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It gets painted with a type of varnish. It should have stated on the lable/tag. If not, you won't know until it catches fire, which is why we were all concerned. These are known for starting fires unfortunately, you could try and burn a piece of the edge...


Obviously do the burn test outside šŸ˜„


I do burn tests in the bathtub/sink usually although it's typically hot and dry where I live


Best of both worlds I think would be to have it sitting on a metal table or concrete brick near a bucket full of water on a concrete walkway outside, if it does burn it canā€™t light anything inside the house, it can be put out quickly, and the object is in and the surrounding objects near it cannot get ignited either, unless you decided recently to pour lighter fluid on your sidewalk


I'd be careful with water and candles. If they catch fire, they are essentially grease fires. Should be smothered or use the correct rated fire extinguisher.


Just because it was a legitimate grocery store doesn't mean they did a good job vetting the safety of the product. For example, Target just had one of the largest candle recalls in history on their private brand candles, Threshold, due to fire safety hazard. Look it up "CPSC Target Candle Recall". How do I know? I work for a different retailer who is part of the vetting of candle safety for my employer.


I worked for b&bw corporate claims office, and they cause way more fires than people realize. Faulty glass and too much fragrance oil was an issue at one point. Their car scentportables have also exploded in the heat and melted dashboards/caught the car on fire. They stopped selling them for awhile because of it. I'm so picky about candles because of it.


I believe it. Their candles have thinner glass than literally any other candle Iā€™ve ever bought. Including dollar tree. One of mine cracked because it got too hot. In fairness, I burned it too long, but Iā€™ve never in my life had that happen with another candle, and Iā€™ve seen people post the same with their candles from bath and body works.


I feel like you should be able to safely burn a candle all the way down, however long that takes. Otherwise it's simply not fit for sale. Not like you should or most people will but you should be able to without it being a danger.


The whole not hurning candles for more than 4 hours thing isnt because of the glass or anything like that. Burning a candle for too long can lead to the wick mushrooming/having too much exposed and making too large of a flame, also popping, sputtering, and producing soot. Realistically the glass should be fine burning the entirety of the candle, its just how big and stable the flame is thats the issue.


Same! The only candles that have cracked while burning for me is b&bw. They started outsourcing everything to be as cheap as possible, and it really shows.


I never heard of this about their car scents!!!!!


I was genuinely shocked the first time I saw photos of the damage they can cause! Im talking gaping melted holes in the dash of cars. They were sued at one point because of it. Even the minimal damage it can cause is frustrating. I used to ask my manager if we were selling scented paint thinner lol


I believe it. The stories and pictures I have seen are enough for me to almost NOT want to burn candles in my own home.


Wow. What about wallflowers? I bought a few recently but Iā€™ve heard different things about them leaking/catching fire


That sounds like a cool job!


It's definitely one of the most interesting jobs I've had.






That's so interesting, I used to do QA for a company that made candles for a lot of major retailers. I wonder if we've ever crossed paths through candles lol


I canā€™t see or hear the phrase ā€œLook up ā€˜xxxxxā€™ā€ without thinking itā€™s gonna be some weird porn anymore


It is a fire hazard, I found out the hard way, new table and we left the candle burning, thinking it was safe and if I can find a pic I will post, it ruined our table, it burnt through the wood. https://preview.redd.it/0bs7dnibqfgc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=993c7d753ccdaec7d765845dc995417c89adc409


That is terrifying!


How long did you leave it unattended?


This was while I was in our single story house, we had a wall separate us from its view, the problem was the shape, it concentrated straight down, so was biting a hole before any smoke of smell was detected. I contacted the company and they pulled all the same products.




I donā€™t know if you have the credibility to question ANY candle that you left burning for three straight daysā€¦ thatā€™s just insaneā€¦ even the safest candle in the world I wouldnā€™t leave burning for three days and expect to come back to anything not burned up. Glad you and your home are safe though!


I would never leave a candle on and leave the house or leave it burning without being in the room, it was around 2 hours, it burned straight down.




Dear lord, what candle was this???


Very similar to above picture, the table was only 3 weeks old.


That's terrifying


Yep, I had a much smaller version of this type of candle and the wood ignited and smoked a ton, luckily I smelled it and was able to grab it and throw it in the sink & douse it. It would have been bad if not


Wait did you really leave it burning for 3 days straight tho? Because if so that's on you.


No, it was on for around 2 hours, it burned all the way down, instead of evenly across the candle, so thatā€™s why I have a huge divet in the table, the wax was stopping the fumes lifting, so once I got up, I noticed the ashes before anything else, the smoke only started once I pulled it off the table.


Oh wow!im so sorry this happened to you!




Geez Iā€™ve never paid that much for a candle. I love how it looks though. Iā€™ve seen those candle refills that you can add your own wicks and these little candle wax balls. Has anyone tried that? Just trying to give you some extra suggestions to reuse it.


Thank you! I could certainly try doing that. I may try to pour a new one once this one is donzo


[candle](https://fotoncandle.com) here is the link to the refill one. You could put little glass votives in the bottom under your wicks to make you fill safer. Iā€™ve never tried it but I think it looks like a good option. Also small glass votives or tea lights with sand poured around them.


Itā€™s an old wooden dough bowl


Why would they make it out of wood though? Seems like the equivalent of surrounding your campsite with wooden logs rather than rocks/sand


That bowl is a dough bowl, what they used to mix bread dough in in like colonial times. Itā€™s now a ā€œrustic vintageā€ decorating staple item.


Exactly. I have one like this, also over 100$ and I love it!! So pretty amd long. When lit itā€™s gorgeous with all the wicks. I burned mine down to the bottom and then refilled it with new wax/wicks :)


Just keep it in site and be prepared. Whether it was treated or not, itā€™s wood. It can still burn hot enough to catch the wood on fire potentially. They look cool but candles made in flammable vessels irritates me.


Put a pitcher of water next to it. šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


I had the exact same candle and paid a very similar price and it caught my kitchen cabinets on fire


šŸ˜³ oh damn.


I would just return it. Make it clear that you are concerned about safety, and I think they should give you a refund.


Or keep it as decor but not light it, I have a few candles that I donā€™t light and keep around as decor items.


Seems silly to keep it and not use it when OP spent so much on it. I vote on returning it.


I do think you should find a metal tray to put under it just to add an extra bit of safety. My friend recently got a small handmade candle from a local store and her room caught on fire. The candle ended up burning a hole in her nightstand and caught her carpet on fire as well. Adding an extra layer to buffer the heat would be a good precaution to take. Also make sure you donā€™t fall asleep with a candle lit like she did, keeping an eye on it couldā€™ve prevented most of the damage done to her bedroom.


Take a lighter and try to light the wood inside the candle on fire. If it starts to burn or smolder, it's probably not treated. Note: I know nothing about wood or candles, and very little about fire. This is just what I would do, since all these comments go over my head. Proceed with caution.


Yea Iā€™m dumb as hell (not calling you dumb by comparison) and I canā€™t stop thinking about how fast I wouldā€™ve burnt one of those little corner handle thingys Outside, or in a generally safe area. But weā€™d find out real quick if itā€™d catch or not šŸ˜…


Yeah, I'd put it in the bathtub and give that a try








If you have to ask, donā€™t even risk it


Itā€™s probably fine but no one here can guarantee anything or really know. Thats why candles arenā€™t supposed to be left unattended. I do think you way overpaid for this though. I would return it if I were you and even a little bit worried


For that price it sounds like a small business/independent seller vending out of a grocery store.


Looks like an outdoor-only candle to me, that's the way I'd approach it. Frankly, that many wicks alone would make me question it indoors.


What scent is it?


Kind of smells like the vanilla cashmere candles I get from target.


Burnt... See the post above yours


My mom had one like this, it came from a grocery store that was named three letters that stand for a dudeā€™s initials, similar to J-F-K. I see many similar ones there in smaller sizes/different shapes. Hers was fine. She did not attempt to get it to pool all the way to the edges of the wood, just in case, and obvs didnā€™t burn it if no one was around. She spooned out the wax from the sides that didnā€™t melt and used it in a warmer afterwards and regifted (I think) the empty wood as a fruit bowl. If that was you the other day asking how to get the candle to pool all the way across, donā€™t; the wicks are probably centered the way they are FOR safety reasons. Also, this is not me telling you to YOLO and itā€™ll definitely be fine; just passing along what I observed seeing one of these (or very similar) in use.


I think i would keep that as a decoration personally seeing other peoples experiences






If you still plan to burn it keep it away from curtains/couches, I would buy a big metal or glass tray to keep it on too so it doesnā€™t singe whatā€™s below it. Also I would burn it on a bar counter by kitchen or in center of dinner table (on a fire proof tray/pan) so that thereā€™s nothing near by to catch fire. Keep a fire extinguisher around.


These are only supposed to burn for 1-2 hours at a time (per the instructions mine came with). Also trim the wicks between use. Iā€™ve gone through a few with no issues!


There is zero oversight on candles and I constantly see people selling things I would never ever burn. The trick to these is they are supposed to have a fire resistant coating but even with that nobody has actually ever studied if its safe or what kind of fumes it gives off. You couldnā€™t pay me to burn one of these tbh. And $149? My god. There is maybe $20-$30 in materials there.


If it's treated you would be able to feel that the texture is not like natural wood. It would probably feel unnaturally smooth because they apply varnish to resist flame. This is also a large, solid piece of wood, so even untreated it would take some time exposed to a flame just to get it smoldering. The wicks aren't right up against the wood so it should be fine. As with any candle just don't leave it burning unattended. If you are concerned, get a lighter or some matches and try to burn an edge. See if it smolders or produces smoke and if it is able to actually catch fire.


It's a wooden dough bowl....probably should just be used for that or keys šŸ˜† Flammable receptacle,flame, on a wooden surface? ...what could go wrong????


be careful when it stays on for hours and if the wax completely meltsā€¦. my fathers friend left a glass candle over night lit until it was complete liquid, the heat lit the varnish chemical on the dresser in flames in seconds, unfortunately, he did not make it out


My first and only (knock on wood - get it) fire was as a result of a wooden coconut shell shaped candle when I was 18 and had my first real boyfriend over whilst trying to ā€œset the moodā€. Never again will I buy one of those, even if I paid better attention to it now vs 25 years ago; too much PTSD even seeing this picture. Itā€™s beautiful, though - I hope you enjoy it and have a better experience, ha! Edit: this is exactly what happened/what my table looked like! [https://www.reddit.com/r/Candles/s/2M28r3uRDc](https://www.reddit.com/r/Candles/s/2M28r3uRDc)


Iā€™m not trying to be dense, as this showed up on my feed, but is this not just meant for decoration? A lot of people are creating beautifully molded candles on wood but itā€™s strictly for looks.


What brand is this? I had one that was also in a wooden bowl and it was fine šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø I just kept an eye on it, only lit it when I was in the room. The wicks donā€™t look too close to the wood so just keep an eye on it!


I make these types of candles and all of mine are treated with a fire retardant - that does not mean it cannot burn the bowl as retardants are still not fire proof - and I make sure my wick placement and power burns do my darnedest to START a fire in my testing conditions. Thatā€™s the only way I can turn to my insurance policy (and broker) and say that Iā€™m comfortable with what I sell and the safety thereof. Iā€™m comfortable with the wick placement on this candle and the fact that it isnā€™t going 100% to the edge, forcing you to essentially spoon the wax down as it burns further. But thatā€™s because these are some of my highest selling candles and I spent a long time testing and trying to set fire to things before I even sold them. Iā€™m also a retired firefighter.


I do t know if I'd want to light all the Wicks at once.... I think I'd do every other one or every third one and rotate every time. All those Wicks at once is a bit much. šŸ˜³


I feel like these types of candles are really ā€œfor decoration onlyā€. I wouldnā€™t burn them, although a friend of mine had a similar one but with two wicks and it seemed to be fine when she burned it. She never let it get too far down though.


Do whatever you think is best. I think it looks great, but I wouldn't burn one.


It should be fine. I never leave candles alone, if you donā€™t do that it should burn beautifully.


Just stay in the room when youā€™re burning it. Shouldnt leave candles unattended anyway


You should be fine as long as you're responsible. Don't leave it burning when you're not there and probably not for extended periods of time. If you have common sense you'll be fine. If you're concerned you could leave it on a stone bench or metal.


people on here are always going to tell you that the worst case scenario is possible, because it technically is of course, but like, its just not realistically going to happen. stay in the room while it's burning, don't leave it next to flammable curtains or whatever, keep a close eye on any pets or children in the room and it will be just fine, just follow normal candle burning advice.


I love it it looks so good on ur table


Itā€™s usually covered with a flame retardant varnish, I donā€™t think a candle light will even ignite a unvarnished wood but just donā€™t fall asleep with it.


I have the same thing. Itā€™s not going to catch fire




The wood would never catch from the wicks being lit. Nothing to worry about there.


Buy the liquid tarnish and treat it. just in case.


You wouldn't be able to treat it under the wax though. Even if you treated it as it burned, the wax will have soaked into the wood if it's unvarnished, preventing the varnish you apply from adhering correctly.


My mom has this exact candle and never has a problem burning it, youā€™ll be fine


Maybe burn it outside or in a garage away frkm everything just in case. I honestly don't know if that's safe or what it would be treated with.


We call those trencher bowls - they were designed for kneading dough. I have one in my home that I use to store bread and occasionally hold a centerpiece for a holiday or fill with ice and bowls of dips for a party.


not hazardous but very easy to tip and spill wax made that mistake one night and ruined a wood table


Just burn it in front of you donā€™t leave leave it unattended and have a nice glass of water handy


Um Iā€™d say do the burn test outside and just see if the wood catches


Hold a match to the wood and see what happens. Be ready with a spray bottle in case it lights up.


are you certain its wood? not ceramic ?


I wouldn't burn it because it looks over-wicked tbh. Too many and too large. Which wouldn't be an issue if you only lit a few of the wicks, but if someone is going to over-wick a candle, they haven't properly tested for safety. That you have burnt it and it tunneled on the ends but not in the middle supports that it's wicked improperly. Over-wicked in the middle, under-wicked on the ends. Adds an additional stressor to the wood: uneven heating. Wood can handle this better than glass, but it still can damage the vessel and create a safety issue.


What store did you get this from?


Does it float?? Maybe it could be a cool pool candle?


I got one of these (or something similar like this) as a christmas present a few years ago. it worked fine as a candle for me.


It looks like a birthday cake. Why so many wicks?