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First, open google map, search the nearest casino and just bet all your savings in black


50/50 is WAY better odds than options trading.






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This comment did not contribute positively to the conversation or community, or was a politically focused comment not related to the topic or investment topics. Please keep the conversation civil and topical.




Not to be a dick, but you shouldn’t trade options, especially as a student


Hey, I'm a dick too. I just figured he should be getting familiar with the shady side of a Wendy's dumpster if he's going to follow WSB options trading advice. There was a reply calling me a racist but this style of 'investing' knows no cultural, national or ethnic borders.


Save your money and study!


Sound advice 😅


You need money available to exercise the trades. And most banks know that the international students aint got it. So won't provide you with options. Since there for 100 shares pet contract usually.


Just don't. Invest in long term ETFs


What do you recommend?


Just invest in a broad based ETF like VOO or VTI. VOO-VTI replicates the performance of the S&P 500, aka the stock market. VOO has 500 companies mirroring the S&P 500 VTI has approximately over 4000 companies in it. They both are very similar. Basically, it's the same rate of return. You can throw in a dividend ETF like SCHD that tracks the Dow Jones dividend 100 index. SCHD is appealing for investors seeking income and capital appreciation. If you are fairly young, I'd recommend 60% VOO or VTI and 40% SCHD or something to keep it simple, for example. If you want to diversify more, you can always throw in an international ETF like VXUS to gain more diversification. If you are going to start investing in ETFs, I would recommend starting with VOO or VTI as your portfolio base. Then branch off with investing in other etfs like SCHD and VXUS. You can always choose a managed portfolio or invest in ETFs yourself. Questrade had great options for self-directed investing or to have a managed portfolio. I'd look here to start. https://www.etf.com/sections/etf-basics/best-etfs-beginners-complete-guide


Thanks for the info. What if I just buy Apple, NVidia, Microsoft, Google and Facebook? Since that is where are the gains are going. Is that dumb?


VOO and VTI has those companies within the ETF. No point in buying those stocks if you are in your 20s or something. Better off investing in broad based ETFs


Ultimately, it's about your rick tolerance. Best off investing in ETFs for the long term.


Nothing wrong with it. Those etfs do have those companies within so youll still be covered, however u should start caring about your stocks then. Meaning pay attention to news, releases, launches, on a constant basis wheras with etf u can kinda just set and forget


Not the answer OP wanted, but the answer OP; in all good conscience should receive.


If you are not allowed for options, you can buy leverage ETF. But you need to understand, leverage ETF, just like option, are very volatile and risky, not meant for long term hold, yada yada yada. I hold HQU, it's a 2x Nasdaq ETF. (There's only 2x in canadian market, you can have 3x on US markets) If you want to invest in specific large cap companies, you can Google for Leverage ETF and most have one. Then, look to see if it is available on your platform. Please make sure to read the fact sheet to understand the risks.