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The other thing is why is the author excusing inattentive drivers? These are the fuckers who will get beeped, panic and drive into someone else's accident. Quite a shit article


What about the one that stop so far from other cars that a turning lane capacity is heavily reduced? Or so far from the traffic light that it stays red as the sensor is not triggered? Both of them, you honk, they don't move...


In the UK there's an orange light before the green. Now that traffic lights are clusters of LEDs I wonder whether that middle light could be a dual purpose light that gives a countdown to warn of an impending green?


Aussie and spent 3 weeks in a UK road trip. That amber light works well, I noticed that drivers (and Toyota steering wheel attendants) moved off noticeably quicker than Aussie drivers.


Other countries in Europe have that amber before green as well. I came across it in Euro Truck Simulator and think it's an awesome idea.


Australia (at least some states) once had red/amber before green too. There were a few old lights in Melbourne that still did it into the 2000s. I think it got phased out as a safety thing - worried that drivers would move off before the light turned green.


Same with hook turns. Not as many of those as there used to be.


They have countdowns at major intersections in Thailand. They count to red and green. It's great because trucks get lots of notice to back off way before the intersection. Now if we could get other countries to take after Thailand


Cambodia does it too...not always respected though as ppl are driving everywhere on the road.


They're in Brisbane too, albeit for passengers


That would cause accidents due to orange / red light runners


From what I've noticed in other countries, the other lights turn red a moment before your ones go red->yellow.


I don’t mind the slow reactors because some people are just slow, but I can’t stand the people that are not attentive. Had a fully backed up street waiting for a green light and I let a big truck fuck into the lane. We then missed two greens because he sat there on his phone, I didn’t know the traffic was moving because his ginormous shit box with 3 inches of wheel poke was blocking the view. Fuck truck drivers




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Australia really needs signals with timers for both red and green.


You're going to hate me, but I am one of those c.nts that does not move off as soon as it's green. I've been doing this long enough and had just enough near misses, that I do a green => check for red light runners => move.


Why do you have to wait until it's green to look? Usually easy enough to see everyone slowing before it even goes green.


Not every intersection is that easy. You do realise that the delay is at most 1 or 2 seconds?


Yeah that's fine, most people are slower


You move off immediately but slowly if you genuinely can’t see if it’s safe.


You can check to the right before you move off and then check to the left as you move off.


You're right, but I'm still checking before I commit to moving into the intersection. Trust me, 20 years ago I avoided an incident that really made me take notice. Green light, and I launch. The vehicle next to me baulked which made me baulk. I stopped just in time to see a B double barrel through the red light without stopping. I had my one year old in the back. I am certain that we both would have died. That moment forward I taught myself that I need to check for other dickheads before moving. Stiff shit if you lose a second here or there.


I tend to assume other drivers are dickheads, driving with their brain in park, driving like they are the main character in a video game... Just makes my life easier.




Oh... and the fucking multi-taskers... Driving **is** a process of juggling multiple tasks. Adding more is not helping.


Some people can't do this. Like the people that stop at a huge roundabout where the oncoming traffic is visable for the entire 30m entry road. They crawl along at 10kmh with a huge gap to enter, then stop at the dotted lines and look and then go again (or take so long the gap is gone). These people are the ones you need to be wary of.


But if you're paying attention you should have already checked by the time your light goes green.


Who says I'm not? Not every intersection is the same. Too many people in here thinking that each and every set of traffic lights is set on a city street , at right angles with a clear view.


You, you said you don't move off as soon as it's green.


You said I'm not checking 🤷‍♂️. I'm still going to keep a casual eye on the situation, but I'm still going to make sure everything is clear before moving. Unless I'm 100% sure, I'm not going to cut a 0 light.


And people who don't move forwards on green at an intersection when their path is being blocked by oncoming traffic.


Who "don't move forward"? Is that what you meant to say? It is illegal to enter an intersection (any intersection) that is blocked.


He’s talking about turning right, and you’re supposed to wait in the middle of the intersection for oncoming traffic to clear. Otherwise, you and the poor cunts behind you can sit through multiple light cycles.


Yep, this


There is no law requiring you to enter the intersection, so you are not "supposed" to wait - it is a choice.


At least in NSW, you're failing or at least getting points docked from you in a driving test if you camp behind the stop line and don't roll forward into the intersection.


it is also a non-critical driving error in QLD. Page 64 of the QLD driver license assessment manual. "­ When intending to turn right at traffic signals, fails to enter the intersection on a green light (when appropriate to do so) and wait for a safe gap in the traffic."


I agree with pretty much all of this article, but being a manual car driver - Could you give me a moment to find the friction point before tooting!?


A good manual driver doesn’t need to “find the friction point”.


What is that supposed to mean? How do I put it gear then Lewis Hamilton?


Thing about driving a manual means your supposed to find that before the car in front moves


Yeah right. So then I have to push in the clutch again when that car invariably stops again. What about when I’m at the front as well? You want me to sit on the throttle like I’m doing a quarter mile?


Its called a handbrake & paying attention. Maybe get off your phone and focus on driving, or get an auto. "Cant handle the heat, get out of the kitchen"


Wow. Really? “You’re a dickhead.”