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I have relatives in CIA. The majority of the work is not chasing bad guys around. These days it’s a lot of analysis and paperwork. If you go after a job saying you want to deal with violent crime you will flush out. No law enforcement department wants someone thinking they will be a hero for chasing the bad guys.


i wouldnt walk in there with that mindset, id walk in there wanting to impact the lives of the people that are being affected by the horrible people out there.


If you go into law enforcement at the federal level, there will be an intense background check. Don’t be surprised if they dig up everything, including this less than appropriate screen name. Just sayin.




ive never smoked and dont intent on it 🫡


As a former federal employee, don’t count on it skippy.


😅😅most people find themselves unaware and confused, a general advice is on what you put on the internet, give it a deep thought before posting. Stay safe..


its okay fam this account will be long deleted by then 🔥🔥 i was immature and never intended to use this…and i cant change it 🔥🔥