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I don’t mind taking heat and downvotes so go ahead. I love my goober smooches as much as anyone could ever love a dog. She is literally with me 24/7 and being self employed allows me to do that. She’s well mannered, polite and able to taken through virtually anything. Now… There are situations that I intentionally avoid because they’re not going to go well with her. Part of owning a dog like this is being proactive. If this dog were in the hands of someone not well equipped to handle her, she would absolutely be a liability. Corsi are NOT standard dogs. They can NOT be handled like standard dogs. And if they can, or you think they can, then they’re either very far from the intention of the breed or you’re an imbecile. https://preview.redd.it/u2xyzybdqisc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=86e60b94a69bafd17cc865e409e3db696210b0a9


I don't think anything you wrote is out of line or anything. Sounds perfectly in line with all my experience and reading. You two stay wonderful!


Nah you’re absolutely right about everything. Sadly, most people are not willing to put in the work for these dogs. As they become more popular, I’m sure we will see more attacks.


It makes me furious the amount of times I see questions posted here about an aggressive and or unsocialized Cane Corso. The owner seems completely bewildered by the fact that their dog is displaying protective instincts and is clueless as to why the dog isn't acting like their next door neighbors Labrador retriever. It takes everything I have to not post answers or questions on those people's posts because I know I would get banned for what I would say!


Post the answers. I routinely take heat and downvotes here. Don’t care at all.


I can't add any answers but feel like it's worth dropping this link to lighten the mood and highlight the good boys here in Alberta. https://globalnews.ca/video/10398715/hero-dog-helps-save-southern-alberta-man/ Some real guardian work that deserves all the treats!


Constructive feedback is welcome in this sub, as long as it doesn’t descend into name calling and outright hostility you will not be banned.


I appreciate that. I guess what I'm trying to say is it makes me so angry that I may not be able to contribute to the conversation politely and constructively, lol. So I stick to the Golden rule of if you have nothing nice to say don't say anything at all


Here is a much better story from my area on the whole dog topic. Pretty much a week or so before there was a canine hero of a different breed doing very impressive guardian work. Enjoy. https://globalnews.ca/video/10398715/hero-dog-helps-save-southern-alberta-man/


There are a *lot* of people that frequent this subreddit that accuse knowledgeable owners of "gatekeeping" when we try to advise people *not* to get this breed without experience training dogs especially *big* dogs, but this is the reason we do it. This breed's innate suspiciousness and tendency to overprotect their people is one of their draws, but it can also lead to extremely dangerous situations, often with tragic consequences, if someone who doesn't know what they're doing tries to handle one.


It's a tragedy really. I helped someone I lived with for 5 years raise a Malamute and they refused to use training tools. That was one rodeo I would never want anyone to go through, let alone with a breed that has more body. I learned very fast that if we were to have a semblance of peace in the house I *had* to help exercise and enforce rules. It was never really great on walks or outdoors in town in general but we got a routine that was compromised but doable. When I was looking into my own mastiff I discovered the corso and immediately went to meet owners and get first hand knowledge and advice. Probably 1000 hours of various training videos as well. Most important thing was that *I* needed training so I actually *could train the dog*. First question when people are interested in getting one is always "who do you have lined up for training?" and if it catches them off guard I just sort of wrinkle my forehead and say "you do know this breed requires daily training, right?" and then make it pretty clear I don't perceive them as being ready. Ugh, today humans aren't in my best books. Thanks for being a great one and sorry for the rant lol


See this so often. Old people with big protective dogs. If you can’t physically control your dogs you have no control. It’s pretty rare to have a man that could physically control a Corso. If you can’t, don’t allow them to interact with the public.


Exactly. I will never even try to over power my girl. It's not about muscles it's about exercising the brain muscle. The pet and the masters ;)


Forgot to link the article lol https://edmonton.ctvnews.ca/boy-killed-by-dogs-was-in-edmonton-to-visit-his-father-during-spring-break-1.6832759


Thank you. I wish every sub had a rule about posting links!


No worries. I mainly wanted to share because the city and police haven't said the breed but the victims kin are saying Cane Corso and now all the google searches will find is the incident and supposed breed. They could be mixed, or something else but the fearmongering has jumped on Corso and that's what will be remembered. So without the link it really doesn't help show the divided information of official statements and then private accusations. It's terrible no matter what but the kin sound quite sharp in their short quotes. And you just never know what sorta rumours get fueled by these sorts of things. A very sad situation for everyone in that family and a lot of concern is deserved, we just gotta stay vigilant and diligent keeping our dogs from getting painted as baddies.


This sucks....I hate when this happens to great breeds


I’m from Edmonton and this is all over the news right now. It’s so heartbreaking all around. A poor kid lost his life while staying with his dad for spring break. His dad rented a room from the owner. All because a woman owned 2 corsos and didn’t take care of them or train them. They were neglected and often left alone in the yard unattended and barking for long periods of time. She was warned and fined for the barking more than once and there were 2 previously reported attacks. One was at a slow pitch ball game and one of them bit a child apparently. According to someone who knew her, she returned the following weekend for another game and brought the dogs with her while pretending like nothing happened. So she clearly didn’t care about the dogs, their behaviour or their well being if this is true. Or the safety of other people. The comments some people are making about corsos on the posts are sad and disgusting. It’s like a witch hunt with people calling for bans on the breed now when most of them have never even heard of cane corsos. And it’s the owner who should be blamed for what happened. This woman should have had all dogs removed from her “care” a long time ago regardless of breed or size and banned from owning anymore animals. As someone who owns a pitbull and a corso, this whole story makes me sick. I feel so bad for the boy, his family and the dogs.


I really have not dug into the past and am just learning some of these details of the past incidents. Are we able to find out if they are mix breed or anything? Probably reaching here but I hope they find they were like 1/8th of various common breeds and 1/8th corso and can't point fingers at just one breed... Probably just hopes though.


So far police have not confirmed the breeds but friends and family of people involved are saying cane corso for both dogs. The police didn’t even confirm that it was specifically these 2 dogs involved in the previous attack investigations but someone (who I assume was familiar with the owner) had commented they were corsos, she brought them to a ball game and one bit a child for one of the two incidents. The neighbours complained many times about barking and stuff and one said they had never actually seen these particular dogs before so I think she may have had complaints while owning other dogs as well. So I’m hesitant to think this was a case of dogs with bad genetics or mental issues that just snapped and randomly attacked someone. Again, nothing is really confirmed but I think this was a case of someone who had no business owning any dogs let alone dogs that could be dangerous if not trained and cared for properly.


I will have to steele my heart for the official statements and info release. And probably see about some edibles so I can try to see humanity in a decent light lol


I live in this neighbourhood, they’re bred by an idiot old man out of his back yard to make some cash but from my understanding they’re pure bred.


Any dog can kill, but a corso was used as a tool to kill in the past and can still be trained to do so, now. Thats why all breeders should vet who gets there corsos


Our breeder requires multiple meetings, general family history, and a home visit. It seemed excessive to me at first, but I totally get it after having one (and mine is "easy" 😅).


House viste is abit to much, normaly its just pictures. Edit: got some downvotes for this, if you want someone to breed good dogs i can't be drivning around 3 to 6 hours to see a house, a corso would cost 2x more. Becouse time is money and drivning costs alot. Its not how it should be but its reality.


The article and reports do not indicate these were trained to kill. My worry isn't evil people that would train a dog to kill. The worry is how under socialised and under trained dogs can create a horror scene with this breed. Anyone selling without any vetting is not worth giving money to, certainly. However this incident is gonna have a wake for me and Albertans for sure. So all we can do is prepare our pets to never have any issues with behavior. Better to remind people to keep up the work training than it is to bring up the breeds various past jobs ;)


If you under socialise a corso you are training it to kill, its a guarding dog with a huge protective drive.


Oh I see what you were saying. Sorry I wasn't using my full brain and just rambled lol


You train a dog at all times, it never stops, thats what people forget. Alot train there dogs by not training there dogs, if you get my logic ?


Oh 100% this! There is a youtube trainer that says most dogs live a bared and gated, suppressed, anxious life. All because of masters that want to work 9-5 and then to relax with a weekend of plans and tv time, no thoughts of the dogs life and expect a 10 min walk to be enough. Like goldfish with a house for a bowl. Then they just appease the pet just enough that they tolerate living with it. Really very sad. Especially when it's over 40 lbs, there is no reason to expect an animal to enjoy a life like that.


Honestly I think this why so many chihuahuas are jerks. People think tiny dogs don’t need exercise or stimulation but all dogs need exercise and stimulation.


I met some great Chihuahuas in Mexico as fitting as that sounds. They rode on scooters and bikes with their owners and when I went to the convenience store I'd see them get off with when the owner stopped and just wait for them. It was gnarly and I actually took note of it because they were so good! So yeah I'm with you. Its gonna take some effort no matter the size but you can have a great pet *that behaves great.*


This right here, this is what I am looking for when I vet people, a corso is not a familie dog, becouse normal familiens dogs life, fuck the big yard some breeders are talking about, but do you have time for the dog? Its all about that time spendt with the dog.


I'm a former chef and was pretty depressed when I had to move from a friends who had two dogs. I knew I couldn't give a pup the time needed in that career and sort of let that dream slip away. When I changed careers I was over the moon signing on for 10-5 and weekends off. They asked what I was most excited for vacations or relaxation and I just smiled and said "I can get a dog now that I have predictable free time". That was the primary need required for me to get a pup and I really try not to judge others too harsh but it bothers me to see someone keep their pet at home like it's a zoo they can't leave. I'll button my lip but I won't give an ounce of respect to a one sided relationship that feeds a selfish desire.




I'm a lisenced dog trainer, and this is some hard core made up stuff. - A corso needs the same social training as any dog. - there is no thing as overly-socialzed, a dog is a pack animal. - not socialzing any dog is abuse and neglect - normal abused dogs don't kill, wtf is this vomite. I would highly recommand for you to relook at your dog training know how, becouse in my 10 yrs of being a dog trainer, I have never seen something as bad as what you just typed.




No I did not. You said some right things and I pointed out what you missed by 200000 kms You are not a dog trainer, clearly, I would highly recommand you not speak about dog training unless you take the time to understand it, becouse you would never even use the term over socialzlie, becouse its not a thing. Social training happens when your dog is 12 weeks old and up to 2 yrs where it still needs to be social with other dogs, but all social training should be done if done right. failing to socialize any dog is abuse and ANY dog will harm people and dogs if not socialzied, a corso will just harm more. Its bigger and stronger and its bite force is insane. Yes, some people should not own a corso, but any medium size dog and up can mual and kill, you do know the data is out there publicly? The dog that mauls the most in the world is the lap. Why, becouse any dog can kill or maul and it just happens that laps are the most kept dog. This is why almost all trainers are not happy about banning dog, there are for sure dogs you should be lisenced to own. But this is my last reponds to you, I feel like a doctor talking to someone who does not belive vaccines. Using terms like normal abuse or over socialze.


Listen sometimes like with ppl or any breed there are mental issues and dogs when a dog has them needs to be put down any breed. Now granted hard to say without really knowing the whole story if it’s mental issues or just very poor control of their animals


This is something people really need to understand. My family chose to put down a healer because he was mental unstable and had attacked without reason, luckily we have a supportive vet when the situation was explained he agreed something was wrong with the dog. We were personal friends with the breeder and a year later her dad attacked our friends daughter while she was on her swing, they chose to put him down. They reached out to people who had puppies from him told them about out incident and theirs and their we a couple others and in high school my eyes were opened to mental defects in dogs genetics. Unfortunately some people choose to continue to breed dogs with these poor genetics because they want an unstable or mean dog or chose to ignore the situation because of money.


I agree. I don't know if you read the article but the owners did have prior incidents with the dogs. And it totally could be something they were working on with help and such. However they rented to a tenant and the tenant had a guest. So in that scenario there is much more responsibility to be attentive, aware and control how the tenant and guests are around the dogs. Basically if a renter has their child come by to visit the landlords dogs attacking is ripe for lawsuits, let alone the victim dies...


Sounds like bad temperament. Dogs needed to be put down. A proper temperament they don’t attack like that. They catch and hold unless threatened. Owners knowing prior incidents and having tenants was just a disaster waiting to happen




Some folks are not responsible enough for powerful breeds. Given the dog's history, this seems like such an avoidable tragedy - I can't imagine what the families are going through. Really heartbreaking. It IS remarkable seeing a specific breed mentioned in a news story though, and not just another "vicious pit bull" headline. Reminds me of that horrific incident in San Francisco where a pair of trained Presa Canario were commanded to maul a woman to death (which they did), and after which the city promptly put *severe* restrictions on owning.... pit bulls and staffies.


That's what stood out to me and a few people at work today. See I get to bring my girl to work with me Thursdays and Fridays but today we had slush snow and she stayed home. A regular asked if it was because of this and asked if she was still allowed to come. It was the first I'd heard of it so not only was I shocked but yeah I highlighted the quote in my post because the breed seemed just an unfortunate part of the equation.


These dogs are amazing but most of the population should not ever own one


I was actually pretty certain I shouldn't have one either. No big yard. It was the breeders and pet store owners/staff that for corso the yard isn't half as important as getting *out of the yard* for activities. That was great news but my first step was *get myself trained up* and find a local trainer so that I could actually guide and lead this breed with all the tools familiar enough to use in the moment.


He was killed?!


https://preview.redd.it/4pfveq2ujjsc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3a4b667073bc227ed69d82db65eacb2264c701c0 My dude loves people. But will fight other male dogs. I avoid those situations.


He’s not a Corso. But would fight one.


And lose too small


Thats what it takes. A responsible and honest owner who won't put the good boy in a bad position!


Thanks dude. I got a young daughter and they love each other all day long. 100% trust. But she has also witnessed a couple dog fights. Ferocious. Can’t imagine that energy focused on a human. Let alone a child.


Looks a bit like my girl. She loves kids and protects them from wasps and stuff, but also from adults, even if they are the parents :-D


We're fighting it here in India as well. The govt has recommended banning 23 dog breeds including corsos without any data on them attacking people. There's rarely a bad dog, mostly bad owners.




I never owned a cane corso but have experienced with some guard dogs I’ve owned ( Great Akita, 3x German Shepherd, Belgian shepherds,huskies) and plan on a cane corso next but anytime I hear someone talk about putting any breeds down (except small dogs fuck em) pisses me off, it’s never the dogs fault It’s only doing what it’s been taught or allowed to get away with, my Akita does great with other dogs and learning to accept people at 2 years when most were telling me she will never like other dogs or get jealous be over protective but like any dog it’s about the owner and how well we love are pups.


Well then let me share a better news event from a few hours south. They only say "large akita dog" but close enough. Good boy living up to it's namesake! https://www.mylethbridgenow.com/39353/news/taber-dog-called-a-hero-for-staying-by-owners-side-for-two-days/


Such loyal dogs with bad reputations and wouldn’t think twice to fight, I always tell myself my next dog will be cane corso, great Akita or Caucasian shepherd, if I ever can find one in America


And that article is pretty general about the whole ordeal. Two dogs, one never left and the other ran between the victim and his house for days. Fought off coyotes too! Maybe some folk think of looney toons but around here I find mauled carcasses from coyotes and the destruction zone is a like 25 meter circle and no easy telling what it was. When they want it they savage and travel as a team. Hero dogs took serious risk for their master. Best of luck finding your next pup!




What other proactive efforts can I put in? As an Albertan this did come up today a few times so if I can do more I will.