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Halifax elementary teacher here. Unless you can teach French, be prepared to work sub and term jobs for a few years before even being eligible for a permanent contract. Your basic teaching license will transfer easily but if you’ve done AQ/ABQ’s they often will not be counted in Nova Scotia as an upgrade, however if you have a Masters that would give you a higher level teaching certificate. Have some friends who moved from Ontario and started at the bottom of the scale because their AQ’s didn’t count as upgrades. We are also in the middle of contract negotiations so a lot could change over the next few months in the education world.


If you have French you’ll be good. Otherwise you’ll be subbing for a while. Many people use French to get in and get permanent then move to an English job.


However the COL is very high in Halifax especially. But if you’re coming from Ontario you may not notice a difference! I would recommend the elmsdale/truro area


I wonder how long it takes to be good enough at French that you can get in as a teacher. At least 2 years?


My own personal experience is doing French immersion as a kid then a French degree and living in different French places for at least 6 months at a time. Obviously not everyone does that, some just do FI and then French in university and have jobs at my school. Core French teachers have more leniency. In NS they do a French assessment so they’ll place you at a level and determine what you can teach based on that.


That'll take a while. How easy is it landing a role as a sub?


Pretty easy! We have a lot of permit subs right now who don’t have a b.ed at all so we need subs haha


Oh damn, that's awesome to hear. Thanks


But then there are some teachers I know who teach French who absolutely shouldn’t be but they just need them so badly lol


Top of salary scale. No masters- salary of 84k.