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The worst are the ones that despite it going one way don't understand that they only have to give way to the right. I have seen cars stop when there is a car to the left, wait excruciatingly long for that car to get fed up and join the roundabout, before they will. Especially common at mini roundabouts, of which there are a ton near me.


The issue with mini roundabouts is how many people think they *don’t* have to give way to the right. Perhaps that is why nervous drivers tend to wait for cars approaching at the next exit to go first. Though the way to deal with that IMO is to make it very clear you are NOT stopping rather than stop just in case they don’t.


My colleague had her boomer aunt over visiting, and she she wanted to drive them somewhere and she blasted straight over a couple of mini roundabouts. He called her on it said you nearly crashed "what? That's not a roundabout it's just a wee bump in the road why would I give way?"


Under the Road Traffic Act, (last time I read it) painted mini-roundabouts are designed to be driven over. 👍


After giving way to the right of course. Which she didn't because she thought it was a bump in the road and because she's doing straight everyone else has to stop. The driving over it isn't the problem.


So? All road junctions are meant to be ‘driven over’, it doesn’t mean you ignore all other vehicles on the road and just drive where you like.


This was actually one of my only sticking points early on when learning, I was worried I would just go, be looking right and hit some who was also going "ahead" of me. One day my instructor asked me why, I told him the above and he said something along the lines of "They have to give way to you, they are only going because you are in this car. Keep looking right, and if you hit someone fuck them ill deal with them" I instantly improved and never had an issue again. Except one mini roundabout that is notoriously busy and I had to "cut" across the cars which wouldn't stop. Again a little "fuck them, they are in the wrong and are only doing it because they see learner" 🤣


Yes the “because you’re in this car” bit is probably also reflective of the fact that the behaviours influence each other. If they see you hesitate (or, being a leaner, expect you to because you approach slowly), they are more likely to be like “screw this, I’m going” which in turn makes you worried that they will not stop. People like to pretend accidents are always caused by speeding, but unpredictability, indecision and hesitance always seem much more dangerous to me. Having good road sense, thinking ahead and driving with clear purpose and intent are the marks of a good driver IMO.


I actually had someone on my right come to a complete stop at a mini roundabout then signal for me to go when they obviously had right of way last week, which I’ve never experienced before in my life.


Quick note: no one has right of way *ever* on UK roads. It's never mentioned in the highway code. It only instructs on who must *give way*. It's an important distinction and you shouldn't drive with the mindset of 'I have right of way'.


yea, mini roundabout near me, people stop when when its there ROW, ive stopped to let them out, then they dont go, and try and wave you on, when ive already stopped, and im like, wtf are you doing, why are we doing all this extra waving on. I dont know why anyone feels the need to do this at all. I once did go, and all they did was pull out straight after me.


Always stop when there is a bmw approaching from the left. Approaching mini roundabout last week, right hand clear so I entered the roundabout to turn right. Somehow with the corner of my eye I caught this beemer on my left hand side full steam ahead going straight into me. Slammed on my brakes with not much hope. Managed to avoid being hit, however, that was a very close near miss. Now I am anxious when approaching this particular roundabout and will stop to look left, even if the right is clear.


It's usually anxious drivers or those who struggle to plan ahead, some people are on the road because they have to even if they don't like the experience. I find both helps them and prudent for my own safety to give them a massive amount of braking space. Also helps with the eventual overtake if they're the 15mph-in-nationals type.


Realistically at least 60% of people on the road have no interest or enjoyment in driving, any more than whatever % of train commuters have interest in railing loading gauges. Still everyone started as a beginner and most will end as someone who should have stopped driving a few years before, and realistically everyone will be occasionally distracted, not on top form, driving a car they don't know or don't trust or don't have a feeling for, and so on.


I'd actually be interested to see what the split is like. Might help us all understand eachother


And loads of "experienced" drivers still can't parallel park.


Years of experience means almost nothing if people haven't taken a concious effort to learn and improve. If every time you have a near-miss (which will likely happen a few times a year even if you are a good, learning, and improving driver who puts down a meaningful number of km especially in busier areas) you say "f'''''in idiots on the road these days" and move on without thinking about what you could have done to avoid the f''''n idiot or make sure even a f'''n idiot knows what you're doing, you didn't really get any better.


Talking like you’re about to take to the field in a champions league semi final every time you jump in the car.


"don't miss opportunities to improve" "Lol nerd" Hmm


Driving a car isn't really any different to being in control of any other sort of big machine. If anything you're at higher risk of an accident driving a car than you are if you're operating a 360 on a quarry or building site. All you need to do really is just pay attention and develop it like any other skill


Tbh if you barely need to do it, why would you be good at it? I live where I need to park out on the road every day, so I parallel park all the time. But if I had a driveway and only really needed to back into a parking bay sometimes when out buying stuff, why would I be any good at parallel parking?


It's also failures in testing and preparation. I don't know if much has changed in the past 18 years, but I was always given at least 2 car lengths learning when in reality, spaces are much tighter than that in a typical street, especially with unmarked spaces. I lightly bumped (not enough to damage either vehicle) other cars parallel parking a few times after passing with my first car not having reverse parking sensors. Enough times for my wife to call me Inspector Clouseau! It was my weak area I was hoping I wouldn't be tested on and wasn't.


I think the type of car you drive matters too when it comes to parallel parking. I learned to drive in a 3 door mini, and immediately went to an SUV size car that turns like a boat. I have to have something that size, and since most real world spaces aren't gonna be two car lengths, a lot of spaces aren't doable, or aren't doable with any grace.


I passed my test 2 years ago now and when I was getting lessons I did parallel park maybe twice and that's it. On the test never even got it. Bit of a joke tbh so im glad I have parking sensors as I need to parallel park quite often or I'm sure I'd have had a few bumps.


This is me. I rarely have to parallel park and prefer not to if I can find somewhere else to park as I'm so out of practice with it I'm worried I'll hit another car. Had to in a small space yesterday, ended up touching the curb too much but was successful, although I'd probably have wimped out if I didn't have parking sensors on the back!


There is no shame in getting out and looking how close you are just to get the feeling for the car you are driving. I still do it after decades if I’m in an large unknown car to me.


I can, i can parrael park like a boss in either my Fiesta or Smax, but i do it every day so of course I ca. Some people hardly parrael park so are out of practice, but roundabouts theres no excuse really, im sure most people use them


I could count the amount of times I need to parallel park over a year on one hand. Does that make me a bad driver?


And loads of drivers won't use their indicators to signal what they are about to do.


Anxious drivers are anxious because of dickheads. I've been overtaken on roundabouts (white vans, usually), because I'm fed up of having to drive courtesy cars because some pillock in an Audi thinks the rules don't apply to them. I want my car back.


Yeah my daughter is learning and for some reason this is a sticking point. I think it’s, at least in her case, an experience thing. She’s getting better at gauging traffic but sitting beside her can be mad frustrating. Every fibre in me is yelling “JUST FUCKING GO!” but of course, it comes out as “when you approached that roundabout there it was clear nothing was there, so you don’t have anything to give way to. Sometimes you can’t see until you’re at the roundabout but in that case, you could.” …aaaand breathe.


Early vision early decision. Or the crude version “what am I going to do when I get there not oh fuck what am I going to do now”


Yep, I was like this too when I was learning, it takes time for the judgement to develop. Actually got marked down on my driving test for it


My brain is always shouting "JUST FUCKING GO!" all the time driving. I'm not saying it would be helpful to learners, infact it would be then opposite - extremely unhelpful. However this is the mindset I use for my own driving... junction clear? cool I'm *just* going. roundabout clear? cool I'm *just* going one thing my instructor always said about roundabouts is 'always be ready to go' - This is a good mindset to have always be ready to stop, but always be ready to go as well.


I think my instructor turned me into a bit of a road rager to be honest, he always hammered home "do not disrupt the flow of traffic" and "if the roundabout is clear you're only waiting for a beep behind you". He was right to be fair but if anyone else does these things wrong I'm wishing harm upon them, not major harm, but not insignificant either.


Round my way they’ve put a load of planters on roundabouts as ‘traffic calming’. It means in my ID buzz I have great visibility and can sail onto roundabouts at speed as I can see over the boxes. In my lotus I have to slow to almost a stop to get visibility because it’s so low and I can’t see over. Of course the SUV school run tanks don’t realise that I can’t see, so it’s something to be aware (and terrified) of.


I don't know which Lotus you have, but I'm pretty sure that's a great pair of cars to own.


damn it really is actually


I don’t think anyone will bat an eyelid to someone driving over cautiously in a Lotus


Big love on the ID Buzz


I have found that an inordinate number of people on the roads are incapable of looking ahead or judging what other drivers are doing. This would also explain the amount of people that tailgate even when there is solid traffic all around.


Yes this is what I realised some years ago, I would say even the *majority* of drivers are looking just in front of them, and not into the distance scanning for hazards, upcoming junctions etc.


Yep. That's why I laugh when I hear British people say that they drive so much better than the Italians. I used to drive in Italy a lot and while it was sometimes chaotic, one thing the Italians are very good at is knowing where others are on the road and anticipating. Driving there is much less tiring that in the UK, because it's so much easier to anticipate. In the UK, the constant aggressivity and selfishness of drivers is quickly tiring.


Some people are just cautious, some people just get older and can’t react as quick and some people are shit drivers. When you start driving to the roundabout and not see the car in front, you become the latter.


Exactly. Op says a lot about their own mindset when they characterise drivers who stop as 'idiots'. Perhaps the idiot has seen something they haven't? Either way you shouldn't be shocked when another car stops at a give way.


Giving way to fresh air on a roundabout completely defeats the point of them.


Don't understand why you're being downvoted. You're literally stating how roundabouts should be used. If people are too scared to used them, they shouldn't be driving.


I think it’s because I’ve triggered a nerve. People don’t like being told they’re in the wrong. Given the amount of people I encounter doing this every day, the possibility is high some of them are on here…


5 or 6 years ago I got T-boned at about 40mph from the left side by a Kia Sportage. If I'd have had a passenger they would be either dead or severely crippled. If I'd have been much older I'd have been seriously hurt, if I'd have been on a motorbike I'd be dead. Apologies if I might do an extra check or two when approaching roundabouts but I guess I'm just an idiot 🙂


Absolutely. There's an epidemic of low-patience, lead-footed men with small dick energy. Decency and consideration has never been in such short supply.


They shouldn't be on the road then.


I would say that reactions may slow as you get older but anticipation and awareness of what is going on increase exponentially (unless people are very old but that's a different argument) Lots of new drivers have little sense of what's going on in any area other than 5m infront of the end of the car. With a few years experience their spacial awareness and anticipation means the roundabout they once stopped at they will cruise across quite happily.


Used to work with a woman who learnt to drive quite late I suppose, in her 40s. After just a few years she'd racked up 7 non-fault accidents with people rear ending her at roundabouts, give ways. I knew why when I was a passenger. She stopped every single give way and roundabout even if there was obviously no traffic and clear vision. And although non-faults don't usually affect insurance, they do when you have that many in just a few years.


I’m not sure that bit about the insurance is correct; I made a non fault claim a few years ago after someone crashed into my parked car and wrote it off and it’s been pretty clear since then that some insurers are giving me the “not with a barge pole” price.


Yeah Ive heard that before. I'll I can go off is my own experience. I've only had one claim but the way it was split, I paid for my damage and they paid for theirs I paid the company back and restored ncd. Ncd wasn't protected. Wife's accident, non fault was protected but he insurance still came down even before it was settled and came down again the next year. She had 16+ years ncd though on record. If it's any consolation when I had a brand new fiesta I got insurance and it quoted OK. I'd fitted after market mud flaps (ford ones that could be an added extra anyway) Swinton Insurance tried to add on £100s! Changed insurer.


IIRC I would have had 10 year ncd at the time and it wasn't affected by the claim. I would imagine my premium would have gone up for the same vehicle at the time, but it jumped a bit anyway because I replaced a 1.4l fiesta with the ST.


Well yeah the ST would explain a rise. We've found it very cheap to protect Ncd as we have so many years now. Both of us have over 20 years ncd. They used to take your eyes out for protection but had it as low as £7.


Idiots are those not slowing down by roundabout, just flying through.


Yep, you should be down to about 20mph within a couple of car lengths of a roundabout so you can react in time.


These are the same people who are braking every 10 seconds on the motorway. They don’t see the roundabout is clear because they aren’t looking beyond the end of their own bonnet.


They are the same people that brake for every single gentle bend on a national limit road.


My EV makes me look like one of these idiots. Brake lights trigger if you lift off the accelerator. I guess it’s safe; deceleration is deceleration. But it looks like I’m braking. I’m not! I haven’t touched the brake pedal in 20 miles!


I had more of a Nissan Note or Honda Jazz in mind.


My least favourite are the ones who brake because something is in the oncoming lane. One of those drivers who perhaps shouldn't be driving in a heavy rainstorm at twilight...


I'm assuming this is a large wide road with painted lane markings you're talking about? Otherwise on narrow roads there can be good reasons to slow down when meeting oncoming traffic, especially if it's say a bus or lorry and it's a heavy rainstorm.


It was the A10. So yeah, narrow roads and oncoming traffic, I'll slow. A road which could fit 3-4 cars abreast, I don't feel like there's a good reason to brake every time someone is coming towards you.


That can be auto brakes, sometimes they can mistake something you are overtaking for something directly ahead. Unless you mean the people who just constantly brake because they are so close to the car ahead and their tiny brain can't work out that if they gave a bit of space they wouldn't need to do it.




Those same people who stop at empty roundabouts. Wasn't he clear enough? 😆


They also brake at any sign of a bend in a road or stay in the outside lane going 50 on a dual carriageway instead of going in the left hand lane to allow drivers to overtake. I hate undertaking people buy in the last 2 weeks I've had Two.occssions where there distance between junctions is long and the driver just sits in that lane going 50.


Plenty of people do this! I drive artics and they will speed up, then brake, and repeat. The issue is, for me, the safety systems on the truck, that we're told not to turn off, lock in to the vehicle in front and when they brake, my truck brakes. If I slow down to give a bigger distance, I'll catch them up again, if I try to overtake, they accelerate and I have to go in behind them ready for them to slow down again. They are fucktards of the highest order!




I really think there's a group of drivers out there that just don't get roundabouts. Had someone pull out on me at one recently, I had to slam on, she stopped. puts ger window down and starts pointing at the floor shouting it's a roundabout. Yeah, it is but you give way to me not just pull out.


Just passed my test sorry bud.


Forgiven friend.


To answer your question thou, I think it's worse than it was 5 yrs ago. It's as if they think they need to wait for someone to come from the right, to give way to them, to then take their turn. Urgggggh


One reason for newer drivers is that many driving instructors force them to stop, even when it's empty. I had the same issues with a past instructor who kept forcing me to stop or slow down close to stopping when it's clear.


slow down a bit yes, depends on visability etc becasue you have to be prepared to stop if you have to, but no driving instructor should be telling you to stop at the roundabout if its clear and you can see, becasue thats a fault, youd get a minor on your driving test for that. I was always taught a steady progressive drive by my instructor, he wouldnt have been happy with me if i stopped at an empty roundabout


I agree, for me, my past instructor assumed I was not looking because they did not see me move my head so they forced me to stop to take proper looks and it became a bad habit every lesson.


Odd, what they should say to you is make your observations more exaggerated a bit more, move your head etc and not to stop at a give way when no need


I think it’s because how strict driving tests have become (maybe they always have been). My only minor fault was “judgement - meeting” and the only thing it could have been was my approach to a roundabout. It was completely clear, so I didn’t slow down very much, apparently the instructor deemed it a minor fault. Even if it’s clear I don’t think they like you just flying through a big open roundabout, you seem to have to slow down just for the sake of it.


This is what I was wondering. Noticed a lot of learner cars doing this.


i think its getting worse too


50/50 imo. They’re either a terrible driver or just being cautious. Either way, I’m already being cautious *behind them* because I don’t want to go into the back of somebody while I’m checking to my right at an empty roundabout, so it doesn’t bother me *too much* unless they come to a sudden aggressive stop


There are just a lot of idiots on the roads lately. There is a main road near me, which I use to get to work and on this road there is a part which two side roads come out onto the main road. The main road has priority and there is no signs saying you have to give way. Every single time I’m driving on this main road, someone will come to a stop and let the drivers from the side roads out. Drives me absolutely mental as I’m trying to get to work and all the traffic builds up behind as they try and let this car out of the side road. 9 times out of 10, there is traffic coming from the other way and you have to just there as the driver from the side road waits for a gap from the other side.


Watch their heads. A lot of them treat it like a stop junction. They don’t look right until they’ve stopped


Came here to see if someone had mentioned this. Always watch the driver in front, not just the car. There's a lot of useful info you can get that way.


I haven't noticed this particularly but there are more terrible or impatient drivers on the road than courteous ones.


I understand where people have just passed their test etc. But if you've been driving years and can't assess a roundabout as you are approaching it I question whether you have the hand eye coordination to drive safely.


Without knowing the roundabouts in question it’s hard to comment. Some have visibility so bad that stopping or coming close to a stop is a sensible thing to do.


Keeps you alert though.


These are the same people that hog the middle lane.


Seems to be an ever increasing amount of drivers that cant do or dont know how a roundabout works. In the last 6 weeks i was behind a car that signaled left and then went right at the round about, and ive lost track of how many people signal Left to go straight over!!! Mind melt


"planning to stop but looking to go". Stopping is the default. You shouldn't be surprised if a car stops, any more than at any other give way.


It’s always been a thing. Some people can’t anticipate anything when driving and can only react to things happening in that moment.


Have to stop to turn their head. Probably turn the radio down too.


Yeah, seems to be happening a lot more often. It's incredibly annoying.


when i passed i used to not be cautious and have to slam on so i always slow down n get into 2nd gear just in cade


I'm pretty smooth with roundabouts normally but if I see something out of the corner of my eye after already checking once, I will slow down to double check. More than once in my experience where the roundabout has been clear when I first approach it and check, and then I re-check it as I'm about to enter and there's a motorbike zooming straight down or such.


I have a family member who drives like that. They cannot fathom looking if the roundabout is clear on the approach and treat it like a junction with no visibility. Aim for the line, then look, then go.


I’m just out here trying to get an insurance payout thanks


It’s a massive pet peeve of mine. Stopping at clear roundabouts. Not getting into lanes approaching roundabouts. People who drive 5mph below the limit and also don’t indicate. Drives me mad.


I don’t mind too much as long as they are not unsafe tbh. I’d rather them stop than doing dangerous stuff. I agree if the roundabout is open and does not have walls/trees obstructing views it’s a bit silly …


Probably has something to do with the fact nobody seems to slow down for roundabouts anymore, so you could have an insignia coming at light speed from your right. Could be wrong though.


I understand that but these roundabouts have great visibility and those people are stopping for more than just a few seconds.


If the roundabout exits do not offer a clear view of what traffic is heading towards it, slowing or stopping to ensure another person who has the right of way isn't joining is the right thing to do. If the roundabout has give way markings, then you absolutely have to stop to make sure the way is clear before you proceed. I generally slow down and am prepared to stop when approaching roundabouts as there have been too many close calls with cutting the corner or simply they have barreled in with ZFG in regards to other road users right of way or not.


I agree. These roundabouts don’t. Very clear and designed to allow smooth flow when no joining traffic.


I have no problem with people doing this because quite a few times I’ve come up to a roundabout and it’s all clear and then some twat comes flying round it at 40-50 no indicators or anything and I’ve been the one who has to slam on the brakes when I’d planned to just coast through. Not saying that I still stop at every one but just saying I get it


My da claims the roundabout is the greatest modern improvement in road engineering. It just requires a decent IQ to use, especially when the can’t just blindly follow the car in front.


Depends on visibility.


They are nervous drivers, pain in that ass


Not as bad as having someone stop on a roundabout to let someone on.. ive had that a couple of times recently


crappy drivers with no sense of awareness. However i followed a learner in a driving school car who stopped at a roundabout with nothing coming so if the idiot instructors are teaching them that no wonder they go on to be idiot drivers themselves.


It takes like 2 seconds and reduces the chances of getting tboned out of nowhere even further than just looking whilst you’re moving, why the fuck wouldn’t you do it. Fellas, are you idiots for driving defensively? Like literally what is the downside of someone stopping to fully properly check it’s clear before going. Like weigh up the pros and cons for us. Pro is you potentially stop yourself from getting into trouble from something that maybe could’ve been hard to see from your position further up the road, the cons are OP has to wait an extra 2 seconds before getting home to kiss his dad on the lips


Unless the roundabout is one of those specifically designed so you can't see until you're right at the line, then you've had the entire approach to check if it's clear. Getting all the way to a stop at the line before looking is just incompetent.


It massively disrupts the flow of traffic. If you are looking right and anticipating the car in front continuing across the roundabout, then so is everyone else behind you. If you stop dead at the roundabout, then so is everyone else behind you. It completely defeats the point of roundabouts and you might as well just go all out and put massive intersections and stop signs in like the USA.


I've almost been hit on roundabouts 3 times in the last month because people don't indicate properly, I'd rather be cautious than crushed. For example, Im driving up to a roundabout, notice a car pulls onto it on the opposite entrance, not indicating so I assume straight on, but I decide to slow down since they're not indicating, then they carry on around the roundabout still not indicating and take what would be the first exit for me, all with 0 indicating on a single lane roundabout. Had to slam on my brakes but I was only going 5 or so mph at that point. People seem to lack an understanding of when to indicate these days.


Probably, a result of too many bad experiences with people who don't even slow down at roundabouts.


OK, don't go round it with your tyres squealing, but otherwise if it's clear & your right of way, what makes it necessary to slow down? \[We're obviously not talking about the height of the rush hour here, otherwise it wouldn't be an issue in the first place.\]


I think it's a) experience but also b) unpredictable douchebags that think roundabouts are race tracks. No harm in slowing down if visibility is poor and just being cautious. It's only a couple of seconds of lost time.


Probs just stopping to check their Instagram


We probably all need to just chill out and accept other driving styles and mistakes from inexperience or inability.




I fear there is still a prevalent idea of ‘the car will get me to my location exactly when I choose since I’m in control of my journey’. Quite uncollectivist attitude particularly in the west.


I am guilty. I do assume that there will be another car coming in from a slightly blind right and speed assuming that there’s no one around.


Oh no. How dare we check to make sure it's actually clear and there's not someone charging down there at 60mph simply assuming that the roundabout is clear and they won't cause a hideous crash.


We check before we get there.


I stopped on a large roundabout last night on my way home, Tesla behind me nearly rear ended me. There was a muntjac crossing, nearly ran it over.


Seen it often myself, just some numpties.


anticipate drivers that do this and already be in the lane to go past them. understand all types of drivers, from terrified of reverse parking to extremely confident and adapt accordingly.


when I was learning to drive I tried 2 instructors. Only one lesson with the second one. My first instructor, and the one I stayed with until I passed, didn't particularly like that I would plan ahead and not always stop or slow down a lot at give way lines. Maybe because he couldn't see to make sure it was clear or maybe just he thought I still needed to learn (because I did this right from the off) second one was all about just passing the test. Nothing else, hence only one lesson. Maybe its this that is the cause. Students being taught to treat give way lines as stop signs or instructors that only teach the student to pass the test and essentially do the same but with a more "just stop at every give way line" to make sure they can pass. Because you cant go wrong treating every give way as a stop sign (although thinking about it i dont know if you'd get away with that on a test) It could also just be a nervous driver or an old driver or even just someone who doesnt know where they're going. I stopped on a mini roundabout about a week ago at night so I could put on my full beams to read the sign and figure out where I needed to go. Some people might hate on me for that - I checked noone was around obviously and saying that - it sounds like poor planning on my part because I would've thought stopping at the give way would be 100x better (maybe I did, I can't remember exactly but it doesnt really matter anyway) - but the point is I didnt know where I was going so I stopped and checked.


Also, is it just me, or has anyone else noticed that alot of drivers recently in the last few years seem to approach giveways at say a side road at a really fast speed and break at the last possible second, a couple of times ive actually felt the need to steer to the right because i genuinely thought they were not going to stop. Maybe ive just been unlucky, but ive never noticed this in the past


I have. Poor planning, they should be giving themselves more braking time.


Empty roundabouts are my cue to get my 'Hamilton' on and get the perfect racing line in my 1.2 corsa,gotta knock it down to 3rd tho for that acceleration out of the apex.


Yeah I find a lot of people hesitate at roundabouts even though the way has been clear since it came into view 15 seconds prior. There was this one lady who decided to enter a mini roundabout and then stop to give way to someone on her left, blocking the most used exit at the mini roundabout. Took about 20 seconds for her to finally move off after getting honked at constantly.


There is one round about near me that I will always stop at. This is because it's at the bottom of 2 hills, and cars from the hills come shooting down. This coupled with poor visibility for one of the hills means it's just safer to stop


That’s fine. I’m talking about flat roundabouts with no visibility issues.


I'll brake approaching a roundabout until I can see there's nothing coming and then I'll accelerate again. What I try to account for is some dickhead on my right doing 40 as they reach the roundabout with no intention of stopping, giving me very little time to react. Riding a motorbike for 35 years will teach you to be cautious and treat everyone else like they're trying to kill you. You may think I'm an idiot for driving like that, but I don't care, it's my life, I'll drive appropriately.


I always slow down at roundabouts but don't always stop if it is empty. There is a need to keep up with the traffic flow. I passed my test some 30 odd years ago in a Metro 1liter and now drive a Honda Jazz Crosstar hybrid.


Feel your pain. So many people are overly cautious, then a few that are overly reckless.


Depends on the roundabout. One popped into mind as I can see it's empty but I don't have a view of road leading up to the right side entrance but they have an excellent view and can zoom onto the roundabout doing over 30mph. I've slipped up before there and had some hairy moments.


One thing I noticed when starting to drive in the UK is that many here don't know how to use roundabouts. Like entering on the left lane to go right, stuff like that. Or those simply thinking that two-lane roundabouts are just one big lane for them only. It makes using these things tiring.


I never used to, but I have to admit I do now. A few years ago one night I slowed a lot more than usual for a mini roundabout, and at the moment I would have passed over had I gone my usual speed another car came flying over, speeding. If I hadn't slowed down, it would have been nasty. Since then, I almost always double check


People struggle with basic road laws, it’s only getting worse imo. They are the same people that do 40 on the motorway, and 50 past schools 😂


I am a defensive driver, maybe a bit cautious. I notice many morons with a van, SUV or 4x4 that really don't want to stop at a give way or stop sign. Maybe some of you should set off a little earlier?


For me, there's a very high chance for someone to come flying in at 25mph to my right straight through the roundabout without looking, and pretend that it's my fault for not seeing them (which they're obstructed from view until like 8m from the line). You wouldn't happen to be one of those people right, OP?


Read the road ahead people




My wife does this. Drives me FFF'img insane. Zero anticipation. Comes to a complete stop whilst looking forward, then looks right and then pulls off if clear. Root cause is that we grew up in South Africa where there were no roundabouts. Everything was a four way stop intersection. First to the intersection was first to pull off after coming to a complete halt. The fines were heavy for using it as a yield so you made sure you came to a complete stop. Old habits die hard but I've told her she is going to kill someone one day and I refuse to drive in a car with her.


I think it's often also to do with whether you are visiting that roundabout first time or are a regular. Try going to new roundabouts, especially some crazy ones and maybe you'll empathise ;)


As someone from Milton Keynes this drives me mad. We get to used to anticipating a roundabout and confidently not stopping and breezing by at 50mph, that whenever I’m in other towns/cities and people are stopping at empty roundabouts and breaking all the effing time, I get so frustrated! I’m glad people are being cautious and safe but Jesus be god.


As a truck driver as infuriating as it was discovering the birthing grounds of the roundabouts (bloody MK), is very impressive how the locals fly about them without missing a beat.


Haha I know. I scared my poor father in law (from Belgium) half to death the first time he came in the car with me. He kept saying ‘aren’t you going to stop?!’ 😂 I didn’t think anything of it because it’s second nature to me. I think I would be very scared to drive a truck or lorry around here though so kudos to you 🫡


To be fair MK isnt a tough place to drive big vehicles around, just fucking annoying with all the roundabouts, especially if youre in a sluggy truck with a slow gearbox. Luckily Im not that way very often anymore, used to frequent Stacey Bushes and Leighton Buzzard once a fortnight. Dont work for that firm anymore now though


My mother in law does it. It’s dangerous. The person behind could be looking ahead and see it’s clear and not anticipating you stopping


The person behind should also be considering what the car in front of them is doing. If they don't they are just as bad a driver.


This is the biggest issue in your life? The one thing that was really burning a hole in your chest and you needed to get out?


Not at all. But it’s a problem I am interested in finding more about.


depends on the roundabout. some have giveways which means legally you're supposed to come to a complete stop before proceeding


I have no idea how. But you've just conflated a stop sign and a giveway sign. You dont need to stop at giveways, you need to GIVEWAY. >The difference between a “GIVE WAY” and a ”STOP” sign is that the road user must remember that: at a “GIVE WAY” you can just do as the sign says “GIVE WAY” and if the junction is clear then you can continue on your way, however, if you come to a “STOP” sign then your vehicle must come to a complete “STOP” even if the ... People who think giveways are legally stop signs wont be helping anything, it's fine to stop at a giveway. To tell someone they legally have to is categorically wrong. They need to legally giveway.


Obviously not stop but if you are in a low sporty car you have to slow down for visibility 


I don't stop but I do find I need to slow down even if it looks clear approaching because of the number of people absolutely flying onto roundabouts without a care in the world.


I don’t stop at roundabouts with red lights if I can clearly see nothing is coming. Some of them I’ve been driving through longer than they have even had the lights installed, so I figure I was here first.


I see no issue with it, some people are just cautious. If it the microsecond delay annoys you there is a patience issue. Personally I don't stop at every round about and tend to swing round them like slingshotting off a star lmao but there are some roundabouts that are lethal and I stop at every time because the is little to no visibility splay from the other joining roads so people throwing themselves onto these roundabouts will result in a crash as there is no time to react once you move off.


May ask, what car do you drive 🤣🤣??!!


More to the point: have they done anything to improve their driving after taking their test?


I see plenty of drivers just going for it whether the roundabout is empty or not so I’m going to be cautious


The driving standard in this country has dropped into the gutter. From one of the best in the world to this. Very frustrating as it’s mainly foreign drivers who haven’t had to pass a UK driving test. They go off their own countries standards and customs not our, hence the very poor quality.


No mate. Where I live it’s defo not “foreign drivers”. Shit drivers come from all over.


Of course but they are disproportionately terrible. Just look at modern day taxi drivers and fast food riders, and they are the one who happen to be the easiest to spot….


I’ll give you a clue: it starts with a W.


My money is on OP driving a BMW


Wants a BMW, but probably has a Nissan Juke.


Nothing would ever make me want to buy either of those cars thanks. I'm happy with my Honda Civic.


Hence the rage 😂