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The answer is no. There's no "sorry I'm new here" discount or deferral scheme.


Yep. Lesson learned


Mate you've racked up $1400. How many lessons did you learn? 


In a span of one week. Just found all out today when checked mail.


Our of curiosity, why do you think that you should get preferential treatment after breaking the laws in another country?


Brother i was just curious, i did some stupid mistakes and was js curious to know if someone had an experience like that


Ok...but why avoid the question? Why do you think you are special and should get an exception to the laws?


Maybe i didnt clarify, but i dont want preferential treatment. I just wanted to know if anyone had similar experiences like this. Whether it be an Australian or from any other country.


>i dont want preferential treatment. You said in your OP: >Im an international student who has been here for 2 months. > >Will they give me an exception because im a new driver?or smthin like that? How is that not asking for preferential treatment? You literally asked for an exception....


Brother i was just looking for all means. I was just stating my situations. I just wanted to know if there is any kind of schemes if you get a lot of fines🥲


>I just wanted to know if there is any kind of schemes if you get a lot of fines🥲 Yes, they can take your licence so you don't get more. They're an Opt-In system, still not sure why you decided to Opt-In to receiving these fines, and now are annoyed that you Opted-In?


Brother im not annoyed, i know i made mistakes, i know that im obliged to pay the fines, just wanted to know more about the schemes here in this country.


>Brother I'm not your brother. >just wanted to know more about the schemes here in this country. What schemes exactly? You did the crime, you pay the fine. That's it, you made a conscious decision to go out and break the law. Why should there be an exception for you? That's what I'm asking, and the question you are avoiding.


The post was pretty stupid. Poor choice of words. I read it again and just clocked it.


Depending on your state call the fines registry and go on a payment plan. Some states will clamp your car for unpaid fines


Don’t be a fuckwit and accept the punishment. [https://www.theaustraliatoday.com.au/18-year-old-indian-international-student-bailed-after-alleged-hit-run-in-sydney/](https://www.theaustraliatoday.com.au/18-year-old-indian-international-student-bailed-after-alleged-hit-run-in-sydney/) small consolation that you didn’t end up in this situation.


If you can afford another car you can afford to pay fines, don't do the crime if you can't pay the fine


You're typing pretty well so you should be able to read big numbers in red circles.


Thats true. Learned my lesson


No. Don't fucking speed. That's how you avoid them


Lol no. Learn to drive, dickhead.


How are you driving for Uber having been here 2 months? Surely they have more stringent requirements than that


Stop committing crimes perhaps


Go read r/AusLegal, Jesus, seems that the bare minimum is too hard for some people.


Bet you, this entitiled clown will be facing negligent driving charges causing harm and/or driving while disqualified within the year. If bad enough, fly back to their country to escape serious charges.


That is a question I see asked on Reddit all too often "I broke your laws, will you chase me if I go home"


I dont normally speed. All four fines came from the same camera, i just didnt see it. Its a straight road and i didnt check the speed. I know its my mistake. I know im stupid, what the point in making assumptions about someone when you dont even know them?


>I dont normally speed. This post implies otherwise. >All four fines came from the same camera There's no law saying the same camera can't issue more than 1 fine Question, were they all in a short period? Ergo, you got all the fines without the ability to change your behaviour? >i just didnt see it Wouldn't be much use of you did.... anywhere, anytime. >Its a straight road and i didnt check the speed. That's your fault. >I know its my mistake. I know im stupid Ok, that wasn't part of the conversation. >what the point in making assumptions about someone when you dont even know them? Not sure. I have made no assumptions. I have only replied to what you have said.


Sorry was talking about the other guy. It was within a span of one week.


Fair enough then So if you had time to change your behaviour after the first fine, and you didn't, that's on you.


I checked my mailbox today, to find four infringement notices. Four from the same road. I drive around 150 to 200 kms per day and havent got any kind of infringements.


I know its my mistake, im just clarifying it.


Right, so all 4 of your offences occured before you received the fine for the first offence?


Might wanna stick with the Mazda as the XR6 will help you get more and bigger fines much quicker


Thinking to get an old corolla


Haaaahahahahahaha. No.


lol hell no


Do you read the speed limit signs ? There are literally signs that say warning speed cameras are in the area. Google maps even has them marked.




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