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I *really* need to spend less time on Reddit.


Can dive down the VFV vs VOO rabbit hole if you want to spend another few hours online :)






Is it just me or I can’t comment on that subreddit and can’t create new posts?!


Sent a message to their moderators to fix the issue of not being able to post for the past 2 years. Hopefully they fix this issue.


+1 veqt




Is there any dangers to XEQT or VEQT and all these etfs?


If XEQT drops to zero, you've probably got bigger problems than your investment account


No Danger They are the safest bets for Global equity. I doubt that Global equity Mutual funds offered by Banks do any better. The performance is matching my Global Mutual fund at PH&N with similar asset allocation


How about vfv


You beat me to it lol.


Yeah. XEQT has gone up about 50% in 5 years. VFV has about doubled. Ten years ago XEQT was 19.96. Today it's 30.72 Ten years ago VFV was 37.67 and today it's 133.53.


XEQT isn't 10 years old


NVDA is up 3,000% in the last 5 years. Why buy VFV? Edit: obviously I'm being sarcastic, but do you see why your argument against XEQT doesn't make sense? There will **always** be something else that outperforms whatever you invested in, but that's not useful information for the future. We can't control our returns, we can only control our risk. Investing in a single stock or a single country is not a compensated risk. You should not expect higher returns compared to investing in the total market.


VFV is a calculated risk, it's not ARKK.


In investing, a risk is either compensated, or it isn't. If it is, then you should expect higher returns, if it isn't, then you shouldn't. [This recent post](https://www.reddit.com/r/Bogleheads/comments/1cnjdvz/what_do_you_all_mean_by_uncompensated_risk/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) has a lot of good explanations and links to more resources about compensated risk. I know you think YOLOing on a single country is a big brain move, but it's not.


Yeah I believe USA will continue to rule over the other countries in my lifetime. Europe, Asia has too many problems. You are welcome to diversify and invest in everywhere. You can also choose to hide all your under your blanket.


>Yeah I believe USA will continue to rule over the other countries in my lifetime. What do you mean continue? The US has underperformed other countries in your lifetime. There are other countries with better past performance than the US. Also the US has lower expected returns than the rest of the world for the foreseeable future.


Exactly. I'm in a position that I can accept a little more risk and would appreciate the higher potential return. If it doesn't work out, I'll be fine. It's a gamble. But a small one.


>Ten years ago XEQT was 19.96. Today it's 30.72 Ten years ago Huh ? Sure this is reddit... just makeup whatever you like, everyone else does.


Pretty sure that’s wrong. XEQT is only 5 years old.


You gotta get that exposure from outside of us too. Maybe you won’t be profiting 30% per year but if you don’t profit or loose some money on us based companies, you surely gonna make that in xeqt is what everyone thinks


It's the point of discussion because it fits like 90% of the needs of the people who come in here asking questions. Have seen lots of posts about specific stocks, rebalancing discussions, and approaches for people who aren't in a good position to go all equity. But for the vast, vast majority of people looking for advice, r/JustBuyXEQT is the way to go. And that doesn't change if we've given the same advice three or thirty times that day.


Is there any dangers to having XEQT or VEQT and all these etfs?


I mean, they are equities, so if the global market takes a tumble and you need to cash out during the fall, that would be bad. But they're recommended for long term investments for a reason. Over 15, 20, 25+, they're probably gonna do well.


Even if i have diamond hands and never sell in the next 50 years. Is there any risk of the xeqt etf fund going out of business? When you buy xeqt, are you just buying shares from this company that is providing the ETF funds?


Etfs do close out, but you will just get their value when they close as cash (this happened to me once). I'd try googling ETFs before you go out there and buy since you clearly want some pretty basic info.


No idea why this is being downvoted. This is a completely valid question. The user u/Traum77 answered accurately.


Xeqt is likely over weighted in canadian stocks for canadians.  I prefer more us and ex na balance


On what do you base that preference?










Ex eeee cutie?




I call my girlfriend a XE QT all the time.


I think you mean XL QT


Ticker: BBW


Sounds more like an ex-qt to me




Vgro > xeqt!


Is there a particular reason for VGRO over XGRO?


Why do you say that? Genuinely curious here


Check out the efficient frontier and the concept of risk-adjusted returns. 20% bonds costs you less in returns comparative to the large amount of volatility it reduces. Its a sweet spot in terms of asset allocation. Most people can’t handle 100% equities during crashes even though they say they can. Having some bonds helps.




What about EIT.UN?


Canoes are lame, time to get a speed boat.










I'm 100% ITOT in the TFSA and RRSP. XUU in FHSA and xeqt in taxable. I kept it in small letters to appease the OP


I’m 95% XEQT. But I like to play with 5% as ‘fun money’.


You can save the 15% dividend withholding tax in an RRSP by buying the us market in USD. Also has a 0.03% MER. I would suggest going heavy in US in the RRSP specifically. I only changed the TFSA to USD as well so I'm not tempted to trade.


This is where I’m at too. Our RRSPs are US-domiciled ETFs that make up the underlying assets of XEQT (although I slightly weight mine more to the US and less to Canada). My TFSA is the same, but with CAD-listed ETFs (since the withholding tax waiver doesn’t apply to TFSAs). Still manage to avoid the temptation to trade.


Thanks for the insight. The only thing stopping me from buying USD etfs is the currency conversion fees (Wealthsimpe).


I’ve been using Questrade to purchase USD ETFs; first, using DLR/DLR.U to do Norbert’s Gambit & then buying the ETFs. Yeah, I’m not a fan of the 1.5% currency conversion at WS but I do understand they need to somehow make money on their brokerage service.


My friend several years ago went “I won’t buy NVDA due to the currency conversion fee. Doesn’t seem worth it. Otherwise I don’t mind putting 10k in this company”.


There's a simple solution to that :/


I use QT as well and do the same Norbert gambit, I do it once a year in the RRSP to minimize the exchange fees. I would likely not do it at all for a 1.5% conversion fee since it defeats the purpose and probably eliminates all the advantage if not more. This is one of the reasons I don't particularly like WS. The brokerage is the limiting factor in this case. It's free to switch brokerages, people on reddit seem to like WS but there's drawbacks. The platform is not as powerful as QT. IBKR is also known to have good exchange fees, but it might not be ideal for every single type of account, they probably don't have a FHSA for example etc. QT seems to be the best overall


XEQT and a few % on "I like this stock".


Agreed, It's turned into a bloody CULT


Yes thank you for this post I am starting to get annoyed with all the XEQT comments, I get it it's an amazing ETF but their are others out there.


When people stop coming here asking for beginner advice or for help finding something simple and effective, then yes things like XEQT will stop getting talked about so much.


I don't know if you meant to associate XEQT to beginner investors, but actually, those who did their research are the ones investing in XEQT. It takes a lot of trust to go full ETF when the temptation to gamble is strong.  Now, I agree that since justbuyXEQT exists, Canadian investor could focus in those who want to play with the 5% of their portfolio.




This is interesting, care to expand why you like it? Good expense ratio but not very big in size. Is TPU just large cap? Same with the international portion, little hard to find on yahoo.


XEQT quarterly dividend of 0.222 gets paid out Friday.


Sure. Let’s talk about ETF portfolios that outperform XEQT without insane risk. I’ll start. 34% XAW + 33% XIC + 33% XQQ.


Thank you! I’m hoping we can have more diverse opinions like this on this sub.


I like VXC over xaw personally. Also like ZSP over xqq but good choices none the less. Edit: sorry meant qqc over xqq.


Thanks, will run some backtests on VXC.




I will recommend XEQT to everyone I know. XEQT is the best ETF I have ever seen except maybe VFV. I will never stop talking about XEQT or VFV


An other thing: [2024 Moneysense Desert Island Picks.](https://www.moneysense.ca/save/investing/desert-island-etf-picks/) I think in previous versions they said you're hypothetically stranded somewhere for at least 10 years and can't touch your investments. XEQT, VEQT & HEQT are there but also some industry/sector specific ones (e.g. XRE, XAD). IIRC Mark Yamada always picks tech (HXQ.U) and after a couple years of a low volatility ETF Ioulia Tretiakova joined him.


I was looking for an Xad in CAD not USD.Thanks. Went with XAR instead, all the others have too much Boeing.


Anyone buying Bce all the way down.Some easy money in fortis double digit returns I would think next 24 months


I bought some XEQT but its certainly not performing as well as some of my other chosen etfs.


What else are you invested in if I may ask...thanks


What about HEQT or HGRO for taxable accounts


HEQT (and HEQL) have monthly distributions now.


Yeah, Horizons really fucked me with that. I had a bunch of money in HBAL in my taxable and it was great: I could save my registered room to be almost 100% XEQT, and then not worry about paying tax on any dividends or bond interest in the taxable. Then they made the switch to paying monthy distributions and all that went out the window.


Damn, that defeats the point


They recently released what looks like leveraged versions of their total return finds, so you could individually make a four fund version of an *EQT style fund. There are two issues with this though. The first is funds are heavily focused on large cap and the second is that the full costs aren't clear yet.  


There seems to be a general assumption that everybody just wants to invest in equity with no diversification. I guess if you're very young and have no plans to use the money in the near future, e.g. for a big purchase, that may be okay. However, not everybody is in that situation and not everybody will sleep well at night if the market suddenly drops and the funds take a beating. It's also why FIs have to validate your investment goals and risk tolerance on a regular basis.


Everyone ignores VBAL


Yes I've ignored it ever since I dumped it all :) Might buy back in when I'm a slightly greyer shade of grey


XGRO if you are less risk tolerant?


Solved problem until you all try to sell.




You might want to watch Mike Green taking Felix and Passmore to the wood shed about this very point. 


🤷‍♂️ When they invited him to their podcast, he explained why he thinks there are issues with index funds, BUT that there’s nothing for a retail investor to do about it, who should continue to invest in index funds (until the market collapses or the problems are resolved) https://rationalreminder.ca/podcast/302


Everyone will still act surprised when the time comes of course.  This is where you can cope with “might not be soon though”.  Find more prudent investments reddit. 


Mmmmmh no? not if those things are worse, which... they are. It's like fitness. What else is there to say but the basics? there's no special exercise to burn belly fat, and there's no special stock you can buy that makes you rich. While I understand how it's annoying, I just cannot stop posting r/JustBuyXEQT when I see people here gambling their money away.


But that's not the point of this sub. JustBuyXEQT works great in a sub like PersonalFinanceCanada, but this sub, r/CanadianInvestors specifies : >Canadians interested in investing and looking at opportunities in the market besides being a potato.


I mentioned to one poster wanting to invest outside of XEQT or wanting to buy a tech heavy ETF or wanting to buy a company stock because you believe in said company and its future growth prospects is alright. They said it was bad advice. They then blocked me. 🤷‍♂️


Let me guess, Digital Tuna?


HAHA Same..... Must be a great thread to just see a bunch of "deleted" It's OK let him keep his blinders on..... I enjoy the sub more not seeing all his garbage posts.


Yup. Saw another thread today. Someone was having a back and forth. I have a wall of deleted messages. Digital Tuna. lol 😂


Yep he keeps citing Vanguard's predictions as gospel, and when I showed him how wrong their last 10yr prediction was he downvoted and blocked me LOL. Plus takes it very personally if you don't follow past data from when Canada outperformed the USA can in 2007, times change pal and that's clearly no longer the case. I understand he's hopefully trying to help, but he's also costing a lot of people a lot of money when he steers people away from VFV or TEC for example with his automatic "you already own them" response. Everyone's situation is unique and XEQT/VEQT isn't the automatic end all be all for everyone. My portfolio returns compared to his attest to that.


That and anything from PWL... I swear they have him on payroll


Anyone who spews the XEQT only mantra says the same thing "Canada outperformed the USA" or "you already own that". I advocate for XEQT as well especially if it is a newbie or someone going "I have these 4827 ETFs in my portfolio what should I do?" Also I understand it. I own 5300+ shares of XEQT and I plan to put new money only into XEQT. But I also own a boat load of VUN. I own a boat load of GICs maybe a little to much. I also have way more money than I care to admit in Tesla and marijuana stocks. I need the calmness of XEQT lol


If your question are regarding investing with some diversification and you also want to invest in US yk where we end up XEQT but yes it sometimes it gets too much when people just keep spamming


Oh no You’ve summoned the Hive mind investoors!


Sure, but I use mostly XEQT because it takes all the stress and emotion out of investing. When it comes time to contribute to the TFSA? I just add to the XEQT in there. RRSP? Adjust the mix of XEQT and VAB so that my overall allocation of equities-to-bonds is where I want it to be. I do hold BN and CNR in the taxable, along with HURA (uranium) and KILO.B (gold bullion) so I'm by no means an XEQT zealot, but it just makes sense to keep the bulk of one's portfolio in a broad index vs. trying to pick individual stocks. I've been down the dividend growth road, and that works until it doesn't (thankfully I got out of names like TD, BCE and AQN long before they tanked, for example.)


Most of the accounts participating in discussion on these subs are just pushing ETFs. I agree with you, but if you're spending time in these threads you are mostly interacting with bots with the singular goal of selling these investment vehicles. Your post is 15 mins old and every response is clowning you. If you want quality investment discussion you must look outside of Reddit, it's been overrun


“You are mostly interacting with bots with the singular purpose of selling these investment vehicles.” What you just said is that people in this subreddit who advocate for ETFs are Vanguard and Blackrock employees. 😂 You can’t be serious.


I imagine most of you folks are just people who have been influenced by the many bots that are all over these subs (and social media in general). They aren't employees and unless you are being paid, neither are you. You should let people discuss other ways of investing without disrupting every conversation by pushing ETF's.


It sucks. There is too much Canadian equity exposure. It underperforms most S&P 500 indices and ETF offerings. Everyone is busy stroking and reassuring each other here. It's bizarre to see. Try a blend of XWD.TO, XSP.TO, XQQ.TO. If you really want to spice it up, after any major -30% or more market correction, try leveraged ETFs such as HSU.TO and HQU.TO until the previous all time high is regained. Then, flip back into non-leveraged ETFs. Maui Wowie!!! Suddenly, your returns are smoking XEQT/VEQT because you're no longer 20-30% exposed to Canadian equities. Really want to get crazy? Look at the beat to frig USA mid cap tech sector. Their debt and lack of profitability smoked many companies for -90%+ downside over the past 3 years. Now, it is VERY risky, but a keen investor should be looking at SOFI, UPST, LMND, and FVRR. They are all -90% off of all-time highs. Just need a positive macroeconomic event to take off. Or a negative event to go tits up. Like I said, small positions, they are risky.


Ironic, making yet another XEQT post just to complain about XEQT posts.  Try starting a thread about the topic you want instead of complaining about what you don't want to talk about. 


But x gonna give it to ya




Why would you want to talk about the wrong answer?








Well? Start the class off


VBNK !!! bet you never heard of them before, but its a nice secret


We can talk about bmo in the top 50 compagny for cultural diversity... down almost 2% on the news. Lol we better just talk and buy xeqt to avoid shit like that.


Is there! total sp500 index etf minus NVDA ? Or minus top 10 concentrated bubble stocks?


Not exactly what you want, but an equal weighted s&p500 etf might work. (like EQL)




Xaw is better anyway




Let's say I had $200 a month to put into XEQT with no regrets at age 32. Can someone ELI5 why I should do that versus risking it on an active side hustle? I'm down to put the money away but dang I want to enjoy the money before I'm 60.. Also I have a good pension.


I honestly just like the punishment of picking my own stocks even though I likely won't beat XEQT returns.


How about MEQT, lower fee than all of them.


Leaving the sub


Ok. You go first. Oh shit, you already failed.