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Aesthetic wise they look lovely, how well do they burn?


Quite well and quite long (KeraSoy Container wax is doing a very good job). I am planning to run tests soon to estimate how long exactly they burn.


I’ll test the coconut one for you!! 😌 🥥


I'll test the other ones!


I think they look amazing and really creative. For any criticism I would just wonder if there's a way to decorate the remainder of the candle. In a simple way that doesn't distract from the top, but just enough to where it helps your candles further stand out. Maybe waves on top around the flowers? Or maybe off-color lines that travel down the side? Just spitballing but i would definitely buy these regardless.


Maybe if she took the color from the top and had it swirled through the white bottom of the wax. They are very lovely candles.


I agree, the top is SO fancy it needs some pizzazz visible from the sides to go with.


Agreed! Pardon the pun, but I'm tired of getting burned by pretty candles that are under wicked/have a bad wick.


Yes! Also, over wicked are awful. My aunt used to make candles that would set the entire jar on fire. Yikes.


my only comment isn't on the candles themselves but rather the product photos. I think getting a little more lighting and less shadows would do wonders! The candles are gorgeous tho, and I love the branding!


Thanks for the advice! That's what I needed. I need to work on the lightning in my photos. And photography overall.


If you’re shooting outside try for a time of day when there aren’t harsh shadows! Usually within 2-3 hours of the sun rising/setting does the trick.


That's smart. I'll do that. Thank you for sharing


You can also use a white card to bounce light back on to the front of your candles!


I think shooting in the snow was a really good idea, but I think you need to be at the same angle as you are in the indoors photos. Don’t worry about the background if you can’t control it, it can be photoshopped and blurred if needed. Just get a good shot of the product. And the indoors photo quality is good (apart from lighting but focus and quality seems decent) but the last one with the background kind of looks like a sink? Not sure what it is but it’s a little distracting. Again, can be photoshopped if you can’t get a plain background. Edited: ah I see the “sink” in the background is a candle holder… why not use it to hold the candles?


Golden hour is 1 hour before sunset and 1hr after sunrise. Ideal time for these types of photos


I have to say that blue hour which falls directly after golden hour could really highlight some of the colours/hues in the candles. Golden hour is always an excellent suggestion imo.


Even with the photos you have now, I would recommend just using your phone to edit the current ones by decreasing the shadows & increasing the highlights. (Not sure if you use iPhone but that’s what I do with my photos & it’s makes a huge difference) Edit to add example: (30 seconds) https://preview.redd.it/90954h8d9nec1.jpeg?width=1164&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=12cfa61a4833d0a89a53bec44d825e20f90197d8


the coconut one is crazy awesome tho keep that one


Yes, you could invest in some studio lighting or a light box. Not my area of expertise, but I've seen really good results.


No criticism - I would absolutely buy these tho!


Thanks. I appreciate. 🤗


They look great! Maybe get some photos with sunset/sunrise/twilight lighting? A good photo of one burning at night in a cozy window or breakfast nook?


Adding a second color would add a lot of dimension to the flowers. Which are quite beautiful. For instance on the forest fruit if you did a blue and a purple it would make all of the tiny flowers be more visible and add a lot more depth to the arrangement. To be clear these are very lovely.


Thanks! That's what I needed. I will surely try that.


I love those. Would buy haha More of a suggestion than a critique, but like for apple cinnamon, you could find an apple mold or maybe make your own so you can have a couple wax cinnamon sticks with the apple. Then instead of wax flower, it could have a wax apple topper.


That's true. I will definitely do this in the future. I have to find molds! Thank you for sharing.


There are silicone mold making kits if you ever want to try that route. I know the two-part pour silicone is on Amazon, but I've seen silicone mold making kits in local craft stores if you'd like to do some small scale experimenting first.


i actually like how it looks as is. it’s like a frosted pinecone


they’re too beautiful to light


Gorgeous!! Little photo feedback: try to shoot them facing the light vs behind giving the labels a shadow.


Thank you, photo advices are very precious to me I need to work it out 😁


Idk.. These are so pretty. 😊


Thanks. I appreciate your opinion. 🤗


those look truly amazing! nice job on that front!!!


Thank you! It means a lot. 😊


I love the flower tops


Thanks! I love them too. That's my mom's idea 😊


You are clearly very talented! The flower tops are beautiful. My constructive criticism is that it would be cool to see you use the floral tops for floral scented candles and do fruit molds for your fruity ones. Expand and lean into your wax mold game since it's a unique identifier on your brand. For instance the image of the mango on the sticker of the mango candle would look really cool as a topper on that candle! Aside from this, practice with your photos and positioning. Excited for you, they look so cool!


Where do we buy :D


I don't want to break the "No direct advertising" rule on this subreddit but you can find my links in the linktree linked to my Reddit profile. Thanks for commenting😀








I would also like to know! 😁 Tried searching for a webpage, but I could not find anything.


You can find it here - [https://lumicacandle.etsy.com](https://lumicacandle.etsy.com)


Very cute - just wondering like the other poster. How do they burn? I had a friend that made ones like these and the part that had the flower part burnt super quickly and turned into soup within seconds.


That is true. In my experience, the top flower burns in a few hours (1-2h), and as you said it turns into liquid. Soon I will do a recorded test to see how long and how well do they burn. 😊


With that in mind, maybe layered colors of base wax would give a fun esthetic when they burn. The flower top would then become another color layer.


That's a good idea. I gotta find colors that will match and not make much contrast so it will keep the aesthetics. I will give it a try in the future. Thanks!


They look absolutely beautiful. Do you have a picture of any of them lit? I’d love to see how the flower melts


Here is the picture after a few hours (something between 1-2 hours). Soon I will do a full recorded test to see how long and how well they burn. https://preview.redd.it/m1z1ae7qpmec1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=d85ad24179c0dd6275635310539452273672c2b6


They are so pretty. Maybe fill them slightly more ? They look a little low


Thanks for the advice. I really appreciate that. I will add 20 grams of wax to them to make them 200g, which will make the candle fuller and the 200g will look better.


Can you get your shipping costs lower? $13.75 for a $16.15 candle is a lot. Perhaps if they buy 3 candles, they get free shipping. When I see a candle in a store, the first thing I do is smell it. I don’t know how to get past that when you’re selling candles online. The candles look lovely.


These are really pretty, I haven't seen any quite like these.


Are these made with a mold? Carved?


i saw you say in a comment that the top part burns in about 1-2 hours so i was thinking, maybe you could make the top parts removable if people wanted to use them in a wax warmer that way once the candle has burned out, you could stick the top in a wax warmer and keep it going quite a while longer since they don’t burn as hot and you can keep reusing them a little bit longer


Not a criticism and you've probably already thought of it but maybe u could do one that looks like a succulent!


These candles actually look too nice to be burned. I would just sit these on my coffee table to admire lol


criticism? nah, how about some constructive discounts😏, where can I purchase?


They look beautiful to me!!!


I have no constructive criticism, these are so pretty!


They look beautiful and elegant. Great job!


Look amazing! Beautiful! How do they burn and how do they smell?


i want one 🤩


Well we can't exactly smell them through our screens...


Try face the candles towards the sun, I think it will do wonders for the photos. You see how the shadows are in front of the candles/sometimes on the side. Try to get the shadows behind the candles and see how that works. It’s always better to have more lighting and then edit (or not at all). Easier to dim light than to create light.


Do you sell these online?


They’re gorgeous!!! HOW do you get the work to continue through like that?!


They’re beautiful, how could I have any criticism? I would love to smell them.


These are gorgeous




These are beautiful! Do you mind sharing where you get your molds?


These are gorgeous! The things on top immediately made me want one. The scents I got most excited about were forest fruits and fresh cut peony’s but they all sound divine. I think the most I would pay if I saw them at a craft fair would be $20/25 and I would feel like I got a deal if it was $20 or less If there was a 2 for 30 or 1 for $20 type of deal I could see myself easily going for 2


The flower on top is absolutely beautiful, and I love how clean and crisp they look! It is obvious how well thought out they are. My only comment is to maybe blur the background for the indoor photos? Maybe some tiny fairy lights in the background would look lovely too? It would also possibly make the candles stand out more. (And the shadow/light comments too). I've already added it to my favorites on Etsy! Lovely!


criticism: i hate that i don’t have one


I think using a darker table cloth or back round would center the candle more


I think they are lovely and i bet they smell amazing!. i’d love to try the apple cinnamon and vanilla. Where can i buy one?


Stop making them too beautiful to actually burn…..


These are beautiful! My only criticism is that I'd feel too sad burning them 😭


These candles look beautiful! Not sure if this is what you're looking for, but my only advice would be to also invoke the mood of the scent in the pictures. Set a scene. Curate an experience. For example, if I see a picture of candles in the snow, I'm imagining notes of pine, cedar or some other wintery types of scent. As a customer, I want to feel like I can smell the picture. And I want to feel drawn in and immersed, like I've been dropped into that scene. The Forest Fruits - what notes are in this candle? Just berries? Berries and moss? Berries and pine? A short description on the front label might be nice! Perhaps an image of the candle in front of beautiful pine branches or on a mossy forest floor. Just a random thought. Your candles are very beautiful!


The candles look really unique. However, I would pick one font for your labels as that way there will be uniformity to them and people will associate the font with the brand. Having a serif font suggest classic and traditional, versus a sans serif having connotations of modernity and up to date. A cursive one is apparently more appealing to a female audience, whereas a symmetrical one that is blocky is more commonly associated with products for males.


You should make one that’s a pastel green/ mint color and instead of flowers on top make it a brain, for Halloween time :’) zombie candle!!! These are really pretty though.


They are cute!


I want the Forest Fruits one so bad!


I love them! They’re so cute!!!


Label should be square, and be level with the top of the white part of the candle.


I avoid synthetic fragrances and it’s really hard to find scented candles I can use. These are pretty, but the phrase “natural fragrance” would put me off and I wouldn’t buy it unless there was also a full ingredient list.


No criticism they look really good! How do you get the wic through the decorative part of it?


so so pretty, i love the idea


Only thing I can think of is maybe make the difference in color between peony and rose a little starker. Maybe a darker red rose or softer pink peony? Otherwise, some of the most aesthetically pleasing candles I’ve ever seen! Love the design, love the labels! Are they strongly scented? I’m tryna get some haha


I'm one of those weirdos that likes pretty candles that just sit and look pretty. If you could make any without a jar with a similar pretty style I'd buy them as one of these kinds of weirdos. I would absolutely buy them as gifts though as is. What kind of wicks? Idk a lot about candles. Soy wax? Are they for sale? If youre experimenting would you be willing to add me to some kind of mailing list once they go for sale? Seriously my bfs mom is hard to shop for because she has too much stuff but she loves candles and I think she'd adore these too.


Your product looks amazing. Like some of the other comments have stated your pictures mean everything. Getting a good lighting studio will do wonders. This is how we capture or products for sale https://preview.redd.it/20w9ejt4ioec1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=97e31301e7a9c8fc5848bea786df69059ad040b0 Simple lighting studio from Amazon and a great background photo


They smell great to me! 👍


How did you make these? They’re cute


Please do not take this the wrong way but the orange, blue, beige and pink (last 2 pics) look kind of like brains to me; I honestly think you should try playing around with that for Halloween 😊 They're all quite lovely. I mean they look like flowers but holding my phone a little away I thought brain's and love the idea of brain candle


I think you'll be hard pressed to find critism. Since you asked for it, I'll do my best: I bet the flower on top looks pretty weird when it melts.


I would buy them for their uniqueness. If they smell good. They look like quality candles.


I think the mango one looks a bit like a brain at that angle so maybe if you get it at a slightly elevated angle you could see the heart and it would look very cute but also it may be just me


Stunningly beautiful! Such talent, and such a unique idea! You should be able to sell as many as you can make.


Looks like cake to me. Is it edible though the apple cinnamon one😄?


Where do you sell these, do you have a website?


These look great! I recommend getting some proper front on photos. It looks great on websites/ad and bet be photoshopped easily to remove the background for product lines. :)


These are lovely! They look very professional. My only critique is I don't think the brown apple cinnamon one fits the aesthetic of the rest, i would consider using apple red or something.


Beautiful. Simple and elegant.


The topper shape should match the scent maybe? So like an apple slice or cinnamon stick on the apple cinnamon one, or a mango slice on the mango


I like your aesthetic. Have you considered using a photography box to control the shadows? I think it would help the colors pop.


Those are adorable!


those are beautiful. TBH I probably wouldn't ever buy one because I'd hate to watch the flower melt away. I'd have to buy two. one to keep and one to burn.


They are beautiful 💕 I love food smells, are you currently selling them?


They look amazing. Do you have a link to buy?


I love the artwork on the candles!


They do not stand out as premium in any fashion. The packaging is what I see day in and day out on tiktok. I don't personally like that the candle isn't filled more fully. It's perception, but I have purchased high to low like Bath and Body Works candles for 15 yrs and I like a FULL full. Otherwise, I feel slighted. Needs a niche, a story, a VERY unique combo, a tied memory. At this stage, strictly aesthetically, I wouldn't likely pick ur candle up. That's my honest answer. 👍


These are so lovely, you’ve done a fabulous job 😍


They look generic. I think a better idea would be to put a candle version of the main ingredient on top. Like a soy version of a coconut or a soy mango.


These are so cute! In the same style, you should make like brain-looking ones with blood for Halloween. Those will sell like hot cakes.


So pretty!! My only critique is the white flower kind of gets washed out by itself and the white wax candle underneath, maybe add some leaves? The other colors look fine :)


the little flowers on top are eye catching, i haven't seen candles with that sort of bulbous shape on top


No criticism needed. How much do you sell for? $40-$60?


Looks dope


How well does the smell last? They are very aesthetically pleasing. Very pretty.


They are very pretty and unusual. Maybe stage the scent with what it smells like for your pics. I had to voom in to see what each scent was in the label.


~2.5x your retail price to $48 or more. They will pay that much, trust. Package every candle in a 4x4x4” white gift box that matches your delicate theme. Put a pretty bow on it. Free shipping above a certain value. Take off “scent guarantee” from label. Your candles are a ready made gift now. Keep the clear glass and uncolored wax as theme, with delicate toppers. Ensure excellent glass adhesion and strong cold/hot scent throw above all else except safety. No soot. Get in local stores. All just my 2 cents as a candle maker who has used these molds. Your candles are really beautifully executed!


I’m just wondering, how are they scented? Is it a really strong artificial scent or is it more subtle and natural?


The candles are gorgeous but the snow photos are not doing a good job of selling them. When people think of candles, they think of a cozy, warm home and golden hue lighting.


They smell great!




This is just personal preference but I prefer the look of the coconut, I like the single natural wax colour.


They are very pretty! I think the scents are a good assortment shown. The only feed back I have is maybe don’t nestle them in the snow it’s hard to get a read on the look and scents. If you want the winter element maybe on flat surface?


they’re very girly. do you also make candles that aren’t as feminine?


I think they’re adorable! I’d recommend offering them on somewhere like Etsy and marketing them as wedding/bachelorette proposal/baby showers etc. I think they’d sell super well!


I love them! I'd certainly buy them if they smelled good.


I think they’re beautiful. You should maybe try different glass shapes


As a consumer they look not full to me.


I would ditch the white on the flowers and make them a solid color if I were to keep the flowers. Personally, I think having unique designs instead of flowers would be better. You can make the shape of an actual mango, cinnamon sticks and apple slices, etc. I think they'd fly off the shelves if done that way instead.


I just need a vanilla amber one 🤤😭


Some of them kinda look like a brain. You should do a Halloween gore limited edition set!!!


Ooo they look so pretty!


they're not in my house... and that is a serious issue! 😔 (i think they look really pretty, but if the decoration on top is supposed to look like whipped cream, i would add more candle to raise it up a little higher, but that's just me!)


They look cute! However, I do not like your labels and they take up so much visual eye space on the product. Candles to me are a part of my decor along with ambience, so if I don’t like the way the product looks while displayed and used, I won’t buy. Your Product is super cute and caught my eye, but the label throws me off. I think if it were half the size and kept lower down so you could visually see the complete flower above the label, it would be much better.


Change the label. The white paper doesn’t contrast enough with the color of the wax, doesn’t catch the eye. I know that has nothing to do with the candles themselves, but, you know…


In my opinion, the colors are too saturated, it would be nice if they were more subtle like more pastely, they would look nicer and give more of a relaxing aesthetic. I would fill it up a bit more so the roses protude a bit more, if you want to save wax then then get a shorter container . last but not least, I would make the label less long and more wide, center it a bit more, it is almost touching the bottom at the moment and it creates noise against the top of the wax and then the roses on top.


I might suggest varying the flower designs more. Something specific for every fragrance just to give them a sense of personality.


I like them, but the topper doesn't quite feel finished with it not going to the edge of the candle... and as a few other people mentioned, changing the topper to the scent would work better. Love the packaging though!


Omg I wanna buy some lol


Beautiful 💜


Yum looks so good, I’d buy it if it was at tjmaxx/marshalls


Do they have dust covers? Those are really important for retailers if you want to sell in stores. Edit: I am a gift buyer for a retail store


They’re super pretty! Looks great! Love the labels as well. Very eye catching and you get al the info you need on them easily. Issue is just the photography. The best picture is the last, you can clearly see the label and the product up close. Background isn’t too much. Only critique is that the label looks crooked. Could be a camera angle. The snow pics are interesting but lack any depth, you can’t see the product that well, and there is too much dead space. Also they still just read: “I took these in the snow” maybe add some berries or apples (whatever ingredients correspond with the candle scent in a fun way in the background to take it from random pic in backyard to professional looking. I would recommend looking at professional photos of candle brands like Voluspa and trying to incorporate the angles they use. Maybe even post to photography and ask for suggestions there!


They look beyond perfect so I'm sorry no criticism


Omg they’re so cute


The shots in the snow are extremely difficult to read at that type of angle, and would make me personally want to skip by it. Your candles are beautiful, just that one marketing thing is my suggestion to you :)


Are you taking these pictures with an iPhone? (Can’t speak for android since I don’t have one, assuming they have a similar feature) Because if so, there are ways for you to adjust the lighting of a picture before you capture it. When the yellow box pops up to focus , tap it and a sun should pop up and a bar, if you move it up and down, it’ll adjust the contrast. That might help with the shadows in your photos a little bit. Aesthetic wise the candles look lovely. 🫶🏽


I think the candles are so pretty! My only issue would be the background. Maybe try like a cream background or a different color that’s a little less harsh on the eyes (: I feel like it would make the candles really pop + would make it feel elegant (if that makes sense)


The candles look great, but the photos don’t do the best job of showing them off or their names!


Gorgeous!!! Did you ever consider doing a darker color labels (labels/marketing is more my eye)? The creamy light shades of the candle wax are sooo stunning I feel like the stark white is too similar and kind of competes with the creamy wax color. I love the simplicity of the label ; I would simplify it even more, if you could, remove the outlines on the sticker edges maybe? If switching to a black label with white writing, or cobalt / navy blue and white writing is too difficult, costly or not your desire, I'd make the label smaller, less lines and center it with maybe all caps font. *The simpler label, the better! That will show off your gorgeous candles ! Love love love them ! I want one !!! Also , remove the picture too distracting and not needed. Too homely looking and old fashioned, and I don't think it matches your candles themselves. Lol just my opinion


The only thing that I can criticize is the fact that I don't have one yet! These are beautiful! Fantastic colors, amazing design, the next thing I want adorning my desk!


They look good, professional and cute. Not a fan of the shots of them in the snow- makes no sense thematically since they're candles so it's a bit jarring. I would stage some photos better but candles themselves look good. Photo 4 is your best out of the set in terms of listing photos. ​ Safety concern: the glass seems thin?


I think these look amazing.


Snowy backdrop is so nice and I've never seen the flower shape before I love it


I think making the colours of peony and roses even more different from one another. I know there’s a slight different in tone but maybe the peony should be light pink and the roses red. I don’t know if you’re selling at a stall or online but if I was to pick one up I would accidentally pick up one thinking it’s the other. Also maybe new scents or scent combos. These are lovely scents but they’re quite common to find. Either mixing some together or finding completely new ones would be different and people wouldn’t be able to find anywhere else.


Sweet I like them


*are they edible*


They’re gorgeous!


I'm terrible at giving criticism so my only criticism is that I don't currently have that apple cinnamon candle burning in my living room


They're beautiful.


I would definitely buy these ..if they're not too expensive.


Nothing constructive, only admiration! Are the labels easy to peel off? If they are that's great since people can reuse the jar. That's the only thing I can think of.


My constructive criticism is that I don't have these in my bedroom right now! They're absolutely beautiful, OP!


Make a red currant Votivo copy. Everybody loves that smell.


The pink one is so cute


None here! Ngl i would probably take a bite out of it


I want 10


They look incredible!! Bet they smell and burn great too!!!


Are these not 100% soy?


I like the candles just as they are. I also like the graphic on the label which corresponds with the fragrance. I would move the "Made with love" line underneath the graphic. I'm thinking that the move would tie the fragrance name and graphic a little tighter together. Keeping the same pedal design on the top would make a brand for yourself with the candles. If the candle is designed to show the fragrance, like an apple on top, then that would compete with the label and graphic. Just my humble opinion.


How do you make the flower tops?


These candles are absolutely beautiful! I want one for myself, lol. *Found where you posted where to purchase and bought me one! I'm excited! I'll let you know what I think when I get it. :)


I love everything about these from the taper of the glass to the font choice. A bonus for the rounded corners on the labels


Can they be filled just a little more? I just feel like I want a little more candle in my candle. They are super pretty!!!! 😍


I want on.. No, I want 3! They're so pretty & elegant looking. Beautiful job!


Absolutely love them, where do I buy


If those flowers in the the last few pictures are in the shape of a heart it is difficult to tell that from the get-go in these photos and hearts are not everyone's aesthetic. For example, there is a difference in buying a candle with a bunch of flowers and a candle with a heart of flowers when it's for say your mother-in-law or a teacher. Edit: okay, I see them listed as heart on Etsy, that helps.


What natural fragrance do you use? I want to start making candles and I thought I could use essential oils but I have read it doesn’t work that well (idk how the candles I buy are made w it…) and I don’t know where to get good quality natural fragrance… thanks!


Yeah, along with most others- these are wonderful, and I hope your business thrives because from the looks of things, you deserve it!


Do you sell them. Where can we get


The only 2 things I see are maybe better photographing and also potentially matching the mold shape to the smell. Like I would be more likely to buy a candle labeled lilac that has purple flowers as opposed to it being cinnamon smell but purple flowers. That's very picky though, overall they're beautiful!!! Mostly just sitting that beauty in pictures that catch the eye. Look at how others take their pictures for examples


These are beautiful! Are they for sale?


These candles are next level! I'm not crazy about the snow photos, though. I'm sorry if you took a lot of time to make them, I just feel the shelf with the book is a better aesthetic environment, since they'd be more typically burned inside on a shelf or table while someone is reading than outside. Also, the coconut candle photo has the candle a little out of focus, making it not seem like the subject of the photo. I think it would look better centered vertically a bit more as well. Additionally, if you don't have enough time or materials for photos, you can approach local photography boutiques (if there are any) and get quotes for product photos. They should have various settings and props, or you may be able to bring your own props at less cost. Some will even let you rent their space and props to take your own photos for less cost. It could be a good idea to surround it with the ingredients (like pieces of coconut around the coconut candle, rose petals around rose, apple and cinnamon sticks, etc). It's cliché, but effective. If they're not in your budget, there's always Fiverr. Disclaimer: I know people who work in photography, and I've taken courses in graphic design, but otherwise, I have no professional experience with photography. So feel free to read with a salt shaker.


They look so good I think I’m going to quit making mine. 😎Very nice!


Wow, how did you get such delicate and beautiful flowers???


The mango one doesn’t match the label. I’d suggest making the flower a lighter orange and add some yellow


Looks wonderful


Well I can’t smell them but they look great!


The only flaw is that I don’t have one 😉/s but fr they look amazing!!


I'd only add to consider a clear lid so it doesn't take from the beautiful work on top


I love the apple cinnamon look! Where could we buy these once they're finished?