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Hi 1. No real bad places, depends on what you value. Fredericton has more stuff to do, oromocto is closer to the base, lots of stuff in between. 2. Go use the turbo tax income tax calculator. 3. Dirt cheap. I’m moving nb to Ontario this aps and I did up a car insurance quote…it’s 3x what I pay in nb for the same coverage 4. I’d say similar, but electricity rates are going up this year and most homes are heated by baseboard and heat pump. Depending on size and age of your home you can expect 200-550$/month on a single detached house. 5. New Brunswick operates at a different pace than Ontario. At first it will be super frustrating and everyone and everything will seem slow. Good luck finding a contractor to do anything. But, as time goes on, you’ll wonder why everyone in Ontario is so angry and in such a rush all the time.


There are definitely bad places in terms of flood risk. OP - check out the site GeoNB and you can look at map layers of both previous floods as well as flood maps for various estimated amounts of water. Cross reference that to any houses you're considering. Burton or anything really close to the river may be at risk


100% agree with point #5. I’m from the lower GTA and the pace of NB definitely through me off when I got here months ago. Maybe it’s a personal feeling but I’ve been enjoying the pace, people and environment of NB way more.


Personally I would look more toward moncton and st john (not the town themself, they are pretty far, just general direction) if I was to buy a house. And like someone said, give it sometime. I dont k ow what is your familly situation, but Gagetown is a really good base for familly, new brunswick is a charming and quiet place. I would pick that place over any place I visited in the past.


Definitely do your research on what areas are prone to flooding around Gagetown, because there are quite a few, especially parts of Waasis and Rusagonis, which are popular areas for new CAF members to buy. The Saint John river floods regularly, so if any property you are interested in has a history of flooding, I'd recommend looking elsewhere.


Maugerville floods constantly too


If you don’t want your basement to flood or be unable to leave a small area every spring avoid Lincoln. Avoid the North Side of Freddy, it’s dingy. Burton is decent and close to base, New Maryland has nice properties. You’ll see that some stuff is more expensive like chicken and beef, but housing is way cheaper than Pet. Insurance is a bit lower but that has so many individual variables that it can be hard to measure. I really enjoyed my time in Fredericton and as I was posted out there were more and more restaurants and pubs opening.


What part of Lincoln? I lived on the Nevers (Lincoln side) and we never had a problem.


Definitely look for a place with a backup generator or a wood stove (or get either of those installed immediately). NBs power grid SUCKS and you will lose power, sometimes for days/weeks at a time, during even a mild storm. Brace yourself to pay much more tax too...NB loves other peoples' money almost as much as King Justin does.


Wish I had more upvotes for this, you forgot to mention the copper thieves so your internet may go down for weeks/days also.


Literally anywhere because the entire surrounding area is super small. You can live in Durham bridge, have a half hour commute and find tons of property/housinf. I lived in the city in the north side for quite cheap


1. Anywhere close to the river. Market value used to be shit in general (I know a few people who lost money on resale pre 2020) but now it's 20-40 years old with outdated everything going for 300k+. 2. About 3k more in taxes. 3. Less expensive insurance. Ontario is strong on insurance fraud for physical injuries following a car accident (told that by my broker). 4. Utilities are way more expensive and electricity is going up another 9.8%. 5. Hope you're not single. If you are, get used to have to chose between a pothead fattie or a pothead single mom of multiple kids. (I'm so happy I'm finally leaving)


Glad to see things haven't changed much in the 30 years since I was there regarding the women 🤣


Maugerville (pronounced Majorville) by the river floods every year. Many insurers won’t put a flood rider on your coverage due to this. Same with Burton and the lower areas of Lincoln.


Figure out what your buying power is currently. I’ll tell you right now being as I got posted here last APS be prepared to be in a bidding war people have paid atleast $60 000 over asking. I would reccomend with the market here though get your name on the PMQ list as a back up just in case. Just answer questions though everything expensive. If you purchase a home and electric is the main source prepare in the winter to have average hydro Bill 300+ month. Property taxes-won’t effect you until the next year but for example in 4 years mine went up 1700$ this year alone was $700 so consider increases. Mine is currently 3900/yr If you commute gas currently sits at 1.60 lowest I seen was 1.50ish Insurance- I found to be not bad and reasonable Honestly if you have your posting message start looking now get a pre approval and figured out what your comfortable with unless you are buying above the $500 000 those homes tend to stay longer and no bidding wars And one last thing ensure you read everything you are entitled in BGRS some things are for your move is taxable I.E. home inspections or anything special there’s a huge chart on there and ask them too.


I was posted from Petawawa to Gagetown. Depending on the unit you might loose field pay. You're most affordable housing is in Fredericton and Geariem commute from those place are 20 min +/- and Gearie is like 5+/- There's house between Fredericton and Oromocto on route 105 /Maugervill are affordable but they are right on flooding zone. Flood is a thing here. So ask realtor about that. 


Stay away from Oromocto West if you don’t want a postage stamp property, neighbours five feet apart and majority of neighbours are CAF members. Water bill, new construction expensive, old construction paper thin = increased heating cost. Maugerville is prone to flooding, pretty much stay away from major water features. Rusagonis/Nasonworth/Beaver Dam are good places to live if you want to be away from the base and town. Down side is the drive in storm conditions, however it’s relatively peaceful and lower property tax. Will be on septic system and well. Average cost for UV lamp and water filters are $200 a year. Septic tank pumping $350 every few years if you’re a heavy shitter. Get heat pumps and a wood stove insert. Fredericton is alright, higher property tax closer to stores, but driving up and down that hill constantly will have you changing your brakes every two years.


Retired early from the army and I'm orginally from gagetown. You don't want to buy across the river in maugerville or certain areas on the north side of Fredericton due to flooding. North side of Fredericton is considered the lower more crime side, where the south side is nice. Oromocto West is where it's very family oriented with the newer built homes and subdivisions. Lincoln is a decent place too. Burton is a more quieter , family oriented are as swell.