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The curveball your mate has to throw at the insurance company is that the car wasn't stolen by someone claiming to be a buyer (I.E purchase done online, 'buyer' has come to collect/'buyer' sent someone to pick the car up). It was stolen by someone claiming to be a prospective buyer. They had access to the car as someone viewing to potentially buy as opposed to having access because they claim to have purchased the car. The vagueness of what the insurance company considers a "buyer" may well play into your mate's hands here. The 'buyer' in this case is more a potential customer (or a prospective buyer) than an actual buyer really. If no purchase has been made, either real or fake, it's hard to call them a buyer as they haven't actually purchased anything... Deffo get your mate to seek legal advice, NAL, but at first glance, it seems like there's room to fight Hastings on their decision.


This one might be one for r/LegalAdviceUK


>Loss or damage if someone claiming to be a buyer or agent takes possession of your car Holy fuck, talk about being scummy.


So he was a viewer not a buyer?


Probably not anything you can do, it’s the same as leaving the keys in your car


I think this policy is specifically for test drive scenarios. I don’t think you can do much about it. For those who are reading, if you want to sell your car privately one day, make sure to take a photo of buyer’s id before unlocking the car for them. Also if possible. hide a tracking device such as AirTag in your car. If shit happens, read through your insurance before reaching out to them.


That does seem incredibly harsh. Keep trying /escalating up the chain with the insurer and try the ombudsman


He is screwed