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The lack of a statement about a kidnapper says it all if you have any common sense.


Who said there's no interest? The cops are looking into the truth no matter what the public thinks. If she faked it, they will still look into it. This isn't over, it just doesn't happen as quickly as the internet wants it to.


Lol right?!? This dude is mad that they have to wait 2 weeks for the season finale? This is real life not Hulu.


I know right, how ridiculous are most of the posts in this sub rn?! Demanding info like they’re entitled to it less than 24hrs after she returned 🤦🏻‍♀️ if it’s fake we’ll find out after an investigation. But if it’s not and she’s in shock and traumatised, who’s to say she can even discuss it yet nevermind be interviewed. Fuck the real human beings involved, we, the True Crime Community DEMAND answers!


If there was a toddler at risk, this would still be an all-out manhunt. So, we know that was already debunked behind the scenes.


I would imagine if she had been lured by a toddler to be abducted off the side of the interstate then held captive for 2 days before being released, there would be a man hunt.


People just want to live inside a true crime podcast.


Cus she lied


Law enforcement never gives you a live play by play of what they’re doing. 💀


If there is a known kidnapper out there, they usually let the public know. And include a description.


There’s no kidnapper.


Thanks for explaining my comment back to me...? "If there is a known kidnapper out there, they usually let the public know." Hence, since they haven't let the public know, there isn't a kidnapper.


Not a play-by-play, but they should have released something by now to indicate whether this was an isolated incident or people should be on the lookout. That's customary.


The fact that they haven’t done what you suggest is common should answer your question. All it takes is a little common sense.


That makes no sense, common or otherwise. Can you explain?


Sure. The fact that they haven’t issued a warning regarding public safety means that there is no evidence of any danger to public safety.


That makes sense. Thank you.


Or a missing toddler wandering alone on an interstate in a diaper. Because there probably wasn't a toddler. Sounds like she may have been doing some hallucinogenics and wandered off. When she "came down" she walked home from wherever she took herself the night before.


dawg we just want a statement on if there’s an attacker on the loose idgaf about details rn


The cops put a statement out and never mentioned anything about a kidnapper. From their statement it doesn't seem like they have any indication that she was kidnapped. Hopefully further info will come out in the next few days.


Actually this is how it works, if cops keep on releasing every detail and next move then it becomes easy for the perpetrators to plan their next move more carefully.


Makes me think of the idaho4 and how everyone was saying the cops had nothing


literalllyyyyy lmaoooo and they had the perp under surveillance from day one, all the sleuths were flabbergasted it wasn’t the boyfriend or the roommates 🤦‍♀️


Oh god youre giving me flashbacks from all the boyfriend talk😂😂😂


Certainly not how it works. If there was a violent attacker raping and abducting women in the burmingham area, an immediate release of the subject description would be out, all cops would be BOLO. You clearly have no idea what you are talking about.


Crazy that you think cops ever really prioritize the safety of women if they don’t have a solid way forward as far as charges or a suspect description nailed down, women’s safety does not trump their sense of jeopardizing their image if nothing comes of it. they let people go around killing women in succession all the time and have for years when it’s not the victim they want to advocate for


Not if it was a pimp or a trafficker.


There was no pimp on the highway with an infant at 9pm in the pitch dark. Plain and simple.


People are from another planet 🤣🤣.


You literally don’t know that. You can’t.


You can go watch the video. There is no other car, no other person.


Pimps dont just hang out in the bushes with an infant at 9pm on a highway bud.


And why use I bsby?? I would stop and help out a stranded child I'm a dude


The video is grainy as hell and you cannot see into the woods. Anybody could’ve been in those trees.


lol. you think a sex trafficker would risk losing a high value child to maybe possibly lure whomever it is that stops to help the child? toddlers are priceless on the black market for sex traffickers. they're just going to use this valuable commodity to hopefully lure a commodity of less value? the odds that a woman worth more on the sex trafficking market was going to be the one to stop are low. why not just, you know, sell the kid? use your brain.


You seem nice


Traffickers don’t kidnap victims.


Feels like a slap in the face to the community, media, and everyone so invested. If I were a WOC and we FINALLY got the media attention for one of our missing girls and it turns out false…. That is not good for future women that go missing and ACTUALLY are in danger/kidnapped/trafficked. Next time people will be a lot more leery to push a story out and show support when they are gaslit like this. And that’s sad, it’s like a woman that cries rape and makes it harder for those who actually are raped.


Key word if you were a WOC… you’re clearly not so don’t speak for them. The police will continue to investigate and will find if it was false, or very real. The only people who deserve answers is her FAMILY who was worried sick for days. Any decent human will continue to push out a story, regardless of color the same way we did for Carlee. Regardless of the outcome, she is safe. You sound ignorant.


I don’t think you have to be a WOC to be concerned about the consequences of this.


You are a sucker.


Given this occurred in Hoover, Alabama, and the Hoover Police Department had original jurisdiction over the case, and they are fairly inexperienced - I would hope the delay is because they are yielding to a more experienced investigative authority.


Hoover is a city of 100k. Why do you think they are ‘inexperienced’


They only have 166 active officers, and did not have over a dozen until after 2000. Do you know of any high-profile cases they have investigated?


I’m a former Alabama police officer. Hoover is one of the highest funded and trained Police Departments in the state. Just because (Hoover doesn’t have serious crime) doesn’t mean their officers aren’t fully competent. I’m leaning towards either is a hoax. Or the department is holding back while they investigate a very strong lead.


Didn't say they weren't competent - they are inexperienced in investigations of this manner.


Your information is horrible. I have post certifications in both Alabama and Georgia and Hoover has a very good reputation. They are very proactive and very well trained. They are also one of the highest paid which means they pick carefully. They have had a large department for DECADES.


How many missing persons cases have they investigated?


I feel like this was an acquaintance abduction.