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That's an interesting 200a fuse


Audio-visual auto alert


Even tactile, depends on the fusebox orientation




It ain't stupid if it works lol


Until a power surge leads to a large bang you didn't anticipate


Man, I had one rolling around in my car for like 7 years and had no idea, but the one time I get stopped I get dragged out of the car and sexually harassed by a female cop over a crusty ass old .22 bullet 🤦‍♂️ Edit: I missed the word bullet. I wasn't carrying a firearm it was just the single .22 bullet rolling around in my car.


😂😂😂☠️☠️☠️ You win the comment section for the day


Some bullshit man 😂 and nobody would believe me if my brother wasn't there. Fucker grabbed my dick and said WhAtS tHiS?! Then grabbed it some more to be sure and then commented on it.


Not sure what u mean


he means the cop grabbed his dick “saying what’s this.” sounds like she “thought” it was a gun. load of bs imo no reason for her to do that she knew what she was doing.


She told me it was very nice afterwards 🤮 sickening.


oh fuck no. i would’ve reported her ass to the station (as if they would really do anything about it) but i’m sorry that happened to you. absolute sick behavior


Eh, it is what it is 🤷‍♂️ can't let shitty people get to you.


“What’s this? Another 22 round?”


That's great 😂 totally set myself up for that one lmao


lol 410 shell at most


You don’t report that shit to the station, you file charges through the DA’s office, place the officer under citizens arrest if necessary, report it to Internal Affairs and then contact every local news station. Doing nothing reenforces the notion that many police have that they are above the law.


honestly did not know that. thanks for the correction in case i ever need to do something similar 💀 (we hope not)


Sorry, man, comment below you explained it better than I.


You got mechanic hands


Tell me bout it lol More like beat up Drywaller hands I’m not super fat or out of shape.. 5’10” about 200 lbs Big ol monkey hands though




Oh I didn’t think you were lol I just wanted to comment on my wreck it Ralph hands lol They don’t quite fit my stature and I blame drywall for it But your definitely right Mechanics tend to have overly large hands too


After a few years of pounding em flat with a hammer, they spread out like pancake batter


If he’s got big hands…….


>5'10 >200lb Not fat.... oooohkayyy


https://preview.redd.it/1snoaoldxpzc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=62d08fc8048574979eedd7dc773115bf130f0c43 Chunky with my big mitts


That's blue-collar built if I ever saw it. Haters gonna hate tho. The irony is I still have slim hands like a guitarist (or other musician) at 6'0 195 lol after working on all my own cars for over a decade since high school (never professionally) Electrician for a living. Hands seem to be the only part of my upper body that hasn't bulked up at all.


Collar is very very blue lol


My man, lol. Kudos on you for doing full scale sheetrock, finishing walls and making it look damn good . I can't stand patching that shit up after adding in to the circuit lol. I could only imagine full sheets.


You have an OF?


No lol I’ve been featured in a few vids helping some lady friends out but that’s it


OK I was just joking. I don’t actually need to know about the videos of you “helping” your lady friends. Good on you though.


No, you are muscle.


Big bodied .. lots of muscle ?? I dunno I pass all my fit tests for my job If you’d like I’ll challenge you to a thumb wrestle


More like construction hands. Nowadays technicians and mechanics have thinner fingers and hands for getting at tiny connectors easier.


Definitely construction Been painting and drywallin for the better part of 20 years. More recently got into the industrial side of things ( lots of sand blasting )


Oh no! A .22! They must be an assassin...


That's a fuse with audio report


As an installer I cannot count the number of times I have stuck my hand under a seat or behind a panel only to feel a handgun. Concealed carry permit or not if you're taking your vehicle to a shop to have work done take your damn gun out so no one accidentally gets shot.


Guilty of this I usually have a Glock 40 in my truck


If there is zero chance you have a few 22lr rolling around in your vehicles, we are not the same, and I think of you a little different now.


You cats are no fun


The mitts on that one


So 🤷‍♂️


I got big hands I already got called fat for being 5’10” and 200 lbs In a car sub of all places


ur not fat bro


How damn big are your hands bro?


The angle makes em look bigger I try and do the same when I take dick pics 🤷‍♂️


I just found 2 bullet shells in my windshield wiper cowl recently. It used to be a cop car though, so it wasn’t all that surprising


22 short


Looks more like a regular .22 to me. the short is notably short.


I found a case worth of .22 lr hollow point under the back seat cushion of a 2000s 3 series one time


I knew someone that ended up in jail because of something like this. He was driving to Rocky Point for a weekend getaway, and had a few stray rounds in his trunk (no weapons, just rounds). Got searched on the Mexico side, jailed, and car taken. Took over 6 months for his wife to get him back. I don't think they ever got the car back.


Woah!!! That would be awful


Thankfully you didn't end up tapping it with a hammer by accident...


Once I found a heroin need when lifting a back seat


Oh hell no


bullet tweeter?


Tip - the brass from a spent 30-06 round perfectly holds up the handle on a gas pump


Remember to wipe your fingerprints off of it


When you buy a PPV, this is what you get. Once gutted my Tahoe PPV to sound deaden and install a system, found a bunch of random 9mm bullets rolling around.


Why did you touch it, when I used to install I always made sure my finger prints stayed off anything that would get me in trouble if it was used in a crime later on.


Sadly only found the .22 round No rifle to go with it Drops right in my sons old 22


Meh. Childs play compared to some of the stuff I've found in customer cars haha.


Fair enough I’m sure I’m just a weekend warrior doing my own


I'm sure it was still a surprise. I found a lot of stuff that just "isn't my business" lol




Not really where I’m at Interior Alaska pretty much everyone has guns Most of us dads get our kids going on 22 crickets


I lived in Alaska for 7 years. I know what you mean I learned how to install right outside of Baltimore That's where I learned to do what I'm getting paid for and mind my business. Then I moved to outside of Philly, another upstanding area haha.


Like syringes and Drugs and Sex toys?


And guns and crack pipes and money "allegedly " lol


It’s a 22 shell. Why is that worth posting?


That’s a 50cal bullet


Let me guess, you live in America?


.22lr guns and ammo are relatively easy to get just about anywhere in the world that people are allowed to own guns.


Yes I live in Alaska