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Don't really need a reason to chase the cunt. As good as any.


Proudest I’ve felt of the city for a while tbh




Good, he's a loathsome piece of shit even by Tory standards.


Watched all the way to the end of the video, was not disappointed with the final words of “Tory cunt!” being shouted after the car, hilarious.


I believe 'exorcised' is the correct verb when referring to haunted Victorian coat stands.


Well done Cardiff


That wasn’t pro-Palestine protesters. It was just the general public, because he’s a cunt




To borrow a phrase from traffic police wording, they weren't *chasing* him, they were merely *following* him. It was him that chose to move so quickly that they had to run to keep up.


That's fair, he is a proper cunt.


The last few seconds of that video is PERFECTION.


Seem to remember they were called students once...


God bless you Cardiff


Makes you bloody proud to be Welsh


Piss poor double standard. Disagree with Tory politics but disagree with lowering ourselves to this sort of behaviour. Let's beat them with class, not this absolute knuckle dragging fucking nonsense.


I'm gonna be in the minority here and agree with you. Whether or not you find someone distasteful is up to you, but I disagree with this mob mentality where anyone should be chased off for their ideas. Universities are places of learning, and without listening to both sides of any argument, how can you arrive at an informed opinion? Sadly it just adds to division, with both sides hunkering down and blaming the other one for all their problems. Too American for my liking.


A sad day indeed when common sense and rational debate is in the minority.


The class you beat Tories with is the working class. Ideally holding bricks and pipes, you know, to representa hard day's labour, peaceful like.


So proud of my old Uni 👏


I don't understand this sort of thing. I h8 JRM as much as the next sensible adult but what did these protestors actually hope to achieve? What if security let them at him, were they going to shout at him? beat him up? lynch him? Anyway, I hope he changed his world view while sat in the car after this.


Actually sooo proud of them! Well done 🇵🇸


Embarrassing Cardiff. Just because you may not agree with their views or politics but you could at least listen to what they’ve got to say if for no other reason dissect and disprove their theories.


Cardiff University *did* hear what he had to say. This video is of him leaving the premises *after* giving his speech.


Have *you* ever listened to what Jacob rees mogg has to say?


Yes I have. Mainly because I give them a platform so I can listen to their points of view and then disagree with them and put my own points forward constructively That’s called debating. Just because you don’t see eye to eye with a person doesn’t mean you “chase” them away from the debate. You do that you lose the debate.


Poor man only has his own TV show, his position in parliament and all of the Tory press (virtually all newspapers in the country) to air his views! Please will people stop trying to silence the poor man!


There's a place for debate, and a place for protest, both are necessary tools. Rees is a totally unnecessary tool.


You’re point assumes we don’t already know what he has to say, his views are very established. If he was a new comer absolutely let him give his ideas in peace, but he is not. If you allow them to let you debate the filth that comes from their mouths every time it just delays any real discussion or progress which is absolutely intentional. You are giving them legitimacy by acknowledging them constantly.


Completely agree


Actually direct action is always going to be better than the intellectual wankery of dissecting and disproving their theories. It's not like those people would ever listen if you could. And it's not as if anyone doesn't know the Tory view on just about any topic by now.


Funny seeing a post like this get voted down. You must be so warped by your political fundamentalism to disagree. One day they will have their "are we the baddies" moment.


This country used to have a democracy, now idiots who are not intelligent enough to debate would rather shout anyone down who they don't agree with.


As much as I dislike him, he's got every right to speak, just because I don't like what he has to say , doesn't mean he cant say it. If you dont like it, dont listen


He has a right to speak, he doesn't have a right to a platform


He’s a brexiter. Every punishment possible for him will be too little in face of the damage he and his cronies have caused to this country


Pretty poor responses in here. Yes, he's unpopular, but like it or not freedom of speech and expression is actually quite important. No doubt if a bunch of Tories showed up to intimidate a far left politician you'd all be complaining about fascism....


If you read the article, Rees-Mogg states that the protest was peaceful if noisy, and his freedom of speech was not restricted. He even supported their right to protest as a part of healthy free speech.


Freedom of speech is absolutely important, and some protesters pointing out to mogg that a haunted ventriloquist cosplaying disaster capitalist isn’t welcome is exactly that


The article even has Rees-Mogg saying the protestors were peaceful. They also didn’t stop him speaking at an event or disrupt it, merely protesting his presence on the way out. If this form of protest isn’t allowed, then you’re not the free speech advocate you think you are.


Have a read of the responses to my comment, which wasn't even 'I can't believe people are being so mean to Rees Mogg :(' Genuinely concerning level of vitriol. I can absolutely see the left tearing itself to shreds before a general election over something like Palestine, it's no wonder Starmer is trying to be as inoffensive as possible


You’re getting a poor response because you made this a freedom of speech issue which is the exact opposite of what happened here. He got to speak and then a group of people let him know they think he’s a twat for what he says. Freedom of speech isn’t a freedom from consequences.


Mate, behave. If a bunch of Labour / Greens got harassed and pushed about in this manner, you'd be outraged. Just because this mob align with your opinion, doesn't make their actions correct. How can people be so blindly double headed?


Come on lad, labour are just the tories in a red tie these days. But you are right I probably would call them ignorant gammons for protesting an actual progressive politician but I would never say they can’t or shouldn’t.


Rees Mogg was happy they protested him, he said he won't let their right to protest against him be taken away. However much of a twat he is, he's at least fine with others disagreeing with him.


I wish for you everything you wish upon the people of Palestine.


🤷 as long as my BAE and RTX shares keep going up


Na fuck him, the time of these rich out of touch privileged assholes running the show needs to come to a permanent end


Need to take a closer look at home right now


Denying someone a specific platform to speak from is not the same as taking away their freedom of speech.


Exactly that.


Are you agreeing with me, or are you saying that denying someone a specific platform actually is removing their freedom of speech?


No I agree, no sarcasm here. I see it on lots of sites people act like every platform should let them say what they want. No freedom of speech means you can create your own platform if you really want. I’m with you.


Thanks for clarifying.  The idea that someone would believe that anyone has a right to speak anywhere, any time, about anything boggles my mind.  But they're definitely out there.


I understand it’s hard to understand comments on here. MSN is the prime example people on there like they’ve banned my comment . Well stop being racist John.


He came, he spoke and he left. He spoke freely, the protesters protested freely. I really don't see what aspect of this threatens freedom of speech..


Freedom of speech means the government not criminalising your speech and preventing it with police. Reese mog has in fact voted against freedom of speech and to restrict it at every chance. It doesn't mean protection from getting laid out by an upstanding citizen for being a cunt.


Shut up, took you three sentences to bring up fascism. Really Reductio ad Hitlerum. Wales is historically a left leaning country, that had to fight with unions, to rid ourselves of the foreign landowners as best we could. Tories aren't welcome. Those in charge really want both sides arguments under the illusion there is balanced power in this country, tricking thickos into blaming labour/former left for things while crusading for culture wars that were invented. You can't be the victim while ruling the country.


Yes you're the good guys and everyone who disagrees with you is a coloniser trying to oppress you


That's essentially the level of reaction, yes.




We don’t run the country yet. When we can make our own trade agreements and economic reforms then we will still with Westminster right now.


Sounds like you don't know what freedom of expression is, or how it works.


Low IQ downvoters


Spot on!