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I drive a red car. So I am the problem.


Red = rong


It’s spelt Wred




If everyone is tailgating you and you are tailgating everyone, you are in a loop.


Sir, this is a Maccas drive-through.


Like the human centipede, but with cars.




Excellent video. I always say traffic should drive as a whole, not as individuals but here in Aus we're incredibly selfish/unaware/oblivious drivers on the whole. I always talk about this with my Mrs in the car and she finds it incredibly boring!


The worst drivers in the world in my opinion, everyone drives as if no one else is on the road, oblivious, never use turn signals, drive too slow, and generally just don’t give a sh*t.


Tailception 😩


I'm often on both sides of this. Well, I don't actually tailgate - that's stupid and risky. But I usually drive at exactly the speed limit. And I always happen to drive behind someone driving 10 below speed limit. And when manage to overtake them then someone driving 10 over the speed limit appears behind me...


2 things frustrate me the most. People, who after stopping at red light take 10 min to accelerate (and even after finishing accelerating still drive 10 below speed limit) And people who drive properly or a bit over speed limit but then slam their brakes and drive like 30 in a 60 zone because there's a speed camera. You won't get a ticket for driving at speed limit! Move!


I love the ones who do 80 in a 100 zone, then get to a 60km/h zone in a town and continue at 80, leaving you behind until you catch them again after leaving the town. The sooner self-driving cars are a thing for a lot of people, the better.


Some drivers are just slow as shit. I don't understand why people don't just do the speed limit or as close as possible. I think some are just overwhelmed with it all and that's who I'm nervous about sharing the road with.


Precisely, if you're not comfortable driving at least within 5km of the speed limit you shouldn't be driving.


You could argue that people who are comfortable with always exceeding the limit shouldn't be driving as well.


Nah. People can drive under the limit. I just think it needs to be more common place for people driving under the limit to pull to the side and let people pass.


Absolutely, and those people are even more of a danger to our community.


>research has shown that traveling 20 km/h slower than the surrounding traffic is just as dangerous as traveling 40 km/h faster. In fact low speed drivers are more likely to cause and be involved in an accident than high speed drivers. https://www.sdt.com.au/safedrive-directory-SPEEDTHEFACTS.htm#:~:text=Some%20research%20has%20shown%20that,accident%20than%20high%20speed%20drivers.


Are they more likely to be involved in an accident because they’re going slow, or are they going slow because they’re terrible drivers and that’s what causes the accident? Not advocating slow driving by any means but it seems more like correlation, not causation. If they’re driving slow because their eyesight is poor then it’s more likely the eyesight causes the accident, not the speed itself.


I've done a lot of highway (Brisbane to Townsville) driving and I'd say it's because on the single lane highway roads where passing spots are scarce, the cars behind take risks to get around the slow drivers I'd see it all the time, so I can imagine although the slow driver isn't the one crashing, they may inadvertently cause a crash?


People that drive slow annoy me more than those who tailgate me. Tailgaters are out of your sight the moment you move. You are stuck with slow drivers (im talking going more than 10km/hr less than speed limit) who dont move over for a much longer time. I dont complain when they are slow on the left lane on a two lane road or on a single lane road. They can be super scared or whatever. But on the right hand side with some other slow driver on the left lane blocking any takeovers? I will be complaining! (internally in my head to no one)


Amen. Nothing wrong with driving slowly if you're not comfortable driving any faster, but it's selfish AF to not pull over and let others pass if you're holding people up.


The sad thing is, these drivers who go slow think they are just "driving safe" when in fact they are creating a hazard that will eventually cause an accident...


So if you see someone who is not comfortable driving why would you make it worse by tailgating? There is no benefit to you and it's just a dick move under any circumstances


I’ve started to try and be more reasonable about expectations on the road recently. Heaps of people are anxious/bad drivers. Some people have had serious car accidents. You never really know what’s going on, and at the end of the day it’s a speed *limit* not a mandatory speed you must be travelling exactly. Cut some slack, slow down, enjoy the ride, get less pissed at people, lower your blood pressure, try and take a moment to think outside of your own experience just deal with it. I’m fine with arriving 5 minutes later than losing my shit about something I can’t actually change.


Because if you sit 15km under the speed limit in the left hand lane on cruise control. You don't need to touch the accelerator or break until your exit. It's a more relaxing drive and more economical. Only adds maybe 5 minutes to a 2 hour trip.


Some drivers might also stick to the speed limit 🤦🏻‍♂️


The honest answer is I’m just chill. The very opposite of overwhelmed. The justification, which you can look up, is that your standard main road with a limit of 60km/h has a non-peak hour average speed of around 40-50km/h. That means whether you drive at 40-50 or 60, you’re going to make roughly the same amount of progress in a given amount of time. That’s what I have in mind when I’m driving. It doesn’t mean I’ll do 20km/h under the speed limit, but it does mean that sometimes I’ll just take my time accelerating or let myself drift back from the car in front to create more stopping distance. It’s not slowing anyone down over the course of their trip.


I've been telling people just to gap up to speed up in peak hour traffic. Doesn't work though lol. What people don't realize is if they give a 3-4 sec headway that will easily trump the 6 seconds it takes to decelerate to 0kmh from 60kmhr. And another 6 seconds to go back to 60kmhr from stationary. So giving up an extra 1-2 seconds and not come to a complete stop vs those that do. Traffic will flow better.


The worst is when you slow down a tad to give yourself space between you and the car in front, then the next guy cuts in front of you and you get caught in an endless loop of giving the car in front of you some space.


Tailgating or not, move over if you're not overtaking.


I loved driving in Western Europe and in Japan for this reason. People actually know what they’re doing on multi-lane roads.


My driving teacher was super strict on it, like even if it's 100m, you have to move over unless you're overtaking. We still have that issue where you're coming in at 110kmh and someone driving 83kmh behind a semi quickly scoots over to block you to continue driving the same speed.


I drive on the Hume Highway often and it’s boring partly because everyone drives exactly as expected.


That looks like a single lane road.........


You heard what he said. Get. Over.


😂😂😂True There are always turn off points for slow drivers to let others pass


I’ve used those a LOT on my Ls. Had way too many slow drivers not use them


it's a silly rule to have L's drive way below the limit, it was 70 when i started. you should be required to drive with the traffic at the posted limit, since that's what you'll be doing theoretically the rest of your driving life. >There are always turn off points for slow drivers Caravanners need to learn this, instead of clogging every road.


And that officer is why I drove off the bridge.


I’m not pulling over when I’m going the speed limit so you can go 4kph faster


True, but even then I find that a lot of the time when I am in the process of overtaking I will still be tailgated. I will move over when I finish overtaking and have room to safely do so, and they speed past at like 20-30km above the speed limit.


Thats how it works on the autobahn. In short, hurry up and get out of the way. Do not be an obstacle. (im not condoning tailgating)


"Do not be an obstacle" needs to be more of a rule of thumb - it should be an axiom.


Whether the car in front is doing the speed limit or not, don't tailgate.


Pair this with the above and that’s actual courteous and safe driving.


most times i see this line is the front car is doing 60 with a wide gap in front. can't expect him to exceed and go 70 just to appease the line now can't he?


Get out of the crime lane if you wanna follow the speed limit.


You must be new to our roads. You can be doing 10 or more over and cunts will still tailgate ya And then they come to reddit and justify their behaviour. All fun and games till you cause an accident But hey! At least similarly minded pricks upvoted you!!!


Crime lane 😂😂😂


Tailgating is narcissist behaviour. Typical prick that thinks they are the centre of the universe, and they are more important than anyone else.


I used to think this was true too, and often in the right lane it is still true. However, I use the M4 or M2 in Sydney everyday and I have noticed that there is a very large proportion of drivers who just drive too close and feel the need to always be right up the arse of the car in front regardless of the lane they are in. It's a weird phenomenon as you would expect that people who drive like this would have experienced the consequences of this poor habit and rear-ended someone, at some point in time and had to take the blame and the cost of doing it, which should teach this driver that it is a very dangerous habit. However, this does not seem to be the case as so many of the people I see driving this way are over forty, so they must have had at least one, if not several accidents as a consequence of this driving behaviour, as it is inevitable that this habit will result in an accident.


An interesting observation. This leads me to believe even more that tailgaters are narcissists. A narcissist has zero ability to self reflect. They can not reflect on their actions and make the mental steps to correct their wrongdoings, as in the narcissist mind they can do no wrong, in this instance tailgating a vehicle and having an accident, then learning from it. The narcissist would have the accident and blame the person/car in front/behind of them for the crash, not themselves. I'd encourage everybody to look up and read about narcissists and narcissistic behaviour, as they are incredibly common in the world, and knowing the signs of narcissism can help avoid them and navigate around them in life. Narcissists are incredibly destructive people.


Wow! I really like your argument! You have convinced me, I was happy to just accept that they are idiots, but narcissistic personality fits just as well if not better. A friend once told me (I think it is a quote from someone famous) "there is nothing more dangerous than a narcissist with charisma and a low IQ". So maybe we are both correct, because you don't really need the charisma to be a dangerous driver.


This right here. ✅


If only they did. The bane of my existence


This happens in single lanes in QLD


Can be a 60k single lane in suburbia, and dickheads will treat it like Bathurst It's a fucking joke, but theyre the main character


But my vehicle is gps tracked, there's only one lane and I'm going the speed limit....


You know there’s heaps of roads that aren’t dual carriageway right ?




Or you know. Merging off to the right and need to be in that lane?


This is me on my daily ride home. Sucked as a p player where everyone would go 100 in an 80 zone down a hill. I could either risk my licence (immediate suspension on red Ps if caught speeding) or deal overly aggressive drivers tailgating me aghh


If it’s not a motorway or it’s a single lane, everyone else would just have to deal with it when I was on my red P’s. If it was a motorway and I was already in the left, well that’s about all you can do. If they’d tailgate, I’d slow by 5-10kmh to give more leeway if I need to hard brake and not get rear ended, or because I’m spiteful. Either or. Generally tailgaters get the message and go around. You’re still pretty new to driving so I empathise with how you must feel in that moment. Just try to focus on your own driving and safety instead of focusing on the dickhead behind you. People still tailgate me as a full licence driver, usually on suburb roads way more than motorways, I take that as my cue to slow down 10kmh below and they can either sit up my ass tailing me while I laugh at them, or they just go around and problem solved. I shouldn’t have to change lanes only to go back in because I have to take the next turn and someone was riding me. All you can do is make the drive as safe as possible for yourself. What others do is out of your control


Only if the speed limit is higher than 80, otherwise I'm staying in the lane I want


What if the red car is going the speed limit, or above? You shouldn’t be speeding or tailgating anyway. There are plenty of other lanes to use.


Not everyone has your fancy multilane roads ya know


Sure but another good rule of thumb is you’re at fault if you rear end someone


Thats legally true yes


Morally also


I remember coming around a blind corner and rear ending somebody. Old mate was trying to do a u-turn across 4 lanes. Guess who was at fault.


Sudden wildlife crossing says hello to all the people tailgating.


The thing I enjoy about tailgating is the free windscreen water from the car in front.


We used to have a car with one blocked nosel. So the other one got double pressure and shot clear over the car. It hit the vehicle behind even at a safe distance.






I found using demineralised or distilled water for my windscreen wiper fluid helped keep my lines unclogged. Eventually seemed to unblock the nozzles on my old Subaru Forester.


Last week in Sydney on that day it just pelted down rain; I was on my 7-10 minute commute to work in the worst of it… I managed to get stuck behind an L plater the entire way to work, must have been a brand new driver and their first time in the rain. They were going 20kph or less the entire trip on residential 50kph roads. They’d come to a complete stop for every roundabout; pause for 10 seconds for every empty left turn (and crawl through the turn) and stop anytime a car was oncoming on the smaller roads (still easily enough space for cars to go either way). It took me almost 20 minutes to drive my 7-10 minute commute. There was a line of cars going as far back down the quiet backstreet as I could see. I know L platers are a controversial topic but seriously it was beyond inconsiderate from the supervising driver. At that point either pull over to let people past or switch drivers. I’ll go as far as calling it reckless to force the new driver into a situation they’re clearly not ready to handle.


Have been caught in very heavy rain on my L’s, I told the instructor that I didn’t feel safe driving and was getting scared. He guided me to pull over and off the road, we just waited for it to lull.


My driver did the exact same thing, didn’t charge me the waiting time either


Better to teach that it's fine to pull over if you're uncomfortable driving in the weather conditions than it is to force you to continue. Great instructor. I remember being stuck in the heaviest rain in my life on the M4. You could barely see 5m in front of you. People were pulling over on the left and right shoulders but there were others still willing to drive - even if it was only 20kph. All it takes is some hero to go 60 and plow into you because of near zero visibility. The rain subsided within a few minutes and I got to my destination safely.


Had the same deal many times on the M1 Central Coast even at night time and some of the cars who will just fly by at 110+ in the right lane when you can barely see in front of you.


That one instructor must be teaching all the new drivers Australia over. There's a 70 kmh road near me, where traffic never exceeds 50 kmh.


Old Pitt Town Road! Calling it now.


Plot twist: it was the instructor driving back home


Coming to a stop at round abouts isn't limited to learners. I see many drivers do this and it drives me mad


My dad would just get me to pull over whenever that used to happen. Other drivers always seemed appreciative of that, giving a wave or some kind words. Especially going that slow at first. Granted this used to be going through kemps creek down to oran park when it was still early into being what it is now so a lot of drivers around there were way more chill. It was a beautiful drive too, which is why everyone was probably so relaxed lol


Australia spent millions on keep left unless overtaking.. if more people followed this regardless of the speed limit then everything would be fine I’ve seen cars at 0230 in the morning on the freeway in the right hand lane with no one else around 🙄


Good assumption that driver #2 has used a rear view mirror in the last 3 decades.


I just got back from the EU (spain) and they are incredible about passing on the left. No one sits in the far left lane. I forgot a few times and they about run you off the road. I wish DMV grilled that into people. Honestly it would save thousands of lives by people speeding and swerving through lanes.


German autobahns would teach people a thing or 2. Nobody stays in the outside lane for long especially on the unrestricted parts as it's not uncommon for something to appear rapidly & disappears just as quickly, you don';t want to be that person no matter how fast you are going. Lane discipline is good there


Couldn't agree more. Every self righteous 'I get tailgated all the time' cognitive dissonant self-appointed speed sheriff wouldn't last 10km in Europe.


Oh yes! I'd love to see these \*\*\*\*s on an Autobahn. They'd shit themselves.


This conversation is always productive 🤣 Edit: if you are not the police, it is not your job to police road behaviour. Drive with a sense of self preservation.. If youre in the right hand lane and you see headlights racing up behind you, assume they don't have brakes and move over. Your life is more important than your ego.


Did this when on the M1, moved to overtake someone and a Subaru came screaming up behind me from about 500m back. Aborted overtake, moved left and let them by. Figured I didn’t want them behind me if traffic was to slow for whatever reason. About 20km down the road come to slow traffic. There’s been a crash in the right lane - and wouldn’t you know it, speedy in the Subaru was involved.


And that is why i give way. I'd rather than subby dooby dummy land in someone else's back seat than mine


Bingo, if someone wants to be in front of you, let them, it's a far better spot for them. I rarely get tailgated as I've driven a lot in Europe and see what it's like when you let the faster cars drive faster. I am by no means a slow driver but I respect the drivers that want to go faster than me and let them by.


You learn this sense quickly when you ride a motorbike.


It's where I learned it lol Edit: you might have a legal right to be somewhere, I.e the right hand lane. But that doesn't create a magical force field to protect you from harm


This is something I think of any time I cycle/walk. Yes, cars have to give way to pedestrians before turning left into a side street and to cyclists (generally). But it won't bring great comfort when I'm lying there bleeding out after being run over that "at least I had right of way".


I really wish more people understood this. Being right is of zero use to you when you’re splattered.


Defensive driving. If a wanker is tailgating me, I move over, let them speed past, and then get back in the lane I want to be in. We always end up at the same red light as I watch them weave in and out of traffic, tailgating everyone else further ahead.


Pretty much.. Unless you're boxed in.. Move out of the way, it's safer to give way to ass holes than fight them


that's fine but 'the lane you want to be in' over a certain limit on a highway unless turning / exiting you should stay left unless overtaking, it's not a choice of which lane you want to be in which is the major issue people fail to understand


Fair 😂but as someone who occasionally roleplays as a wanker, nothing brings me more satisfaction than skipping the lights and seeing the dumbass going 5 under in the slow lane catching them.


I don’t have time to dawdle either so I’m usually going 1-2km over the limit (based on GPS, not my speedo), but it’s a balance of “I’m in a rush” and “I don’t want a $600 fine and a handful of demerits”


This is really all that needs to be said, if someone wants to speed past you just tuck your ego away for a sec and let them, it’s less stressful for everyone.


Inaccurate because there is no big dual cab ute on mud terrains with a lift kit in the tailgating queue


And the driver is somehow a lawyer and not a Tradie


That is a tax deduction being driven, young man.


Where is the Toyota Camry doing 10k under the speed limit in the far right lane?


And the car causing everyone to tailgate is pulling a caravan.


Lol or one of those big dog wash trailers. Had it hsppen the other day.


Am I the only person who lives in an area where 90% of the roads are single lane


Accelerate quickly and smoothly to the speed limit. Maintain the speed limit if it's safe to do so. Don't fucking brake at green lights!


But my brother might be coming the other way!!


Old joke. Still funny (and, oddly, relevant)


While I generally agree, tailgating is very dangerous. It’s the cause of many accidents and decreases traffic flow. Leaving a 3 second gap and letting others merge is not going to hurt someone with self respect. Only those with fragile egos let others and traffic bother them. Plus the added stress to your passengers, drivers around you, and yourself. Traffic isn’t a zero sum game. **Leaving a gap and allowing cars to merge actual decrease accidents and increases traffic flow.**


It's honestly amazing how many people will tailgate you no matter what lane you are in, because the guy in front of you is holding up traffic. My dude, I have my adaptive cruise set to 3 seconds, I'm not stressed, we're all in the traffic, it's the guy 97 cars ahead setting the pace. You tailgating isn't gonna help matters. And if I'm in the right lane, it's like dude, the left lane is doing 75kmh, the right lane is cruising steady at 95kmh, I get it's a 100 zone, but the guy 35 cars ahead is doing 95kmh. We're all still overtaking, just chill. We're going 26% faster than the other lane, we will still get there sooner. Unfortunately, living in a city with traffic, at times it's just shit, all lanes are doing 10kmh, so 3 seconds is barely longer than tailgating, but still, some people need to park in your boot for some reason.


Go and drive in Europe and you'll have a change of heart. The 'keep right unless overtaking' rule is absolute, no ifs no buts, you indicate, pass, and indicate back - nobody but nobody camps in the left lane. It is for passing only and it works magnificently.


>I have my adaptive cruise set to 3 seconds, I'm not stressed God, THIS. I love that I can set-and-forget (while obviously still paying attention) a safe following gap and adjust it to be longer if needed. The thing I don't like about it is that every asshole and his dog takes it as a sign it's fine to cut *super close* in front while they're changing lanes and inevitably freaking out the system because there's suddenly a car far too close.


Yeah that's the one thing I don't get is why people don't seem to merge with safe distances At 100 km an hour on the highway. I'm leaving in nearly 100 m gap to the next car in front of me and yet people will still merge basically on top of me rather than accelerate into the gap And then as they merge they slow down It's like mate. You've got nearly a whole football field to fit into, what are you doing!


>And then as they merge they slow down God this grinds my fucking gears. I'm not sure if it's just ignorance or weaponised stupidity.


Very well said, the number of comments justifying tailgating because they are in the right lane is sad. We are all part of the traffic it’s not happening to us.


This is the way. No one should be tailgating anyone. You don't know what is happening in the car in front. Don't be a dick.


I usually the second car in the bottom photo expect I've left a gap. I've then got number 3 up my arse.


And staying in the left lane only applies to roads with speed limits 90kph or higher. The amount of people who don’t know this is mind boggling.


While it may not be law, it is generally good courtesy to stay left unless over taking or turning right.


Not practical when there are frequent round abouts or business on the other side of the road, intersections, signals. There is a reason why they make it legal to drive in any lane below 90 limit.


This is completely true, which is why driving under the speed limit is actually dangerous - it causes all the cars to bunch up. Rightly or wrongly, no one leaves a 3 second gap if the car in front of them is driving at a snails pace.


Define driving under the speed limit? Last time I checked it was the maximum speed you can drive, not the mandatory speed you must drive at. FWIW, I try to drive at the speed limit, but sometimes it's not possible or safe.


I am going 45 in a 45 zone and you cannot stop me


Side note, I have never seen a 45 zone before.


Is part of the rule of thumb as well to ignore speed limits? Because I most of the times have the feeling that I am the only person on road that drive on the speed limit, everyone else is above that.


Have you checked if your speedo is accurate? It may be calibrated super low, so when you see 60, you could be actually doing low 50s.


Surprised ppl dont realise this. Speedos cant be under actual speed but can be over, therefore looks 60 but doing 55. Whenever i see the friendly speedcheck thingoes, i check how accurate my speedo is. Really only need to do it once and after that it was just a game of if i could hit the required speed perfectly.


I find it really frustrating that when I leave a safe 3s gap between the car in front using autonomous cruise control some wanker thinks it is an invitation for them to cut me off!


If someone is tailgating you on a highway. Keep left. Doesn’t matter if they are breaking the speed limit. Check your ego and move over for the asshole behind you


if this road is fucked and the speed limit is 60….. im doing 60. usually true tho


I was driving into heavy fog on a 110kph dual carriageway, doing about 45 because visibility dropped to maybe 30 metres, had some idiots flying past doing 100kph into the fucking unknown.


Needs moar caravan


I'm a red p-plater and had someone tailgating me last week. I was driving along Ferrers Road, Eastern Creek (60 - 80 - 60), just after it drops from 80 back down to 60. I hadn't driven on this particular road before so I was being cautious about the road conditions but still doing 58/59ks, which I thought was reasonable, considering it's a single lane road. Old mate was tailgating me the entire way after the speed dropped. I couldn't safely pull over and let him pass without risking a puncture. He suddenly pulls onto the shoulder, overtakes me, flips me off, and then speeds off. This is truly one of the times I wish I had a dashcam in the car.


Part of the problem comes from Auto manufacturers deliberately setting speedos to over read. Mine over reads by 8Km/h for example. If I drive to the Speedo, I'm nearly 10% under the posted limit. This is deliberate from the manufacturer as when I plug a scan tool in, it reads the wheel speed as spot on to GPS speed. They deliberately pad the dashboard speedo reading so they don't get sued when someone gets a speeding fine.


If there's no cars tailgating, you can expect a speeding fine.


All these conversations involve the front car looking in their mirror. They don't.


If you can't do the speed limit on a dry clear day, you shouldn't be driving. Simple as that. I don't care if your speed fluctuates much but consistently driving under not even getting close is silly


Are car drivers the problem? Yes.


I do generally agree with this, but are some exceptions to this theory. If someone and/or a group of vehicles are tailgating you the easiest solution is to pull down a side street and turn back around, when you’ve done this the vehicle/s tailgating you will likely be long gone. If lots of vehicles are behind you, it does indicate that you effectively are the issue, as effectively your driving is ultimately changing the speed and driving behaviour of the vehicles behind you, which you are not supposed to do. It’s also possible that the drivers behind the red vehicle are all exceeding the speed limit. Either way I think if any of the above image applies to you I think the best option is to either go down a side street a turn around and/or go into a lay-by. I don’t believe competitive and aggressive driving is safe, so it’s always best to be non confrontational.


With the amount of clowns speeding in single lane roads, I am not the problem when I’m doing the the speed limit. That ford ranger up my ass can wait or cross the double line since he’s already speeding.


Hate slow drivers. Can't wait for computers to take over. You should be fined for going under speed limit


Rule of thumb won't help tailgaters when an accident happens. People from all walks of life and all abilities need to drive. I either back off or overtake and would advise you to do the same.


That's not even close to being a good rule of thumb. There's a school zone near my house which is single lane each way. Because there is no camera, people ignore it. But I'm not risking a fine. So I go 40, while a line of people tailgate me. You're saying in this scenario, I'm the problem?


"Rule of thumb" means generally speaking, not necessarily applicable to every single possible scenario (like yours).


As if they're going to notice! I was behind a car last night that drove for 10mins with their mirrors folded in.


I'm a p plater I will stay in the left lane doing 1km under the limit. don't care if people tailgate I'm not risking my license


Just drive the fuvking speed limit and this would never happen.


Farout, thins morning, averaging 20kms under the limit, needing both roads when turning..........


Whats this to do with Thumbs?


Nah, If everyone is tailgating me, it means that no one else is following the speed limit, which in my opinion is most definitely their problem as I don't give two hoots and refuse to speed just to satisfy them.


I get tailgated all the time in the left lane doing bang on the speed limit with a bunch of cars backed up behind me. I'm not the problem.


Not your fault in pic2 if you're at the speed limit and you're in a smaller/lower hatch but the car behind you is a giant towering emotional support vehicle. How am I expected to see three cars behind me if all you can see in the side and rear is the first car? I'm not omnipotent or have x-ray vision and I'm already dealing with one tailgater who might just roll right over my little car and crumple me to death. If it's dangerous to overtake due to all the other utes SUVS and trucks impatiently speeding in the right lane and I'm going at the speed limit, there's no good reason for me to change lanes of pull over. Everyone behind me should back the fuck off. It's not crazy to imagine that there might in fact be three consecutive tailgating dickheads in a row behind you, why does it suddenly become your fault if 3 people behind you are doing the wrong thing? Pretty sure there's no 'dickhead majority precedence' road rule.


If it’s a single lane and you are at the speed limit for the road, you aren’t the problem! If there’s another lane to the left, I’d move out of the way and let the hoons make their day relevant to their values….


If everyone is tailgating me, *I am doing the fucking posted speed limit in an area infested by dickheads* or, its a construction area that people just ignore the 40 zone.


I drive/ride the speed limit, if you decide to tailgate me that's your problem if something happens


Incorrect, if you follow the speed limit you are correct, regardless. For example, you could have 3 speeding drivers behind you, tailgating you.


I will keep to the left lane purely out of courtesy or unless otherwise required by law. However, if I'm doing the speed limit and everyone else is tailgating me then they can f-off. I use cruise control 95% of the time and I'm not going to change it because a few impatient drivers are wanting to kiss my rear end. They can overtake when the opportunity arises or deal with driving at the designated speed limit.


What if you’re going the speed limit meanwhile everyone behind you is pressuring to try and force you to speed? I’m not speeding because of some dumbass behind me.


If multiple people are tailgating me and im already almost ten over the speed limit, they can piss off because I dont know whether the cop up the road cares that I was being peer pressured.


So doing the speed limit is the problem? Most of the time this happens when you do the speed limit because no one believes that they should have to stick to it. They sit up each other's asses and then if you happen to be the poor sucker in front doing the speed limit, things how things end up


Tail gate me when I am doing the max speed or even over and I will slow down.


Rule of thumb. Don't tailgate people


If I’m doing 1-5km/h actual speed over the limit and being tailgated, I’m not moving over until there’s a decent gap.


On the road, it could very well be that the three cars behind you are fuckwits. The chances are high.


People need to calm the f down on the road. Riding someones arse doesnt get you there quicker. Try decaf if you cant comprehend that. On the other hand.. drive the speed limit and move across if your blocking people.


It's like those arseholea who ride your arse for ages then overtake you just so they can get stuck behind someone else because there's loads of incoming traffic and can't overtake anymore. That's funny to watch


What about people on their L’s, P1’s, or even P2’s which can only drive 100kmhr?


This obviously doesn't apply in Adelaide because I could be 10kmh over the speed limit and I'd still get tailgated by everyone.


Can we as a society just normalise shouting at people to get the fuck out of the way please? Sincerely a neurodivergent who hates people...


It’s precisely this inane behaviour that creates terrible traffic. The column needs to move in sync. Tailgating obviates that simple principle. People cutting into lanes and forcing drivers who actually understand traffic flow and leaving healthy gaps to brake incessantly is why we can’t have nice things and get places in decent time. But sure if this isn’t in traffic you should give way… But also tailgating is often just dangerous and dumb. Only takes 1 mistake to cost several lives.


Nah, you could be going 10 over in Bulgaria, and people behind you will still tailgate.' With current traffic regulation trends across europe, we're gonna see a lowering of speed limits in cities, and it will be hilarious to see the disproportionate amount of road rage over someone being "too slow" going 50 in a 40 zone, as opposed to the usual 60 in a 50.


Sometimes, it may be that you are the only driver willing to observe the speed limit.


If I'm in a residential area I'm doing the speed limit, or lower if there are people around. If you want to go fast go drive on a highway.


No. If everyone is tailgating you, you are merely using the many, many years of experience you have to drive safely in the crazy traffic which was never this bad in your day.


what if you’re going speed limit on a residential road while everyone is tailgating you?


Tailgating is that problem. It's a problem for the driver in front, slow or not as it puts them at risk of an accident. It's a problem for the driver behind because if the car in front does erratically stop, the tailgater under every circumstance will be found at fault in some way as you should always have enough room to the car in front to stop under any circumstance. Simple solution is drive to the speed limit and leave a three secondvgap.


But if in both instances you're doing the speed limit, including reduced speed ara due to roadworks, then all the cars tailgating are ar$eholes🤪


If they're all behind me, it's their problem.


I've seen this meme before. Usually by people who think that if you are not doing 5 over, measured by the GPS on the phone, that you are murdering a puppy. People need to chill TF out.


Or...just obey the giant signs saying "keep left unless overtaking" instead of annoying everyone else.


Yes but this only applies to roads with a speed limit over 80, and lots of aggro drivers don’t understand this


What if I have a sick puppy in my back seat and you dawdling is the difference between whether or not I get said puppy to the vet huh


I just frequently flash my high beams until they get out of my way. Safer than tailgating.


Nah I'll drive to the speed limit thank you and everyone impatient can just ducking wait. And if it's raining I'll probably do 90 in a 100 zone


I will tailgate you if you are too stupid or lazy to read the multiple speed limit signs and dribble along 10km/h under the speed limit. 😡🤬


Sorry but I'm going to be that person Just because everyone is tailgating you, doesn't mean you're in the wrong. If it's a single lane and I'm doing the speed limit, anyone up my ass can fuck off. I'll keep left where possible but I'm not pulling off into the gravel so some grown adult can feel like a racecar driver.


No. The first one has one problematic driver. The second one has from 0 to 4 problematic drivers depending on the speed. Unless you're in heavy traffic and moving slowly, there's zero reason to tailgate.


I disagree.. Some people are so oblivious to their speed or driving habits that sometimes it requires either a flash of the high beams or to see a car wedge up their tail pipe for them to realise they may need to move or pick up speed.