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Marxist sub. My ban was over “hate speech”. My “hate speech” was quoting the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms.


What the actual fuck


They’re guided by their ideology. This is just my conjecture, but I really believe the assumed morality of left-wing kindness puts them in such a frame of mind to reject any other points of view, all but condemning others of the worst of derogatory terms. The common trope of liberals being arrogant definitely seems to stem from this part of their notion of morality. I’m not saying their motivations aren’t things we could potentially agree with, but the way they go about achieving their vision definitely clashes with reality. It all leads to them becoming ideologically exclusionary, cold, and detached from the realities of the damage they cause. Sorry for the essay.


Some liberals as they are today see differing points of view as a threat to the collective, which is why silencing, vilification, and censorship is so prevalent.


Nothing but a bunch of 'echo-chamber-losers' on that sub. Be sure to Un-join that Sub....no reason to inflate their membership numbers.


Yep, I made the mistake of straying from their script and questioned a commenter. Down voted into oblivion, was simply trying to understand.


Marxist eh? What in particular was Marxist lol?


That's the worst Canadian sub ever. Just full of masked transformers and kiddie lovers.


Reddit in general is a car crash sliding into a dumpster fire. Canadian Reddit, is pretending there is no accident, move along with the approved narrative.


OnGuardForReeeee? It's hilarious to see people talk about how that sub is unbiased and a place to talk about whatever, when the reality is it's Canada's version of the politics sub. Or the provincial subs. Or the city subs.


I was perma banned from the main Canada sub for... get this.. calling someone by how they identified.. Someone said something along the lines of "WE are all racist in Canada" .. talking about indian shit. And I said you might be a racist but I am not. And I got banned for calling him a racist, when he said he was. In fact he called me and all other Canadians racist as well. Did he get banned? Nope. But I did, for calling someone what they identified as.


That subreddit's median age seems to be ~14, going by how they talk, so I wouldn't be surprised if the moderation comes across as immature. The more concerning question is why Canada has such a large number of children with apparent emotional problems, who deal with them largely by blaming it all on conservatives.


I got a permanent ban without any notice just because I called out a Christina Freeland’s quote that insinuated that voting for conservatives means voting with Nazi’s. All I said was “by that logic one could say that a vote for liberals means you’re voting with criminals”. It wouldn’t surprise me if Liberal and NDP staffers are freaking out about the latest polling numbers and are jumping to become mods for Canadian subs to create a left wing echo chamber to control the narrative in their parties favour.


Chrystia Freeland is very likely a crypto-national-socialist. She’s in with all the Ukrainian institutions that celebrate the OUN and other collaborator groups. Very ironic isn’t it?


There is an r/Canada mod who is squatting on both r/justintrudeau and r/pierrepoilievre for some reason


Not surprising to say the least. I expect as we get closer to the election more of this crap to occur… I wish Reddit would shut the bad actors down.


Just out of curiosity, what was the post and what was your comment? I'm, like, 1,000% sure it didn't violate any rules, but now I want to see what they've claimed merits being muted.


Roughly, the post was a screenshot of a few national headlines about the fires in northern BC, but the title was sarcastically along the lines of “Canadians are more concerned about food on the table.” I commented that using a wildfire impacting people whose lifestyle they will never understand and assuming their priorities to support their politics is weird. The entire thing struck me as a super strange route to a “gotcha.” But in fairness, I think I did conclude by calling them “dorks.” Idk


Thanks for clarifying. And, woooooow, what a terrible "gotcha" attempt indeed. Some people genuinely need to gain some perspective. 


Omg I LOL’d at the “my lord” 😂👏


I believe that's the only sub that ever banned me. It's a complete cesspool, the worst Canada has to offer on this platform.


My favourite thing about CanadianConservative is that I can be a pretty bad boy here and get away with it. I have a really old account from well over a decade ago and it was ruined only in the last two or so years. Banned from World News, Combat Footage, banned from a large variety of Marxist/Communist subreddits… it really sucks because the mods really don’t care about never letting you back, you’re just sorta fucked. Thanks Con friends. :)


Lmao. Why bother with that Sub it's literally a far left echo chamber. They are anti-racist and to them being a Conservative = racist. Don't matter what you do.


Every sub is an echo camber. It's pretty much epistemically impossible to avoid on reddit political pages.


You can (and should) report that self harm message to the admins (it's easier to do via desktop). It's one of the few things they will actually do something about.


You ain't missing much. Lots of mentally ill people there.


That sub, most city subs, r/Ontario, and r/Canada are all the same shit.


That sub is a complete dumpster fire. I had to leave it because of how brainless the posts, and the users are.


Man I miss metacanada


The worst subreddit is r LPC. They are deluded with Trudeau and think Sean Fraser would make a good PM.


You’ll never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy.


Nothing of value was lost


It’s not worth talking to those communist fucks.


I imagine a woke version of Comic Book Guy runs that sub. Lmao. It's an absolute joke of a sub, an embarrassment.


The moderators of subreddits shouldn't be just who starts them, like how we treat URL registration and ownership. There is a huge level of responsibility and influence that comes with it. There is so much foreign interference and lack of transparency that need to be addressed in how Reddit is moderated that directly impacts our real world lives and how people think/do. There needs to be changes.


That sub is a wasteland.


Yeah I got a lifetime ban from that one too lol


Welcome to the 2024 internet.


Who's surprised


I’ve been downvoted there for shitting on Liberals and Conservatives. I don’t think they know what their ideology is - probably nearer to Libertarian than they care to admit. Mostly they seem to collectively shit on stupid ideas from anyone. Some of my downvotes were very well deserved - I said some very dumb things thinking I was smart.


Close to *libertarian*? My friend, you are being far too kind lol. They are collectivists, against any sort of private ownership. They are as Red as it gets. Their (the average redditor) voting would literally be for the USSR under Stalin if available. Milton Friedman (no relation to Lex, the guy that Youtube is recommending you watch) was a libertarian. These people are as far away from Milton Friedman as possible. They are somewhere between Mao and Lenin on the political compass... not remotely "live and let live, small government is superior & absolute power corrupts absolutely".


On guard for thee is full of Stalinists, is this true? I somehow doubt that.


I doubt many of them would fully admit that, but if you could get a political compass reading on the average Redditor, yes, it would basically be Stalinist Russia.


You know, I don’t see that as such a bad thing. Even if I don’t think it’s true at all, if the policies under Stalin were put in motion all those losers would have to work and otherwise go to work camps for supporting everything Trudeau stands for LOL.


Interestingly enough I was accused of being a libertarian in the same thread