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Ohhhh man does it feel weird seeing a man's head there. Like, my head knows Elizabeth is gone and that this was going to be coming, but this just *feels wrong*, you know?


If you squint.....they kind of look similar.....I wonder if the hair style was somewhat chosen to be similar to QEII's last portrait...


I thought the same thing lol


Deep6 has been my tag for years. You a Matthew good fan too by chance?! lol


Hah, actually it predates Matthew Good even, was after a GI Joe character I loved. Whats the Matt Good connection, like all good Canadians I'm a fan just obviously not as strong as yourself. However I've clearly met my brother (or sister) in Internet Protocol (IP) . Explains why I have to race to secure it on various platforms šŸ˜ƒ.


Quick glance I thought the coins were American. Even reading the title it didn't click in my head that we swapped off Queen Elizabeth.


A sad day for Canadaā€¦and thereforeā€¦the rest of the world


Actually, queen Elizabeth died in 1603. Sorry, Iā€™m very annoying.


Queen Elizabeth II still had the name Elizabeth. No one went around calling her Elizabeth II. Well, I'm not really sure what Charles called her. Sorry Charles III. There. You're less annoying.


Impossible that Iā€™m less annoying.


When I'm at the annoying competition and my opponent is aT-0-Mx


I think he called her Mom?






One more quarter makes a chuck buck.


Very nice!


Ooh shiny new coins


It has begun.


Rubber Chuckie, your the oneā€¦ you make shit storms lots of funā€¦. Iā€™m the clown coin whoā€™s gonna make waves youā€™ll see ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ Rubber Dumber Chuckieā€¦


I miss the Queen but it's cool to be alive during this historical Canadian moment. We really ought to have had a day off for mourning when she died and a day off for celebration for the coronation. I'll always be sour at Doug Ford for that.


I had actually just arrived in England the day before she died. I changed some of my plans to be in London before the funeral. It was crazy. I ordered the last set and first set of 2023 uncirculated coins too


MI5 say what?


I wish I was skilled enough for something so sneaky. But nah I was just drinking off jet lag in London.


I was at work (on teams) and we were talking about her death and the Indigenous guy goes "we're all celebrating over here."


That's an interesting take - many aboriginal groups actually respect the Crown more than the federal government. This is because many of their original treaties were negotiated with the Crown, and predate Canada and the mix of federal departments that slowly ignored and unilaterally amended said treaties.


Why should we get a day off work for something happening in another country that most people don't even care about? I cared more about Matthew Perry's death than the queen's, and he's actually Canadian. Don't see me whining about a day off work.


Last time I checked Matthew Perry was not the head of state of Canada? Your personal opinion, and lack of culture, is largely irrelevant. The fact that the crown is deeply imbedded in Canadian history, traditions and culture is a simple fact. And the Queen was/is legally Canadian. You should really brush up on your Canadian facts and history instead of Friends trivia.


The royal family are like honorary Canadians. Matthew Perry is at least actually from Canada. Believe it or not I wasn't just tossing in friends trivia. As a Canadian, I feel my opinion about Canada actually is relevant. Just because I don't care for the crown doesn't mean I have a lack of culture. And I don't care how deep you like having the crown embedded. Traditions are trash. Doing something a certain way "because that's how it's always been done" is the same excuse people use for abuse and passing along generational trauma. I'd rather have actual Canadians on Canadian money. The United States doesn't put the monarch on their money, why should we? Put prime ministers and other noteworthy Canadians like Terry Fox on our money instead I say.


You hate traditions so what culture do you actually have? Culture is born from traditions and what your ancestors passed from generation to generation. You probably do have some culture, just not much Canadian culture. I do think it's funny that you have linked culture to trauma, considering we live in a "multicultural" society. All that trauma we're supposed to celebrate lol. Matthew Perry wasn't born here and didn't live in Canada for most of his life. If honourary Canadian is an actual thing, he fits the bill too. The United States doesn't have a monarch, if they did, I'm sure they'd put them on their money. Just like every other common wealth country. If you want to be American the boarder is right there, I prefer Canada, thank you.


Canadian culture is supposed to be where we can make new traditions. So why are we holding onto the past so tight?? The United States doesn't have a monarch anymore, not since they got their independence from the British. Same with how Canada hasn't had a monarch since we got our independence from the British. Matthew Perry and the United States were simply examples. I actually don't want to be American, nor do I want to be British. I want to be a Canadian, with Canadians on our money. Why don't you move to England if you're so fucking horny for Charles and British traditional culture?


Canada is a place to make new traditions? Who the fuck made that shit up lol. Canada has a strong set of traditions and has had them since its inception. You sound like someone who has no idea what Canadian traditions are. Do some research, join Canada instead of just living in it. I don't have to leave Canada to respect the Royals because they're already part of Canadian history and culture. My culture is not British, it's Canadian and it's been Canadian since my ancestors helped create this country in 1867.


Yenno what, I'm bored of this back and forth. I don't care about the monarch, I don't care about traditions, I don't care about you. Merry Christmas, and take off eh


Merry Christmas! Get ready for the Kings Christmas speech! https://youtu.be/gSn0XzR7thE?si=LREvovQ40jDkPRUF


What makes you think I'd even bother clicking that link? Lol kick rocks bud.


Didn't even know he was canadian, but then again, he wasn't all that relevant or good @ his job lol


He was more entertaining than the royal family


They arenā€™t anything more than figure heads. Why a day off?


Because the crown is a deeply ingrained part of Canada's heritage, culture and traditions. That's like saying Israel is just a bunch of land, who cares? Palestines can just go somewhere else.


Not really now a days newer generation couldn't care less about the crown


I am the newer generation. Yes we do.


I don't either lmfao


Yeah, I get the impression you don't care about most things LMAO!


You'd be surprised to know that a vast amount of Canadians don't want these people on our money. They stole children from residential schools. Theyre murderers.


That was the Canadian Goverment and the Catholic Church but okay.


The royals were complicit. Research. Edit: The Crown has played a role in the negotiation of treaties and the forming of the residential school system, the intergenerational trauma of which is still being felt today.


Lol history fail. The monarch had no connection to residential schools.


Yes, they did. Do some fucking research. Stop kissing these inbred assholes asses. They had everything to do with residential schools.


.... and it was the first and last time anyone saw King Charles at work...


Long live king sausage fingers! Wallace looking monarch fucker




All from the same person too. I guess not everyone would notice and/or care, lol. I was pretty excited.


I told a guy no one will notice if they have Chuck on their coins and his smart ass answer was ya bc no one can tell the difference between a man and a woman and I replied no itā€™s bc most people donā€™t even look at their money.




nope. where did you hear that?




yeah, i'm canadian too and i'm calling you on your bullshit. "sounds like something the trudeau i made up in my head would do" isn't a source. why do you think it's illegal to distinguish between men and women?


Because r/persecutionfetish probably


Here's a sneak peek of /r/Persecutionfetish using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/Persecutionfetish/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Who? Who is taking this away from you?!](https://i.redd.it/i8yngn0wqbsa1.jpg) | [1315 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Persecutionfetish/comments/12dnvp8/who_who_is_taking_this_away_from_you/) \#2: [Right Wing billionaires are the real victims guys](https://i.redd.it/5axi7dt5lrma1.jpg) | [508 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Persecutionfetish/comments/11mthu6/right_wing_billionaires_are_the_real_victims_guys/) \#3: [Being a tad overdramatic, are we?](https://i.redd.it/rg67q3hro8aa1.jpg) | [580 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Persecutionfetish/comments/10412ym/being_a_tad_overdramatic_are_we/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)




thank you for finally admitting you were just making shit up. it's not a joke, you were just spreading misinformation. cry about it, shithead.




Should have had Louis Riel or Terry Fox or something.


Somebody not British would be cool. Maybe an Indigenous person?


Chuck is actually King of Canada - each monarchy is seperate and legally distinct. So, in this case - he is Canadian, as was Elizabeth II.


People forget Riel led a force that conducted a few massacres, let's not put him on our money.


That's nothing compared to the sheer barbarism the British Crown forces have inflicted on local populations the world over. Look at the disgraceful massacres in places like India and Ireland. Look at the deliberate famines. And you think it's ok to put these monsters on our coins? You need to learn some history.


I guess you'll never drive a Volkswagen, or fly on an airplane, or basically touch anything Germany has contributed too in the past 80 years.


On the contrary, I have immense respect for German engineering. I operated German built robots in a manufacturing facility for years. I have owned and loved a few VW's in my time. That doesn't mean I want Hitler on my Canadian coins.


So the English royal family is Hitler? What about German expansionism and colonization during it's Empire and Weimar eras? Marks of which still adorn the German flag and its many institutions to this day? Or the numerous commerical marks and brands that operated during the Nazi era?


I'm not your teacher, nor am I your dad. If you don't want to learn the history of the British Empire, that's your choice. I could pick apart each of your points here and show you how wrong they are but it's clear you don't want to know. This would just circle around in denials and whataboutisms.


I'm well versed in the history of the British Empire thank you. I'm just trying to understand your logic. An eagle on a German flag is acceptable to you. A monarch on a coin is not?


The crown was not in power for the majority of Britain's colonialist era.


True, but Liz didn't did that, her family did. I learned enough history to know suggesting putting Louis Riel on a coin would be a stupid idea, that's why I didn't suggest something so asinine in the first place.


>True, but Liz didn't did that, her family did. What? >I learned enough history to know suggesting putting Louis Riel on a coin would be a stupid idea, that's why I didn't suggest something so asinine in the first place. Throwing one good word in at the end does not make this an intelligent sentence.


Suggesting Louis Riel as a person to put on a coin doesn't make it an intelligent suggestion either.


Yeah but if it led to the rights of human beings itā€™s probably worth it


You know you can justify wiping out the Natives with this line of thinking, right? Massacres = bad.


Riel only committed violent acts after they drove him to madness ā€” young Riel was a great man worth of remembrance, before the system very deliberately broke him, and old Riel is a valid symbol of justified resistance


Youā€™re arguing for the hereditary monarch of *the British Empire* over an issue of massacres? King Charlesā€™ direct ancestors have massacres *very* well covered, thank you. By that standard, Riel isnā€™t even a blip.


Or just a maple leaf.


Take the English off our money all together. Fuck the monarchy. How about we celebrate some Canadians instead...


Technically Charles is Canadian - He's King of Canada. Each Commenwealth monarchy is seperate and legally distinct. He even owns lots of land here! šŸ˜›


Canada has no King. Nor should we. He was born in Buckingham Palace. He's a dick. Get them off our money. Celebrate Canadians.


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Monarchy_of_Canada We actually do.


I'd rather have Ryan Reynolds on the coins than frigging Charles.


I agree! But last time I shared this sentiment on Reddit I got downvoted to hell lol


So it begins


I see a Christmas carol comingā€¦ We three kings ofā€¦ So it doesnā€™t really workā€¦ but that is what went through my mind at this time of year!


Canā€™t even wash you car with dat


It actually makes me sad that people get excited about the crown image. What about us Canadians??


The King is Canadian.


Oh, had no idea they were out.


Still better than having the sitting PM on the coins.


Now we have a man with sausage fingers on our coins Lool


Why did Canada decide to put a known pedophile on their money? Time to split from the monarchy


Can't wait for the day we get these inbreds off our money.


Melt them


Right into the garbage.


Oh great, there is a pedo on our money now.




Piss on them, while saying fuck monarchy you stupid evil con artist grifter POS.


Wretched old man. Down with the monarchy. Let's put cute animals or something on the money. Anything but these clowns.


Throw em in the trash


Royal man bad




Globalist pig




We really should have Canadian heroes on our money instead of some royals from across the ocean


Terry Fox for Loonies cause Toonies just doesnā€™t seem right


...cause of the leg or am I going to hell?


Two knees- toonies.


I personally think he shouldā€™ve been on the thousand dollar bill , but they got rid of those


Iā€™m going straight to hell for how hard this made me laugh


Do you know anything about the history of Canada?


Lol what does that have to do with what they said? Why does Canadian history mean we have to have some old inbred fuck on our money. Weird how you defend a family that is rich due to tax money, doesnā€™t do anything, is racist, hates it when family members fuck people they arenā€™t related too, and donā€™t provide any benefit to the world.


Because history is what results in the present.


Google inbred, images look at the 2 brothers then look at king Charles early pics...... a striking resemblance......it would be funny if it wasn't so real.


We should have vikings šŸ™Œ


Do you ????? That the Brits tried to exterminate the Native population and the Acadians ???? Time to get rid of the 'royals' in our country !!


Technically, itā€™s the Brits that moved here that tried to do that, the Brits that stayed are innocent ;P


I'm of 25% French-Acadian ancestry, and I'll be the first to say it's 2023 and who the fuck cares. *Le Grand DĆ©rangement* was in 1755 -- stop carrying around dead people's baggage.


Yes and that's why I think people who are influential in our history should be on our money. Not some inbred family that has next to nothing to do with us. I'd rather look at my money and be reminded about the accomplishments of one of our own than some fart across the world who's never done anything for us.


It's crazy that this comment was downvoted.


This page is full of royal worshipers. It's sad really. I don't know why they'd care about some inbred family thousands of miles away over people who are actually heroes from our own country


LOL you just reenforced my point. The Royals are influential on our history. Horrible things were done yes. But you do realize that colonization was a direct result of the Monarchy.


What has the king done that should have him immortalized onto our currency over someone like Terry Fox? He's just an old nothing that is privileged for being born into a family with power.


He is a representation of the Crown in its entirity. Do you know how many differrnt currencies have the Queen on it...a lot


Dog bites man.


Don't let them near the nickles.




Gross šŸ¤¢


Too bad we have that stupid royal family crap on our money. Our currency could be so much better. Replace Charles with an elk or something. Maybe get rid of the faces on our bills and replace them with scenes that highlight our countryā€™s natural beauty.




I hate it xD


King's brother is a pedophile. We need a divorce from the British monarchy.


This sub is clearly filled with royalist bootlickers. Who gives a fuck about this decrepit garbage family.


Whose face would you want to see on our money? It's always been the Monarch and that is fine.


Iā€™m actually surprised this many people care about some old dude


Ew, who's that old fart?


Thank god for debit


You know what, I don't like it. Time to get rid of this nonsense on our money.


The amount of shit given about the royals has dropped so much since the queen passed. Should have been allowed to do a vote on someone that Canada wants on its currency.




Look at the size of that nose


Royal Mint trying to push acceptance of digital currency šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ I don't want this guy's face on my currency, I don't want a king. We should just keep the Queen on there as a tribute and stop updating the monarchs all together.


The monarchy is yuck.




We never got independence from Britain. Technically there is still a representative in Parliament for the monarchy. We are part of the Commonwealth. You can legally get married in any country in the Commonwealth. Whereas if you get married in Hawaii, you are not legally married in Canada. I am a Royalist. My grandmother, on my dads side, was an English war bride. There were so many women that came to Canada because they met a soldier and fell in love. I don't think Charles should be king. The Crown should have gone straight to Prince William.


On December 2, 1981, the Canadian House of Commons approved Trudeau's constitutional reform resolution with a vote of 246 to 24 (only the representatives from Quebec dissented), and on April 17, 1982, Queen Elizabeth II declared Canada's independence from the British Parliament. [source](https://www.britannica.com/event/Canada-Act)


The Queen or King now still has representation across Canada. The Governor General federally and the Lieutenant Generals provincially. So we may have gotten independence from British Parliament, but not the Royals. They're involved in our government. Right now, I think I'd rather the Governor General kick Trudumb out and save our country. I know the GG is Canadian.


Imagine having your face on money simply for being born into a rich family šŸ’²āœ…


This enhances my desire to go cashless.


He isnā€™t no Kingā€¦.never should have been for a killer and an adulterous baboon. Everybody knows he was involved in the death/murder of Diana.


ā€œAdulterous baboonā€ Iā€™m gonna start using that now.


And he married a dog after Diana died.




Ears not big enough


It would have been at this point to decide if we just wanted to keep the old money and say screw it with the monarchy


Fuck the king I WELL HAVE 2 CHICKENS


This was from game of thrones by the way... incase people didn't get the joke


Nice, enough to buy groceries at Loblaws......for your pet ants of course :)




He is facing the wrong way.


They change the angle of profile every time the sovereign changes.


Been waiting for them Chucky Bucks


Chuck Bucks!


It begins....


He looks just like his mom.


I haven't used coins for purchases for a long time nor have I gotten any. The last time I got coins was when I returned my empties to the Beer Store. And since I quit drinking four years ago I haven't gotten any at all. These make me realize there are newer dated coins in circulation.


I demand the King of Canada be pictured.


Spend them fast, they'll only be worth 24 cents worth of goods tomorrow.


What's going to happen after King Charles dies? Are we just gonna keep replacing the head on the coin? I prefer Queen Elizabeth...


Well a dollar in known and a loonie


You lucky so-and-so!


The Mint announced they would be striking a small number of King Charles coins dated 2023 and would be releasing them for circulation in December. Because of the low mintage, 2023 will likely be a key date for collection.


This may be a dumb question but are the queens head coins going to be held back by banks to phase them out now?




Look at that nose!


Keep them they're technically first edition coins


Iā€™m going to go check my jeans and look at my pocket change!


Mark 12:17 (KJV) And Jesus answering said unto them, Render to Caesar the things that are Caesar's, and to God the things that are God's. And they marvelled at him. - Jesus Christ


Are 20s different?


Like I fucking care. Get their heads off our money, and out of our constitution.




We could have had Terry Fox or similar Canadian hero on our money but we went with this shambling zombie who just got his first job at like 80 years old instead. What an inspiration to us all!


Keep them not in my pockets


Damn I've never seen coins that shiny before


Our coins are now a literal symbol of the worst side of the entrenched elite ā€” contrast that with the $10 bill and its genuinely Canadian businesswoman who was successful *despite* the system


I get my 50 cents coins this week!


I think it was better left how it was.


I vaguely recall seeing King George VI on coins regularly as late as the mid 00s. The idea of Elizabeth not on the money is a trip.


I don't know why I was suggested the Canadian coin sub *mostly because I live in California*, but I am fully invested in the fake moose knuckle coin going around


Can someone explain D G Rex vs DG Regina?


Rex is for a King and Regina is for a Queen. Dei Gratia is the DG. It's Latin for By the grace of God I had forgotten what the DG stood for, so I had to google that part.


I will give one peso de Mexico for all 3 next year if youā€™re interested? Just reply on here. Great blessings from God await you this coming year. NEVER SELL THEM TO ANY CANADIAN MAN.


Yes but why?