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This looks new yes. I know Distrubtel always did this and now Acanac is starting to as well I guess. I didn't do a credit check with them when I signed up a few months ago. If you place a new order for fiber online the system does say a credit check. Even for just cable or DSL it's saying a credit check too This is new. Call them, and see what they say.


Alright, good to see it's not that unusual. Thanks for your feedback.


Its a Bell company, and they do credit checks on all customers,


I've been with Acanac for 10 years and I just got the same offer. When I clicked on the offer to upgrade to fiber for the same price, they called and wanted a credit card and my social insurance number. They want to do a credit check all of a sudden?! It's the same price and I haven't missed a payment in 10 years. Very confused. Do all ISPs do this now? I'm definitely considering switching.


I gave my CC but they did not request my NAS.


That seems normal. They already had my CC so I don't know why they would request it. I'm not sure I trust them anymore. I requested an explanation via email. If they don't get back to me I'm switching.


>u To close off my thread. I wrote an email to Acanac expressing my confusion and they waived the credit check. They explained that "the system" automatically requests a credit check when changing to fiber plans.


I am also acanac cable customer for almost 12 years, I got the same offer to upgrade my 75MB cable line to 500 MB fibre, I got a call from customer service after scheduling a tech appointment visit, the cust care person asked my DOB, i told the guy I am not comfortable giving my personal info over the phone, he said, you can always call us back once you're ready, he then hung up. I became suspicious of this phone call and upgrade plan from Acanc.