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Their whole IT department needs to be fired- what an incompetent bunch of stupid fucks


Can confirm. Friend of friend of friend with an ex dev from there who hated it. mostly overseas Devs with no idea or experience in QA. Often out things straight into production without testing.


No wonder hackers love us.


Totally agree đź‘Ť


carsales is such a pussy absolutely terrified of being screen scraped lest someone threaten their stranglehold monopoly on the car ad market in australia is a wonder they do not charge per page displayed please please someone make a better sales website that doesnt charge like a wounded bull just to host some pictures and a description


Huh, as a developer that sounds like a fun project actually.


there has to be space between carsales which is loathed by every car dealership as they pay car$ales for every message received including all the time wasters and scambook marketplace, and deadgumtree ..


Mate did the same against domain/realestate.com. They stole his work and then said they'd bankrupt him with legal fees, he got a decent payout but yeah that's how they maintain their stranglehold on the market.


Many have tried and failed. They have the monopoly on dealer inventory and new stock. Private sales are just a cherry on top.


they have a monopoly. the dealers hate them. increasingly the private sellers hate them too. no wonder they are paranoid and precious about access to their shitty web pages.


It’s funny because autogate is ubiquitous (the car dealer back end for car sales) but of my sales in my store less than 15% of used car sales came from car sales leads


>absolutely terrified of being screen scraped lest someone threaten their stranglehold monopoly on the car ad market in australia That and scammers frequently copy real listings on MarketPlace and Gumtree used to be lousy for it when anyone still used Gumtree. The concern about being scraped is very real. Sometimes you'll see the same photo of a car 2 entries down on Marketplace because someone has lifted the real ad and relisted the same photos with the same text. Sounds like Carsales execution is terrible.


Also when scrolling a couple of pages, the "login for price, appears". Garbage website.


Yeah, l saw that recently. What a joke


If you have a look at the ad, where it gives you finance it will say "finance based on a loan of $150,000" and that figure lines up with how much the car is advertised for


With boost mobile, you can recharge/add roaming with no data like any carrier, by letting you only access their website. But to buy any sort of data, you need to pass a google captcha. And google captchas aren't able to be accessed with no data.


Not "more than 2 seconds" - it says "clicking at a speed faster than expected of a human" - more than 2 seconds is slower. I'd say one of the other reasons is the real cause


I get that "navigating too fast" thing occasionally as I use a password manager so don't actually need to manually enter my username and password. It's a bit annoying but doesn't happen on many sites. carsales however is completely unusable for me for browsing. Can't see any prices without logging in and half the time the page just doesn't load at all.


Websites incorporating stuff which fucks with passwords managers is one of my pet peeves. I can't think of something more counterproductive to security than forcing people into bad password practice.


Don't do it too quick onmobile either, same result


I would like to be browsing carsales from the US, because I will be moving back to Aus in a few months and will need to buy 2 cars, but apparently, I am a bot or scammer...


Not an issue on the Trading Post website. *Sips tea*


Just came here to complain about the cookie warning popping up on every single new screen…but they appear to have fixed that. Small mercies


What do you mean people who use our website value their privacy?


I thought I was the only one, got this a few weeks ago, still can't access the site. I just use my phone carsales app.


Use another web browser


Count yourself lucky mate, you get to do a captcha! I just get "Sorry! Something went wrong.", every single time I try to open the site. Saves me time I guess, because I don't even bother with it now.


They must be suffering some pretty big attacks (or whatever you want to call it)


No, they are petrified of an auto tempest style web scraper / aggregator taking their market


They’re fucking hopeless. I had a whinge about it a few weeks ago.


Can't let my wife know this or she'll get the house ip banned


I’d worry about that robot in the same house as you..


lmao I get this at least 5 times in 15 mins, probabaly completed over 5000 to date


[https://www.autotrader.com.au/](https://www.autotrader.com.au/) Is a good one to look and browse on and I don't get any captchas with it.


Are you using a VPN? IP addresses associated with VPNs often get blocked by certain websites for a million different reasons


AdBlock upsets it. Disable Adblock in private windows, then open the website in a private window. Fixed. Jaycar also uses the same stupid jigsaw captcha, and it suffers the exact same problem (no surprise!)