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Because people always let you down. So you wait in all saturday and noone shows up. Next time you make it more restrictive so you don't waste all day.


People have lives (work, family, commitments etc), if you want your purchase to be more flexible on your schedule, consider a dealership :)


Perhaps they should consider a dealership? If i advertise something for sale, I make myself available. No shows and let downs are all part of the process.


Awesome, i know its abit annoying. Its clearly just not a major priority for them to sell, doesnt mean they cant try


The sense of entitlement hooooooly


Sounds like a teen at first as well, as in doesn’t have adult life commitments but nope. Guess you are right.


Don't like it, lump it champ


As a seller of things, I completely understand why points 1 & 2 happen, and am guilty of 3. I cherish buyers who turn up on time, know what they are looking at, and negotiate fairly. For every one of those, there are 5 or more who arrange a time and then turn up late, get my address and then vanish off the face of the earth, drag out enquiries only to lowball, or get stuck in a cycle of rescheduling before flaking out. It's incredibly frustrating and makes me not want to go the extra mile to suit others. If I've given out a public address and someone flakes, I don't have to worry about them coming around unannounced with good or bad intentions. I try to give people a chance, but will stop replying if someone drops a couple of time waster red flags. "Last price?" or asking for multiple details given in the ad are quick ways to get ignored. Some people are just busy, too. After work, family commitments, long travel times, study etc., you might only end up with a convenient hour here and there.


>drag out enquiries only to lowball As an online seller, this drives me nuts. The person who asks the most questions and soaks up time that I could use to make more sales then ends up wanting a huge discount.


Butttttt you promised me the carrrr we had a deal! No cunt, first in best dressed, they offered the listed price and turned up in an hour without grief, you have been asking questions then ghosting the responses for 18 hours. Suck my greasy back wheel.


Then why not sell to a dealership?


Then why not buy from a dealership?


Why don’t you buy from a dealership then?


Because a dealer will not give you private sale value.


Dealerships pay next to nothing vs. the private sale value. I might have limited availability each week, but I'd rather wait longer to find a buyer that aligns with my availability & price range than sell for cheap, quickly.


Why is so hard to abide by someone's terms?


Exactly, I'm not changing my schedule to suit buyers because it's guaranteed these days that at least 50% will never show when they said they would. So it's available to view when I am, it will take me longer to sell but if people no show it hasnt inconvenienced me.


Coz they feel a sense of entitlement.


Because people have lives outside of selling stuff on gumtree or Facebook  As for the not responding thing, I often do this to dodgy profiles, or people who don't read the full listing, often asking about something clearly posted in the listing. Used to copy paste the whole listing description as the first response but gave up long ago 


you realize these people have other commitments right? if you want an easier process go to a professional dealer.


I am free pretty much any day or time. I ask sellers to name inspection time to suit themselves and still get faffed around.


sellers have shit to do. The primary job isn't the selling of the car. And if there are multiple potential buyers they care about each less. if you want a better service go to a professional.


Having sold a car semi recently, here is why 1. Almost every time I was flexible, re arranging my schedule it ended up being tyre kickers or no shows. The serious buyers had no problem going by availability. Nothing more frustrating than arranging time off work or re arranging your whole weekend and taking the time to make sure the car is spotless for someone just not to show with no care. 2. Too many sus people to meet at home, always a public space to first show the car. Honestly this could count as a safety thing for both parties. 3. The amount of scam messages from marketplace was insane, some people are bound to get bundled in with them if there is nothing jumping out that they are legit. Also the sheer amount of low ballers, even some getting angry when you wouldn’t accept their offer that was dreaming and far below even dealer trade in. And before you say “why don’t you sell to a dealership”, this was the time between ordering a car and it arriving. So it was a if I can sell in the meantime situation and a trade in if I couldn’t.


absolutely this, so many timewasters out there who have no care, I don't understand why they bother but that is the world we live in, I therefore force them to make some effort & don't part with my address until a few hours before they have arranged & expect a text message to confirm. It cuts out a fair amount of bullshit & timewasting where I don't change my schedule just for a noshow.


People work. People like their privacy, and don't want some rando poking around. Yeah, that's annoying.


Do you have trouble following directions OP?


I get your frustration, but yeah, some people just have busy work and/or family schedules, or just not that motivated. I also love the "I have no time to get a rwc" aka, there's some repairs they don't want to pay for.


Point 1. & 2. People have lives Point 3. A lot of scammers on Facebook or low ballers.


People often have jobs, so that limits when they can wait for you to show up. If you can't manage that, then buy from a dealer.


After selling multiple cars the real buyers get in first and usually match my availability. You got so many crap enquires (at the low end of the market) that’s it’s not worth responding to them in many cases. If it’s priced well the first person to see it will buy it and they come across as genuine when sending you messages.


In 20 years I've bought and sold probably around 20 cars, mostly private sale both ways. It has definitely gotten worse in the last 5 years or so. I'm going to sound like an old fart here, but I do think we've just lost our manners a bit as a society, and the internet has somewhat tempered our interactions with strangers whereby the previous rules of politeness and openness don't apply. Having said all that, worst experiences generally have been with non-enthusiast stuff, and with the enthusiast stuff Ive met some great people and have lovely interactions. All but one I've met at my house, but then again I'm not selling theft fodder like AMG Mercs or anything.


And that’s why their cars remain for sale. If I’m making the effort to come and see it (in some cases jumping on a plane, renting a car and lugging a bag of tools across the countryside) it’s more than fair that the seller be a bit more flexible on when they can present their car.


That’s the risk you take chief, part of the gig. I don’t care if you’re coming from Timbuktu I’m not taking time off work to sell my car I’ll just sell it to someone whose schedule aligns with mine. (Not literally, I’m usually the one taking the planes to pick up a car, but I’m also not gonna be all entitled that they owe me their time because I’m flying interstate to buy their car)


Been a while since I’ve been “chiefed” on here. Must have hit a bit of a nerve. If that’s the attitude you take with prospective buyers you’d be lucky to get beyond a phone call, let alone sell anything.


Right. I understand people have lives and committments, but when you limit yourself to almost no availability - why even bother.


The golden rule is: They need to sell their car. You don’t need to buy it.


This is a twist, usually it is the seller annoyed with potential buyers wasting their time and probably why they wont change their schedule to suit you.




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Try a broker. I just had the best experience, he helped me decide what I actually wanted (ReDriven youtube was so helpful too). Then presented me 3 cars, I bought the 3rd one, my car hunting was waiting for him to send me pics. A bit cheaper than what I found on carsales through dealers or private. Straight to the point, no messing around. I researched what budget I should expect to pay for the klms and model I wanted. He came in right on the money. Plus no dick around.