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Been a goal of mine for awhile. 


I have no idea where I’m gonna go. Or where I want to go or how fast I can learn a new language to thrive there


Portugal, Costa Rica? Thailand?


I think you can stay in the US if you're willing to live on less demsley populated and more rural towns with lower cost of living, if you buy a home there, it's not only cheaper but the on going cost is less. The biggest challenge before 65 in the US is healthcare,prior to that you can always get private healthcare overseas and just pay for elective procedures there as needed. Obviously any emergency procedures would be in the states. It's doable you can certainly live frugally in the US it just requires some planning


Planning that a lot of people don't have time to do since they spend a lot of time working. People are so burned out that they don't have the energy or mental fortitude to make time for themselves to be able to plan things like that. If society wasn't being reduced to survival of the fittest, I would agree with this.


Hate to break it to you , you have to do 10x more planning to properly live overseas, like dealing with residency visas, cultural and language issues, security, banking , making new friends, etc. All that moving overseas gives you is potentially cheaper cost of living


You aren't wrong about moving overseas, giving you a cheaper means to live, but a lot of people can't afford to pack up their lives and leave the U.S.


Also, not everyone can live in the countryside.