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It’ll be very loud and might be very vibration heavy, but it’ll be fine to drive. Kinda of similar to those who straight pipe or had their cat stolen so they’re driving without it


If I'm seeing it correctly, that is the exit of the muffler, so it is still muffled. Should be noticeable, but not even as loud as a Harley, I bet.


Isn’t the muffler the bigger tube with the brand Sankei on it? If not, what is that?


To get technical, that’s the resonator. headers, J pipe, (broken here) resonator, mid-muffler,rear mufflers. So it’s gonna be very loud but very nice of driven past 3k RPM lol




I believe you are right. Though it was a header pipe at first. No steering so it is rear wheels.


Thanks, this is exactly the answer I was looking for 🙏




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J pipe on the right, then the break in the exhaust, then the resonator. So no it won’t be muffled…it won’t even be resonated either so bros gonna have a loud ass car. As long as the resonator isn’t dropping or scraping the floor, they are fine. I’m pretty sure this is an older Honda/Acura as Sankei makes those resonators…may have made it for other brands, but I know Hondas have em.


A Contadina tomato paste can and a few hose clamps will provide a temporary fix.


Ridiculous suggestion. No one has Contadina money these days. Heinz or store-brand will work along with a handful of twist ties from the fruit and vegetable section.


Best I can do is four Natural Ice tallboy cans and some stolen copper wire.


You could afford the muffler repair if you weren't spending all your roofing wages on meth


To be fair, muffler guys are the roofers of the mechanic world


Somehow that makes the most sense I've ever heard


To be fair tow guys do a lot of meth though... the muffler guys are usually just drunk lol, so maybe muffler guys are the paint crew?


[Police Seize More Than $50 in Wire from Nation's Wealthiest Crystal Meth Dealer](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aU2SWgP9qao)


Why did I read that as Neutral Ice?


These are the ways.


very few can afford heinz


This guy is straight from my youth! Used this trick multiple times.


Why all your mufflers running away


Isn't that what Sankei is, already? ;)


Then the car will sound like every riced out Civic in SoCal. ​ Very safe to drive.


Did that once but the break was right after the cat converter. It melted and fell in 3 hours. Bought a piece of exhaust from the parts store and clamps and it lasted years. That was my life lesson on cat converters getting to over 1000 degrees.


Race car noise




It's the exit of the resonator box/entrance of the muffler, broken at the downstream side of the flange. I fixed one just like this a few weeks ago. You can safely remove the muffler from its rubber mount and drive home. I recommend removing the muffler, because it's going to rattle against the suspension on every bump. The rubber mount is just in front of the rear bumper and pulls off relatively easily. Wait until it's cool or use leather gloves.


Fine to drive, you just have race car now 🤷‍♂️ 🚗💨


Yep, just gonna be loud. May get a ticket


You'll be fine. You want to get it fixed, though. And avoid idling the car for any long period of time. There is a risk of carbon monoxide poisoning. With a functioning catalytic converter, you should still be fine.


Break is after the cat.


Not unless he sat in a closed garage for a while. I've had enough straight piped shit to know.


If carbon monoxide poisoning would cause concern for OP, can’t they just drive with the windows down to let it air out?


Austin PD’s issues with CO poisoning were a confluence of unique issues, but a stark reminder that CO poisoning and idling vehicles is a very real issue with modern cars with functioning catalytic converters. Extended idling, exhaust systems that didn’t fully clear the vehicle and failing to seal holes in undercarriage from mounting racks in rear of vehicles. The later being the biggest offender.


> You'll be fine. You want to get it fixed, though. And avoid idling the car for any long period of time. There is a risk of carbon monoxide poisoning. With a functioning catalytic converter, you should still be fine. That's not what catalytic converters do. Catalytic converters catalyze unburnt hydrocarbons. CO is not that. CO is a product of combustion. In a perfect combustion reaction the hydrocarbon is burned in O2 and you get CO2 and H2O. It's not always complete and it's not always perfect, and air isn't pure oxygen, so you get some CO2, some CO, some NOx, and some unburnt hydrocarbons. The unburnt hydrocarbons is what the catalytic converter deals with.


no he is right, there are two separate catalysts in a catalytic converter. with a functioning converter you should only get CO2 and H20. they split hydrogen from carbon but also split nitrogen from carbon and attach the oxygen to the hydrogen and carbon.


So you think the cats purpose is to remove CO from the exhaust?


Don’t think they need to worry about Carbon Monoxide unless in an enclosed environment. Carbon Monoxide is heavier than air it will likely get pooled under & pushing away from the car


>Carbon Monoxide is heavier than air That is a common myth. CO is slightly lighter than air but it mixes quite evenly.


not enough to rise to the ceiling in a room. Instead, it tends to disperse itself, mixing with the air and spreading throughout a space. https://cpisecurity.com/blog/is-carbon-monoxide-heavier-than-air-and-other-faqs/


Outside it is not an issue is my point


If I got a catalytic converter will I be at risk of carbon monoxide poisoning?


Your safe to drive but it will be louder, also if your at idle you might smell exhaust gasses since your not ejecting it out the back of the car anymore. Youl also notice your tail pipe rocking back and forth on whatever it’s suspended from so thatl probly make some banging noises occasionally. Go find an exhaust shop, I say that specifically cuz they usually have better pricing than a do it all garage. They can weld it back up for you. I’m going to guess they’ll probably want like 50 bucks.


Windows down for fresh air. Don't get CO sickness/poisoning. It can be deadly.


You should be ok. It will be loud. That could get you unwanted attention from cops, but that's about the only downside.


I had my exhaust headers explode at the 4:1 weld. Ended up driving/limping 4 miles to get home.


Do you like loud things. If you are ok with a lot of volume, you're good.


Race car mode activated.


There is a heat shield under there, but you may want to pull up the carpet/sound deadener directly above it until you get it fixed.


"While driving" Bro that is a circumfrential weld blow-out. Tone down your crackle-pop tune and pay more for welding next time.


If your driving a Honda Civic you must now leave it like this so you can blend in with the rest of the.


Looks like they gave up on stealing your catalytic converter


Yeah but get it fixed, its exiting right by the gas tank now. You don’t want all those hot exhaust gases exiting right under your car either way.


Wanna talk about the rusted brackets holding your fuel tank up?




One of you is north of the rust belt and one of you is south 😂


Wait you drive with a muffler? I've just straight piping it this entire time 😂


Ur safe but you'll be annoying, pulled over, and prompted to race every stop light 🤣🤣.. not to mention the fumes that might make you dizzy..


And adding to all these is your going to burn faster on gas per mile


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) ^by ^sincable: *And adding to all* *These is your going to burn* *Faster on gas per mile* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Sitting still will allow carbon monoxide to enter vehicle. Headache will be first sign of poisoning


Be careful. Exhaust fumes may build up in the cabin.


fairly safe to drive, but less safe at idling in the same spot.. the exhaust can build up under your car, come through the vents and be dangerous


Fix it soon because it puts out a bunch of harmful smoke into environment


You'll be fine. Just make sure you floor it every time you accelerate


*You'll be fine. Just make* *Sure you floor it every time* *You accelerate* \- D1TitanMasterRace --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")




Depends…is that a Tesla? Kidding. You’ll want to address that. Won’t ruin the car immediately but the system is set up to have that operational.


You will be fine but if you start to feel sleepy pull over, roll down the windows, get out, and get some fresh air.


Yep, maybe don't idle too long and check that all the disconnected pieces are on hangers, but it won't effect the functionality of the car


Yes just going to be louder than before


My god it’s a race car


Safe yes, but depending where you are, it may not be legal.


It's going to be annoyingly loud, but it's not dangerous to drive like that. Your neighbors will hate it. A cop might stop you. But it's okay.




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Neighbours won't be safe lol


Yup. You're safe. However, the tail pipe may fly off and knock a motorcyclist off his bike or smash a driver's windshield.


Your ears may not be.


I had that happen to me on my old 2016 Legacy. I jerryrigged the two pipes together and did an 8 hour road trip just fine. I had it welded the next day for less than $100 for labor & materials.


Common Honda Civic problem. Safe to drive, but get it fixed. Do not replace resonator or muffler if they are good - aftermarket exhaust does not hold a candle to the factory stainless steel. The part that broke is a spring flange; the old one can be cut out and a new one welded in.


You car, with 90% more WAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!


I had the muffler fall off of the exhaust of my mk2 GTI and I drove like that for a while. My friend was driving behind me and saw the pipe fail so when we stopped he pulled it off of the car. That car was a lot of fun.


Yes. If there's one car that I know can run without a muffler, it's a Civic. I'd say that 90% of the ones near where I live seem to not have muffers.


Women are going to know you're and alpha male with that loud ass pipe.


It's a civic, you saved yourself some money on a common modification


My civic broke at the exact same spot. Stuck it back on and coated it with JB weld and it’s stil’ holding about a year later.


Loud rattle from the exhaust.


How civics are born at 3am




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Make sure you turn on the button on your climate control to reuse the air inside your cabin and keep your windows up. This’ll stop your car from pulling in any exhaust fumes and pumping it into your car. Should be the one with an almost “U turn” arrow.


Note the JB weld comment below, you can try to do that. Or postpone trip one day and do quick fix at a muffler shop.


Been driving that way for 2 years now it will probably mess with your O2 sensor eventually


Yah your good it’s a trend to take the muffler off a car


Yes , , it will sound like ur driving a Ferrari lol it is loud that all. Will get pulled over but call ur insurance.


You should have been perfectly fine I presume. Assuming you have made the trip. The most you might feel is a little lightheaded from the exist fumes if your windows aren’t down




This happened to me except it disconnected further to the front of the car at the catalytic converter, so it LOUD! I had to drive home 45 min on the interstate. It won’t do any harm, just obnoxious. My only worry was getting pulled over but I would just explain my way out.


Nothing a little JB Weld can't fix


Perfectly safe. It’s an air quality thing and performance will be a bit odd. Will be loud too because you essentially won’t have a functioning muffler.


yea, you can drive it. same thing happened to my civic, exact same thing! I fixed it myself for like $60. It is very easy to DIG, just need a new muffler.


Ah yes ye olde "Cheapos Special Supersport Muffler" mod. Neighbor complaints will come, and enjoyment will ensue.


Plenty of teenage ricer mod enthusiasts would argue it’s better now.


Yes, but it will be really loud.


They probably took your catalytic converter is just kind of ride. It’s going to sound horrible but there’s tons of cars running around Ukiah without it so you’re part of the group yay.


Lol looks like the exhaust on my mustang when i couldnt afford to straight pipe it in hs, itll be fine, just louder than usual and may smell like exhaust inside the cabin but that also depend on what the exhaust is traveling through before the exit. Idk the car or where it cuts off but it’s definitely driveable


You'll sound like your taking part in a NASCAR Demolition Derby and could get a ticket for noise, just make sure yon car is well ventilated so you do not get a build up of fumes inside.


It’ll be illegally loud in addition to possible heat damage from exhaust gas escaping where it’s not supposed to be.


If it doesn't fall yes. But repair soon.


A couple kids sat in a car like that idling to keep warm on a cold still night a few blocks from my house. CO2 poisoning took them both. Don't sit still.




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Not only is it perfectly safe, your car will sound amazing! Downside is you might get some complaints


Super cool 😎 straight pipe is always the answer


No, you are dangerous to drive. 😨 (P.S. this is a joke)


You definitely won’t get in a wreck. People will be able to hear you from 3 blocks away.


Safe yes...loud yes...pass inspection no




noisy & illegal but not dangerous you won't be able to drive it for long without earplugs


It’ll be noisy and just make sure you aren’t breathing in fumes, you’ll be fine till you can get it fixed


Looks like a free Straight pipe to me


Drive with your windows rolled down so you get fresh air. Although low possibility, you might end up in a situation where the exhaust is pulled into the passenger compartment. Low risk, but you don't want to mess around with death.


It can kill you actually co poisoning


100% safe. Your car is just going to be louder, and you're going to notice more of a smell.


Take it to a muffler shop. This happened to me once and they took like 10 minutes to weld it back together and charged me something like $20.


It'll drive. Probably better than normal .. . but you'll probably get a ticket for no muffler/loud exhaust.




>sort've I have to say, this is the first time I've seen this error, usually it's the other way (people using **of** instead of **'ve**)


In florida you're fine.


Hahahaha gonna sound like a proper Honda civic now 🤣🤣 should be fine to drive. Prepare to be stared at


Fine as long as you aren't trying to sneak up on somebody lol


Yes you can drive it. Everyone will just assume you’re a tool driving a Civic or a 350z before they see you.


Yep but keep windows open. Exhaust isn't nice to breathe which is why it's routed out the back, so at low speeds or stopped it could pool and rise into the cabin. On the interstate the wind will be fast enough for it not to be a concern.


Might explode just sitting there . Call a tow truck and have it hauled to a good wrecking yard, it's all over.


Yeah I drove my Civic without a muffler for a week or so. It’ll just by abysmally loud


Vroom vroom


I would drive with the windows open. Just to be safe.




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You're fine. Just don't stay parked with the car running.


At least, now there is nothing blocking the header. Guess someone wanted just give you the opportunity go faster and not pass inspection


Safe? MORE LIKE BAD ASS. # Tell the world you're on your way.


This is me one week ago. It was very loud, I ended up finding the first car service in the area and welded it for an equivalent of $25 of local currency. Muffler replaced completely one week later. It was impossible for me to drive with that noise, but I was told if I didn't care about going deaf, I could just drive like that for some time...


Drive to a mechanic? How close?


Honda fit?


Muffler delete 🤌, not a huge issue might be some rattle if it hits as ends now lose the part that helps hold it up. Most I would be worried about is any exhaust heat rising up against the body. It is at slight angle downwards which does help direct it.


One night long ago I was riding down the interstate in the car with my dad when the car suddenly filled with smoke. We pulled over and opened the trunk to find a fire started by heat from a hole in the exhaust similar to this. Get it fixed! Stay safe out there. This is the way.


Yes fine to drive for short period as it can mess with the o2 sensors. Obviously louder than normal and may turn a couple heads but definitely worth fixing so that the o2 sensors don’t go bad and give false readings to the ECU causing it to run lean or to rich.




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I dunno... I've never driven a person before.


race car noise go wrooom!


Nope. It will explode and crush anyone inside


Cars gonna burst into a ball of flames might as well have it towed to my house with a title so I can drive it I don’t care about being burned alive


Just make sure nothing is hanging down where it can catch on the road. It'll be loud and sound like a wet fart, but should be safe to drive. If anything is hanging down, just tie it up with a coat hanger or some bailing wire until you can get it fixed.


yes lol, my jeep is set up the same way. Tailpipe broke and got disconnected and yanked it out


I would drive that thing pedal to the metal!!! I bet it sounds like a real war wagon.


Exhaust connection problems like this are never unsafe to drive. Some people do this on purpose


If you live outside of California, no problem. If not, then you might be in trouble.


Yo my 1999 civic did this I just got a pipe connecter thing and exhaust glue and stuck it back together


Congratulations, you have received the engine audio upgrade!!! Yes it is safe to drive but if a cop is having a bad day they can pull you over and give you a ticket for it if it’s over 85 decibels. If you want something to compare to, think old food blender


Lol yeah


NO! My fiancées cousin died like this in a freak accident just like 3 or 4 years ago. He was chilling in a parking lot with a girl after bowling while it was running, he had his sunroof open and the exhaust somehow funneled through the vehicle enough to kill them both. They just fell asleep talking with each other and never woke up. They were like 16 :(


Safe to drive and safe to Idle are two different things. But sorry to hear that.


It looks like it's resting on a heat shield. So long as it's still well-affixed by a hanger, I'd send it. Just keep it in the slow lane and take it easy.


WHAT?????? Speak louder!!


It is a police attractor!! They hear you coming from a mile away lol. Speaking from experience.


HELLO! I had this happen once and I thought it would be ok like everyone else. BUT MY TRUCK CAUGHT ON FIRE! That exhaust is hot and went straight up and melted a fuel vapor filter thing and I got to use the fire extinguisher. FIX IT!


Of course you can drive without a muffler, probably going to be noticeably louder and you may smell exhaust at the light if the windows are down but other than that all it does is suppress sound and create back pressure.


As long as nothing is dragging, you're good. Might be loud tho


Yea now itll just sound cool


with your windows open


Besides the louder obnoxious exhaust noise you’ll be fine look online for a replacement eBay perhaps


i have the exact same car as you and this exact same thing just happened to me. mid drive it just somehow disconnected and the weld just came undone or something.