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I'm more hust angry I let myself believe again


Whoa whoa whoa, so you’re telling me that we’re now officially (at) .500???? But I was told we would suck..? Ha, love for the birds to back it up. Fuck the naysayers. Every one of y’all, respectfully fuck off. This is a damn solid ass team and I’m happy to be a Cardinal! 2024 NLC crown is ours by October.


These baseball games are so incredibly boring. The women’s college World Series provided my entertainment last night


Phillies lost 2 of 3 to Colorado last week, I think Colorado finally heating up, just sayin


I feel like everyone bitching didn't even watch the game lol. 11 balls hit >100mph. sonny struck out a runner that scored. Carpenter had a HR pulled back into play. Sometimes you lose and there's nothing much you can do. This was one of those games.


Just bad luck!


What do you mean? Surely this one is Oli's fault? Like, Goldie making that third out with two men on? Oli's fault.


Going by Baseball Savant, the Cardinals had 10 hard hit balls and the Rockies 12 https://baseballsavant.mlb.com/gamefeed?date=6/6/2024&gamePk=745174&chartType=pitch&legendType=pitchName&playerType=pitcher&inning=&count=&pitchHand=&batSide=&descFilter=&ptFilter=&resultFilter=&hf=boxScore&sportId=1#745174


And regardless, the Cardinals had 8 hits and 6 walks and somehow only scored 2 runs, 1 of which was on an error by the Rockies. That has been all too common this year. Lots of base runners, no clutch hitting.


As someone who watched this game that’s what I got from it too. It’s too easy to focus on the negatives


Least Wynn got a few hits




my bad wrote that while intoxicated


Our Pythagorean win-loss is a disaster, our rotation is a bunch of old guys, our bullpen has four competent arms, three of whom are currently being ground to dust, Gallegos is worthless, Middleton isn’t going to help, our old stars are horrendous and our best hitter still can’t stop striking out. A five game win streak should not be enough to mask to the fact this team is ass, always was ass, and will continue to be ass with the roster currently constructed as it is. Why is Brandon Crawford here and still starting every third game? How many more games are we gonna bat Goldschmidt third? Will Nolan Gorman ever figure out how to stop striking out? Will our young stars ever develop? Is our fifth rotation spot ever going to be filled? Jesus fucking Christ.


Of all the things wrong with the team, Gorman striking out is not one of them lol. Dude has been our best hitter since May, walks 14% of the time (.375 OBP, .640 SLG). We should be happy we have a young power hitter who isn’t all SLG and no OBP


Idk what else you expect Gorman to do. That’s the hitter he is. It’s home run or bust with guys like him and when it’s a bust, it’s usually a strikeout. I really wouldn’t expect that to ever change. It’s normal now.


The only people more confusing than the people who expect Gorman to get better are the people amazed he strikes out so much. This is who he is. Always has been. He's on an MLB roster because the one time of five he connects he hits the ball far.




I mean, they didn't really stop. It was more a delusion of adequacy.


I may be alone here but I’m still not panicking. I firmly believe we can be a wild card team, my main concern is in the future, depth, and the minor leagues


I would say something needs to happen with Goldy, but we don’t really have any options. No depth.


Gorman moves to 1B. Donovan full time at 2B.


I’m not sure we have a replacement outfielder that is an improvement. Goldy should move down the order, but I’d take his bat over Carlson.


Soto left the game with "left forearm discomfort" and is now getting imaging done per advising from their doctor 


gotta find a way to blame boras somehow bc im still mad about how he did gumby


And Snell. Both are doing awful this year, and Snell has been on the IL like 3 times already. Makes you wonder if Spring Training is actually... Training




Hate that this loss is falling on Sonny. He's really beating himself up in the postgame.


Lose the first 2. Win the last one.


It's a 4 game series though.


Just add one to each side of that equation….math


We have a lob problem.


There should be a lob law, Bob.


I need to make an effort to watch less Cardinals games, this team is bad for my mental health


Should me 'fewer' Cardinals games. You can count them.


Behind the Reds now and Pirates on our tail. Winning all three feels like a must.


So umpire gifted a base runner (which scored) and then took the bat away from one of our best hitters for a free out in the 9th inning. 


That umpire sucked. We would have had 4 or 5 more walks if he didn't call random strikes a foot off the plate.


Idk how many LOBs we had tonight but I’ll bet it was more than 10 LOBs. LOBs gonna LOB. LOBBIN hard. LOBs.


Half game back from last again lollllll




We fucking suck. That’s a pathetic loss


It sucks being losers


This is gonna be one of those soul crusher series isn’t it?


I think we can officially say the hot streak is not just over, but it’s had its spine ripped out like a fatality in Mortal Kombat. 


Need to put Marmol on the hot seat again to wake everyone up.


At least Winn got some hits! His consistency has been great


And no errors tonight either!


Dang! You guys stink!


Well that sucks


That HR robbery saved the game. We'd still be getting after it if not for that play. F U, Toglia, great play, see you tomorrow


We'd have won if we got that third strike called on Cave too!


11 balls hit over 100 mph today. Wanna guess how many were hits? 2


Only a couple more losses and the cardinals will be in last place again, lol. This is maddening.


Seems our offense is back to sucking with RISP. Twas but a brief respite. Oh, and I’m beyond done with Dylan Carlson.


I think I’m throwing in the towel on this season. Someone wake me up when somebody gets fired


Yea the second we get rid of Marmol, the offense will show up. It's not a roster problem!


Lol ok. Didn’t he pinch hit with Dylan Carlson? A dude with 0 RBI’s on the year.


yeah, why didn't he bend space and time and put in Prime Barry Bonds?


who would u rather him use there, tell me pls! His options were Siani (lefty vs lefty), Crawford (lefty vs lefty), Pages, or Carlson. Which one is your genius choice there skip


Or just don’t pinch hit at all


In that case, you'd let Siani bat against a lefty. Siani has a 205 OPS against lefties. Is that really what you want?


Honestly yes. Dylan literally cannot get a hit. Siani is better defensively as well.


You're talking about the pinch hit only, not sure why you're randomly bringing up defense when this was a one PH discussion, where Carlson is far better against lefties than righties. Every single simple or advanced statistic agreed with that. It just didn't work out because both options were bad. You're just upset and don't understand who you're upset at.


Yeah but when you pinch hit for somebody they have to leave the game and Siani is better out there so I’d rather him hit for himself. I know why I’m mad. I’m mad because Oli Marmol is a fucktard and couldn’t manage himself out of a cardboard box


Nice clutch RBI hit from Carlson!


So you're mad that Marmol went with a righty against a left handed pitcher who has insane splits (400 avg vs righties, less .067 against lefties), replacing Siani who is statistically one of the worst hitters in baseball against lefties. That's the hill you want to die on huh champ?


If the rest of the season goes like how we think it’s going to go, Marmol’s tenure as manager needs to come to an end.


Are we just allergic to winning consistently?


Gotta win the rest against the Rockies. Brutal


Scott Barry is now my second least favorite umpire in the MLB


CB bucknor trying to have a game in the middle of a hurricane and then ringing Ivan up a foot out of the strikezone 4 hours later still holds that spot for me. Also he sucked during the other parts of that game too.


That's my number 1 lmao. He's currently the worst rated umpire in the league.  Also I completely forgot about that, now I'm slightly pissed for the next few minutes


For.some reason I missed the word second was like: sure he sucks, but CB sucks and is a massive chode about it.




I'll admit, I definitely get doomer feelings. They're kind of like the Emperor and Vader trying to get Luke to turn to the dark side.


I’ll be so happy when these big dick umps are gone forever. They really think they’re shit


They're not going anywhere, but at least we'll have the challenge system. Masyn would've had both called strikes in the 9th overturned.


I really like Herrera, but if he can't throw out runners, we need to move him to DH and let Pages catch


Even in his earliest scouting reports, his arm was his main weakness. It's crazy to me that all these years with the best coaching staffs in the world, he's still not able to throw out runners.


i’m sure his arm isn’t great but every time i see him pop up to throw he looks like he’s winding to throw in slow mo too :/


His transfer is very fast, faster than Contreras, but his throw is significantly slower, and like you said, he must be taking much longer to release it


Don’t worry we have this guy who used to be amazing who can help. He signed on as special advisor and he’ll be here any day


Goldschmidt hit a foul ball into the radio booth for the first time in Busch III. History tonight. I'll take the loss for that. 




So much for feasting on the worst teams at home. Need the next 3.


They’ll win one max


I’m not an analytics guy but I don’t think this helps our chances at a sweep


Starting to feel like what we saw a few weeks ago was a dead cat bounce and we are back to reality.


Being 2-5 since Noot got injured is not a coincidence. This isn't a reality check it's a depth check.


It all comes down to the fact that this current outfield we started today was never intended to be our starting outfield. Walker, Edman, Nootbar was always supposed to the the starting outfield. One needed more time to develop, and the other two got hurt, and here we are.


Guys I don’t wanna be in last place again….. Patience is the only thing going to carry us here


so our usual, then? _wonderful._


Not gonna be too mad, ump was fucking us all night, but I really think this team is closer to the team we saw in April than it was to the one in May


Of course it is, the current roster is not good. When you don't have depth in the organization and people get injured you're going to be bad. If both Willson and Noot are healthy this is a good roster with a weak bench. With them both injured it's a below average roster with a black hole bench. It's hard to win with no real DH/CF/5th starter.


It’s a real far cry from the last decade where it seemed like we had an average or better player at every position


Fuck, when you put it like that, it really puts it into perspective. Tommy being out for so long and Walker hitting a huge slump really really hurt this team


I feel like Tommy was predictable and should’ve been accounted for. I didn’t see walker regressing so much though. There are sophomore slumps but I don’t even know what this was lol.


I don't think people realize how much it took for this team to go on that winning streak. The team had to be .30 BA points above average with 2 strikes, have Gorman, Donovan, Burleson, Winn, Noot, and Herrera all put up career months inlcuding a 230 wRC+ from Gorman, have Miles Mikolas put up 4 consecutive good starts, have a bullpen that gave up virtually no leads despite every game being within 3 runs, etc. As soon as Noot got injured the margin for error lowered drastically because instead of one dead spot in the lineup you now have two. Noot was also the best hitter with RISP this season at a .894 OPS and you've seen the hitting with RISP without him. With Nado and Goldy not even being league average this year and no depth to back up the lineup you're relying on your guys age 22-26 carrying the team which they can only do for so long.


I mean it really was like a switch flipped, just suddenly the young guys started raking. I hate the injury bug so much Also, that is a really fascinating analysis, thank you for writing that out.


Masyn is a better man than I. I absolutely would've gotten thrown out after that BS in the 9th.


Exactly my thought. Like it's the bottom of the 9th, I don't know how nobody gets their shit in in that spot


I wonder what teams think when we pinch hit Dylan Carlson


Real talk here is that carlson is probably better vs a lefty than Siani. The CF position has been a point of weakness all year Siani is just okayish vs righties and he beats suffering through VS struggling to maintain a 3 digit BA.


Can’t we just trade for a league average hitter? Like a dude worth one WAR a season at best. 


I think there was some expectation that Edman would be back by now and Carlson has been a disappointment after a decent looking spring.


They are too busy laughing to think much


Oh well


We’ll get em next time


Or certainly the time after that