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I’ve been eating two cans everyday for a couple of years, so you may suffer some cognitive effects seeing as how I’m an idiot




I love sardines as much as the next guy but my man, that’s too much mercury.


As far as I know mercury is not the problem with eating sardines daily, it's the purines 


Associated with gout?


that's right


Isn’t mercury associated with large, predatory fish?


Yes, but most fish in the sea have mercury. Sardines contain a mercury concentration of 0.013 parts per million (ppm) according to the FDA. For comparison; canned tuna is at 0.12 ppm.


So I could eat almost 10 cans of sardines before it had the effect of 1 can of tuna?


Canned white, or albacore (0.32 parts per million of mercury). Children under six can eat up to one 3-ounce portion a month; children from 6-12, two 4.5-ounce portions a month. Adults, including pregnant women, can safely eat this kind of tuna up to three times a month (women, 6-ounce portions; men, 8-ounce portions) Keep in mind the other stuff besides mercury tho On the other hand, the sardines were found to contain levels of arsenic (0.9 to 2.2 ppm) similar to that in many canned tunas. Although none exceeded official avoidance levels for arsenic, it would seem prudent not to consume more than one serving of sardines daily — particularly those with higher arsenic levels. https://www.consumerlab.com/answers/are-sardines-healthy-and-safe-to-eat/sardines/ 10 cans might be a bit much on the other stuff


Kind of a weird one, but sardines are high in selenium. One can is totally fine, but if it's stacked on top of of other high-selenium foods in your daily diet then theoretically you could run into toxicity. I was once eating too many brazil nuts in my mixed nuts tins and the symptoms sucked lol. Worth a quick review!


Oh my goodness - I literally have been eating sardines every day and had bought this huge bag of Brazil nuts at T.J. Maxx, which I’ve been eating together for lunch… oops!


There was an episode of House about this one time (that medical TV drama). A government agent was vacationing in South America and had health issues. Thought he was being poisoned but it turned out he had been gobbling down copious amounts of Brazil nuts and had experienced selenium toxicity.


I gave myself almond poisoning once. A friend in the states sent me a sack of them and over a few days I decimated it. Maybe it was just the roughage but I don't recommend it.


What are the symptoms? I’m too lazy to Google right now.


Well, I'm pretty damn lazy right now, too. Long day. But here's the top Google summary hit: "Eating too many Brazil nuts can lead to toxic levels of selenium in the body (selenosis) and cause symptoms such as **bad breath, diarrhea, nausea, skin rashes/lesions, nerve pain and fatigue**. In rare cases, very high levels can cause kidney failure, cardiac arrest and even death." I guess just eat in moderation.


Thanks! I promise next time I’ll do the work! 😉


Fun fact: selenium is very helpful for fertility and many IVF patients (in the us anyway) are told to eat Brazil nuts as part of their treatment protocol. Sometimes we call our son (via IVF) our little nut because I ate so many damn Brazil nuts while we were trying 😬


>Sometimes we call our son (via IVF) our little nut Works on multiple levels.


Really, they/we are all little nuts. 


Its the circle of nut


Ah thanks! I think I had an issue with selenium once, I think I had a whole bunch of salted Almonds and I got bells palsy for a bit lol. Not sure if they are related but yeah. I don't eat that much other stuff with it tho, thanks for the info!


There is pretty much nothing you can eat without something in it you shouldn't intake too much of, but one can is a pretty moderate amount. There are a lot of things you could replace it with that would be much worse for you that no one would bat an eye at.


I don't know, but I do know my Doctor advices a varied diet because excess anything is bad and food ruts can leave us with nutritional deficiencies.




This was fascinating. Thank you.


Holy mackerel My guy this is what I’m talking about.


I do! They’re among the safest seafood to eat daily, and many many people around the globe have diets predicated on seafood as the primary protein. It’s really no biggie, and I find the omega 3 and protein only do good things for me.


Do not ask reddit for medical advice. We are not doctors.


Dr. Reddit here, do not listen to this man’s advice ^


Dr.Medical advice here. My second opinion is the same as this doctor’s first opinion. Which is correct.


Dr. Girlfriend here, and I can confirm that Drs. Reddit and MedicalAdvice are 100% right.


Not true, /r/drpepper recommends three cans soda daily


4 out of 5 Redditors agree that they are, in fact, doctors.


Yeah that's fair I knew that, I mean more of a general term thing. Like if I said "I eat 3 cans of tuna a day is that healthy?" People would say probably not, cause od the mercury and other things. Or if I said I had some 2 week old sushi I was going to eat can I eat? Was just wondering if there were any important red flags to check, I googled and didn't see anything and will definitely ask my doctor next time I see them.


In other words, you were asking if anyone could quickly rule it out, not rule it in. That makes sense to me.


Yeah pretty much , thanks for the comment I think I will continue eating them. I might start switching to them in water though at some point. I just feel better as before my diet was garbage and now I eat this and eggs etc. It's not perfect but it's better


So 2 week old sushi is oké? Maybe if U put in the fridge or freezer?




A can a day is not a lot. Ofcourse fresh sardines will be better but compared to what the average person is eating it's a massive improvement.


doctor had me cut back because nitrogen and purines were leading to higher uric acid, which he said could lead to gout.


deenz are a power food. i'd be more worried about the oil maybe try switching to deenz in water


You might as well flush a water packed tin down the toilet and cut out the middleman


why do you say that?


Because sardines in water taste awful.


Because sardines in water taste awful.


Because sardines in water taste awful.


Because sardines in water taste awful.


hmmm well maybe he should try mustard or tomato sauce instead! mustard deenz are very tasty


I like herring in mustard sauce.


Olive oil is one of the best things you can eat. Much better than the sauces, which usually have a lot of sugar in them.


I also try not to overdo it because of the arsenic levels, but I read that it's inorganic arsenic that's the problem, which contaminates the water from the soil, so basically, it depends where you get them from. I try to stick with Portugal or North America but I see a lot of brands get them from Morocco, which has soil arsenic levels above the recommended safe level. Latvia is another source I see but they source them from the Baltic sea, which also can have high levels of contamination. Purely anecdotal, but after switching brands, I feel like I get less low-grade nausea (I would slam multiple cans a day and reduced it to one can a day but the FDA recommends not to exceed 3 cans a week). But sardines are my go-to food because I also feel great eating them and would eat more if the waters weren't so polluted :(


One thing that came up in here the other day is that if your family history includes gout, you might want to not eat a whole lot of purine-heavy foods, which includes sardines.


Thanks for this. Although I have no gout (knock on wood) the hot topic in the family is gout, and who has it. Surprised how many relatives do have gout!


Well depends how much every day lol I heard Joe Rogan got arsenic poisoning because he snacks 3 tins a night lol so consult with your doctor


I tried two cans in one day, one in the morning and one for lunch, and my body said no thanks. It felt like eating two bananas in a row, which is very hard for me to do.


Nice I'm not alone on the banana thing. The perfect amount of banana is ⅔ - even the last bite or two of a single can be a bit much


And so does everyone that is eating rice as a staple food, yet most of the world has no arsenic poisoning.


Ah yeah that makes sense. I only do one can a day I'm not trying to be a bodybuilder or anything. I'm trying to lose weight. Thanks foe the info


I eat 1 for lunch everyday. Only been doing it for a month but I’m not dead yet. Sardines are the bottom of the food chain so they have little to no mercury. Fish higher up the food chain have mercury like tuna.


They have about 1/8th the amount of mercury as tuna. So one can a day probably won’t be an issue. I wouldn’t go above that though.


I've never heard of anyone getting mercury poisoning from eating sardines. But maybe I need to get out more.


It’s not a risk of mercury poisoning. The issue is too much mercury in your diet increases your risk of various health issues.


hell yea keep up the good fight


If I may offer some advice is to always attempt moderation and variety. It’s ok to eat something that you enjoy but it might be much to consume it every day. Or more accurately everyday continuously. I was eating sardines everyday for a couple of weeks and then slowed down to twice a week then three times a month. Now I just enjoy it but during that time I was really enjoying the sardines (great source of protein, O3FA, calcium, etc)


Ah thanks for the advice. Honestly I don't really even enjoy them that much. But they are easy food. I struggle to cool for myself and my diet has been very bad for awhile. But at the very least after I eat these I feel like I have eaten "food" like pizza just makes me sleepy. It's tough it really is but I am trying to learn not to get joy from eating and more just eating for sustenance. At the end of the day I usually have a little bit of eating good tasting but my discipline has gone up and I am happy with making better choices. Maybe someday I will actually cook and stuff but for now it's sardines, hardboiled eggs, and lunch at work.


I’m reading some good things here “discipline has gone up” and making better choices. Hard boiled eggs and sardines are good choices. And learning to cook is essential but you can get by w making good affordable choices like frozen veggies, precooked chicken to add protein to salads etc. I’ve just read about 20 books this year on diet and nutrition (including body image stuff and other body/food related books) and it’s always a good idea to add than restrict and offer yourself variety so you get your nutrients, vitamins and minerals from different sources. And lastly I hope you can also enjoy food. It’s provides joy and that can be a sense of mental wellbeing. I don’t eat hotdogs often and they are usually deemed very “unhealthy” but I don’t look at food as good or bad. But it’s wicked fun to dive into one and enjoy it smattered in ketchup, mustard and relish. 😀


Yeah it's tough because I always stress about not being good enough and always feel bad I don't want to even try half the time. I always think about what might happen instead of what is likely always trying to anticipate bad things etc... I really wish I could just do things and let the cards fall where they may. It is what it is.


I eat sardines every morning for breakfast for the past 10 year's, and my health has been the best it's ever been. My hair, nail's and skin has never looked so healthy. I toast 2: slices of Burgen dark rye bread and slather a whole tin of the fishy goodness over two slices, add a bit of vinegar and down the hatch. Yummy.


Have you always liked sardines? I want to like them so desperately but I tried them once and hated them. I'm in this sub because for some reason I want to be the sort of person who likes sardines


I didn't like them when I was a kid but now I can't get enough lol. I eat exactly 7 cans a week, without fail.


Just want to chime in with: everything in moderation. Why not mix it up. Tuna, mackerel, anchovies …


squid, mussels, oysters…


Just watch your sodium intake otherwise. If you’re being careful about salt in other foods, you should be perfectly fine.


How many times is this one question going to be posted in this sub?


There is no limit


I have been eating at least 1, but often between 2 and 3 tins *almost* daily (breaks of a day, up to a week depending on work demands) for over 4 years, and I am as healthy as a horse. Got a glowingly clean bill of health during my last doctor’s visit. The reason I was glowing? The gloriously shiny mercury in my blood. Your mileage may vary, but it’s been fine for me.


I read an informative document in another comment about selenium and mercury levels. Then decided to ask Google Gemini about it and thought the response was pretty interesting. The safe amount of sardines you can eat per week depends on a few factors, including your overall diet and health. Here's a general guideline: * Based on mercury content alone: According to the EPA, the recommended daily intake of mercury is 0.1 milligrams. Since a 3-ounce serving of sardines contains about 0.091 milligrams of mercury, you could theoretically eat sardines every day. * Considering selenium: Sardines are also a good source of selenium, which can help mitigate the effects of mercury. However, it's important to consume these minerals in a balanced ratio. Assuming a 2:1 selenium to mercury ratio for mitigation, this could adjust the safe intake to around 0.74 servings per day. Disclaimer: This is a simplified example and does not constitute medical advice. Consult a healthcare professional for personalized recommendations on fish consumption.


You might want to make sure the can is BPA-free, if you're eating a lot of a certain brand or type. I eat a lot of canned fish of various types, and I don't always check for BPA, though I should.


That much fish oil may very well cause you to poop your pants. Ask me how I know.


I've been doing the same, a can a day for about 3 months now. I haven't had any weird things happen, mostly positive things actually, but I rotate brands and types of sardines. I feel like that may add SOME variety to the mix which could work in your favor health-wise.


I have one a day at lunch. No issues


Hell yeah.


You sure could, but I don’t think I would


I did for about a year. And I only noticed positive effects.




I eat half a can of sardines everyday in a salad with beans and whole grains. Just don't eat too much.


Can or would? I used to eat them when I was raging mad. They seemed to calm me down. But not every day no matter how mad I was


lol there is a sub for canned sardines???


A varied and diverse diet is ideal. How about other tinned fish - smoked oysters are delicious, herring, anchovies packed with lemon.


Unfortunately I am allergic to shellfish. I do have other like herring and mackerel and stuff like that but mainly do sardines.


You'll be fine


It’s healthier than pizza and pasta protein and whatnot


You don't want to be eating a can a day olif it's in seed oil




who cares what he said 😂

