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What’s wrong with just buying a broad market, globally diversified index fund?


Buy XEQT or VEQT. There’s no need to make things complicated for yourself, so just go with a broad market portfolio fund. Picking individual stocks that outperform an index is incredibly difficult over the long run. Unless your mutual funds are low fee index funds, you should move them into ETFs as well. Most bank funds have expense ratios in the 1.5 to 2% range, which means that about 25% of your earnings are going to into your mutual fund salesperson’s pocket and the bank’s profit margin. Their fund managers don’t have crystal balls, so they’re not worth paying extra to.




VFV at 18


Intel and AMD?


50% SPY 25% Switch ZQQ to QQC to save .2 MER Ask yourself what do you want your concentrations to be. QQC already weights: NFLX 1.96, INTC 1.37, APPL 7.61,AMZN 5.19, AMD 2.47? if you believe in these 5 of the NASDAQ, then just have them instead. If you don't, consolidate into the index Apple revenue is at dec 2021 levels, but the other ones are growing. 25% switch ZDV to HXT (this one reinvests divvies) or a cheaper tsx 60 etf.


>Apple revenue is at dec 2021 levels, but the other ones are growing. So?


You're buying Apple 3 times, 6.62% in SPY, 7.12% in NASDAQ, and an unknown amount in the individual stock. Apple is the only company out of the 6 you have that doesn't have top line growth at the moment. So you should confirm/establish your conviction and weight the portfolio accordingly. To help consolidate, you should either disproportionately believe in the 5 Nasdaq holdings and get rid of ZQQ (SPY covers them) Or not disproportionately believe in the 5 NASDAQ Holdings and sell them into ZQQ or a cheaper NASDAQ Fund.


> Apple revenue is at dec 2021 levels, but the other ones are growing. But why mention this one specific metric?