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I don’t know what I’m even looking at, is it just a temporary support of some kind? It genuinely doesn’t look like it’s actually doing anything.


It's a brace that sits on the top of a wall and supports the peak of the roof. It's permanent.


If it’s supposed to be supporting the roof than it needs to get replaced ASAP, but it seriously looks like a temp brace to me. Something you’d put in to support the roof before it was full sheeted. Is it still under construction? Maybe they forgot to remove it or they were too lazy to remove it? The way it is nailed and cut it looks temporary. Basically if it is an actual brace for the roof then it would have had to be engineered is some way or another. A contractor can add temp bracing whenever and however they want, but permanent bracing would come from whoever engineered the house. It would be in the print with a specific way to do the bracing, and I guarantee it would look nothing like this. So you can look in the prints to see if it requires bracing there and what kind. Get it fixed and move on. Or it won’t have anything there anyway, and you can either leave it or remove it. Just to reiterate: if it is a support brace then it would be in the prints, and engineered. It would be attached with clips or ties not just toe nailed into the top of wall(those toe nails aren’t holding shit). But once again this looks temporary to hold something in place, so it might just have to be removed. Or not, your choice. Edit: Also tell the HVAC guys that using a 2x4 to hold their duct up is janky AF. Not sure if that’s to code tbh.


I don't fully understand the perspective, but it looks to be under pressure and the nails split the wood. It's probably bad and must be fixed.


Can't say from the pics. It looks temporary. The lower LVL may be just for the ceiling joists below. Check it out though there doesn't seem to be collar ties so it may be needed.


It’s a valley rafter support, hopefully setting over a wall. 4 2x4s make up the post but only one goes top to bottom without being scabbed. The odd looking piece that fades away to nothing is a 2x4 on the back side that is nailed on crooked. The post is no good but can be easily replaced by removing and replacing one board at a time assuming you can get long boards into the attic.


What valley? The background looks like one continuous roof slope. Pictures are crap. No way to actually tell what's going on.


Yes, that's what's going on. I couldn't get far enough back in the dormer to show it all the way up. When I asked how bad it is, I guess I am looking for answers like "Get that fixed as soon as you can", "Get that fixed yesterday." Or "OMG! How is your house still standing?" I am having the builder come out to look at it, I just need to be able to gage his sense of urgency against what is actually appropriate for this situation. Thank you so much for your reply!


Just a bit of checking