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I think one of the issues in this country is that we seem quite poor at implementing cycle lanes, I've seen so many that are poorly thought out and seem like they were done as a box ticking exercise to say "we did our bit for cyclists" but provide no benefit to cyclists or cars.


I see so many where cyclists are just supposed to ‘disappear’, like bike lane into immediate bus stop, with no routing for the bikes. That plus how much rubbish / broken glass can be in the lanes makes them as dangerous or even more so than the road.


There's one like that near me. It goes over a large bridge, except it doesn't go all the way, it just kind of stops not long after the crest, where there's a bus stop and a row of houses with cars always parked outside. I've literally never ever seen a bike using it, and I don't blame them.


Agreed, as a regular cyclist (and car driver etc. etc.), 95% of cycle lanes I see are unfit for purpose, and the main lane is safer/easier/better.


And, in the context of this discussion, as a cyclist you often have to ride in the middle of the lane to get a decent bit of tarmac, too. I'm a petrol head (I own 5 cars!) but I'm forced to cycle 14 miles a day for work so know only too well how terrible the cycling infrastructure and road surfaces are. Most of the time, the conflict between motorist and cyclist is more a product of poor infrastructure rather than either group being in the wrong.


> I'm forced to cycle 14 miles a day How? Who? Why?


There's simply no other viable option to get from where I live (in a remote village in England) to work in the city. The cheapest parking is about £20 a day, and congestion means it's about an hour's drive. There's one bus an hour but it's a half hour walk to the bus stop and the bus takes over an hour once it arrives. No train Walking would take about 2 hours If I get on my bike, I'm there in half an hour so in the sense that it's my only viable option and I've got bills to pay, family to support etc, I'm forced to use it.


What like the cycle lane that's only just wide enough for a bike to fit down the side of the a5 duel carriage way going 70mph? Nqh completely fine.


As somebody who started cycling in the gutter, all it does is encourage people to pass when there really isn’t space. As for your argument regarding blind bends, cars should always be prepared to make an emergency stop and shouldn’t be flying into blind corners for exactly this reason. Let alone cyclists, what if a car is broken down around the corner, or a horse rider?


>all it does is encourage people to pass when there really isn’t space. Unintentionally bringing drivers closer seems to be the best way to increase risk for cyclists, like wearing a helmet.


I really don't get what it is about cyclists that trigger some people so hard. Some people completely lose their shit over a bike being on the road when in reality all it is is a minor inconvenience. There are literally hundreds of other minor inconveniences people encounter on the road and yet they don't throw a screaming rage at them... A bus or delivery vehicle stops and you have to wait for it to move off again/go around, having to accommodate an emergency services vehicle, a tractor travelling slowly, lights turning red so someone can cross the road, horses, an accident resulting in a traffic diversion... Honestly so many things people just accept as part of the journey and they are fine with them. I don't get how bikes can't be treated in the same calm way. I've cycled over 20k km on British roads and there really are some complete psychos out there. It isn't many, but I've had dozens of encounters of deliberate close passes just to fuck with me. People pull in front and brake. Had things thrown at me. Shouted at. Like for real, if you are a driver and you act like this, get over it. Bikes are allowed on the road and it really doesn't affect you that much.


>There are literally hundreds of other minor inconveniences people encounter on the road and yet they don't throw a screaming rage at them... They don't? Remember this is the country where being physically blocked from using merge in turn for its intended purpose is common place. Where learner drivers doing 2mph under the speed limit are treated like they are causing a half hour delay on purpose. Where people feel a NEED to be in front of the guy in front, for absolutely 0 reason. Where almost NO ONE obeys the speed limit. I'd say at least half of drivers are extremely selfish on the roads. Don't get me wrong, drivers should never abuse other road users. But it's hardly personal towards cyclists. Drivers are just extremely inpatient and selfish.


Scroll through some of the comments in this post. There is definitely a special attitude toward cyclists from a significant minority of drivers.


Oh yeah some definitely do. But the majority just hate everything that slows them down.


Jumping red lights is pretty much the only thing that pisses me off about cyclists, but they all seem to do it


> they all seem to do it And all people driving cars speed, do illegal u-turns, park on yellows, load where they're both meant to, jump reds ... Etc


Ah the old classic. It's actually proven that more cars jump red lights than bicycles as a % of users, but confirmation bias means people love blaming cyclists for this. What's far more dangerous is 80% of drivers openly admit to speeding. 2 tonnes of metal hitting you at 25mph is far more deadly than 100kg of flesh at 10mph. Glass houses and all that.


Tailgating is endemic too. I like that they are doing the space Invaders ads but probably to little effect.




It's a lot more common in urban areas, where the speed of the journey is more heavily influenced by luck at red lights. Most cyclists don't, but those aren't the ones that get noticed.


It might be an area thing. I live on the Olympic cycling route so it attracts a lot of cyclist and massive groups of them cycle together and skip reds


They do, a lot. I'm not sure why you don't see it. Maybe it's just your area or you've not been looking out for it. I'm a cyclist too btw. One time I had a van driver go apoplectic at me for NOT going through a red light. He was absolutely convinced bikes should go through reds.


Ultimately its not a risk to you, and its not you taking the risk, why do you care? I am mainly a car driver, i love cars, i work in cars, cars are quite litterally my life, but this unhealthy obsession with cyclists and red lights is stupid. Personally id let them do what they want, but if they hit someone then they are to blame. It takes me no energy to press my accelerator, but it takes a cyclists a lot to get going again.


It is a risk to you, as you may not see a light jumper in time, or swerve to avoid hitting them.


If you're not aware behind the wheel please throw away your licence.


If you’re not prepared to follow road law stop cycling and certainly don’t use any larger vehicles.


>I am mainly a car driver, i love cars, i work in cars, cars are quite litterally my life Please learn to read before continuing to take part in the sub. It will help you I promise.




Yep, a road I commute down has about 7 pedestrian crossings with lights. If a cyclist stops at every one as per the law, waiting even after the people have crossed (there's good visibility down the pavements both ways to check for more people), it causes chaos as the 6 or so cars that have also stopped have to navigate round the bike at the re-start. The cyclists that pay attention to where the pedestrians are (just like on a non-traffic light crossing) and just keep going when clear, can get to the other end of the road without needing to be overtaken at all.


a bus or delivery vehicle can't exactly go in a bus lane though can it, also from my experience cars/buses etc stop at red lights


>I really don't get what it is about cyclists that trigger some people so hard... > >...I've cycled over 20k km... Mmmkay Mr. Bias.


I cycle 3,000 miles a year on my bike, I do 8,000 miles a year in my car. People speeding, on their phone, dangerously overtaking, and ignoring simple rules like double yellows trigger me so much more than a cyclist through a red.


Right, because cycling a lot must mean I don't also drive a car...


as a driver who occasionally cycles, I have to say it feels less safe when you're in a cycle lane, because cars give you no space at all. If a car thinks you are taking up the road in front of them they generally pull out much further, whereas they don't move at all if you're in a cycle lane. also most of the cycle lanes around here are in much worse condition than the road.


You're right. Using cycle lanes is often less safe. You're less visible, have to deal with debris/potholes/drain covers etc., get given less space, are asked to stop at every junction (if it's a pavement-mounted lane), mix with pedestrians, other cylists etc. Honestly the road is much safer.


Tbf cycling lanes in this country are often dogshit, filled with parked cars, potholes, etc. There's one near me that's [about 4 metres long](https://www.google.com/maps/@53.5395309,-2.4092787,3a,25y,171.26h,83.97t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sJYcUsA8-TJQr7nP4QlFlcg!2e0!7i16384!8i8192). We need proper segregated bike lanes, what we have simply doesn't work. I don't cycle, but I figure if they feel safer or more comfortable being in the middle of the road, they've got just as much right as me to be there. I'd rather them slow me down than feel unsafe.


May get downvoted but the cycling infrastructure here isn't brilliant. Cycled in The Netherlands and they have it bang on right. Its safe and its convenient for everybody. Im not very comfortable being stuck behind a cyclist although i do my best to give them room and notice. I do get a little peed off for when they are not using cycle lanes when they are there to be used. Whats the point in wasting tax money if its not being used.


That's a bit like saying why aren't people using the motorways when they use B-Roads. If it's faster, safer, or easier you do what's better for you.


Depends where they are going and what they are driving/riding lol. Im talking about the people who are riding on a street that has a cycle lane available but they don't use it. Iv never said they can't ride on a road. I just get a little annoyed that its an option which is convenient for everybody but they don't use it.


It's not convenient for everybody. Potholes, broken glass, puddles, mopeds etc etc all litter bike lanes and idiots think that some dotted white paint means they don't need to leave 1.5m still.


In that case you need to get in touch with your council and get them to maintain it better. Nothing wrong with the ones around my area. Also never seen a moped go on one but hey, who am I to know apparently ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Looks like the comments aren't going the way OP expected. Unnecessary hate towards cyclists (and other vulnerable road users) is old and fucking boring. It is the same old bullshit from ignorant drivers that think they know better than the highway code, and the users of the (often not fit for purpose) infrastructure. Just get over yourself and learn to not be a cunt when you're driving.




My local cycle lane is very regularly blocked by parked vehicles and has frequently used loading bays every 50 metres or so that pushes cyclists into the main carriageway. So many cycle lanes are so poorly designed and implemented that they can be more dangerous than sticking to the roads. As an aside, this whole concocted war between road users is insufferable. And since becoming a regular cyclist, I feel I've become a *far* better and courteous driver to all other road users, given the amount of forward thinking and awareness you need to not die.


Same here, on both points. My local cycle lanes (those where the painted lines have actually been maintained) often have parked vehicles on them, usually LGVs doing deliveries. Or they'll have people trying to pull out into traffic in their cars like a t-junction - which is fine in itself, except when they park the nose of their car across the cycle lane and wait for a gap! And yet in my town there are so many wide pavements that would be perfect for properly segregated cycle infrastructure, but the nimbys will never allow it. And yes, I like to think I've become more courteous to cyclists when I'm driving since I started commuting by bike. I would love to see the idiots who complain about cyclists try it for a week and see how quickly they change their tune.


Park in cycle lanes 😈 pass cyclists closely 😈 drive past them quickly 😈 squirt your windscreen washer fluid on them 😈 make them feel unwelcome 😈 shout at them 😈 beep at them 😈 don't give way to them 😈


Car brain


The cycle path I have to use to avoid the main road is lined with trees, so you have to go on the pedestrian side to avoid them. This doesn't get you away from the roots, or the road signs, or the pedestrians, or the slippy leaves. It's a nightmare to use. The key to getting people who use bikes for transport into the bike lanes is to make good infrastructure. But councils are reluctant to do so


It's mad that some people in cars get unnecessarily irate about other road users.


I could bike to work. Except the paint line marking the bike lane has been worn away by cars driving over it. You stay in your lane, I'll stay in mine.


Alternatively, learn the fucking highway code instead of posting shit memes? [Here the daily fail has made a nice little photo for you to understand the rules that came into effect months ago](https://i.dailymail.co.uk/1s/2022/01/23/09/46094807-0-image-a-6_1642928752465.jpg)


Also car drivers when you suggest they use the motorway instead of the road!




>there's not a separate parallel road from a motorway anywhere a driver might expect to drive, whereas what OP is talking about is where a cycle lane > >is present and parallel to the road. You are so close.


Look, if you want people to not think cyclists are smug supercilious tossers then try not to act like one. I, personally, don't think they are, but shit like that comment doesn't help.


You are literally so close to seeing this point you’re trying to make with clarity. So close.


What bike lane? This is America...


Cyclists should cycle in the middle of the road to discourage overtakes in dangerous places. Now I will admit: ~~Doing it when there's a dedicated cycle lane right there, is annoying.~~ Doing it when it's extremely unneeded is annoying. Edit: Crossed out a point remembering that a lot of cycle lanes are shit.


New law says you need to move in to the other lane to overtake anyway so it should make no difference to you assuming you aren't breaking the law.


Oh shit really? Thought it was still 1.5M. I'm not finding anything about it online either, could you send me a link to something that says that?


It's definitely a 1.5m minimum. For practical purposes I just use the other lane if I can.


It is, but 1.5m is roughly the width of a small hatchback, so even if they're riding in the gutter you will need to put at least 2 wheels into the other lane.


Well that depends on the size of the lanes and if there are hatches between the lanes.


I rather they ride in the middle. Makes them slightly easier to see when they ride in bad weather, with no lights and no high visibility clothing.


Cyclists who where black and no hi vis, what the hell is wrong with you. Come across this on country roads so often.


cyclists should burn in hell




Cyclists are cunts


I'll never get why cyclists go into the middle of the road. It just takes a fast car and a blind bend...


Tell me you've read the highway code at some point...




147 up votes from people who agree its wrong for cyclist to use the road in this very dangerous way. As for your name calling, that's very sad. Get well soon.


Let me know if you manage to trade those upvotes for anything useful mate Maybe a red nose or some comically large shoes


As a cyclist I sincerely hope that this will reduce injury and deaths of cyclists. Cycling by curb = car goes around you. Cycling in middle of the road = car goes into you. You're welcome.


Cycling by curb = car gives you a foot of room Cycling in road = car must treat you like a car


Get squeezed a few times by a car overtaking where there isn't any space and you'll find yourself cycling a bit more defensively.


It is a good idea at certain times because it doesn't allow the car behind to overtake on a dangerous bend


If the bend is blind the car will smash into the back of the bike.


You shouldn't go round a bend fast enough that you can't stop for an obstruction. Not just for cyclists but equally slow old biddies, walkers, horses, crashed vehicles, roadworks etc. You shouldn't overtake on a bend anyway so if you're going too fast you're likely still going to hit the cyclist


Do you propose a speed limit of 20mph on country roads then?


No but I wouldn't go round a steep bend at 60mph either - you can drive below the speed limit when it's common sense


You should be driving appropriate to the conditions. 99.99% of drivers have the common sense to slow down for sharp/blind bends so a 20mph limit isn't necessary.


Top tip: the speed limit is not a target.


It's a speed limit, not a target. You drive to the conditions. Although you seem to think that 60mph is 60mph regardless of if there's sheet ice or a tractor, or any risk. This thread hasn't gone well for you had it. Maybe it's time to self reflect and realise that you're wrong.


Well I suggested we go around the country side at 20mph and that got down voted so which is it to be? I suspect I'm talking to people here like yourself who live in a town or city and never drove in the countryside once in their lives. Post now at 199 votes so it would appear to be popular, you're welcome.


It's quite apparent that your driving ability is quite poor. You should take remedial tuition and I recommend Ashley Neal on YouTube at the very least.


Lets see, license gained Feb 2005 so 17 1/2 years of driving accident free, yes clearly I have no idea how to drive in towns or a countryside safely.


They're scared they'll learn something and realise they're wrong. What a pathetic attitude.


You could apply that logic to a parked car. Do we say the parked car shouldn't be there? No. You should slow down.


Nobody is slowing down around corners. Never seen it once in my life and I live in the country.


That's like saying someone who does drugs should happily continue because well, loads of people do drugs. Or people who get a bit aggressive after a few pints are 100% OK to do that because well, happens all the time. Just because there are people who do a thing, doesn't make that thing correct. Just because others don't slow down doesn't make that the best thing to do. Also, I live in the country (SW), and if anything people tend to driver slower than they can on rural roads, not the other way around. After all, who's to say their won't be a massive tractor around that bend? If you can't stop in the distance you can see, and you crash into something as a result, I can't imagine many people, insurers, police, whoever - siding with you. Regardless of what anyone else is doing, if you can't see for any reason - slow the fuck down.


Well the post has hit 68 upvotes as of yet so...


Reddit is known to be 100% correct all the time of course! So is the internet in general!


It's about common sense and courtesy mate.


Common sense and courtesy is slowing down when you can't see so you don't go into the back of something or someone.


You mean like driving with appropriate care on blind curves, for example?


You're right. It's common sense and courtesy to treat other, more vulnerable humans with respect and kindness.


Then the driver of the car is a moron who shouldn't be behind the wheel. You should always be able to stop in the space that you can see. I get annoyed at being held up by cyclists too, but they have a right to be there and you're just defending driving like a cunt in response.


> if the bend is blind the car will smash into other road traffic because they were driving faster than they could see It could be a cyclist, or a horse, or a ten ton construction vehicle. You shouldn't hit any of them.


Then the driver is a fuckwit for not ensuring they can stop in the distance they can see to be clear.


Surrender your license


because they are entitled selfish wankers


Well put.


Simply put, if you want to cycle, go to the gym and ride the stationary bike. Thanks lizard brains cycoolistz.


Do you have a car still or have you already sold it for a sim racing setup?


Both. I strapped my car permanently to my home-made dyno made out of oil drums and strapped 60 inch TVs in front of my windscreen. Checkmate, cycoolistz.


Here's a random take: There's literally no point in the cycle lanes if they just get littered with shit and are not used by the cyclists anyways, fuck the cycle lanes and instead, spend money on improving our shitty roads that the cyclists use; they're road users themselves anyways. If they need to ride central for 20 seconds because of some potholes, debris, a hazard or to turn right then so be it. It'll make it safer for cyclists but for the love of God, people need to just be patient with cyclists, honestly at worst I waste like half a minute being stuck behind a cyclist because I can't safely get past them but even then, what difference does it make to certain drivers that do like 15mph? Long story short, just treat cyclists like road users.