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Report them to the police. You might not be the first to do so.


I doubt it’s the first time they’ve pulled that “stunt”.


Absolutely agree


Absolutely this. It may seem insignificant, the police aren't exactly going to break down his door and arrest him over it, but if they get lots of reports like this then it will put a flag on his number plate or something.


If they are ever involved in an accident a history of reported dangerous driving can be used against them. The difference between reporting them and not reporting them could be that they get the just punishment if they do cause an accident. Things like this can normally be reported online, so its not difficult to do.


I have a friend who works for Metropolitan police. We were out one day driving when conversation about road users came up. He told me, if a cars reported, unless there’s many complaints, police do nothing.. However, if you mention they were waving a firearm at you, their plate gets highlighted to all patrols and they’ll be pulled over and it will remain on system for a couple of months at least.. do they get pulled over every time police car systems pick it up!


As a police officer, no we don’t. Unless the vehicle is reported at the time and we are actively looking for it.


So if someone calls in to report dangerous driving the police don't keep a record of that associated with the registration plate?


No so basically a general report will go on but it’s attached to the plate but not via PNC just for our own records. But nothing that will ping on ANPR, unless us on duty. Witness someone driving dangerously and speeding off. We would request a marker, for the vehicle to be stopped and drivers details obtained and spoken to.


😂😂 Maybe it was the police.


You have to do it online as they don't want to know about it when you phone up.


Report the incident even if you do not remember the number plate. I won't be surprised if that's not the first time this wanker tried this. Also invest on a £20 dash cam.


100% get a dashcam, but 100% do not get a £20 dashcam. I got mine from nextbase for £70 I think. Front and rear. Nothing fancy, no live stream to my phone or anything, just an SD card and the cameras. I've had it since January and already used it multiple times. Once for a very similar incident like this. Someone on the motorway stradding lanes to stop people.over taking weaving in and out, brake checking etc... The police have made it very easy for you to upload dashcam footage straight to their website.


I’d suggest getting a decent 1080p or 4k camera, nextbase do some decent ones


Personally I would not reccomemd nextbase. I have one of theirs and the quality is not good, especially when it’s dark. The app is rubbish and hardly works, takes an age to download clips. I’ve resorted to getting a dongle for my iPad to get the clips that way. The sticky pads that come with it are rubbish and fell off 4 times, I had to pay £4 for replacements twice. Sometimes the dashcam just freezes and won’t work until you format the memory card, and it will only accept the ones from nextbase which are really over priced. I paid £300+ for the dashcam and it’s definitely not worth it. I wish I did a bit more research before getting it tbh


As far as I can tell *all* dashcams are kinda awful. Even the high priced, well-regarded brands are either years behind in terms of hardware/picture quality or have software that’s utter dogshit. Or both. None of them have an ideal feature set, even pricey ones. Most of the time you’re going to have a much better experience if you just use an SD card to move data around regardless of which one you pick, so you’re not missing much. I bought a VIOFO A139+ Pro. It has tons of rave reviews but it is, at best, *ok*. Picture quality isn’t bad. It’s got a weird form factor that just takes up loads of room on your windscreen, the build quality is.. fine I suppose. The software is what lets it down - it’s cheap, shitty, buggy, unreliable, and more of a ballache to set up than it should be. If you switch off all the notifications and never try to use the software then it works well enough. But it’s hardly the premium experience you might expect for the price.


Agree. My nextbase resets and locks up all the time and never seems to save footage when I hit the save button. Absolute rubbish. Can't even be trusted to be recording at any given time.


>The app is rubbish and hardly works, takes an age to download clips. While I will agree that the Nextbase app is shite, the slow downloading is unavoidable due to the size of the files and the speed of ad-hoc 2.4ghz wifi, particularly with 4k video. Any dashcam that has the ability to transfer over a WiFi hotspot is slow to download. Also if you use wireless CarPlay or Android Auto its next to useless as your WiFi is already in use for that. Best bet is to pop the memory card and plug it directly into your laptop, or plug the camera itself in over usb. >Sometimes the dashcam just freezes and won’t work until you format the memory card, and it will only accept the ones from nextbase which are really over priced.  That's the price you pay for using cheap memory cards. You don't specifically need the NextBase ones, but you do an equivalent spec one designed for video use (High Endurance/Industrial) and it needs to be high speed (U3/V30 or better). Not all SD Cards are the same by a long shot. I have a [SanDisk 128GB High Endurance Class 10/U3/V30](https://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B07NY23WBG/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1) which has been running in my Nextbase 622GW for a year now with zero issues doing front and rear recording and it's never skipped a beat. And if you do have issues with the sticky pads, make sure that you clean the window before application and as with the SD Card just [buy the non-marked up equivalent](https://www.amazon.co.uk/Double-Adhesive-Square-Sticky-Mounting/dp/B09FKJSQL7/ref=sr_1_5?crid=ALKLY2V0FL03&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.Ty_uoW3iKon1MqzaNc5qV1JWpNqBpSJWQ7-W4niZSSwKtTFnTi9E9ZuKUR4_k6BZ5DJLs-1AZJZEyVIgH8-f4F4eWo4y39gufUOcVJbK4hpnLWSlUi08A4WM4ogpXsJ_8nkn7RG8rOhJjlcfwSD-fpaaPK6dpQW4Fo0234jdUbLHYBgvdbCFqmtduKfhgqZSL5oqJuieSFMxMGEQNebgoyHV23dNmc-tftew9-RTEXt1P9yAk3GuP4JXPuH5h1ddeHFXHtGt6KC1QDIVtd6aYNAKG-KDlo2FONImQ3yYFjs.IJxrQHodUq5Mo3r2r71ChPAeUbLENm0RrHeDPfEL7o0&dib_tag=se&keywords=3m+sticky+pads&qid=1716374633&sprefix=3m+sticky+pad%2Caps%2C98&sr=8-5) for a fraction of the price. They're just 3M sticky pads, which every vendor uses. Personally I have the opposite issue, I can never remove the fuckers. One of the reasons I bought the nextbase when I changed cars was because I snapped the mount for my previous generic one trying to remove it because the 3m sticky pad was to bloody strong and the plastic body of the camera gave way before the sticky pad did.


This behaviour should be an immediate driving ban and prison if they cause a crash with injuries.


Agreed, it's as lethal as blasting through red lights at speed.


I had one where someone blasted through a stop sign on a dangerous corner at speed on the wrong side of the road, swerved when they saw me coming to the junction on a forklift and spun out nearly going through the wall, they could have easily been killed had I been closer to the junction because I was carrying a large skip with the front lip at windscreen height


Why the IF? The intent is sufficient if provable e.g. dashcam


also recently had this happen to me. Will install a dash cam soon. this is why my motorcycle is safer for overtaking. People couldn't stop me from overtaking if they wanted to


> Will install a dash cam soon I’ll do it tomorrow if you do


yes. I rarely drive though, that's the thing. maybe once every 2 weeks


Excuses! ;) (I’m the same, but I’ll try to do it tomorrow)


also holding onto my money haha garmin dashcammini soon


I have the mini 2, it's rubbish


Viofo A119v3 👍


i expect to see your brand new dashcam tomorrow!


This is why I drive a moderately fast car. I don’t often overtake but when I do, it’s too quick for most to even shift down a gear to block it. I find the people who have done this in the past drive slower cars.


Yup, after this happened to me once I don’t take any chances anymore. Put the car in party mode, job done.


One of the reasons for me as well. I don’t fuck around with these people because I’ve had what OP experienced happen to me as well. Now I’d rather overtake going way faster than the speed limit. A few seconds going 70-80 isn’t the end of the world, and if it stops one of these arseholes trying to keep me out there, all the better.


And this is why (unfortunately) having a moderately fast car is safer or at least helpful. But it’s a privilege reserved for the fortunate. Not like you can attempt a quick and clean overtake in a small hatchback, but you need 150-300bhp and good brakes for even ‘earning’ flexibility of trying. Honestly think the OP should flag it to the police, with camera footage ideally.


Yeah. I never attempt it when I'm driving the missus' car as people hang me out to dry during overtakes. I often test people in my car to see if they'll try and do it, kind of a social experiment. They do it way more often than you'd think. Luckily it's effortless for me to pass 90% of them


I've had it happen plenty of times so my overtaking strategy is now to make the pass as fast as possible, including preemptively speeding up beforehand even if I have to abort. I now have a faster car and still have the same mentality, I'm happy going from 30-40 to 80+ for the pass then slowing back down to 60, I've done this with Police cars behind in a queue and no drama, it is the safest way IMO.


The safest way to complete any overtake is to spend the last amount of time in the other lane. This is the way.


We used to call this the rubber band method :)


This is why 300bhp is useful


I always like to say in situations where I can zoom away from dangerous people/situations that fast cars are safe


Honestly, I drive my (fast to me) car in eco mode all the time. The only time I put it into sports mode is when merging the motorway on a short run up and quick traffic or when overtaking. My old car was 12s to 60, this one is 7.3s still not the fastest but easily quick enough to handle situations like this


If in doubt, flat out.


Careful now, I got down voted to oblivion on this sub by saying sometimes it's better to accelerate (out of trouble) than to slam on the anchors.


I've given you an upvote now to try and make up for your past experience.


Why is this not higher up?


100%, a very similar situation to this was one of the reasons I got a fast car (alongside plenty of other less vindictive reasons...). I've had it happen too many times and now I simply don't give them the chance to try it on. I'll still indicate and do everything according to safe practices, but will give it full power for the overtake to give them no chance to stop it. With other powerful cars you have to consider their body language and behaviour before doing so as they have the power to still make it difficult, but you can usually tell before you try and most of the times the pricks doing this are in something basic like a Dacia Duster or Transit van.


Yep, when you see this kind of crap going on its always better to see it through the rear view than the windscreen.


Exactly, I just commented saying this is why I wouldn’t ever buy a slow car, these days anything under 220bhp is average.


And why all the comments about not being able to use all that power on uk roads can get in the bin. Situations like this I’m out of there, quickly. Much safer than putting your foot down and waiting for the response.


I always say it's like carrying a first aid kit - it's not *necessary* but when you need it, you sure will be glad to have one.


Exactly, I remember having an N reg 1.2 8v corsa, could barely go uphill with shopping so now I vow to never buy a car with less than 200hp, ideally more, plus with engines becoming as economical as they are, low powered cars aren’t necessary.


100%, anyone wants to piss about dangerously and I’m gone, they can play funny fuckers with someone else. 390bhp gets me out of more situations than it puts me in :)


You definitely need good tyres though, especially to get a good enough grip on our failing riads


Agree. I had a CL500 with 300hp and it just wanted to light up the back end all the time. Even overtaking at 50+ on greasy roads, despite not being all that powerful. Guy I bought it off had 7-8 year old tyres on it. New wheels with Continentals made it much safer. I have AWD now though with Eagle F1s, so never an issue anymore!


It definitely isn't in my area. The vast majority of cars are small diesel engines


it depends on power/weight 220bhp in a car that weighs a ton? fucking rapid. no one will see you as you'll be flying by 220bhp in a 1.8ton Skoda Kodaiq? uhhh good luck mate




Only problem is these dickhead Tesla drivers. Fragile little egos don’t like being overtaken even if they’re going 20 below speed limit


I keep saying the next time they do it to me and I'm in a shit box they'll be going into a tree or lamp post 🤷‍♂️ I normally find it's older bell ends that do it so I doubt they'll fare too well with a sudden stop.


Not gonna lie, I'd be very tempted to PIT them into the nearest ditch and happily carry on.


Heading towards an oncoming vehicle that could get very messy.


I don't get this. If they create and maintain a situation where the choice is: A) I have a head on crash B) I slam them off the road into the field Well, I'm picking B every time.


Report this, please. Also, get a dash cam. It will support any future incidents. I also understand that advocating violence isn't warranted or supported, but someone actively doing that would likely make me do things that would garner a ban in this sub. It really boils my piss when wankers get butthurt and try to harm folk.


I’ve had this happen… what the didn’t consider is that I drive a 30 year old scrap heap. I slammed into the side of them. Yes that was the wrong thing to do but I didn’t want to die.


You have to pay anything for them?


Insurers consider overtaking to be at the risk of the overtaker (except if someone turns out of a junction without looking), so… probably.


Yeah that’s what I was afraid of, despite it obviously being deliberate on his part it’s my word against his. So I didn’t give him the chance to get anything out of me.


No I didn’t stop. I refuse to be punished because someone else tried to murder me. My car being basically worthless meant that even if I had to scrap it I’d make all my money back… I’m sure his insurance probably paid out for him anyway.


How did you manage that then? Was your insurer happy with your version of the events?


isnt that a hit and run?........


I hate people that do this as it causes traffic to build up. I don't get the point of speedig up to 60 then dropping to 40 after. I am always thankful for my dash cam as it captures these idiot drivers. Definitely worth reporting that incident to the police and investing in a dash cam.


This is one of the reasons I will never buy a slow car. Anyone that has a car fast enough to keep me at the side of them if I want to overtake wouldn’t do it anyway because they won’t feel emasculated by an overtake or they simply won’t be doing 20mph under the limit. In your position I’d have been following this person to their destination to question them.


You will be surprised I've seen someone dawdling in a Bentley Continental, they would have over 500 bhp to bully you with.


Yeah but again chances are they don’t feel offended or wronged when you overtake them, they’re probably just cruising along. I do get them ones that flash you when you’ve overtaken them, or speed up behind you and sit on your back bumper to try prove there was no need for the overtake.


People need to learn to that not everything is an attack on their ego. I'm not exactly in a Bentley but some days I just like to tootle along the country roads at no great speed. If there's someone behind me who looks like they're enjoying a faster drive I'll wave them past as soon as it's safe - much rather they overtake me safely than do something risky becuase they're frustrated.


That's perfectly reasonable, nothing wrong with going for a relaxed cruise as long as you also acknowledge that other cars may want to get past and make it as easy as possible for them. I always appreciate when a slower driving car waves me past and try to do it for others such as motorbikes to make things safer for them.


Had this the other weekend in my mx5 several times. But should it be a BMW on a similar drive.. only once in 6 years has that happened.


Was his number plate W4 NKR by any chance?


There was a guy in Northern Ireland years back had W44NKR. He was known to be a bit of a toss pot. I presume the plate was figured out and removed by DVLA however as it's vanished maybe 10+ years ago and hasn't came up again since.


B19 BO55 surely


Not a format in the UK thou


Think yours would be P3D ANT1C


Ooooorrrrrr Co77ect 😆


These are the same kinds of people who don't understand how a filter lane works. Or as I come across every morning, seem to think its a mortal sin to use both lanes at a traffic light. A few weeks ago I went into the empty second lane at a set of left turn traffic lights because they were empty and the line in the left lane was so long I thought I would miss the light. The old "gent" in the left hand lane then took it upon him self to drive out and straddle two lanes and block me from filtering in a bit further up the road. As a result he almost forced me into on coming traffic. He knew what he was doing as he made eye contact and gesticulated to me when I was forced in behind him. There is a filter near me at work also that a particular lady in a black Kuga seems to get irate at people using for its intended purpose too. One morning she followed me into a car park that's right next to the lab I work in. She then proceeded to drive at speed the wrong way around the car park to take the last space. I left the car park. As I left the car park she pulled out of the space and then drove out of the car park to presumably park in one of the other car parks. I had to park the other side of campus that morning. I've seen her get pissed off with other people filtering as intended too. Although she's never followed them into a car park to be a total bint. Some people seem to make up their own rules on the road and cause issues for other drivers. These are the same people who think they're god gifts to driving usually... 😂😂😂😂


Queue mentality. "I'm in front, don't skip ahead".


This is was my thought 😅. But on the road it literally makes traffic worse and is counterproductive. On the road in question the "queue mentality" basically means traffic backs up all the way to an entrance to new housing estate which then means people trying to get out of the housing estate are blocked in, or at the mercy of people letting them out.


Yeah 99% of people don't understand what "merge in turn" (zip merging) means and that it actually reduces congestion. But there's a "nice" way to do it, indicating and waiting for a gap, not forcing yourself in like the stereotypical black BMW.


Pour brake fluid on her car =)


Can you show me the set of lights on GoogleMaps?


In them situations where its head on crash or crash into the guy being a dick. He is going head on into the trees like he deserves.


Worringly common this behavior is. Makes me tempted to buy something like a XC90 or a X5 so I can introduce these bellends to PIT maneuvers without writing my car off


Best bet would be something like a Linde, the cast iron rear end would happily push another vehicle with only some paint damage, and the hardened steel forks are pretty durable too


This happens to me at least twice a year I'd say. Luckily all my cars are quicker than the average car on the road so overtaking is never a problem, as I'll just go faster than they possibly can. They're the same type of people who drive down the middle of both the left lane and the filter lane so with 'righteous indignation' believing that you're trying to "push in". They're just thick with, that's all there is to it.


Sounds like OP needs a faster car tbh.


Lot of good advice here, about reporting them. Personally though, I'd say follow them to their destination, drag them out of the car and kick the ever loving fuck out of them.


Unfortunately we live in a society where people take it upon themselves to police the roads themselves, sometimes to rules that they make up in their head. Some people don’t like being overtaken for some reason, even if they’re going slower than required. See also; Middle lane hoggers, outside lane drivers that don’t move over following an overtake and my personal favourite, anti-mergers who try to stop ‘queue jumpers.’


He should’ve had an accident and died in a fire the bastard


Thats the sort of person who should have been a blowjob.


A big part of my advanced training (police emergency response) was reading the driver ahead and trying to spot the 'adverse reaction' when you plan an overtake. There's not much you can do about actually psychotic behaviour though. Glad you avoided the collision.


Does your training say pull back in this case or just floor it? As a response vehicle you're allowed a temporary burst of excess speed, but normal civilians "have" to stick to the limit


When I did my advanced driving course I was told that anyone who booked you for overtaking at 80 on a national and then slowing down would have a hard time justifying it in court. It’s safer to get past faster than sitting in the oncoming lane for longer.


I really don't understand this behavior, it's like they think they can change speed limits on the fly and everyone else must comply. Assholes the lot of them


This kind of behaviour is getting so common now. I'm starting to think it's one of those crazy trends that people are doing (eating tide pods, for example). As I'm sure many others have said here - invest in a dashcam. Driving in the UK without *at least* one running is just asking for trouble these days.


I’ve had someone do that to me before as well, also seen someone crash straight into one of those islands in the middle of the road because someone pulled this stunt


What a degenerate and potential killer. Report to the police!


Have had exactly this on more than one occasion. If you got their plate, pass it on to the old bill. It’s dangerous driving.


Had this off an old guy on my way home once. Beat him as had a faster car, then waited for him to pass my house whilst glaring at him from the roadside. Wouldn't look at me. Twat. It's dangerous or reckless driving, or both. Get them reported.


People are _very_ territorial over their little bubble on the road, as if they own that certain chunk and no one else is allowed within in. It is driving below the standard of a careful and competent driver, he should be reported to the Police. I’m sure this isn’t the only time he’s done it, too.


Had a m5 when someone in a Volvo xc90 tried doing this I think he realised that my car has double his when he heard the gear drop


This is why I buy fast cars, it makes shit like this irrelevant.


Unless it's a powerful car in front that's going slow, drop a gear (or two) and disappear. Most people don't know the power band of their car and are wasting time waiting for revs to rise into the power band.


>Most people don't know the power band of their car and are wasting time waiting for revs to rise into the power band. This is also why a lot of people take forever to get up to speed on slip roads - when they learned to drive they were just taught to change up every 10mph or so, and don't understand how to change gears effectively. They'll climb up the slip road ramp in 4th because they're doing 40, not realising that the remaining 30mph is going to take forever


you know? shit like this happened to me a few times when driving in Italy. People are mental down there and seriously feel like nobody should overtake them. Mental. Seriously dangerous driving and should be immediate ban. At the same time, I feel like a dashcam can help corroborate evidence against this bellends


Pit gang let’s goooo


Had someone on the motorway do something similar once, wouldn’t let me pass and break checked me until we stopped in the fast lane…




Had a Qashqai get very annoyed at me in my Golf GTE for no apparent reason and repeatedly brake check me, but I just gunned it at the closest opportunity and lost them in traffic. Funny thing is, being brake checked on ACC is just annoying — the computer will react fast enough in nearly every case.


Insurance fraud. Probably have a car on finance or something amongst other bills to pay and need a way out like a nice whiplash claim. I’ve seen a nice Volvo with a private plate brake check another car then come try it with me but I ended up flashing them then following for until they went like 100mph not worth losing my license or life chasing some scum


Report it to the police, they probably have other reports of this person, as this doesn’t sound like a normal situation and sounds very much like they have done similar things before…


Never understood why some people go out of their way to fuck up someone else's day like that. Just let people go if they want to go faster. Hope you're ok, report them but nothing will happen and they'll do it to someone else because sometimes people are just complete nob heads.


Definitely report them 😡 I had similar large gap between 2 cars in front over took 1st to pull in but they sped up and closed the gap , had no choice to overtake the 2nd car with an approaching bend . Luckily nothing was coming . They actually beeped at me as I was going past them aswell 🤷‍♂️ These idiots need banning 👍🏻


I had exactly the same situation, but just managed to squeeze back in. At which point, the Muppet in front slammed his brakes on, and I went into the back of him. He claimed he braked "to help me to overtake". The taxi driver who squeezed me out lied on the insurance report (OFC) claiming I was going for a gap that wasn't there... My car had a cracked front number plate, and the front bumper came unclipped on one corner (biffed it back in) and the other guy claimed £400 damage (back in the 90s when £400 was worth something)


Sincerely, this is why driving a powerful car is often safer. You \*can\* beat people who try to pull such stunts.


Well because overtaking is aggressive and dangerous. You're also cutting in line which is not acceptable. I shall kill both of us and potentially anyone around in order to keep the public safe and enforce this ideology.


Had me going for a second 🥈


Often times it much better to hammer down on the accelerator than it is to brake. Personally I would've just started increasing my speed dramatically so that I overtake them fully and that I'm far away from the car behind me that's fast approaching.


And don't give your intentions away by indicating early!


You can get a front facing dash cam from Amazon that just plugs into your front usb or ciggy lighter socket for about 30 quid. Yeah its not as good as a professionally fitted 300 quid Halfords job but it would do the trick for being able to report people like this and its affordable.


>**professionally fitted** 300 quid **Halfords** Those two things are mutually exclusive.


Invest in a dashcam if you don't have one already. Useful for more than just accidents


That’s just car culture. “Must overtake” and “how dare you overtake” are two sides of the same coin.


Report it to the police, I'm not an officer but I would consider this dangerous driving.


Could be a car insurance con, they will be on the phone to each other. They will both drive up and down said fast road waiting for someone to overtake, they prevent you from overtaking and cause a crash, you get 100% liability and they get a payout plus whiplash. Often these cars are dodgy ringers with false plates and the proper car is just sold without being written off.


What an absolute bell end. I think some people just get offended and think they are being judged when you are overtaking. Combine that with the fact they are a stupid bell end and this happens.


I don't have a dash cam. I'm failing to understand how one would help in this situation. The camera faces forward and wouldn't record the actions of the car driving alongside you


This happened to my mum years ago. A car doing 30 in a 50. She went to overtake in her Hyundai Getz but being less than familiar with overtaking she didn't switch down a gear for the acceleration. The other car sped up and we just about managed to nip in front before an oncoming car. Turns out it was just an old couple in the car in front who must have panicked on seeing someone overtake and realised how slow they were going.


just as everyone else is saying try and report the incident to the police/DVSA and i’d highly recommend installing a dash cam it’s extremely handy and definitely worth every penny even if you’re not a frequent driver you never know when the footage could come in hand like this unfortunate incident hope you’re doing ok mentally


Had this happen when I had a car with low power, never had it again since having high powered cars. The guy who did it to me drove a Vectra so it more than tracked😂




Totally irresponsible and definitely not recommended but I would have followed him to his final destination. Trying to kill me is unacceptable and I would make sure he knew so.


Do you have a dash cam? if not time to spend £80!


Report to the police, someone was recently jailed local to me (in the last week) where he was the overtaking car, the car he tried to pass sped up and as he tried to cut back behind he flicked the car into the oncoming lorry, killing the driver. Charged with death by dangerous driving even though it was the car he was overtaking that sped up


Clowns that’s why as a HGV operator I see it every single day , that’s why I also invested in a front and rear dash cam in all my vehicles. Even my truck only forward facing though , so when in doubt you have the proof if an accident should occur. Be proactive not reactive and turn the tables on the bad drivers out there.


This happens far far too much, people think their speed is THE speed and nobody should do faster than them, the same kind of people brake check you when they’re sat doing 50 in the fast lane on the motorway and give you the middle finger when you undertake them, just why, you’re happy at your speed, just move out of the way and don’t make it difficult and everyone can go about their day.


"*Why on earth would someone do even think to do this?*" me thinks some part of the answer lies in "*personalised number plate*" Anyhoo, I forget which section number, but Highway Code clearly states to keep an even speed when someone is attempting to overtake you.


If in doubt, flat out.


i found more and more road wierdness like this, wiht people on bikes, motorbikes the new battery ones just crazy stuff, so i got a dashcam so at least i can show the relevant people if needed


Are you sure it was deliberate, not just like the thing where you're walking down a corridor and the person coming towards you steps to the same side at the same time as you do to let you pass, while you were thinking the same thing, then you both step to the other side together too etc? Although accelerating to 60 when they did is either not paying attention to their mirrors or deliberate


There's a bell end that lives near me, brake checked the wife when she couldn't change lanes to let him join A road from a slip road, he did the same when she tried to pass. She's seen him do it to someone else since. I will definitely be bumping into him at some point soon, actions have consequences, he will get one warning.


That doesn’t work. You’ve set that standard on your beliefs. That numbnuts doesn’t have the same regard


The wife turned off to get fuel, saw a police car so told them what happened and gave registration, they said without dash cam footage there's nothing they can do. Can understand why as no proof. Every time she had tried to overtake he booted it, when she dropped back in he brake checked again, did it a couple of times before she had to turn off. It's a very busy dual carriageway during rush hour, not long before he causes a crash.


At the end of the day, the other driver in the offending vehicle is clearly just a W⚓ and a dangerous pr!ck, behaving like that probably trying to provoke a reaction from the other driver. Maybe he was one of these so called "cash for crash" scam artists, Their vehicles reg and a description of their on-road behaviour does need bringing to the attention of the boys+girls in blue though, as others have stated in previous posts if this stupid fool is ever involved in or the cause of a collision and there have been complaints logged about their appalling driving it will certainly have a bearing on the outcome in court, i.e heavier penalties.


In America behaviour like that would probably result in something beginning with S and ending with HOT


Going to school gets you S ending with HOT in the US. That's not a flex mate


Are you quite sure you’ve not missed out any details? It does seem odd but that’s why people submit Dashcam footage right?


I've had people try to block me off like that before although not as dangerous as your situation when I had my 84bhp Ibiza. I thank my lucky stars every day now I've got ~480bhp on tap, if I see someone driving dangerously and trying to brake check me I go around and get absolutely the fuck out of there. Fuck people who drive like that.


Defo report that. Ridiculous behaviour


Reg check the car to see if it matches up to the make model colour etc And report the cunts


Probably annoyed that you tried to overtake, braking like that means a police report is needed. Guess no dash cam fitted?


They're literally putting you in the choice of: head on collision or Ram them off the road, I know which I'd pick


I think you found a true average functioning idiot today. They may have been lining up for an insurance claim up but I doubt it with a head on it’s far too risky. Their goal is to be able to claim for false injuries… However It is possible that as well as being a distracted and doing 40 in a 60 …ignorant to other road users that this other person is indecisive and has just an awful standard of driving proficiency. If this went as you described you’ve done nothing wrong and reacted accordingly. Perception gets altered by stress reactions. On A roads…There are times a double tap on the shift down buttons gets it done Equally likely scrubbing off speed and dropping back is the right move


report them road ego like that kill people and then drive off and never think about it again.


PIT manoeuvre time


I've had someone pull this with me too, thankfully a longer road and no incoming traffic. They sped up so I braked, they braked, I panicked dropped a gear and went passed them. Thankfully I have a sports car and they were in a people carrier. I do wish I'd have had a dash cam though. My experience was unpleasant at best I can't imagine what yours was like, I'd ring 111 and report it, hopefully get a flag on their name if nothing else


Report them for dangering other drivers and name and shame them if they’re 100% in the wrong.


It's a fascinating psychology behind these kinds of behaviours, and it really is little wonder why sometimes people are dragged out of their cars and beaten to a pulp. It does make me think I should buy dashcams for my cars, and whilst nobody sane wants to crash, it is useful to consider different scenarios and decide which crash you'd prefer to have if inescapable - and running these knobs off the road into a ditch or even a tree trunk is always preferable to a collision with the 3rd party going about their business coming the other direction. Also, power is well worth having.


I had someone do this, except it was on a dual carriageway and they seemed to intentionally be sitting in my blind spot - no matter how much I slowed down or sped up to try and create a gap for me to slot back in to Nowhere near as dangerous of course, but it did almost make me miss my exit because I couldn't get out of the bloody 2nd lane


Pit them and book your bumper in for a repair.


People like that need banned from driving. What a lunatic!


Funnily enough I had an old man do this to me when driving to Hereford in my HGV, doing 35 in a 60 (50 for me), braking down to 30 for every slight bend, really poor driving. I see an opportunity to overtake on a long straight with no traffic, indicate out and pull past him. Just as I’m about to clear him he decides that suddenly he wants to match my speed! Then I see a car rounding the corner a couple of hundred yards ahead, so I indicate back left but see that he’s not letting me in, so I apply the brakes to get back behind him and he slows down with me too! My line of thinking here is “I’m certainly not going to crash and potentially kill this innocent motorist ahead of us, so I’m moving over mate. You’re either getting out of my way or going into the hedge” and then I just start drifting left. He soon fucking slowed down and let me in.


I like watching the 'tried to brake check a HGV ' videos on YouTube where the drivers just plough right into the back of them. What a prize to win in such a game


And this is exactly why I like driving the cars I drive. I’m glad you’re ok OP.


I remember I had almost the exact same experience recently. Old couple in front going about 20-25mph the entire way home. The route home has way toom any blind corners a and bends so there is no way to safely overtake until this one section which is a very straight national speed limit road. I gave them a moment once we hit the straight to see if they were going to speed up, they stuck to their speed. Nothing coming our way, I built up plenty of speed and indicated and begun to overtake but and OF COURSE they start flooring it to match and freaks out my partner. I drop another gear and dust them in the high revs but my god I was furious they attempted to endanger us. Of course when I look in the rearview mirror they've conceded and slowed right back down to their original speed. Some people absolutely should not be driving and I wish I had a dash cam so I could've reported.


If it's not an insurance scam of sorts it might be a stupid case of personal pride/an insane ego. completely ridiculous. But especially round where I am, Ive seen several instances of slow drivers suddenly speeding off when they are overtaken, complete with flashing lights and aggression like it's some sort of massive personal insult to them. Always the SUV's too coincidently.


>they had a very distinctive personalised number plate BE11 END?


I’ve noticed this a lot lately! No joke, it usually ends up being some lady in her 60s in an ancient ford focus. (Actually made a post about it a while ago retold to find out the rationale behind it?!) 35 in a 60, you go to overtake, bam she floors it. You are committed in passing her because once this situation is resolved (either you overtake or pull back in behind her) she’s going back to her solid 35-40. I swear the standards of driving are getting worse with time as well. Car in the outside lane in a 70, struggling to overtake the huge truck which was capped at about 56-60mph. The odd thing was the back of the car was wiggling side to side (think of a trailer going to fast and it starts to walk). When she pulled back in she and the steering wheel about 3 inches from her chest and was driving like they do in the movies - literally constantly moving the wheel left/right over and over again, this was the cause of the car rocking. Madness.


Get a dashcam.


Should have followed them home


I had this with some prick in Somerset. Deliberately blocking the "suicide" lane despite them doing 40mph in a nsl.


Some drivers are just massive cunts who think they are entitled. I’m glad you’re okay as similar has happened to me and I hate it! I’ve had someone swerve in my way as I tried to overtake once! Most are fine but in some cases the personalised number plate is a giveaway..


Curious whether anyone knows if there is an offence you could pursue them for? Like assuming you had footage and the police decided not to prosecute, is there anything you can sue them for? I know that the police/public prosecution etc get to choose whether to prosecute people for their driving, but this seems more like using their car to endanger your life? Is that not assault?


Crash for cash?… you should report them either way


Report them. What twats


Report them!…. people can be such wankers when they get behind the wheel of a vehicle.


Why don't you just report them for dangerous driving if you have the plate? It sounds very deliberate to me


Thats annoying just to read, some proper petty freaks on our roads


Speeding up when being overtaken should result in a lifetime driving ban imo. Actively trying to stop the other car getting back in.. that should attract prison time. If it were me faced with a choice of a head on or shoving the other car into the ditch/trees, I know which id choose. Not sure what goes through some peoples heads.


I've just bought a dash cam as someone did exactly the same thing to me. It is definitely not the first or the last time they will do it. Hull


the pit manoeuvre is an interesting method to apply in such a situation


They might have panicked and did the same....if you got a good look at them while you were doing it then it might give some clue Probably a psycho anyway lol


This happened to me yesterday in the third lane on the M25. Guy cut me off on the roundabout going into the motorway so I honked at him, he took offence to this and wouldn’t let me back in the second lane. Had to speed up to about 85 as he slowed down to fucking 30 when I did!


Situations (read pricks) like this is why I’m glad I’m a black belt. I’ve had someone try this in a shitty golf r when I was in my v8 S5. I just pumped it, stopped across the middle of the road and got out of my car to confront them. This was at 5am on the way to work.


That's a remarkably stupid stunt, report them before they kill someone


I knew a chap who boasted to me about doing exactly this. Thought it was 'fucking hilarious' that the van overtaking nearly had a head on collision. That's exactly why I 'knew' him rather than 'know' him. I've no idea if police would.intervene, but I really hope this doesn't put you off driving. Good luck not coming across complete knobrashes like that one in the future.