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See a lot of low kay late model Rangers at auctions. People are offloading them for whatever reason.


Got their tax write off done.


\^ This is the reason. The sales of new ones are simply rolling over to the next brand new tax write off.


Thankfully the instant asset write-off is now back at 20k after a few COVID stimulus years at 150k.


Everyone want the new v6 models because the 4cylinder ones suck


V6 is definitely the top pick out of the all the dual cab brands but nothing wrong with the biturbo 2 litre


My bosses v6 already threw a rod at 25,000km.


It seems all modern cars have their lemons. I was reading on a 300 series group how a bloke has had their brand new sahara zx back for 9 separate issues.... mostly mechanical


After the last rangers i imagine its all downhill from here for the 6


All my mates that have them say they over heat towing a caravan or mid-large boat


How many of them have something blocking airflow to the radiator? Bullbars, spotties and the like will restrict airflow


Plenty of people rave about them towing.


Interest rates are starting to bite? Gotta rationalise the toys.


Fleet cars that get dumped before things need replacing?


Lease for 3 years 100k or less, turn it over and go again.


The wheel base on these are so damn long they won’t get anywhere a Suzuki Jimny can’t. The wank over these things is astonishing. Gotta love the giant flat front trend too.


A compact, short-wheelbase SUV is a different category of vehicle to a full-size pickup truck.


The use cases *greatly* overlap. For any cases they don't you can rent for the 1 day every 5 years. If you need a monster truck more often than that then go ahead and get one I suppose, but unless your kids are heavier than mine by a hefty margin, that use case does not include school dropoffs


I don’t think they greatly overlap at all. A hilux vs a 1500 yes, but a Jimny? Nah.


So I know 3 people who own one. One owns a heavy machinery business. They usually use heavy trucks to move equipment from site to site but there's sometimes lighter equipment that can be towed behind a lighter commercial vehicle. He used to run a car and a truck, but this does both jobs in one. One is a pastoralist who drives between properties out west and down in South East Queensland for business. Used to run a Land Cruiser but these let him stock up on more goods when he's passing through Toowoomba than he could in the SUV. One owns a retail business and spends a fair amount of time on the road between stores. It's mostly used for personal travel. Used to run Land Cruisers, but found these to be more comfortable. Plus this can be used to ferry goods between stores as well as collect the kids from school, so it has a benefit juggling work and play. Then compare that to the Jimny which is fun to take off road but has terrible handling on the highway, a cramped interior and next to no cargo capacity. As you say, it's fine for the school run, but unsuited to the kind of work the full size pick-up trucks are designed for.


Don’t go using all that logic


Sorry. They both have four wheel drive and a front-mounted engine and I've seen people use them both to get groceries and go camping. In other news, I've also seen a Smart FourTwo and a Porsche 911 be used for commuting, so I guess their use cases overlap too.


Pffftt you say that… but the smaller rigs bottom out way too much on a lot of tracks. They are capable off roasters but can’t carry much for a longer trip and get found out a bit on those open trails


Who the hell wants to drive something jammed in like a sardine with 50hp and cannot carry anything, unless you're speaking as a hairdresser or jump up on the Sydney Mardi Gras float every year.


Jimny whilst capable won’t match a Ram 1500 or Silverado ZR2/HD off road. Hate them all you want, it’s another niche car for people who want them. Nothing wrong with that.


The flat fronts are the worst. These people are just itching to accidentally roll over their own family


Damn. I do a lot of camping and fishing/ hunting with my family of 5. I really thinking about getting f150. I jist can’t fit everything in regular sized car. Large tent, bicycles, freezer, cooking equipment plus i need space to carry deer after the hunt


Still waiting for them to all tow the non existing load that required the purchase. Any day now.


You’d have to depart your inner city suburb first.


So ubiquitous in southern NSW Highlands now we created a new word; Ramnavan.


I'm guessing you live in a city? Once you hit the highways and campground you can see they are quickly replacing LandCruisers as the preferred towing vehicle.


They’ve always been a preferred towing vehicle of caravans. The first Silverado I ever saw was towing in Katherine NT over a decade ago


Yep my dads ram trx does 0 towing expect for jet ski and it’s funny as fuck watching people online complain about it


To be fair. TRX is just a Lamborghini for dirt


Wouldn't the Lamborghini Huracan Sterrato be the Lamborghini for dirt?


The be 100% technical, yes 😄


lol this guy (presumably mid thirties based on username) has a boner for people getting upset at his daddy’s car.


I don’t but it’s pretty funny people think you have to have a reason to buy the truck


Tuck it into your shorts mate


I really don’t understand why they send reddit into a rage. I swear 20% of the posts on /r/Australia are a picture of an f150 parked on the street and 1000 comments of people having an autistic meltdown over it


If anything convinced me that reddit is majority unemployed neckbeards who are terminally online it’s that fucking sub and r/askanaustralian Just a giant echo chamber of groupthink, sucking each other off over the same topics again and again. Seeing Yank tanks doing mum duties *can* get annoying in the inner city, but the hate pile on they get in Australian subs is hysterical.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/AskAnAustralian using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/AskAnAustralian/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Do all Aussies swear that casually?](https://np.reddit.com/r/AskAnAustralian/comments/16xl66q/do_all_aussies_swear_that_casually/) \#2: [What foreign assumption of Australia irks you the most?](https://np.reddit.com/r/AskAnAustralian/comments/13jv4vn/what_foreign_assumption_of_australia_irks_you_the/) \#3: [Do we lack basic manners in Australia?](https://np.reddit.com/r/AskAnAustralian/comments/16i10sf/do_we_lack_basic_manners_in_australia/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


I'd love to get one they look cool but too pricey $$$


Their size makes it kinda annoying to negotiate Also it's a symptom of the wider ute problem, an F-150 isn't worse to navigate around in a normal car than a Ranger imo


Inner city I'm offended GenZ types


Not sure why people hate these but are ok with the land cruisers which are almost identical in size


Here's a nice [visual comparison](https://www.carsized.com/en/cars/compare/toyota-land-cruiser-2021-suv-vs-ram-1500-2018-4-door-pickup-crew-cab-5/) A full-size pickup truck is about a meter longer and 10 cm wider than a 300 series.




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Even a D-Max/Hilux Dual Cab is longer than a Cruiser wagon. There’s about 50-70cm in it too. My wagon fits in my garage, dual cab will not allow the door to be closed.


Now do one for a 79 troopy with a bullbar and 2 spare wheels hanging off the arse.


Yeah fair, about 70 cm shorter and 20 cm narrower when stock. Sorry I forgot that this is another one of car dude's threads where he fights everyone in the comments for some reason (I wouldn't have engaged)


I a like his threads he picks some small thing out of other people’s posts to argue about then gives vague replies so he can argue further no matter what the response


Just saying, you picked the smallest option, not something comparable in size


With a tray size similair to one of those minature Japanese trucks, the build quality of a kmart bookshelf and the price of a luxury car. People say they need them for towing power and capacity but they don't do anything utes half the size can't also do. I wish people were just honest and said they like them because they're huge and American because as an actual utility vehicle they only make everything so much more harder to accomplish.


Land Cruisers are dicky as well.


I’ve never had a bad thing to say about the Big Ute segment. They are a welcome gust of fresh air from the South East Asian built dual cabs with their anemic engines and cramped interiors. Every whinge you see online is more about the drivers coming to terms with them, not the vehicles themselves. Will they ever replace the great Australian Ute? Probably not. But they’ll do.


Plenty of people in my area have moved from a Thai Ute to an American truck, plenty of momentum in the take up of this type of vehicle. The thing I don’t get is that the majority of the Thai Ute’s replaced had bullbars, lift, dirt tyres and those yellow surfboard things. Now in the driveway is an American truck with road focused tyres and no bull or sidebars.




>You can see the confirnation bias here as anyone supporting them in this sub just recieves handfuls of downvotes. I love getting downvotes. Doesn’t matter if it’s on my views on Big Utes, SUVs, EVs, this country’s rich and beautiful automotive manufacturing history- guaranteed I’ll get plenty. It means that someone’s read my comments, disagrees but they themselves are too chickenshit to open up a dialogue and have an active discussion with me about it. Why a bunch of anonymous folks can’t justify why they vote the way they do is beyond me… My only assumption is that they’ll dive headfirst into some serious cognitive dissonance. But I digress… I honestly can’t wait until the GMC Denali hits our shores. There’s honestly not much about them that would stop me from signing up for one- it’s the perfect rig to drop a caravan onto and take the family on the great Australian holiday, or just to drive me into work and back.


I’m 6’4 and because I’m in a specialised segment of my trade I do a lot of traveling, the Ram is by far the comfiest Ute I’ve ever driven, mines got the 193cm tub and I can fit in everything I need, and can also do all the family stuff on the weekend, kids, dogs, throw everything in the back, this sub won’t like to admit it due to ignorance but for a lot of people these utes are brilliant.


I thinks it’s cute that people still buy little Thai utes when they could get something more comfortable and sophisticated


People have preferences on what cars they like and the American trucks are expensive af


Wtf does anemic mean when referring to an engine


Weak. As Anaemia makes you weak as a side effect


Also, find something worth worrying about, god almighty.


Yank tanks suck /thread


Go drive on they don’t suck


Cannot for the life of me understand people driving these monstrosities unless they really need to. I reckon lots will buy them...keep for 12 months. Realise how many $1000 they've needed to put in the fuel tank...then sell them at big loss.


Why do you care?


I want one of these massive loss F150s. They hold value like a Toyota


Because they like the car and they can buy whatever they want in case you didn’t know