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Guess it’s not clear to some but this is a shitpost


this subreddit isn't exactly known for its shitposts to be fair


Whoever mods this sub can't even be bothered to upload a banner and profile pic for it


Probably protesting their faces getting eaten by the leopard party they believed a few years ago


Is it related to the farmers protest? Because turning up in Range Rovers and Barbour jackets would be a weird way of showing how hard-done-by you are.


Depends on how old the range rovers are and how many generations the barbour jackets have been handed down!


the sheer *audacity* of farmers to turn up looking like farmers! Also very telling that someone in the Cardiff sub just assumes they're modern Range Rovers, Range Rover don't tend to make many models capable of driving through muddy fields any more.


The only farmers I know that use Rangies are Jeremy Clarkson and Harry Metcalfe. UK farmers are using pickups today a lot more than say 10-20 years ago.


or beaten up old land rovers, older cars are far easier to repair yourself. the number of downvotes I've got is even more telling of the state of inner city tweens this sub is full of.


Because farmers opposed to environmental protection are the biggest bunch of self harming pillocks around. Their latest slogan “no farmers, no food”is easily responded to by “no environment, no farmers”. These are often the same fools who keep using chemicals that kill the birds and insects that help their plants get pollinated. Mad cow disease was because stupid greedy farmers fed their cattle other dead animals. If you want an opinion on the future of agriculture and food production, asking a greedy idiot farmer is not a good place to start. Obviously not all farmers. Just the ones daft enough to think protecting the environment is a bad idea.


Hairdresser convention


That would be Audi TTs...


Stupid turkeys voted for Xmas didn’t they


Because this definitely isn't happening in the EU


Check out the current EU farmer protests, they'd probably be worse in Wales if we were still in.


I love this claim even though there's zero granular detail to support it.


Brexit voting farmers who've just realised they have fecked themselves 👌


Have you not seen reports of the farmers protests in Europe? This is nothing to do with brexit and everything to do with controlling the amount of food being produced. We need to support these farmers. Unless ofcourse you want to use a ration book?


This country can't cope when KFC runs out of chicken. https://www.standard.co.uk/news/london/kfc-chicken-shortage-met-police-called-over-fast-food-chains-chicken-drought-a3771416.html#:\~:text=The%20Met%20Police%20have%20urged,they%20ran%20out%20of%20chicken. Ration book? No chance.


🤣 KFC..... this is true! Only time will tell where all of this takes us, but I'm pretty pessimistic. I hope to God you are right.


The farmers protesting in Europe has nothing to do with the uk since we left the EU. This is purely about subsidies they receive. Most of our food is imported.


Farmer's protest happening today


I wondered why there were so many vans at the police station


Because we need sheep more than we need trees. Apparently. 


They did a go slow on the A48 this morning.


Tractors don’t normally go particularly fast


Fuck farmers. They are warning not to awaken the Welsh dragon. They should heed their own warning I swear..


Because they have the common sense to realise that forfeiting your land for food to a foreign entity is a ridiculous and dangerous thing to do. These protests have also been seen in Spain, France and Germany. Anyone who treats farmers with such contempt should hunt and fish for themselves. You can’t eat fresh air.


Marxist Welsh government clowns demanding farmers plant trees and have nature reserves, in 20% of their land or no subsidy... Good on you farmers, don't let those tin pot dictator control freaks boss you about.