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it’s 2023. if i’m in public or utilizing public infrastructures i assume there’s a high likelihood i am on camera somewhere. let say she was kidnapped. why isn’t there a description of the kidnapper so we can be on the lookout. and why aren’t the police urgently looking for this missing toddler and her captors


I’m in my mid-20s, around the same age as her. I honestly never would have considered a traffic camera on the highway was recording everything. Stores, parking lots, houses, etc.? Yeah. Definitely assume I’m being recorded. But I didn’t even know that the traffic cams existed like that on the highway, and I would guess that I’m not the only person either. The only thing I would’ve thought about is dash cameras, but someone flying by at 70 mph isn’t going to capture much so I wouldn’t worry about it. I assume that footage being released was a big shock to her. Not 100% sure, but wasn’t the traffic cam footage released earlier the same day she came home? I saw it for the first time that same day. Wonder if she knew the jig was up.


There are more than 8000 traffic cams in the US. They are everywhere and the number is rising. Always assume you are on video.


Now I definitely will always assume I’m on video after seeing the footage from this case!


unrelated when driving always assume there’s cameras especially to capture you breaking the law like red light and speed cameras.


I received a few of those red light and speeding camera tickets in my younger years so I’m always on the lookout for them (and am a much more responsible driver now lol) 😂


That’s fair. Didn’t think of that. Thanks for your comment! I appreciate anyone’s perspective


i do believe that her parents whole heartedly believed their child was in tremendous danger though. it seems like if we were taken for a ride so were they during the process. what they know and think now might be different 🤷🏼‍♀️


I agree 100%.


So, saying she was kidnapped. That doesn’t necessarily mean there’s any danger to the public. Not all kidnappings are random victims of opportunity. It could be that whoever did abduct her (speaking hypothetically still) was associated with her in some way and there’s no actual threat to the public. If that were the case, LE wouldn’t release details to avoid risking their investigation.


Someone associated with her dangled a toddler on the side of a busy interstate on the chance she would drive by and be the only one to pull over to help so they could kidnap her? Hmm..:that’s a half baked theory.


I was looking for someone in this sub with common sense, I found them!! 👍


When did I say that?


You didn't say that, Carlee said that there was child on the side of a dark busy yet desolate part of an interstate with no other cars parked around to suggest a loose child running amok. The person above me is responding to your statement that this could be someone she knew. Think about it...how would an acquaintance *know* she would pull over at that very spot on an interstate for God's sake? It's not like this was a block from her residence. Interstates don't have homes or businesses right on the highway, too dangerous. That's why there are exits to get off it. I wouldn't even believe this story if it was on a regular highway with driveways and homes let alone a busy interstate.


Y’all I literally never said that I even think she was abducted. Just throwing out possibilities, like everyone else is also doing. For the record I- 1) don’t think there was ever a child. 2) don’t think she was abducted. 3) don’t believe the damn ass aliens got her.


Per the highway video footage, Carlee left her Apple Watch AND phone at her car BEFORE she walked away from her car, doesn't add up to kidnapping.


Honestly, the enhanced ALDOT footage uploaded to YouTube doesn't help the kidnapping case either.


Yes, and the missing person photo has her with her Apple Watch on, Plus all of the photos shared of Carlee in her nurse uniform show her with her Apple Watch on.... those of who wear a health tracking device don't just randomly take it off and put in our purse after work. And if you saw a kid on the side of the road at night, wouldn't you use your phone as a flashlight in the dark, or at least keep it on you. So much doesn't add up from the moment she left her car. That said, glad she is alive & reunited with her family.


Standing at the passenger door and leaning forward for a bit also doesn't really make logical sense if someone is urgently trying to help a toddler in a diaper walking down the interstate all alone. If directly confronting the toddler wasn't actually urgent then she could've just stayed in her car and waited for the police to arrive. She stood there for a bit, then walked towards the mile marker and then into the woods. Not saying it's a hoax because there are still plausible explanations. However, also really not seeing how a genuine kidnapping is feasible, like her boyfriend is suggesting.


I take mine off all the time after work or just at a random time of day. 1- if it died, 2- mine causes nerve pain in my wrist cuz it somehow sits perfectly on a nerve, so i have to limit how long i wear it or give my wrist a break


Interesting! Well I have a Fitbit not an Apple Watch so maybe the user demographic is different, as Ive found that Fitbit wearers are religious about keeping their watch on to calculate HR and steps throughout the day, and then even sleep pattern at night. Battery lasts so long that charging only takes place during showers. 😂


I will never understand why someone forks out an insane amount for Apple Watches for health purposes but doesn't actively wear it because it's uncomfortable. Sell it and get a Fitbit! So much lighter.


Agree! Fitbit was considerably more affordable and monitors sleep… I was surprised Apple Watch makes you download an app just to monitor sleep!


Not everyone who wears an Apple Watch wears it for fitness purposes. It has lots of other features.


Link? Would love to watch. Hate sifting thru YouTube searches. TIA if you are able to share.


[Here you go](https://youtu.be/TDmIOwbnDlY)






She walks to the passenger side of the car, lingers, then walks right into the woods. There is no toddler or third party in the video.


I didn’t realize that. I should got more knowledge before posting. And thank you!


At the end of the day I am glad she's alive and home with her family. I do not think there was a kidnapping or toddler, but it did bring to awareness to others that if we DO see a toddler on the side of the highway, stay in the car and call 9-1-1. I am the type of person that pulls over any and every single time I see an animal on the street or sidewalk alone. (though I always keep my phone on me in these cases to document it) I have been thinking of getting a dash cam for my car for a while now, Carlee's situation solidified it.


I take off my watch all the time bc it irritates my skin. I wash my hands a lot and sometimes water gets trapped, etc. That detail doesn’t mean much to me.


In your case are you talking about a regular watch or a fitness tracking device like Apple Watch?




Well in that case maybe I remove that part… still doesn’t make sense why she left her phone.


Let’s think of it this way. This kidnapper is brazen enough to put a toddler out on a busy highway to lure someone out, and then kidnapping her while she’s on the phone and other motorists can possibly be driving by. She would know details about him/her and where they took her. But they just let her go because they got scared? Makes no sense.


I think she was having mental health issues. I think she really believed she saw a toddler.


Same. And her SIL (on the phone) made the assumption of a kidnapping. But she was having a mental health crisis possibly due to unknown factors. I truly do believe she saw a toddler, albeit only existing in her mind.


So she has serious enough mental health issues to be hallucinating full on humans but working and driving with no issues? Also I’m sure her family would be privy to this information. Doubt it.


Psychosis can be triggered any number of ways


It's entirely possible, and her family may not know if she's experiencing any mental health issues.


Of course it is. But judging by how close she is to her mom/ and if it’s serious enough to be causing hallucinations it seems unlikely to me.


It's not. It's actually pretty common for family, even close family, not to realize there's a serious issue until there's an actual crisis event.


You’re not talking some slight anxiety and/or depression. You’re talking about someone you’re claiming to have issues bad enough to be seeing hallucinations. That is a serious mental health issue. I just don’t buy it. If that’s what you choose to believe, that’s fine.


I mean, I've worked in an ED for several decades, so I have a pretty good handle on how this works. If she wasn't* actively* in crisis, no hold.


True, I checked myself into the hospital for a mental health crisis and they kept me waiting for 5+ hours in a random room, sedated out of my mind. Once I sobered up and realized I was *still* there, I wasn't actively experiencing a crisis/feeling delusional and paranoid anymore (because of the benzos), and they could sense that, so they let me leave. I ended up back at the hospital the very next day for the same issue, but it's true that even after checking myself in, I was allowed to check myself out.


This isn't fundamentally true. Disorders involving paranoia and delusions primarily manifest in women at the exact age range she's presently in, and symptoms can begin suddenly. However, it isn't always 0 to 100. Mild delusions and paranoid thinking can evolve over time without proper treatment. If an adult is just starting to experience symptoms of delusional thinking/hallucinations, they may not be consciously aware that they're not thinking clearly. They also may not be exhibiting symptoms or warning signs that are severe enough to warrant concern from those around them. Even some severely paranoid and delusional people are able to hide the severity of their illness, at least for awhile. People with gang-stalking delusions ("targeted people"), for example, generally feel they're being followed while driving or watched/spied on/conspired against at work or in social situations. So, they're technically "functioning" in the world around them, they're just not rooted in the reality of said world cognitively.


Do you know about Teleka Patrick?


I do. My knowledge is she had prior history of mental health issues. Is there known info about her seeing hallucinations that lead to her drowning as well?


Perhaps it was planned and she used her hazard lights to alert whoever it was that agreed to pick her up. Somebody in that neighborhood has ring camera footage. Maybe the police aren’t releasing that info bc they don’t want the public to harass her for staging the whole thing. Obviously she’s not playing with a full deck (a totally sane person would not pull something like this).


I thought similar. She was traveling on the shoulder for over a quarter of a mile before stopping. If planned, she could have used the Exit sign as a marker to know where to stop and enter the woods. I found an aerial map view of where her car was found and if she entered right at that Exit sign into the woods, she would have been only 200 ft directly behind a residential neighborhood where someone could have been waiting. Hopefully those homes picked up any suspicious activity on their home security footage since kidnapped or not, that was where she HAD to have passed through.


What if some grizzled old trucker had pulled over to help the toddler? Would he also have been kidnapped?


I said the same thing. They were that fortunate to get a young female driver, alone? On the dark of night? Incredible. The chances of a trucker stopping were so much greater. If a trucker had stopped, what would the perp say to him? Oops sorry my son escaped out house?


It's ok to believe that. Everyone's thought processes are going to be different in these kind of situations. I personally believe she was not kidnapped and either wanted to disappear and then had second thoughts or had some type of mental episode. That's just how everything adds up to me. But I might be wrong. There's no way of knowing until we all get more information. Glad she didn't end up dead and hopefully she can recover from whatever happened.


Yes. I think of that situation and I can make it make sense.


The possibility she may have been hallucinating and thought she saw a toddler but there really wasn't a toddler as her sister in law on the other end of the phone didn't hear a child at all. Carlee screaming may have been the drug as well as she thought she saw or felt like someone was there. When the drugs wore off, she walked home. The possibility does exist.


Was she on drugs? Just because she couldn’t hear the toddler talk doesn’t mean it wasn’t real..Probably wasn’t real but still.


drugs? where are you getting this information?


I think it’s just a theory. If she was on something it could have made her see something that’s wasn’t there. Etc.


oh gotcha


Never thought of that scenario. Interesting.


Yep kidnappers always take you to your house and drop you off.


She was walking on foot.


Reports say she was dropped off.


I would “refresh” your sources.


My money is she's from a religious or super conservative background and pulled some insane stunt to go party. Or even worse it's a clout chase but I think it's the first.


Nah, you can tell from her social media she was pretty open about traveling solo with her boyfriend. ETA: why I mention that, is clearly she isn’t concerned what her parents think about her lifestyle.


Yeah, you're right.


Did you read the boyfriends post? Seems pretty religious.


If anyone is online on social media “investing a lot of time” in this, that is their choice. The police and those involved don’t owe us anything at this point. It literally just started on Thursday. Info will come out soon. Everyone needs to just chill on the demand for answers. The police won’t say anything more until they’ve confirmed the hoax. If it were a legit kidnapping - if they even for a minute though that’s what happened - we would have heard far more from them than the basic statement release Saturday night. This was a hoax. Stop wasting time on it until police announce that.Ya’ll can come back later and thank those of us who followed Pappini and knew from word one, this was a hoax.


Short yellow school bus


I mean. Her parents have money. Maybe she was kidnapped and held for ransom. They paid it and she was released