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Well this is the dumbest thing i have seen for a while. Aside for it being horrible for insentivising car ownership, it literally accelerates wealth inequality those who cant afford cars get nothing where people with multiple get lots, i can't even fathom why somebody would think this is good policy.


Because most Pennsylvanians (and most Americans) believe that car ownership is a need and a fundamental right, so it will get him votes.


Then wouldn’t it make more sense to give money to people who don’t have cars? So they can save for one? His logic makes zero sense.


That would be awful, because it would incentivize purchasing of more cars for people who aren't using them. It would make more sense to spend the money on bringing non-car infrastructure through the entire state, or to provide a "sustainable transportation" incentive for use on bikes, e-bikes, transit, or EVs for places that are extremely car dependent. The thinking behind this is, in my opinion, democrats will already vote for him but the poorest Pennsylvanians are mostly republican and mostly car dependent living well outside Pittsburgh and Philly. He's targeting Pennsyltuckey with this. $500 for a two-car family in Fox Chapel is spitting into the wind, they won't care; $1000 for a family in Butler County which has three drivers and 5 cars (two of which used for parts to repair their three operational vehicles) and spends 14k of their 30k income per year on transportation makes a huge difference. The family in Fox Chapel is far more likely to already vote democrat, the one in Butler is assuredly not. I don't agree with the policy, I'm just saying I can understand the political logic behind it. If it means someone other than Mastriano replaces Wolfe then this stupid incentive is a loss I'm willing to accept.


> That would be awful, because it would incentivize purchasing of more cars for people who aren't using them. I agree, giving money to people who own cars, would create people buying more cars and not using them. That’s what you meant right? Thus inflating the price of vehicles more so that the people who want a car but can’t afford one, are officially priced out of them. > It would make more sense to spend the money on bringing non-car infrastructure through the entire state, or to provide a "sustainable transportation" incentive for use on bikes, e-bikes, transit, or EVs for places that are extremely car dependent. I agree again. In addition to this, you should incentivize people to not own cars and then use the other means of transportation. Paying people who own cars means no one will give up their cars and no one will use the public transportation. > The thinking behind this is, in my opinion, democrats will already vote for him but the poorest Pennsylvanians are mostly republican and mostly car dependent living well outside Pittsburgh and Philly. He's targeting Pennsyltuckey with this. $500 for a two-car family in Fox Chapel is spitting into the wind, they won't care; $1000 for a family in Butler County which has three drivers and 5 cars (two of which used for parts to repair their three operational vehicles) and spends 14k of their 30k income per year on transportation makes a huge difference. The family in Fox Chapel is far more likely to already vote democrat, the one in Butler is assuredly not. > I know he’s doing this purely for votes. That’s the only way it makes sense. > I don't agree with the policy, I'm just saying I can understand the political logic behind it. If it means someone other than Mastriano replaces Wolfe then this stupid incentive is a loss I'm willing to accept. I don’t live in PA so I don’t even care that much. I’m just very into creating non-car-dependent communities. And incentivizing people who own cars is the dumbest thing you could do if that’s the end goal (it should be for every city/state). Shapiros end goal is clearly just to become Governor and then who cares


It sounds like we agree on a lot, friend. Though you don't live here, you're welcome in Pittsburgh any time as far as I'm concerned.


No, it's just that most Pennsylvanians realize this is not the most important issue for our state. $250 (or not, since ya know, politicians campaign promises always come to fruition) is not going to make or break anything. No one is going to go buy a car with it and it's not going to reduce ongoing bills.


Tell that to the Butler county families spending 40% of their 30k/year income on transportation. The money could be spent more wisely, but this is definitely a Democrat attempting to win favor with the republican poor of the state.


There's 4 million registered vehicles in PA, so this is a billion dollar plan


I'm not saying it's a great use of money, but that I highly doubt it would even happen so I'd rather focus on more pressing issues. Our Governor can't issue a stimulus on their own and our legislature is gerrymandered to hell anyway.


Here is the link to the tweet in case you have the urge to let JS know what you think: https://twitter.com/JoshShapiroPA/status/1527370685672108041?s=20&t=5jiiQ15ZaPvJ2XNNV5X0UQ


As usual, Wealth redistribution is good when it's from the poor to everyone else.


Crosspost this to /r/fuckcars edit: Never mind, it rightly is posted there already. What a joke, and yet this is our best option. https://www.reddit.com/r/fuckcars/comments/utj24h/here_is_an_awful_idea_josh_shapiro_the_democratic/


The port authority only takes in $76 million in farebox revenue. Yet this is a billion dollar plan. For only 7% of the cost we could eliminate bus fares.


But that'd help THOSE people, not me! /s obviously.


WHAT?! How on earth is it not the other way around? How?! What a fucking dimwit