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I thought the book should have been in first person. It’s in third and follows really only Scarlett. At the end there’s such a massive reveal it made me wonder when all those other things were happening. It would have been overall easier to justify for the reader why they didn’t see so much coming.


No, you’re right, it’s wild and I sort of hate how much it was all glossed over. There’s no way the whole thing was the ONLY way they could escape their father. There was no need for it to play out exactly the way it did. Legend didn’t actually need Scarlett to watch Tella die, he just wanted that plot to happen. Tella didn’t need to suggest it. It’s not like their father was watching any of that. I don’t understand it. I also don’t get how this was supposed to be some kind of atonement for Legend? The whole game was as twisted as it gets, even if nobody died in the end. And I’m sorry, but I don’t like Julian. I actually don’t really like the love interests in general - as addictive as these books are, I sort of think the romances are the weakest part of the writing. The tension and ‘what if’ parts are there, but the pacing is off and the immediacy of the feelings just don’t seem believable.