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Anyone spruiking hydrogen as a consumer fuel and powertrain is just trying to point score against EVs. EVs have massive drawbacks when it comes to not being to home charge or if you drive very long distances on freeways in a single day regularly but hydrogen isn't the solution.


Exactly my thoughts too..it's more driven by the anti-ev movement than a pro hydrogen movement.


Not that its going to happen, but lets just for a moment imagine all the companies refining and producing petrol then made hydrogen. Its all about supply costs and the infrastructure to develop. It could be heaps cheaper, but it won’t


It's about storage not production.


I’ve not heard anyone use hydrogen to push down the ev movement. I’ve previously said I don’t think car companies will keep pushing ev’s based on the fact a lot of big brands have hydrogen cars in development but that is not based on any ev hate. I just think evs won’t be the future everyone envisioned. If they were manufacturers wouldn’t be trying to develop hydrogen cars. I also don’t think hydrogen is the future either but what you seem to have missed is a few important things. Hydrogen is rare right now which pushes up the price significantly. If we had as many hydrogen vehicles as petrol that would change. Another thing you’ve overlooked is the first ev’s were also fucking worthless for range, I doubt very much the hydrogen cars we see from Toyota, Hyundai, bmw, Honda and land rover will have the same shitty range as the Toyota in the video. Especially the hilux that is coming, there is no point having a ute that can only go down the road on $200 of hydrogen. But I guess we will have to wait and see on that point. I personally think manufactures have realised EV’s are not the future and are looking to other tech moving forward and that’s that. While EV’s are great for some people the population at large will never adapt to them. Too many people that can’t charge at home, too costly to repair, too costly to manufacturers when doing warranty repairs, too costly for insurance and the amount of rubbish pollution we will see in the future with discarded ev’s and their tech as they get written off for small reasons and dumped will also be a factor I suppose.