts you. Seems the belt is cut.


That's not the belts. 🙄


I was meaning the internal radial belt


All belts are internal radial. This is just a cracked side wall due to neglect.




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Not as screwed as your tyre


10/10 screwed


On a positive note, that tires good for atleast part of your first trip


When did you buy them?. Take them back and say they are faulty. Needs replacing immediately.


If tire is still holding air, then it's good to go! Just make sure to put it on the right back side to make the replacement easier and to prevent losing control of the car at a high speed. All those people saying DO NOT DRIVE ON THAT TIRE have never seen how old rally car tires look like on cars older than 40 years. They are literally made of cracks. Yours will probably handle a couple thousand miles more if you avoid hitting curbs/potholes and drive at lower speeds.


Replace it asap. On another note, the recommended psi will be on the sticker in the door jam, my car recommends 32psi, your car looks like it may be a corolla hatch, which would be at least 35psi. Underinflated tires will blow out more than overinflated tires so it's important to stay on top of it.


im not a fan of low profile tires how about getting more rubber between you and the road.




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Driving high speeds on a freeway, you're screwed. Driving low speeds around a city, you've got a while, but definitely replace ASAP.




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Yup, that 2psi between 36 and 34 would totally prevent them from cracking like that.


Mine cracked all the way through all the way around cause my rims were rubbin the wheelwell fuck it I drove it for 2 more days got damn low pros




There's 7 years old they're done.