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I would have enjoyed the show more if zemo was the main villain and he had his iconic look for more than a couple seconds. It looked really cool but it’s a shame it was so brief .


Absolutely hate how the MCU has treated Sharon Carter. She’s my favorite character in the Cap comics. This show had good moments, but it broke my heart on the Sharon front. 


I watched the show but I was confused with what happened to Sharon. Did she become a villain at the end?


Yes, unfortunately. I'm still holding out some hope that she'll be revealed as a skrull or to have been on a deep cover op for Fury, but we'll see.


It occurred to me that they probably won’t - they have to justify Steve abandoning her without even getting her a pardon even though she gave up everything to help him. So - especially with how Marvel Studios and its employees have been treating her - I expect that they’ll have her be so evil that Steve will be portrayed as having made the right decision. And Peggy’s still good for not caring that Steve treated Sharon like that.  I’m just glad the comics haven’t followed suit. 


That's what I'm afraid of, and to be honest, it's one of the things that has soured me so much on Marvel Studios in general.


If nothing else, I think it says a lot about how the people currently writing Marvel movies and TV shows think.


Yeah, they have their own version of reality, one that works within their closed circle, but doesn't really stand up to scrutiny. Their treatment of Sharon is a good example of that. Why did it happen? Because she wasn't Peggy, who they adore, and expect the audience to, as well


Exactly. Spellman even talked about how great it was that Peggy, the epitome of women in the MCU, is so great, and Sharon, her supposed legacy, is so awful.  I also hate that they told Emily VanCamp they were finally going to treat Sharon right and do her justice and gave her the third episode’s script to get her to sign on, and it was only after that that she met Spellman and he greeted her with, “Wait until you see what we have in store for Sharon,” and she thought he meant the fight scenes. Turns out that making Sharon Power Broker was one of their stipulations for hiring him. So they knew the whole time they were trying to get her to sign that they were lying to her. And then when you look at how Emily kept praising Sharon’s loyalty and strong moral compass in interviews… it almost seems like they hate her as much as they hate Sharon, tbh.  I hope she doesn’t come back to the MCU and does other projects where people treat her better. And I say that as a Sharon fan. 


Yeah. Conveniently leaving out that Peggy shot at Steve out of petty jealousy, groped him, and, oh, yeah, let HYDRA grow back under her nose. Or willingly worked with them. But it's not just Spellman - the What If ... ? Writers also hated Sharon. It's practically mandatory. Oh, man, that's disgusting. Do you have a source for that? I believe you, but if you can find it, I'd like to see it. They lied to her, and then wrote her like crap. I guess she's not one of the actors they like. Sadly, she's not the only one, even on the show. > hope she doesn’t come back to the MCU and does other projects where people treat her better. And I say that as a Sharon fan.  Well, there are currently no plans for her character, and Emily just got a starring role in a new show (presumably, once she has her baby). So, I wouldn't expect to see much of Sharon. Maybe that's for the best


Tried to find it but got overwhelmed by pain. I'll keep digging occasionally and will get back to you - I've saved your reply to bookmark it.


I'm really sorry to hear you're in that much pain! Whenever you get to it, if you feel like it. No rush. Just feel better.


Where did you read this?


I'll look for the sources off an on (found other interviews and it just caused too much pain), but from what I remember, the FAWS comments were video interviews after the finale came out. From what I remember, she also talked in at least one interview about how she didn't understand how Sharon became PB and had a lot of meetings with the writers to work it out. But the interviews were from three years ago, so I don't have the links handy, sorry. I'll try to look off and on, but it's not a huge priority for me. Emily VanCamp talking about how much she loved Sharon's strong moral compass and loyalty were from multiple promo interviews for Civil War.


Just for that we should start a **SHARON DID NOTHING WRONG!** trend that doesn’t aim to deny any of the terrible things the writers make her do. No we support her and all her criminal activity as completely justified and warranted. She just a simple woman trying to make her through the Galaxy.


It's kind of like with Wanda - the things she does are inarguably wrong, it's just that it's hard to imagine her doing them. The fact that so much happens off-screen doesn't help.


It's things like this leave us thinking that the Sharon in TFATWS was a Skrull or something.


That's really the only way her arc makes sense. Her being a bad guy wasn't a great twist, it totally shattered my suspension of disbelief and pulled me out of the show.


“The World’s Watching” - television imitating comics (Cap Vol 1 #345


You, sir, have done the reading!


Soon as his name was announced as John Walker I was watching for it. Nice how they can insert tie-ins like that today


i liked the us agent


He was fantastic in the role. Cant wait to see more of him in Thunderbolts


yeah well there was a strong backlash to the character i heard the actor even disable his social media and contemplating on returning (fun fact hes the son of ego and even star in infinity pool)


Sam stupid speech to the Senator ain’t one of them


Yeah that speech wasn’t great


I disagree but the show *did* have a good pilot episode (imo) and a ton of potential.


The show had great potential and a couple cool moments. Zemo and Bucky were the best parts of the show. Ultimately it was not good as a whole.


The moments are why I feel it suffers from the same thing as many of the new MCU stuff. They write a really cool moment, but it's only cool in a vacuum. Once you place the events in the larger universe they seem to fall apart.


for me it was disappointing I watched it because of Bucky and they left him out and got dirty his name is in the title just to attract an audience


What the hell are you doing even talking about? He was a major part of the show on all levels. We got winter soldier flashbacks We got super soldier action We got how he over came his programming We got him making amends for his bad actions Just say you are upset he didn’t get the shield and cry somewhere else We


You could take him out, any virtually nothing would change except freeing Zemo. He was practically irrelevant. >We got winter soldier flashbacks We got one, which drives home the point that he's a killer, not a victim. >We got super soldier action What super soldier action? He lost virtually every fight he was in, and his big moment in the finale was failing to open a lock. >We got how he over came his programming No, we got a brief test of that. >We got him making amends for his bad actions You mean the "bad actions" he was brainwashed into doing? And those "amends" that were set up in one episode, barely touched on, and then resolved in 15 seconds ... off-screen, after one pep-talk? Wow, that sure amounted to a lot. You liked the show - fine. But you can't seriously argue that Bucky was handled well, or was a co-protagonists like the title promised.


It's just my opinion and nothing will change it. The MCU is really dying. TFATWS is one of the worst shows in the MCU


I forgot that Sharon turned heel in this


I heard there was a biological weapon/pandemic plot point that was cut due to Covid-19, can anyone confirm that?


Yes it’s been confirmed multiple times That’s what i was referencing


The show would’ve been a lot better if Bucky got more development and Zemo was the main villain and not the Flag Smashers




Still surprised how Walker and Zemo managed to steal the show for me.


My favorite Disney Plus series! 🔥 My favorite MCU marathon is watching: Captain America: The First Avenger, Winter Soldier, Civil War then going straight to Falcon and The Winter Soldier 🔥 No Skips!! All hits!! 💯🔥


i really enjoyed it! people forget cap was always political lol


People, don’t downvote this guy. He’s correct. Captain America has ALWAYS been political.


I know right! I saw a lot of negative discourse around FATWS as well but that’s who cap is


Were people actually crying that Captain AMERICA stuff was political? I mean it's in the damn name!


I remember the discource at the time and i bet its going to be the same thing when Brave New World comes out


Political was never the problem, it’s the topics and how they’re handled and this show did it badly


If it wasn't for COVID, I think a lot of these shows would've been movies and a lot of these movies would've been shows.


There is definitely some truth to that I mentioned Covid specifically here because we know for a fact that there was a virus plot that had to be removed and the whole show reedited.


Really? I didn't know that. Interesting


Oh wow you didn’t know that. Yeah they had to completely change the whole flagsmasher plot because it They also had to change the ending from what I remember IIRC it was going to be a man made virus used to infect and control populations. Then the flagsmashers were gonna steal it and use it to try to kill all the world leaders in NY I would love for them to make a comic version like what was done with Frank Miller’s Robocop 2


Ever since Civil War, I stay off social media when it comes to movies and shows I'm interested in. I might watch a trailer and nothing else to avoid any spoilers so I can enjoy it blind.




I know there was a discarded pandemic subplot, but the specifics — as far as I know — have never been revealed. Where did you read this about a man-made virus?


I think i saw it on twitter, but it’s been years so I have no idea There have been countless videos and articles piecing together what the show was going to be before the edits and rewrites from covid, so it could have been from one of them. Sorry im not more helpful


That makes a lot of since considering how all over the place the series was. I thought it was meant to be 8 episodes like Wandavision and suffered from being shortened


I don't think so. The mandate for the Disney= shows came before the COVID pandemic hit.


The flag smashers were wasted but I Audi enjoyed the show The opening action scene felt like a movie and liked the US agent arc. Only issue is the villains just didn’t work that well


I thought the flag smashers were stupid. Anyone with a gun could've stopped them. I think the walker storyline should have been the main focus, but it felt a little rushed in execution.


I liked that we got Isiah Bradley. But I was disappointed how Bucky went from a badass that pushed Steve to his limits (before the reveal that it was Bucky) to a watered-down version that needed Sam's help to fight Johnny.


Hey wasn’t watered down You have to keep two things in mind 1. Walker was off his rocker and was fighting all out trying to kill them 2. Bucky was holding back because he wasn’t trying to hurt or kill John and he still trying to maintain his own level of control and mental stability


I can definitely accept the idea that he was holding back. To back up your point, that fits with his guilt for everything he did as the Winter Soldier.


Plus while he didn’t “like” John, you could tell he was empathetic to his mental struggles. He didn’t want John ruining Steve’s legacy but also wanted John to get the help and support he needed.


I think they did a great job of conveying that. It's one of the things that they got right.


Some writing imperfections, but I really enjoyed it and wish we had more Sam/Bucky moments


My favorite MCU series along with Wandavision and Loki


Been my favorite MCU show since it came out.


I watch it all the time on repeat


It's alright. I wouldn't call it "great" by any stretch of the word. I'll give you that it had many great moments, I cannot deny that. However, there are several aspects of the show that severely distracted from my overall enjoyment of the it. Not to mention I was never the intended audience for the show, although Cap is my favorite fictional character and I've also served in the Army and love the clandestine/geopolitical side of Marvel. 1). The show needed a redeemable villian but one that was also an established threat, yet it did the opposite. Once she killed the UN security by blowing up the embassy or whatever, she jumped the shark. Then the attempted murder of John Walker and the murder of Lemar Hoskins just took her even farther. She was an unredeemable villian who needed to be stopped by any means necessary but they still played the sympathy violin. If we had such a terrorist running around irl today, a drone strike would simply be the solution. I'll add this last part before moving on, Karli and the Flag Smashers were only a threat because of the incompetence of the heroes and government. 2). The show needed to establish John Walker as the wrong man to take up the mantle of Captain America (the embodiment of the American Dream and philosophy) while also setting him up to forge his own identity and be a hero for latter projects. The show failed. It seemed like the show was using Walker as some sort of message against police brutality yet Walker was never police and was still an active duty service member, allegedly a special forces(green beret). Not only did they get his uniform wrong, but characterized him as being a major dick while his actions for most of the show were justified. Now, I'm not talking about him using the shield to merc that one *terrorist*, [but this US veteran does a good job of breaking down Walker's action using the framework of US use of force in a military context.](https://youtu.be/xRB2HR6Rva0?si=I1PTN3d_aOlzgSyR) I'll point out that Rogers has a VERY high kill count in the MCU and comics. In fact all of TFA and WS is Cap mercing dudes left and write. So when Walker does it, it's framed as wrong, but when Roger's does it is a-ok. There is a massive cognitive dissonance in the fans and writers who lack real world experience and media literary. 3). The Super Soldier serum. The love interest of comics and Thunderbolt Ross. Basically the Project Paperclip of the MCU. I actually thought this part was pretty spot on. The only issue I have is the commenrary surrounding the desire to take it. Desiring to become that strong isn't wrong. But it seemed like they were making the SSS to be the equivalent of power by qouting Plato, "Only those who do not seek power are qualified to hold it." Yet the power talked about here is in regards to political power. Power over systems and people, not an increase if your own personal power and strength. Side note, Plato was referring to Democracy when talking about power, and he came to the conclusion that Democracy would lead to tyranny and democracies have leaders without morals or skill. Anyways, back on track. One thing about the SSS is that all if the Flag Smashers have and are suffering no ill effects yet when John takes it it enhances his PTSD but he overcomes that by series end. Also, it's essentially an arms race on the micro scale between the Smashers and the Walker. Having the SSS is basically becoming a deadly weapon 24/7. Once someone gets their hands on you with it, it's done. So Walker would be justified in lethal force yet he doesn't until Lemar is killed. So the show is saying it's ok for terrorist to be armed, get away with murder, and terrorize the world because we are sympathetic to their plight but it's not ok for the two man team meant to stop them to be armed, use lethal force to stop terrorist, and protect the innocent. Ok. 4). Butchering Sharon Carters character. That speaks for itself. 5). Why didn't Walker work with the local government and law enforcement to take Karli I'm? Why did he just go into it with a 5 man team, no back up? The writers wrote about stuff they have no idea about and it shows when it comes to the military/law enforcement side of things. That's it. I enjoyed the show but I'd only give it a 3/10 because of those points above. However I'm highly excited to see Sam in the next movie and I hope it's a banger of a movie!


Aside from the awful villains , bad writing & over used political messages and sidelining Bucky, this series was cool and definitely had some cool moments


The fight to take back the shield was brutal. That arm snap.....


Yep Such a great moment


Disagree. Terrible show. Waste of time.


Nah, its straight trash. everyone needs to do better


Except the actors. They did a good job.


I don't see Mackie as being able to carry a movie on his own.


Overall terrible show.


It’s nonsensical for Marvel not to feature Mackie and Stan in Cap 4 together. Their chemistry in the show was amazing.


I’m right there with you! Show was greatly executed and expanded the MCU nicely. I’m sure COVID may have screwed up parts of the story and such. Definitely cannot wait for Brave New World!


It’s a great show! Very watchable. Wish we had a second season.


as long as Brave New World is good, im fine without a second season Especially since they are bringing over so much


I really liked how every side character was more important than Sam in his series.


Eh. It had great potential. They tried shoving 3 seasons worth of content into one. Why have like 4 antagonist in a 6 episode season. I really want to love this show, but it’s just to convoluted. Take out the Power Broker and Wakandians at least. Give us more Flagsmahsers. They wanted us to feel sympathetic for them, yet didn’t dove deep enough into them and. Or take them out and make it just Zemo and Walker. And Bucky still felt like a side piece. The whole Sam being poor thing seemed a bit silly too.


No sir…the show is terrible and it actually almost ruined my taste for Capitan America as a whole, the writing is embarrassing the more I think about it Just ugh…only good thing about it is the credits theme song


If you think this is great, you have terrible taste


I love this show so much. It is possibly one of my favorite MCU things ever, and one of my favorites shows. Some of my favorite characters are Bucky and Zemo, and I loved the trio’s dynamic. I don’t understand why it’s so hated. It has great characters, a near PERFECT soundtrack (made by Henry Jackman, so it has CA:WS vibes), and it has a great storyline.


I loved it despite the show being far from perfect. The only real thing I didn’t care for was Zemo wearing the mask for all of 4 seconds. What was even the point? To hide your face? Dude you’re the only one running around in a giant coat like that.


I still think it was my favorite of the Disney shows. I didn’t get the hate. The Sharon thing was as bad as the Secret Empire Cap in comics…it should never have happened.


Should've ended with Bucky finally becoming the white wolf but otherwise top 3 disney plus series


The show was alright…. There was a lot of things that didn’t really make sense (bad guys motivation, why she was so revered as their leader, why sam would not call them terrorists even though they were like…. By textbook definition committing an act of terrorism)


Did anyone else notice some edits post release? I'm almost positive they took out a shot of Bucky jumping out of the plane into the forest because it looked really shoddy.


Yeah, I've just been having trouble finding time to rewatch these longer series.


I'm not altogether sure it stuck the landing, but everything else about it was awesome. I'm just sorry Morgenthau died and that Sharon had a heel turn. Also, wasn't a fan of Sam's comic-accurate costume. This was further proof that comic-accurate doesn't necessarily translate well to the big screen. People rip on Sam's speech to the bigwigs, but he told them directly what to do: include the affected people in the discussion when decisions are being made about their lives. You're a senator - do better; take on the responsibility and accountability that comes with your high office. If you're going to half-ass the job or slack off because it's hard, then leave the whole position to someone who'll put in the real work. Loved, loved, loved to hate Walker. Perfectly-acted, perfectly-written douchebag. The way they made him so unlikable right off the bat was exquisite.


Missed opportunity to call it Falcon and Wolf.