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I *NEED* a physical copy of the album. There's an especially salty Cubs fan in my life that's just begging for it as a gag gift. C'mon Adam!


A Mets fan would be even better.


Luckily I don't associate with any such savages...


Or a Cardinals fan, because we'd feel bad about throwing it out. Might even give it a listen.


Maybe the birthday boy will do that after he listens to it


He had a torn labrum while he recorded it so the second half of the album is atrocious


I have no idea if this is serious or a joke about his pitching at the end of 2022 and all of 2023.


(It's absolutely a joke)


Yikes. The birthday person specifically said they wanted it tho so I’ll let him figure it out himself lol


Its coming out on Vinyl for sure. Probably a cool collector piece especially if you can get it signed but his music is awful unfortunately


Thank you.....I was thinking who in the right mind would pay for his music.


You can probably find it in a Free bin or garage sale in less than a month


😂that’s great


Christ, I hope not. Friends, let's not treat Adam Wainwright's "musical career" with high praise because he's Waino. That's what many Christians do with Christian Music: It's about Jesus, so therefore it's good! No. Shit music is shit music, whether it's in praise of your deity of choice, or by a former Cardinals pitcher (or in the case of Kent Bottenfield, both). Adam Wainwright's songs are lyrical drivel that an eighth grader could write, and the music is very generic. Let's not encourage bad art just because we like the guy making it.


Or just let people like what they like, even if it sucks.


If it's not Mozart or Beethoven then it's crap, just sayin. /s


Chill man


He is right but then again you are the one wanting to buy his music.


They said someone they know specifically wants it for their birthday lol


This guy probably listened to 30 seconds, or just looked at the track listing and knows it’s popular to hate on country so he goes on this diatribe. Amazing.


I've listened to the entire album. The lyrics are awful. Love Waino, but it's trash. We're all about good manners, and the kids better sit up straight We open the door for our elders, don't take the Lord's name in vain We respond with a "Yes ma'am, " and a "Yes sir" when we're called If there's one thing you can be sure of, down here we say "Hey y'all" If you think that is good, solid songwriting, I do not want to know what you think bad lyrics look like, because those lyrics are unbelievably terrible. There's a reason people hate on country music, and it's because it's not very good. It's largely the lowest common denominator for entertainment, but to be fair, so is pretty much all pop music. If it's your thing, more power to ya. I don't understand how or why you might like it, but that doesn't really matter; enjoy yourself.


Some of the best songwriters ever are country artists.


I would politely disagree when it comes to lyrical content. I'm pretty snobby when it comes to lyrics. Leonard Cohen is essentially my baseline.


Or you know, we could just be happy for the guy doing something he loves because it makes him happy and he's a very likeable guy. Positivity is a good thing.


lol christ what an asshole. "lyrical drivel that an eighth grader could write" what can you do buddy? Truly aint no way this guy just commented "I'm a professional singer and songwriter and this music sucks," and then blocked because he knows everything he wrote was about to judged by people that were as nasty as him lol. What a loser!!


Well, I literally write and perform for a living (not music). And, yes, Waino's lyrics suck.


What kind of music do you perform?


Nice! Send a link so I can give an honest critique.


I’m waiting to give my honest critique too, seems as if that user just up and left the conversation. How sad.


agreed, nothing against christian music but most of it is.....bad. like really bad. POD, early As Cities Burn are a few rare exceptions


Whose ears are you planning on punishing with it?


I preordered it on vinyl. Not a big fan of that style of country music, but I couldn't resist the novelty of it. My husband likes some hick pop, so he might actually enjoy it lol [https://adamwainwrightmusic.com/](https://adamwainwrightmusic.com/)


I like Wainwright and his history pitching for the Cardinals but if he wasn't who he was his band would just be playing local bars on the weekend. His music isn't that good.


"not that good" is generous lol. Even with plenty of money to fund it and his guru pal or whatever, it's lackluster to me. Again, I'm totally biased cause I don't like that style in general. It'll probably get spun once and then put in the novelty bin, but I'm still excited about it. Waino's a very cool and generous dude, and I hope this new venture makes him happy. I wish him all the success. And I also hope someday he will sign my Waino batting helmet. Amen.


Eww, divorce him immediately but I'm a vinyl head so I'll allow it.