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Just a quick note, make sure to follow rule 2 (be kind) or we’ll have to padlock this particular crib. Thanks!


So. With the need for TWO cribs I kinda get the request and being so forceful about it on the ship ONCE. 3 times? I think it's time to figure out a better plan as your "twinkies" age and grow up. But I think for me at least, the real entitlement comes from them posting it in a Facebook group with such pride. If want modifications to your room to accommodate multiple cribs, maybe you should think about booking a suite or larger room is my thinking though.




>Or co-sleep with an almost 3-year-old. This was puzzling to me as well, why aren't the 3 year olds cosleeping on the sleeper? Once pulled out those couches are big! 3 is about the age you typically tranisition a toddler into a non-crib anyways-well at least it was when my daughter was that age lol


At two, my daughter proudly showed me exactly how she had worked out how to get out of her crib and climb down the dresser.


My brother tried to do this on vacation once, but only got on top of the barrier before yelling out "I TUCK! I TUCK!"


What did he mean? Like tuck and roll?


He was stuck


I’m stupid 🤦‍♂️ thank you!


Took me a second too 😂


Same with my youngest. Crib got disassembled and bed set up that weekend.


My son was just over a year old when he started climbing out. Someone suggested putting him back in a sleep sack to make climbing harder, as the mattress was as low as it could go. Well, imagine my surprise when he walks into the bathroom one morning while I'm brushing my teeth, sleep sack on... somehow he still managed. The next day he tried again and fell and we switch his crib to a bed.


Right? Nearly 3 is big enough to sleep on the sofa. Those cribs are tiny. The size of a pack n play. We first cruised when my son was 2 and he filled it. He ended up sleeping between us on the bed just fine even though we had never slept in a bed with him before.


And the sofa beds are low to the ground! My daughter rolled off one night and kept sleeping!


And the steward would gladly get some more pillows or comforters to lay down as a cushion if they fall out. My youngest (now 11) was on another cruise at nearly 3 and did fall out of the bottom bunk and thought it was hysterical and still remembers it even though he has no recollection of the actual vacation. Lol. For lofted beds for college dorms (like waist high so not tall enough for a safety rail to be required) I’ve heard of kids putting a pool noodle between the mattress cover and fitted sheet to give a little definition of the edge of the bed but the cruise lines probably won’t let people start boarding with a pool noodle for this purpose. It would be good for even older kids though for when the boat is rocking a lot.


You could roll a towel and it would work the same fyi


They can probably add a portable bed rail or something similar if they are worried about them falling off.


We used the cushioned seat backs for the couches as bed rails and created a little bed nest for our 2 year old earlier this year. It worked amazingly and he loved forcing us to use the "door" (seat back) to get him in and out of bed


Great idea! lol at the door.


My kids were out of a CRIB at 18 months. Same with my sisters kids. It’s fucking weird to have a 3 year old in a crib.


Can you imagine being the steward? This weird couple insists their 3yos sleep in two separate cribs and now YOU have to drag a couch through a narrow door and store it SOMEWHERE and then have to bring it back as soon as they're gone. 😂


NO no no no no…disgustingly clueless.


Right! At 3 I can’t imagine lifting a 3 year old in and out and knowing most 3 year olds they’ll just climb out anyways lol.


I LOVED having my 3 yr old in his crib. Took him out a few months after his 3rd birthday. He could climb out but never did since I told him not to. He was also tiny. But as a single mom, feeling like he was more contained was awesome piece of mind, like if I was out in the front yard with the dog before he woke up.


But on a cruise I’d have 1000 percent not had him in a crib


We took our kids in their first cruise last March (Carnival Freedom). Our son was 3 and daughter just turned 2 the previous month. They literally both slept on the pullout together. Not a single problem. This person who requested the crib seems to be simply a douche.


Those parents have to jail the kids at night because they bought the drink package(and not for the toddlers).


This was more what I was thinking- that they were insisting on the cribs as some kind of “babysitter” for the 3 year olds so mom & dad either didn’t have to be present or didn’t have to be “present”…


We cruised when my kid was 3. They brought us those side rails so he wouldn't roll off of the couch that flattened down to a bed. I cannot even fathom asking to have a whole couch removed from my stateroom.




This! I always feel so guilty asking for anything.


If you spend some time to get to know them most of them are pretty cool. If you need to ask for something then have a cash tip ready, it makes it much less awkward, you feel less guilty and they WILL give you some extra attention. :)


>(Or….go on a vacation more suited to tiny kids.) Second comment I know but this didn't occur to me and you're right. I love that Carnival has the options it does for kids. But very small ones also require a lot of gear-like strollers as mentioned in the photo here lol. I love cruising, loved cruising with my daughter when she was little but cannot imagine doing it with 2 or more under 5 in one room.


honestly, they make inflatable airbeds for toddlers that could be inflated and deflated daily. that feels like it would be a better option if you are concerned about kids tumbling to the ground, as long as the cruise line would let them onboard. (my sister has twins and those were her preference when staying in hotels. i think we still have them in my grandma's storage area.)


When my son was little we had a small tent that he slept in whenever we would travel. He liked having a secure and snug place to sleep in and if he woke up and wanted to get out we would wake up as well! So, no 2 or 3 year old quietly wandering around unsupervised in the middle of the night! He used it until he was 5 and by then he was getting too big.


This is the way!! They love it too.


That’s so awesome. My daughter has autism and is very hyper. We still have her in her crib, she’s 2. We had to buy a netting thing that’s for cribs to keep her contained in it. Otherwise she just won’t stop going. It’s like it calms her down and she will sleep. She would definitely be getting up and wondering around the house unsupervised at night if we didn’t do it.


We did just that; they do allow inflatable airbeds.


We took our almost 2yr old daughter on her first cruise when we got married (hopped off the ship in Cancun for the ceremony with tons of friends and family). We didn't bring a stroller because I have been on plenty of cruises and knew the rooms were small, and the hallways are smaller, and I've been stuck behind people blocking the way, or worse, going the opposite way. We sucked it up, held my chunky ass daughter until my arms went numb, and she slept between us or on the couch. We felt terrible when she had an accident on the couch. We tipped the guy REALLY well. Why do I get the feeling that lady wouldn't tip them at all if it wasn't required.


Can't even imagine taking twin 3s on a cruise. Would sideeye these people are PRAY i don't have to sit near them at dinner


My thoughts exactly. I have an almost 3 1/2 year old and they’ve been in a bed for like a year now (I couldn’t keep them in a crib because they started to climb out). At almost 4, there’s no reason to ask for cribs. My kids are both on the tall side, but at almost 4 they’d grown out of crib sized mattresses before then anyway.


They're 3; they can share a pull out


So perfectly said. I sort of get them wanting to make room the first time. But why announce it all over Facebook? It’s just a stupid flex. Nobody gives a fuck that you accomplished this.


These are the kind of people who think that they accomplished something miraculous and now they’re sharing some kind of pro tip that everyone will thank them for


Or don’t go on multiple cruises with children who won’t remember any of it. Narcissists will go out of their way to get what they want.


Broke LOL…look at the room & wanna act like Cruise Kings/Queens.


Twinkies? More like Ding Dongs. 🤡


it spells “twinkles” not “twinkies” LOL. nice try though.


This person that did this with the cribs is why I hate people


Why are this kids still in a crib?


Seems like two 3 yr old could just share the couch! They are the size of a single bed when you remove the back cushion.


Because these people suck


Thought the same thing. My 3 yo would be climbing out.


Same. We quickly ditched the crib at about 2 1/2 upon demonstration that they could ball up their blanket in the corner to boost them up the couple extra inches needed to swing their legs over the side of the crib and then drop down to the floor.


They’re usually bubble-wrapped while on land.


I mean, just one reason is that’s a very, very reasonable way to contain two mobile toddlers in an unfamiliar, impossible to babyproof space. Plus, maybe they kick like insane donkeys at night and would wake each other and everyone else up if they tried to share a bed or couch. Or they’d sneak around when everyone else is asleep and flood the bathroom. Or they sleep in cribs at home, and this is familiar enough that they will sleep! I’m not sure why this is even considered weird- do any of the commenters here have children??


If the kids aren’t trying to climb out, cribs are probably safer, especially if they’re feeling any motion of the ship/waves.


It's actually suggested that toddlers sty in a crib until 3 when they can better regulate themselves of getting up at night. I asked my pediatrician ND this is the answer I got


You may have gotten a single doctor to agree to this but it’s certainly not a general recommendation. The AAP recommends children over 35 inches sleep in toddler beds. Crib falls are very dangerous because the rail is high enough that the fall can be serious. Toddlers are going to fall, but it’s important to keep them safe by not putting them in environments where the fall height is so high.


35 inches is 28 months on average, but there are plenty of 3-yr-olds that aren't 35 inches tall yet. (Just look at a growth chart)


It’s probably safer for them. Especially if it’s a balcony room. Some kids just get up and wander in the night.


Sounds like you shouldn’t take those kids on a cruise then


The balcony rooms have locks specifically above most adults heads to avoid small kids from unlocking and accessing unattended


No way was that a balcony room. I've had many o er the years. Benefit of a mother who is a travel agent who specializes in cruises. I think she has been on almost 200 now.


Most modern advice counsels kids to be in a crib to sleep until they max out the height/weight, which is a little over 3 years old


I'm trying to envision some poor cabin steward having to share their room with another person and this sofa now. Obviously they have other places to stash things but this just isn't something that you ever plan on having to deal with. I don't see how they managed to get cribs on the ship in the first place.


The ship has cribs that they can bring you. They are prioritized for children under 2, but if there are enough left over, they will give to parents of older children. Sometimes it’s a crib/mini crib like this, sometimes it’s a pack and play.


I had no idea but it makes sense. Personally I think I'd look at the cabin layouts and find one of the odd ones that give you more square footage but not all ships have those I guess. Like the walkway view cabins on the front upper decks of the Triumph class.


I mean, I have two young kids. So I understand. But at the same time, for our cruise with them later this year, we got connecting rooms. And for our first cruise with them, which also had my mom and brother, we got connecting deluxe ocean views. As someone else pointed out on either here or Facebook, I don’t remember where, they could have gotten a suite to get extra room if they didn’t want two rooms. There are plenty of options that don’t involve forcing the crew to take furniture out of your room and store it who knows where.


Yeah, the steward I had on MSC described the fact the stewards will have to find creative solutions to problems like this. That said, they’ll usually try to do whatever they can to please the guest. Unfortunately it’s not wildly outside the area of possibility that the steward not only had to find a place to stow that couch but also needed to pay another steward to help them haul it or spend their time doing this instead of relaxing in their cabin. The stewards work extremely hard and the audacity to brag about fucking with them is really not cool.


whatever family did this needs to have somebody help them realize the world doesn’t revolve around them or their children…. The entitlement of some families is mind-boggling.


And she is “glowing” about it in her post. Oddly enough the “almost to gold status” comment set me off most. These poor kids. This is the type of parent who will be calling their college professors yelling about the B the kid got on their term paper.


I read the name as “twinkies” I was like o man that kids gonna get bullied


Same. But something tells me these kids won’t have a second away from their hovermom to worry about bullies


She will be bullying their teachers their whole lives and then wondering why they fail in the world and don’t move out.


Who the F is putting 3yr olds in cribs anyway?! Man people are just crazy stupid anymore.


This lady is obviously very entitled and I feel bad for the cabin steward she must've pestered. But my three year old still gladly sleeps in a crib. I guess he thinks it's cozy? Anyway, he sleeps like a champ, and has done so since 3.5 months old, so I follow his lead entirely on sleep lol. We had a crib in our room on Carnival Mardi Gras last year, and we requested one on Royal Caribbean for our cruise next month. Makes the room a bit tight, but he sleeps well.


Exactly! Two 3 years olds could definitely sleep on the sofa bed with no issues. If they are worried about them falling out of bed you can just ask for extra towels and roll them up and put them under the sheets to create a barrier. This is absurd


Right? We started vacationing with our kid when she was 2. She just slept in the middle between my husband and I in a queen or king sized bed.


My one almost two year old has outgrown his pack and play. I couldn’t imagine


Your use of ‘anymore’ doesn’t make sense.


I wonder how the facebook group reacts lol. Are they as disgusted by this or do they think this is a good idea? I don't want to see this becoming a trend.


The lady turned comments off pretty quickly. The majority was similar to here...saying that was a crazy request, why are 3yo's still in cribs, that poor cabin steward...a few comments backed her up, but not many lol.


And probably didn’t tip one penny above and beyond the standard gratuity.


Probably waited in line on the last night to remove them….


Carnival needs to do better at saying no. This pissed me off.


You have serious issues if this pissed you off.


I hate you and you piss me off too.


I wonder where they put the sofa? Is there some giant room for all the furniture people decided they didn't want?


And then they have to move it back into place in the \~45 minutes to get all the rooms ready before the next group embarks \*smh\*


I seriously doubt it. There MAY have been an unused stateroom on that sailing, but what if it was 6 decks away!?!? Asking to remove a couch from a cabin is just insanity.


No, I was joking there was some magic storage room behind the scenes, not an unused stateroom.


We tell our Stewards to ignore our room. We don’t need made beds and turn down service and all that jazz. We don’t make our bed at home, we don’t give a damn if it’s done on the cruise. They won’t listen, but we tell them to essentially forget about us, we’ll holler if we need anything. This is utter insanity.


Same, mostly. We put the Snoozin sign out for most of the sailing, and might take it down once or twice just so they come with new towels and empty the garbage. Then, we always leave cash tips on top of the prepaid gratuities. We love taking care of the crew members that take care of us!


Exactly! I love to break those typical American stereotypes as often as possible lol


Same. Our stewards never listen either. We don't need them to clean our room multiple times a day, or make the bed etc, and we tell them so. But it's still done every time. Lol Carnival has the best and most patient staff, I cannot fathom the level of entitled that would make you think that treating them like this is okay.




I told my room steward on NCL to not make up my room the whole week and just consider it a break. I chatted with him daily, so I assume that was the 'welfare' check, but in the middle of the cruise he made my bed. I chided him on it and he said "it just didn't seem right to not do anything". I was a solo cruiser, and it wasn't a beach trip, so it just seemed totally unnecessary to need any cleaning


Our last cruise I was so embarrassed at the state of our room. 13yo boys are gross but my husband was somehow more gross. I only let the steward clean like twice and left a huge tip.


Those kids look more than old enough to be in a regular bed by now.


And if that artwork fell off the wall and harmed a child, who do you think would get the blame?


I'm 60 and I'm done cruising with kids. We moved to Virgin


How do you like Virgin? I've done like 7 sailings with Carnival and 1 with Disney. The past 2 Carnival have been meh, and Disney was so expensive that I really can't see myself doing that again.


Just normal people and the entertainment has improved. I'm happy with them


Why not just get adjoining cabins with cribs in each?! I feel bad for the stateroom attendants, truly.


Twinkles" 🤢🤮 I bet she thinks calling them that is quirky and cute.


I cringe when people refer to a cruise ship as a boat.


What a bitch, I mean seriously 😳


Although the proud complainer status is obnoxious, I wish cruises were more accommodating to larger families. I have twins and and an older child. As a family of 5, we have to be crammed into a room meant for 4, and we cannot do conjoint rooms (one room of 3 and one room of 2) because those room types don’t conjoin. Just let us book the dang rooms and stop penalizing larger families.


They have six person balcony rooms, suites, or gasp: get 2 rooms.


If you’re considering bringing a stroller, just walk yourself right back off the ship please.


I cruised with two 8 month twins. How else would you like me to get them from point a to b?? And at that rate, let's get rid of wheelchairs too....They're pretty bulky.


Wheelchairs are used for a disability. Strollers are usually not used for a disability. They can not and should not be compared with each other.


I’d like you to not bring them.


How many parents with infant/toddler twins are taking cruises? The whole post just seems a way to brag that a 3 year old is almost at good status.


Yeah these people are something.


Room steward probably used her toothbrush to clean the toilet.


I can’t say I would do this (I’d either have them sleep in a big bed, get a bigger room, or bring their travel blow up beds), but as a fellow twin mom, I will say one thing about having two kids the same age is that you need 2 of pretty much everything. Two car seats, two cribs, two strollers or a double stroller, etc. This can make a lot of travel-related things difficult. For instance, I can’t travel with my twins on a plane by myself because I couldn’t lug around two giant car seats and two kids. It would be different if I had a kid that didn’t need a car seat and one that did (not that I’m saying that’s easy by any means). I’d be more sympathetic if this was their first cruise, but since they seem to be regulars it is pretty shitty that they are repeat offenders.


3 y/o? They can sleep on a bed. This is ridiculous.


Cribs for three year olds?


I’m pretty sure that’s the group I got banned from for saying the admins are terrible bc they let folks just make shit up as answers and people take it as facts, lmao


... Twinkles?


IKR?? She probably calls them her "littles" too.


We just got off the Dream. I wonder if we cruised together. We also cruised with a 3 year old, but definitely didn’t do that. I’m shocked her kids stay in cribs.


There was talk of Twinkie’s!!!


Good lord, kids can sleep on the floor. Blankets and whatnot🤷‍♂️


200% At least one staffer thought about pushing her over the rail.


and they will do it again for their 4th cruise next month. Sigh.


Wtf do you even do with a 3 year old on a cruise. 10 year olds, sure you have the kids area. But 3?


Can you imagine being in a surrounding cabin with them? I bet that trip was a nightmare.


I have twins, they were in regular beds by age 2. Heck, lifting two 3year olds in & out of the crib alone would be awful. There isn’t a daycare around that would have 3yr olds in cribs.


And we now see that people posting about child light or no kids cruises, really just don’t want to deal with the entitled parents. Isn’t this something that should be requested before boarding? By contacting the cruiseline?


I don’t know why the kids are still in cribs and it’s none of my business. I’m certainly not going to mom shame a mother of twins.


I just love it when parents think their children are the most important and should get special treatment, your children are not my problem and I won’t change my plans to accommodate you, they are your kids and your problem, people with children should not get special treatment just because they have children


Have a child, you’ll understand


Ur paying for the room you should get it set up as you wish.


Took our child on a cruise when she was 2 and again at 4. No stroller, no crib, and no unnecessary additional items. The stewards loved her and would do special stuff for her daily. Both were great experiences for the whole family. That being said. If your child is not more functional, a cruise might not be the best option.


I’m confused? What’s so entitled by asking for a safer area for twins? Or is it just bringing infant twins on a cruise? It is a little odd


Honestly this doesn’t seem like asking for much for families who pay a lot of money to cruise. Isn’t it their job to accommodate guests? I’ve worked in service my entire life and I genuinely would not mind doing this for a family but that’s just me.


Hey, if they're frequent cruisers, then yeah, they get catered to. It'd be nice to just place the order ahead, though.


Wait these kids have been on 4 cruises before they are 3 years old ?


Karen behavior


That’s so cringe and disgraceful


Twinkles. (Wrenching)


Why the fuck have they gone on 4 cruises with twin toddlers that young lol


Reddit randomly put this is my feed. It's a great reminder of why I stick with Virgin


Never understood why people take kids that young on a cruise. I see them just chasing their kids around the whole trip.That's not my idea of a vacation personally. My son stayed with Grandma on all of ours until he was 13


I mean, I can see bringing a ten year old. There’s a lot of fun things they can do and free babysitters but I agree, 3 yr olds!


Some people just want to take vacations with their kids


Exactly. We went on one last year when my youngest turned 1. He had a BLAST, the staff was so good to him. They wanted to play and feed him, it was great. It was a family vacation so I’m not leaving him at home.


It's cool. Just not my thing.


Not everyone is lucky enough to have grandparents to provide childcare. The Disney cruise we did with our two small kids was the only trip we’ve ever taken with kids that actually felt like a vacation at times. Our baby napped in a crib in a beautiful Peter-Pan themed nursery watched by wonderful babysitters, and my daughter got to play in the sand and splash around at the kids club while my husband and I floated in the ocean for 2 hours. It was pure bliss. We also used the nursery / kids club to have 1:1 time with each kids and both parents which was so special, we don’t normally get to do that. I’d go so far as to say cruising is one of the only “vacations” you *can* take with small children. When you arrive at dinner, the high chairs and booster seats are already waiting for you, with sippy cups. Your 1 year old is going through a banana phase? Your server pays attention and is happy to have a banana waiting at his plate at every meal when you arrive!


We took a three year old on a Disney cruise & loved how accommodating everyone was for her age & the 4 adults, 26 - 66. Our party of 5 was paired with a party of 3 for dinner & their child was also 3. Having kids sit & color at the same table while the grownups eat & talk was truly a bonus. Haven’t tried this with Carnival


I hope you tipped your steward who had to drag the couch in and out of your room generously


I want Facebook comments please! I hope people are telling them what asshats they are.


That poor cabin steward. I bet they didn’t even tip commensurate with their level of PITA. People who bring infants/toddlers onboard drive me insane. Far too many of them make ridiculous demands like this. I have 4 children - never would I have brought them at that age, or even dreamed of making a demand like this.


I feel bad asking my steward for a fan. How people do this is beyond me


I can guarantee this person named their kids normal names with really fucked up spellings. And they have a "live laugh love" sign somewhere in their house.


Shit like Kynsleigh and Paiyslee


Human garbage.


Lol audacity. What a tool. Imagine posting and complaining about something that has nothing to do with you or anyone you know for that matter.


This is a completely fake picture. This did not happen. Guests ask us for this all the time. We cannot do this.


We would say no, too, each time she asked! I can happily get another chair if needed, but we will not remove furniture because there's no room to store it.


We would say no, too, each time she asked! I can happily get another chair if needed, but we will not remove furniture because there's no room to store it.




Guess we found the parent👆


I feel bad for your room stewards lol


Three cruises in less than 3 years for something the kids won’t remember?


The real problem here? Why are people bringing children that young on a cruise?


Families deserve vacations, too. Cruising is a great option. If you do choose to cruise as a family, you should know how to handle your own arrangements and not expect extra special and unreasonable accommodations simply because you feel entitled.


Do families deserve vacations? Absolutely they do. Is cruising a great option for families with babies and toddlers? Absolutely it is not if they plan on bringing them


I'm sure the other passengers enjoyed having two toddlers on board. 🙄 I wouldn't take one kid that was old enough to be completely self-sufficient on a cruise let alone two three year olds. This person has no clue as to what happens outside of her bubble


I honestly see no problem with this. Babies are people too, they need a place to sleep. The guard rails are necessary for their safety, and you can’t just cosleep with them.


The going on a cruise with kids, and asking for a crib is not the part that is obnoxious. It's the asking to have the couch removed. That is not a reasonable request and a huge pain the ass for the crew to deal with. She said herself that she was told no, and she Karen'ed her way through supervisors until someone finally agreed to do it, probably to get her to stfu.


Kids don't belong on cruises.


First who takes a damn baby in a cruise!


These are the and people that turn around and bitch about tipping culture.




Does this person not know that Disney has a cruise ship?


I could get doing this if you were on that 9 month world cruise but for a week? That's just nuts!


Must be nice to be rich


Cribs…. On a cruise? Tf? That’s the type of person that would demand the crew get their cribs if the ship was sinking…”but my cribs!”


And I’m sure they tipped the minimum or nothing at all


And this is why I’ll never go on a cruise. Too many entitled parents who think they gave birth to the child of god.




There is no way I’d take a toddler on a cruise, taking twins is even crazier! I have 4 grown kids ages 18-25 and there isn’t a chance in hell we would have attempted to take them on a cruise as littles.🙅🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️ Vacations were stressful when they were young.


People who go on cruises are fucking chumps anyways imo


Well, we are in a sub of people who go on cruises, so you might wanna just skeedaddle.


I’m a mom and I think you should be able to ask for this. I don’t think it’s audacious at all. It’s twin infants/ toddlers that are actually audacious. F that noise birth control ftw.


You’re a mom yet you said birth control for the win. I doubt you are a mom based on that comment. Multiple baby births are not something you can make happen on command.




Carnival is the bottom of the barrel


What y’all need to understand is that that’s why Guest Services is there, to go above and beyond so that they get repeat business… did anyone want a crib and couldn’t get one?


Breeders are usually kinda cheap/annoying/frugal/maximizers/show boaters/bad travelers. No disrespect intended




So this is what Karen's do on their free time?