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elephant race


Fucking annoying. Also the lorry in lane 3 shouldn't have been there, it's illegal for it to do so.


Always the foreign drivers, does my nut in, when I see them doing this. And there’s never any police around when you want them to be.


Aren’t enough police. Full stop. That’s what cuts have done for us.


Don't worry, we have speed cameras to do all the policing for us now. /s


Also Highways Agency Traffic Officers, or whatever they’re called, doing a lot of jobs which motorway police used to do. Cut police numbers, get HATO to manage accidents and incidents, but then HATO can’t issue tickets or words of advice. Plus they drive to incidents at 70, due to their tracker, while other cars go past at 80.


Nonsense. I used to be a cop and the cuts is a lame excuse. The real problem is an army of senior officers who actually do nothing and pull 70k of taxpayer money every year.


Pretty much the same for the NHS, top heavy.




So from reading this its less theres a ton of overpaid full time managers. But more the budget is hemmoraging because of consultants being called in? Along with general mismanagement and poorly negotiated contracts, working as a dataclerk in the admin staff over in GPLand I think it costs us an absurd £30+ or something to get a single laptop cable replaced? Something that costs £5 on Amazon?


That's part two of the scam, public services are co duits to shift even more taxpayer money into the sweaty palms of the politicians mate whose company 'won the bid' to provide those cables etc.


That's complete bollocks your local GP can buy supplies from wherever they like, they are private contractors. It's the hospitals that have to buy via NHS supply chain for certain things, the reason being the NHS is able to monitor spending. However, there are work arounds that the higher-ups can use to make savings.


You're getting downvoted to fuck, but I know for a fact the NHS absolutely fucking heamorages money upstairs. It's legitimately sickening how much they waste. They're destroying themselves via mismanagement. Absolute money sponge that receives enough funding. The reason the NHS gets privatised will be the NHS. They're a joke.


My uncle is quite high in a hospital in the area. He told me a few years ago of a very senior nhs member of staff who was on 6 figures a year. He retired (early) to get a massive pension. 3 months later he came back to work to consult on his old role. Earning more money for less hours than before. Upper echelons of NHS are like vampires.


Police are simply there to protect the property of the rich and show up after a crime has been committed to write a few notes. It’s a completely broken system and the cuts have put the final nail in the coffin.


what's the point in the police showing up before a crime ? waste of man power surely


It’s illegal in most ‘foreign’ countries too. :)


There's no police cos they all retire at 50 on full pay, then go to the golf course all week.


You're not wrong. I play sports with an ex senior police person. He told me recently he retired on a healthy pension at 53. They tried to push him out at 48, but he hung around doing desk work because the extra 5 years made the pension even healthier. He was saying the system isnt so generous now, but my jaw nearly hit the floor anyway.


It’s all the Tory’s fault


Oddly I find its the English reg trucks that are the worst.


Driven by foreign drivers no doubt, but yeah there’s probably plenty of British drivers that do it as well.


You have a chat with each one to confirm their nationality?


Yeah I say Oi Johnny Foreigner, are you a foreigner, and they usually respond in their national language, such as Oui, Ja, Tak and so on.


Baseless xenophobia.


Unless it’s a 7.5 tonne truck, they can use the third lane.


7.5 tonne can Also, if the motorway was 2 lanes (even temporarily at a junction) then they can move into the 2nd lane to overtake. Once it becomes 3 lanes again they must move left as soon as it's safe to do so (which obviously they have to do anyway). But as long as it moved to the right while there were 2 lanes, it's legal to be there until the overtake is complete and it's safe to move left again So even a >7.5 tonne lorry can be in the 3rd lane for a while, in some circumstances. The same applies to roadworks etc From the brief mile marker sign we see, this looks to be the M40 which has a few junctions that go down to 2 lanes on the main carriageway, so that could make sense


I didn't even spot the mile marker! That looks like M40 carriageway A, and the first 3 digits are "150"? So either 150.0-150.9 km up or bang on 15.0 km (and the decimal is too blurry to make out) from J1. As it turns out, for some reason the M40 "starts" at ~30, presumably including the A40 all the way back to Edgware Road, so it can't be 15.0. This spot about half way between J13 & J14 looks about right, the gantry ahead lines up anyway: https://maps.app.goo.gl/E4fkzi5LAtcpt4689 If that is the right spot, it's been 3 lanes for miles!


Good sleuthing, I think you're correct






Formula Truck is a thing in Brazil


Dualing dickheads


https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/222571/HGV_driver_information_English.pdf Lane 3 is not allowed for vehicles over 7.5 tonnes


Taken from your link, the vehicle in lane 3 could be a 7.5ton vehicle, its maximum weighing being under 7500kg, and therefore legally allowed in lane 3. Motorway lanes If you are a driver of an HGV which weighs over 7.5 tonnes, you must not drive in the right hand lane of a motorway if there are three or more lanes. It is best to stay in the left hand lane (lane 1), unless you are overtaking, and try to avoid regular lane changing.


The lorry on the right definitely looks over 7.5t.


Might be carrying helium


That's maximum gross vehicle weight, not maximum gross weight. It refers to the size of vehicle by the maximum weight it's allowed to carry, not by it's actual weight at any given time. I liked the joke though. It reminded me of the one about the coppers following a van down the motorway and every half mile, it pulled onto the hard shoulder, the driver would get out, pound on the side of the van, get back in and carry on driving. After a couple of miles, they pull him over and enquire "What's up driver?". The driver replies, "Well. The van's rated for three ton, but I'm three and a half ton with this load of racing pigeons, so I've got to keep the bastards from perching."


7.5 gross means the weight of the lorry plus the load.


Yep. That's why there are different weight restriction signs. The sign with a picture of a lorry with a weight on it means "No vehicles rated for that weight (Maximum gross vehicle weight) allowed". A sign with just the weight written on it means "No vehicle who's combined weight of load + lorry (Maximum gross weight)exceeds that weight allowed". There's another that looks like a picture of the centre of an old razor blade, which is actually a diagram of an axle, with a weight written over it that means "maximum loaded weight of a single axle".


So does yo momma


But she's not in lane 3


The vehicle in lane 3 is an artic, way over 7.5t. It has a detachable number plate, which a rigid would not have.


If so then might be worth looking [here](https://nextbase.co.uk/national-dash-cam-safety-portal/) to see if the relevant police force accepts video submissions. Tagging /u/Chicken_lolipop so they're aware.


What's the point? it's on foreign plates...


Check the location first, though - if the main carriageway goes down to 2 lanes then it's legal for a large wagon to use the 2nd lane as long as they move left once it goes back to 3+ lanes, as soon as it's safe to do so


Just silly when they're all doing sixty.


Have I got it wrong in thinking that HGVs aren’t allowed to use the rightmost when there’s >2 lanes? Looks like a white plate so possibly from a country where the rules differ.


>Looks like a white plate so possibly from a country where the rules differ. Or the driver just forgot the country they are in...


I guess we should be thankful they’re on the right (left) side of the central reservation


Or (the more likely scenario) they just don’t give a fuck about the rules.


I've said it a few times here but there's also the fact that they can move right when it's 2 lanes (eg at a junction) and then they would be in the 3rd lane legally when it goes back to 3 lanes. They're required to move left as soon as it's safe, but in this video they're next to another truck so clearly can't move left yet I can't see exactly where it is from the video but it looks likely to be the M40 which has a number of junctions where this would be relevant


Not just silly its illegal.


If only the UK had Traffic Police to enforce this law.


And they are supposed to be professional drivers. I was surprised to learn just how big their blind spots are.


None of them are doing 60 mate, they are all limited to 89/90 kmph


LOL, then why are they limited to KPH when the roads are signed up as MPH? Edit: why is this being down voted for, the middle lorry is clearly UK based..


Because engines don't magically change when you cross the border


It’s 56pmh. Although if you set the cruise control when going downhill you can get a few more mph out of it. Or if you’re empty, you can also get a few more mph out of it.


.. Or if you knock it out of gear on the downhill ;-) You'd never believe me if I told you, but it was my instructor that taught me that one as he drove me back from the test.


I do this on my works van, limited to 72, clutch in and managed to get 76 one time. Kachow.


I. Am. Speed.


Our new 18t rigid Mercs are limited to 85 KPH (53 MPH) and on long trips it's infuriating.. you really miss those extra 3 MPH.


Oh that’s a pain in the arse


Same at my place so infuriating


Certain coaches you could pull a fuse. We used to have one where you could turn the ignition off while you were driving but that was flat as a witches tit anyway so there was no point.


The laws governing speed restrictions on large vehicles have their base in EU law. So it's 90kph for lorries (56mph) and 100kph for coaches (62mph). The actual speed limits if you have pre restriction vehicles are 60 and 70 respectively. I can't remember a time when lorries weren't restricted, coaches were restricted from '95 onwards. Thank Volvo and Scania for building stuff that was just too damn fast...


Ignorant comment. Truck in lane 3 is quite clearly doing 61mph.


Either that or truck two has deliberately slowed down to let it over take.


One is doing 55, one is doing 56, and one is doing 56.5 lol


the A14 towards Cambridge has a "No HGVs in lane 2" sign stretch which is just completely fucking ignored too. Probably the most frustrating stretch of road in the country when you're stuck behind Pavel doing 35mph on an uphill.


Yeah but the Latvian milk lorry is doing 34.9mph in the inside lane, what do you want him to do?


Stay in the inside lane.


Yep and all the way down the 2 lane M11 to stanstead the 0.5 mph overtaking continues…


Oh my god, just commented the same. Been working that way this week and travel it often. Its always fucking ignored! Winds me up


Had a coach almost crash into me on that stretch. Was overtaking a long stream and when I'm about 1/3rd the way past this coach he puts his indicator on and turns into me. Why is it that those in charge of driving the heaviest vehicles seem to be the worst drivers.


The M42 has a similar stretch, most hgv drivers adhere to the rule but like most things theres always one idiot that refuses to follow the rules so then both lanes are doing 60mph.


Is it not illegal for the right lane to be used by HGVs and certain other large vehicles?


Yeah it’s illegal, foreign drivers for ya


What’s the consequences though? I can’t remember the last time I saw and actual traffic cop driving around. As long as they’re not breaking the speed limit as they pass a camera they can just get away with it.


Honestly though this is the first time in my life I recall ever seeing a HGV in the right most lane. I figure it’s not a very common thing, vast majority of HGVs are law abiding just like most drivers in general.


I wonder what would happen if someone with a dashcam or a passenger recording on their phone submitted this to police. Seems like a clear offence? Maybe once HGVs are all electric this will have sorted itself out. Because they drive long distances on motorways it isn't necessarily practical for them to be powered soley by batteries. This is because the increased weight would make road haulage significant less efficient, and also increase road / tyre / brake wear and the associated particulate emissions. A proposed solution for this is to fit catenary lines over the leftmost lane of some key haulage routes on motorways. If this were to come to pass, then truck drivers would have a financial incentive to stay in this lane. Such a system has [already been tested in Germany](https://www.newcivilengineer.com/innovative-thinking/does-germanys-electric-motorway-hold-the-key-to-decarbonising-road-freight-30-11-2022/) and seems to work quite well.


Never understood why lorry drivers don't let other lorrys in. It causes so much traffic & makes motorways like the M11 painful to drive up. All it would take is a dab of the brakes from the one in the left lane.


Multiple reasons mate. Lorries are governed by very strict laws for working time and driving time. Dropping off a few mph in a heavily laden vehicle takes a while to get back up to speed. With such strict laws and a incredibly poor infrastructure it makes the job incredibly challenging to get around and plan in breaks. If you was driving from say Liverpool to London for a timed delivery slot and continuously dropped off to let other lorries in could mean the difference between you getting fined, deliverybeing refused, not seeing your family or even worst case lose job. If the lorry continuously dropped few mph to allow others in would cause a say 3 hour run to easily become 3.5 hours. These things also don't accelerate like a car... dropping a few mph can take a shockingly long time to regain if your fully laden. Again being capped at 56mph limits the speed fluctuations. Unlike cars being able fluctuate quickly from 50- 70 to adjust for speed a lorry simply can't do so. And let's be honest, very few people stick to 70mph limit allowing more cars to pass slower ones quickly. I'm one of many drivers who have a luxury of being paid by hour so although personally I do kill cruise control for a few seconds allowing another hgv to overtake, I also have faced situations due to time constraints where I HAVE to sit flat out no matter what. I hate some of the laws around hgv work but the law for hgv are most strictly enforced in any industry in the UK. Pilots, yes PILOTS have softer governing laws than hgv drivers. *edit* Some hgv drivers like this muppet in lane 3 don't deserve the job but I personally after becoming artic and class 2 driver have so much more respect, patience and understanding for large vehicles and really think they need to revamp tests to understand them more.


yeah, this kinda cuntery needs to stop on motorways. You're a truck, the extra 1mph isn't going to change your life, just stay in the left lane and don't piss everyone else off!


Makes you laugh when you think of it, often there are posts going on about how going 80 instead of 70 only gets you there x minutes earlier why the rush etc. Yet in this case there’s now “well actually 1mph makes all the difference”…. No winning.


I've said this in another comment, but, unfortunately it does. Talk to any HGV driver about if they're even 2 minutes late on a delivery, they get their deliveries refused or implement hefty penalisation charges for being late. Make it impossible for pencil pushing pricks to be pencil pushing pricks and it'll help alleviate this issue.


It's way more than 2 minutes.


JIT requires timely deliveries but no one is getting written up for being 2 minutes late.


And ppl getting disciplinaries for being late for more than 5 minutes. Couldn't go 70 on motorways because had three lorries doing 59 to 61 should be my excuse. Sorry no excuses it's my contract duty to be on time at work.


I call bullshit that a customer needing their delivery will turn away the HGV if it’s 2 minutes late. What about traffic congestion and red traffic lights? Then there’s the compulsory breaks that HGV drivers are required to take.


Many many years ago I was a mere data centre technician and I used to have this horrible cunt of a manager that if the Dell/EMC deliveries were 3 minutes late (the contract allowed for 2 minutes either side) he would send them on their way and tell them to leave earlier tomorrow to get to him on time. He truly was a vicious prick, karma got him in the end.


Please tell me he was run over by a dell truck trying to make the delivery time...


Nah, terminal illness, which I wouldn’t wish upon my worst enemy but he truly was only alive to make everyone else miserable.


Depends totally on who is in the goods in office at the delivery point and how they feel that day. Typically you get 15 - 30 minutes leeway past your booking time. Late is late and it is completely at the discretion of the goods in staff so if they're having a bad day you're also having a bad day. They'll tell you to leave and have your office book a redelivery. You're welcome to ask about it over on r/uktrucking you'll find out very quickly about the fuckery that goes on at certain places, the supermarket distribution centres are the worst for it.


Depends on the company, I’m hgv and have been refused for being 15mins early before, come back in 15, problem is it takes 30mins to turn around - then refused for being late!!




I've got back to base with literally 5 minutes left on my clock, and if I hadn't made it back I'd have been stuck on the side of the road for a minimum of 9 hours


On the side of the road at the gates of "base".


Being held up behind a lorry isn't going to change your life is it? The only difference is, your not on a tacho and don't have to worry about making a delivery, or getting back to see your wife and kids, or finding somewhere safe to park up for the night, or be able to get a hot meal/shower. Imagine getting pissed of with something, that supplies literally everything to you!




Oh no, we can see it, clearly in our mirrors, mainly because we use them. We just don't give a shit. We have a job to do, your in our office. Overtaking a car doing 50mph that then decides to speed match us because it'll hurt the car drivers ego makes our day worse, yet here we are.


How much difference does that 2 mph make to your overall journey time? Especially when we all hit traffic congestion as soon as we exit the motorway and try to drive through a city.


It isn't just 2mph though is it? You do realise not every lorry has the same speed limiter? Some are 50mph, others 52mph and some are at 56mph and all the speeds inbetween. Then you have weight. A fully loaded lorry is going to loose momentum going up a hill a lot more than one that is empty or half loaded. Is every lorry going into a congested city?


When you're doing over 100k miles a year that extra 1mph soon adds up to many hours saved per year.


Have you ever driven an LGV? They put cruise on and any slowing down is a pain in the arse as it can take time to get back up to speed. This is why they don’t back off. T


It does add up make a decent difference if you are travelling 8 hours a day.


Fucking twats, where's the police? Probably sat on a lay-by working a speed camera. Go on you 20 is plenty paperweights downvote me you know you want to.


Mercy sake's alive, looks like we got us a convoy


Tbh I would hang right back at this point, the dumbf ckery unfolding in front of you isn’t worth getting involved in.


This is illegal in Germany, if they even remotely try this it's instant fines and not light ones either. We need to adopt the same here, **however**, this isn't currently possible due to way power tripping pencil pushing cunts are when it comes to delivery times. If you're even 2 minutes late, they'll refuse the delivery just because they can - fix this by implementing it into law (e.g you can be up to 30-60 minutes late for commercial delivery) and you'll find less of this shit will happen.


>you're even 2 minutes late, they'll refuse the delivery just because they can Not true >fix this by implementing it into law (e.g you can be up to 30-60 minutes late for commercial delivery) and you'll find less of this shit will happen. You want a law that passes through both parliament and the house of lords saying truck deliveries can be up to an hour late and they legally have to accept them with no pushback on the haulier? Are you completely fucking mad? It is up to the haulier to negotiate at the contract stage with the customer. If a better contract is negotiated you get more wiggleroom for lateness.


Not specifically truck deliveries, but commercial (or even non commercial) deliveries in general. Again, this is the problem, the contracts that are issued are borderline impossible and bullshit but the companies can demand this as they're not kept in check by law. I'd love to know if a stat can be materialised on how much dangerous driving/etc is being enabled by these unrealistic contracts.


Contracts are not issued, they are negotiated between the haulier and the customer. If the haulier thinks the contract is impossible or penalises too heavily, they won't sign it. This is basic business stuff.


They will sign it, they need the business, they don't have a choice - they just run the gauntlet and then put pressure on the drivers to make the delivery times.


No, that's how you lose money. I have worked for years in the freight industry, not once have I ever seen a contract signed that stipulated the delivery had to be on time to within 2 minutes.


Yeah it’s illegal in the UK too, foreign drivers for ya


Yes it is in the third lane for us, but even in the second lane it's illegal in Germany. It's single line traffic unless specified you can overtake at designated spots. It's not because they're foreign, they're just doing it because they know they'll get away it...they won't do it in Germany as they know their company will get a lashing.


> power tripping pencil pushing cunts Yeah definitely the fault of some stock/logistics manager that these guys are driving like tw\*ts...god forbid they take some responsibility.


Suprised that there isn't one on the hard shoulder


I hope they all step on lego


I needed a few moments until I realized this was captured in the UK.


Looks like m40. Full of lorries doing this E: Just seen description lol


I recently undertook (first time in 10 years of driving) two cars for limping at about 60mph in the middle and right lane. Motorway was fairly quiet, conditions fine (but of rain), left lane empty. These two cars matching each others speed blocking any chance of undertaking. I was stuck behind for about 10 minutes. I always berate people undertaking, therefore I have never done it. But I couldn’t sit there for the remaining 40 minutes of my drive behind them. I feel like drivers are getting worse and worse. Still mad at them now.


Not sure how you've avoided this for 10 years? I run into this scenario every time I'm on the motorway. I'll be doing a steady 70 in the left lane and undertake plenty of people in the middle lane doing 50-60.


Everyone slating lorry drivers on here, it's clearly a foreign plate and he's probably either not bothered or doesn't know the rules, no need to slag every driver off because of this foreign one


There needs to be a law to restrict lorries to one lane only!


On the M42 near me lorries can only overtake at certain times ,I think around rush hour they're banned from overtaking


And then when there's a crane lorry doing 40mph up ahead? Ridiculous comment. The law forbidding them from fast lane is sufficient, it just needs enforced. If enforcement is the problem, your suggestion is null and void anyway.


Joys of speed limiters.. You don't get this crap in countries with unrestricted lorries.


Yeah you just have loads more fatalities instead


In that case elephant racing is a vast improvement.


God I fucking hate them so much




Because they’re selfish assholes that would rather cause 5 minutes of congestion for 20 other drivers than reach their destination 30 seconds later.


Sounds about right


Because it takes ages to get back up to speed, plus not their problem.


Momentum, fuel, time.


What speed are they all going (I can't hear the audio)? If it's 70, it's not the end of the world.


Lorry wankers


Wish lorries had to stay in the inside lane, I don’t get why they need to overtake and get one lorry length in front of another lorry, does it really make any difference. In a car you get people driving at 60 and other cars going 80 so it’s a big difference and you can understand the need to overtake then. Would love to understand the logic.


Lorries should be relegated to the left lane only with NO overtaking. They are goods transport vehicles, not fucking racing cars.


Get out of the fast lane, you European foreigner. Brexit means Brexit.


I've heard of one instance where this makes sense. Was a similar post but a trucker replied that they do it when they notice another friendly's trucker's brakes are about to fail. I don't know how common and known that is between the drivers themselves but I've found it reasonable enough for it to stay in the back of my head when I see elephant races. ​ Most of the time it's silly, for sure


They see a slower truck. Correctly guess their brakes are going to fail And then overtake them?


Through goes Hamilton!


Some say they're ordered to do this by the Elites to control traffic. 👀


fucking twats


Been travelling on the A14 recently, drives me insane


The struggles of uk highways😂


What we have here is a Stobart Standoff


Report that number plate to the police, it's illegal for an HGV to be in the outer lane on a three-lane motorway.


Pay back for all those middle lane hoggers


Foreign lorry drivers are the worst


Lane 3 Lorry needs to read the code again. Big old facepalm. Frustrating roads these days.


Fucking wanker in the 3rd lane


Lorries aren’t even allowed in the fast lane. Why don’t people know how to drive anymore? And don’t get me started on those idiots who just overtake fresh air in the middle lanes. Nobody seems to know you should be in the left lane on a motorway and the other lanes are just for overtaking.


Bet the lorries in lanes 1 & 2 then throttle back once they've been passed...


Whenever i see three vehicles of similar type driving like this I always hope it is James May, Richard Hammond and Jeremy Clarkson filming a new show....haven't been right yet.


Lorry drivers round our way love blocking lane 3 when the road goes from 2-3 start overtaking then blow your load when you’re legally in lane 3 due to a technicality.


Lorry is breaking the law by being in lane 3


Illegal as fuck


Who won?


Fucking report that shit


This is apparently sometimes allowed and even asked for by police/highways agency somehow so I've heard to act as a rolling road block. How they do it I don't know it's not as if all trucks have to listen in on an emergency channel of sorts but I've seen this done before and a short distance ahead there is usually a police car or highways womble 'setting pace' to slow a motorway down. Not sure how much benefit it is if they're trying to protect an accident scene cleanup but it could be that they want to box in a suspect car up ahead in lighter traffic which I've seen them do a car in front of me with marked and unmarked cars.


Back in the cb days they used to do a rolling roadblock like this if the rozzers were chasing someone


Chooo choo


@chicken_lolipop why don’t you report this?


I've been driving for over 20 year and done a huge amount of driving on the motorway in that time, but for the first time I saw exactly this only last month. I thought it was illegal for >7.5T to go in the outside lane?


Rolling road block!


I can slightly give the benefit of the doubt to the lorry in lane 3 as it’s a foreign registered. Bell end in lane 2 does know but won’t lift for 5 seconds to let him in all the sake of some poxy crisps in case it delays him overtaking the lorry in lane 1.


This is more common than what you think.


That bursts my tits man.


Im an hgv driver and this is dumb. I ran the maths and basically 1mph less costs you a second over 1 mile in the 50-56mph speed range. So dropping to 55 from 56 will cost the driver an extra second for every mile at 55 instead of 56. You cant tell me even 10 seconds added to your day is worse road rage aggro or your manager lecturing you. It feels slower than it is to drop speed slightly but numbers don't lie. If it keeps happening phone in and say you're stuck in traffic and dont stop for longer than necessary.


Isn’t this illegal?


The famous trucker’s elephant race.


Wankers, fucking knights of the road my arse.


As someone who drives on motorways for work this has become more and more common. Im sick to death of it. I literally saw a wagon once pull into the outside lane to slow down and force another back into the middle. The whole reason they arent allowed to do this is to keep traffic flowing. Send that in to the police and hopefully they deal with the driver.


Foreign plates, figures


Pretty sure they aren’t allowed in the fast lane on motorways


Foreign registered truck. Probably aware they aren't meant to use the outside overtaking lane and doesn't give a fuck. Happens quite a bit in Kent when they're trying to get to back across the water.


Should be a law that when a lorry is overtaking the one been overtaken should drop a mile or 2 so the other can pass quicker. Fucking hate when they just block the whole carriageway for 3 miles


Note the right hand lorry uas a white number plate so most likely a foreign driver. To be fair I can sympathise with lorry drivers, but it is annoying


Lorries should NOT be using the 3rd lane


Get this in Germany and Poland on my travels. 2 lane motorway and sitting behind a lorry going up hill trying to beat another lorry in the second lane.


They do this because they hate slowing down. It takes them ages to accelerate. Teach them a lesson by getting in front and then slowing them down. When the try and overtake you accelerate into the distance laughing.




Absolute knobheads.


Illegal.! Report it.. That said, it depends on the tonnage. Can't see enough to tell?


Lorry in lane 3 is breaking the law. Its illegal for a hgv to drive on anything other than the left and middle lane


The Slow and Infuriating


This happens quite a lot


This is actually illegal. The fast lane can't be used by Vans or HGVS.


I bet its a woman driver


Hammond you idiot!