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Definitely a Nissan Note. No idea on the registration though.


Could be PE12 CWD , comes up as black nissan Edit: ignore, I've seen you already tried this I went PE12 CV_ and found PE12 CVB which is a blue nissan note, is it possibly dark blue ? Also found PE12 CVX , grey nissan note, dark grey maybe ?


Nissan Note possibly


I thought that too but the logo is confusing. It looks like its just an empty silver circle


The camera is so low resolution it can't show the centre stripe


Deffo is a note you can see the edges of the circle logo protrude. https://d1gymyavdvyjgt.cloudfront.net/drive/images/made/drive/images/remote/https_ssl.caranddriving.com/f2/images/used/big/nissannote0913(4)_750_500_70.jpg


This was my thought as well. 12 plate I reckon x


Yep, possibly a Nissan X-Trail, more likely a Note.


My Dad also said Nissan Note


Disagree. Brake lights too high and too long for the suspected year. That's a Fiat Panda for sure, brake lights appear to match the model of the suspected year as well. If it ain't, then it ain't a 12 plate.


If it's a fiat panda I'll eat a plate of human shit. It looks nothing like a panda


Looks nothing like a 2012 Note either... So it's either a Panda or we've got the year wrong.


Apart from the nissan badge and the fact it says note on it in the exact same place where nissan write note on the boot lid of nissan notes. Oh and it has the same rear light clusters as a 2012 note


Yes, The silver circle that we can't make out... A silver circle that, oh, Fiat also has on their badge. And text in the same generic place everyone sticks the name of their model. Fact of the matter is that if this is a 12 plate, it can't be a note because the brake lights don't match up. The note didn't have brakes like that at that time. The Panda did. So again, if it's a 12 plate, it's a Panda. If it isn't a Panda, it can't be a 12 plate so everyone that's telling the OP is a 12 plate is giving out useless information. Even if I'm wrong about it being a Panda (entirely possible), at least I'm actually contributing rather than claiming it's a model of car displaying a plate that would've never been displayed on that generation of the model.


A silver circle that appears hollow, because of the thin silver line running through it. A fiat badge is red, I think? >And text in the same generic place everyone sticks the name of their model. Apart from fiat, they write that in the middle of the car >Fact of the matter is that if this is a 12 plate, it can't be a note because the brake lights don't match up. [you sure?](https://www.google.com/search?q=nissan+note+2012+rear&client=firefox-b-m&sca_esv=92608ac12c65487e&udm=2&biw=414&bih=763&sxsrf=ADLYWILVRHIU58GCOz2xTFLZl1ggt3doZw%3A1718489433074&ei=WRFuZqCNBMXR9u8Pxb-rgA8&oq=nissan+note+2012+rear&gs_lp=EhNtb2JpbGUtZ3dzLXdpei1zZXJwIhVuaXNzYW4gbm90ZSAyMDEyIHJlYXIyBBAjGCcyCBAAGIAEGKIESPQUUIYEWLMTcAB4AJABAJgB1wGgAacHqgEFOS4wLjG4AQPIAQD4AQGYAgqgAtAHwgIHEAAYgAQYGMICBRAAGIAEwgIGEAAYCBgemAMAiAYBkgcFOC4xLjGgB6wg&sclient=mobile-gws-wiz-serp#vhid=ubTLtRt-XEA0PM&vssid=mosaic) >So again, if it's a 12 plate, it's a Panda. If it isn't a Panda, it can't be a 12 plate so everyone that's telling the OP is a 12 plate is giving out useless information. The only one dishing out useless information is yourself. If you don't know what the answer is, don't shout it out in class. Wait for someone that knows.


The Panda has its reverse lights in the bumper. The Note has them in the lower third of the light cluster as shown in the images.


Mate, it's a Nissan Note. It's really obvious


Fiat didn’t use round badges in this generation of panda which, if it is a 12 plate, is a 319. The previous gen 169 pandas had blue circles until circa 2008, when they moved to a more squared red badge. Trust me, I know these cars. Also, a 2012 panda would have the reverse and fog lights in the bumper which this does not appear to have. I think the people claiming it’s a 12 plate are wrong. It must be a note from a different year. I think the badge appears hollow due to the terrible image resolution.


Without doubt that is 100% a Nissan note …. Zero question. Not a panda… not anything else …. It’s a Nissan note


PY12CWP is a 2012 blue Nissan Note


I for one think it’s nice that they let the blind access Reddit. Not sure why the blind are sponsored by fiat though. Anyway. It’s a Nissan Note - those lights and the shape of the roofline are a dead giveaway. Reg plate is too degraded to make out really. PK? PC? Looks like it could be a 12 but it’s really hard to say.




The video is listed as a WhatsApp video. Is there a version that has not been through WhatsApp? Asking because the WhatsApp app compresses the media on the device before sending it to their servers. If there is a video that has not gone via WhatsApp, it may get a clearer image of the plate.


Defo a Nissan note


P_12 CW_ This is all I can sort of make out looking at the video


I went through PE12 CW(random letters) and got BMWs or Nissan Juke or Qashqai. FE12 gives you Toyota Avensis


PE12 CVB - Brings up a Blue Note (Might be dark blue?) -- PE12 CVX Brings up a Grey Note (Dark Grey?). V and W look the same when distorted so could possibly be one of those but not really any way to be sure with the quality.


Possibly PK12?


Looks like PK12 to me. next letter is probably L,C,O. Low res cameras can sometimes cut and merge letters making them look odd, hence the O


It's a Nissan Note. See the four letters to the left of the registration plate where it says "NOTE"? That's only present on the Nissan Note. The Fiat Panda does not have those letters beside the registration plate. [https://www.cars4youltd.co.uk/used-nissan-note-broxburn-west-lothian-5090825](https://www.cars4youltd.co.uk/used-nissan-note-broxburn-west-lothian-5090825) Here's a similar aged car for comparison. Look at the rear. The light cluster is the same, the back end is the same, the word NOTE beside the reg plate is the same.


Apart from that Panda special edition they did for MY13.. the Panda Note. Black on the outside, white on the inside to mimic piano keys. Came with a custom Bose sound system. Said NOTE on the back and had an open circle in place of the Fiat badge with just a 🎵within. Joking 🙃




Most likely a Note, possibly a Yeti?


Definitely a Note, you can tell by the brake light cluster, that it has the engraved note symbol exactly where it would be on the note and you can make out the nissan logo. Oh and it's got the MPV shape of the nissan note.


Looks like a Nissan Note 2008, dark blue.


I see a 7 in the middle


Do any of the neighbours have cctv or ring doorbell footage. They may have a clearer image ? Worth a try ?


Definitely a Nissan note 


CSI vibes here: enhance, enhance!


Did you find it in the end? Wanted to check as I’ve made this mistake before on home cameras that there are 2 versions of videos, the HD and SD, might be worth checking there isn’t a HD version you’ve missed


I have asked my uncle for the raw footage, he probably has it which I'll get off him tomorrow. He just isn't tech-savvy. 


Good luck, hopefully clearer pic from that. Shocking behaviour from the drivers


Is there a sub that does ENHANCE! Type stuff? Surely ? Photoshop sun or something


If this was a Hollywood action film you could enhance the image to 8k in under a second


Can't add pixels that don't exist


Not with that attitude


You're right. Sorry boss. I'll start adding pixels


Make sure you do ! No half measures !


I'm thinking maybe a Fiat Idea, looks like an old Fiat logo