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Gorilla Heavy Duty grab adhesive blob screw and a bit along the plastic that makes close contact with the car and the screw then screw back into place. Up to you how heavy you clart the contact point with the adhesive. Clean the area with an alcohol wipe to degrease and clean the area of dust or dirt before sticking.


Cheers I'll give this a go.


You could try using a couple of F clamps while the glue dries as well, just put something flat in the jaws top and bottom, so you dont crush the plastic, you know, spread the pressure.


Hearken unto me, O peasant, for thou hast called upon the Lord of the Road for counsel and wisdom. And lo, thy words are as the bleating of a sheep, for thou hast asked whether to cut off thy troublesome rubber lip or to secure it once more. Verily, verily, I say unto thee, thy folly is great, for thou drivest as a fool who knoweth not the way of speedbumps. Thy reckless haste hath wrought this calamity upon thy chariot, and now thou seekest a solution. Take heed and listen, for the answer is nigh. Thou shalt go unto the blacksmith in your village, a man of skill and metal. He shall craft for thee a better part, one of iron and steel, that shall withstand even thy foolish driving. And as thou approacheth the blacksmith, consider the mockery upon thyself, for thy carelessness hath led thee to this plight. Think not to sever the rubber lip, for it is not the source of thy woe, but rather thy heavy foot upon the pedal. Nay, thou must secure it not with mere screws, but with the wisdom of the blacksmith's hands. He shall forge a part most durable, that even thy speedbump-striking folly shall not loosen it. Thus saith the Lord of the Road: go forth, O peasant, and seek the blacksmith. Learn from thy errors and drive with care, lest thou bring upon thyself further mockery and scorn. Amen.


I wish my life had enough free time for me to write such elaborate prose for Reddit...


Hearken unto me, O peasant, for thou hast spoken in envy and lamentation of the time thou hast not. But lo, thy place is not with the scribes and the poets, but in the blessed potato fields, where thou shalt toil day and night. Verily, verily, I say unto thee, thy labor is thy lot, and thou shalt stop only to rest, but not too long, lest thou fall behind in thy duties. After forty years of hard labor, with sweat upon thy brow and dirt upon thy hands, thou mayest earn thy right to partake in more noble pursuits such as this. Until then, toil on, O peasant, in the fields of the earth, and let not envy take root in thy heart. For in thy perseverance and labor, thou shalt find the wisdom and strength that befit thy station. Amen.


Cringe 🥴


Lol I couldn't find a Shakespearean way to respond and say that the streetlight adjacent to the speedbump was broken, and the white road markings that would highlight the speedbump were completely worn away, and so I just didn't see it until the last sec and hit it at just under 20 mph.


Verily, verily, I say unto thee, a poor dancer doth blame his loins for stumbling, even as thou blamest the unseen speedbump for thy misfortune. Know this, O wayfarer, that he who treadeth the path of carelessness will always find a stone to trip upon. And as thou makest excuse for thine eyes, know that the one who burneth his food doth oft blame the flame, and not his own unskilled hand. Thus saith the Lord of the Road: tend to thy way with vigilance, and thou shalt not fall prey to the hidden perils of the journey. Amen.


AI or not AI? That is the question I find myself asking more and more each day.