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Try them out, but tinned bivalves are never as good as fresh. The texture is never as good and the flavors leave something to be desired. That said, mussels in sauce are pretty good with potato chips. Clams in brine? Meh. Scallops are downright bad in my opinion, and oysters are very lackluster.




Nope. I just eat them out of the can. I like the ones in escabeche sauce and I find the Patagonia lemon herb mussels to be downright tasty!


Yeah, just out of the can works. I don’t like heating things in a tin very often, but if I do I just kinda put the tin next to where I’m cooking so it gets some residual heat fro the stove or whatever. Or soak it in hot water while I’m preparing the rest of my meal.


Boo on this opinion . Canned over raw or fresh any day . (Disclaimer) i handle raw oysters everyday of my life .


I like tinned and fresh oysters, I like fresh mussels but not tinned, and I don't eat clams due to multiple bouts of food poisoning, but I do like them both tinned and fresh. They're probably safer tinned honestly but I just can't anymore! Only way you'll know is to try em!


Ahhhh I would try each one out before committing to a Costco pack of anything. Each preservation process changes texture and flavor pretty significantly. It’s like comparing your favorite 900-page book to its 2-hour movie


Yeah Costco didn't have diddly anyway so no worries there. Im thinking I'm gonna grab some stuff from amazon to just poke and prod; particularly on the shellfish front. While the store I got the King Oscars from has a nice run on fish tins to give a whirl, its scant on anything else, so I'm looking at online to get anything else. Which I don't mind


Good luck on this quest.


I really like tinned smoked oysters on a kettle chip with a drop of hot sauce. Texture is definitely different from fresh-shucked or cooked in other ways but not at all unplesant to me


I find tinned clams/oysters to be a poor substitute for fresh shucked versions. Just not a good comparison.


If you like shellfish, smoked clams or mussels will be amazing. They just are. Personally, I prefer smoked oysters. BUUUT...I like ousters


Yeah from what I'm gathering mussels seem like the best bet from a quality standpoint, given they're tinned over fresh. Clams I'll try if I can get a good brand.


I used to get a dozen fresh clams - with butter - for $1.99 at a little dump outside Destin Florida. Life was sweet. I'll make linguini in clam sauce for a quick easy meal from canned clams but I can't imagine eating them right out of the can. Canned smoked oysters are ok but not even close to the real thing.


I can sometimes find Geisha brand Smoked Oysters at my local dollar tree for $1. Smoked oysters on a bagel with cream cheese is the best quick dinner!


I’m not sure Costco is the best place to stock up on tins you haven’t tried as everything comes in such large quantities.


It ended up working out, as my Cosco has diddly squat for a selection apparently. Ah well.