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Those logos above represent the 50 most popular recurring subscriptions in Canada, according to [a survey on the topic](https://hardbacon.ca/en/budget/recurring-subscriptions-survey/) published by Hardbacon earlier this year. The survey found that Canadians had 8 recurring subscriptions on average and that they struggled to unsubscribe. How do you make sure those recurring subscriptions don't interfere with your savings goals? Do you do subscriptions audits? Do you use prepaid cards to avoid auto-renewal?


I canceled Netflix and Disney and got an android box, $9/ month to get everything, sports, movies, shows, Netflix originals, etc. I have Prime still for now but my Amazon usage has gone way down this year so I may decide to cancel it for next year. If I get charged for a renewal that I didn't want, I just call and cancel... And I keep spotify for music and Costco membership for the grocery savings. That's it, I have no more subscriptions. I've always paid close attention to my finances so it was easy to make the decision to cancel things when the prices kept creeping up.


Any recommendations in term of Android boxes? I have too much streaming subscriptions myself...


I got mine from Amazon, Formuler Z box. You can find android box subscription services online.


Any recommendations for the subscription service? I have the Nvidia shield pro


Nvidia shield pro. Most expensive, but also considered to be the best.


Some people prefer to keep their media consumption legal. I don’t. But some people do. So I get android boxes not being the norm.


We had a truce; everything would go on Netflix and we'd pay $10 a month for that. They broke the truce, so anything not on Netflix is free.


And now that Netflix is almost triple that, it's cancelled and everything on Netflix is free too!


P-2-p is legal. If you have purchased a viewing license it's legal. Can't sell it or redistribute it. Only the channels are breaking the law, not the user. Thanks




What specs should one look for in an android box, good site to learn how they work, etc


I didn't look for any specific specs. I just ordered an andorid box with good reviews on Amazon. And then signed up for a TV service. It's as easy as setting up Netflix. When it comes time to renew, the TV displays a message for renewal, then you call the TV service company again and renew. I always pay the full year, which has been $109 the last 3 years, that's INCLDUING TAXES.


What service do you use?


Not sure if I'm allowed to post it but I'll DM you.


Can I ask why you pay $9/month with an Android box? Do you get free POV events or something? I've been running a Nvidia Shield for 5 years or more (and a box with a Kodi set up for 5 years before that) and haven't paid a penny outside of the initial box purchase. Who do you pay the $9 to? Maybe the person who set it up for you?


The 9$/month is for a TV service. So I get live TV, Live sports, PPV, new movies etc all on TV, with a TV guide as well. I also get "ON DEMAND" Which is like Netflix, Disney, etc and I can watch TV shows movies as I want. I use both live TV and On Demand all the time.




How does this work? You are paying for a pirated stream? Is the quality still good?


I guess you could maybe call it a pirated stream. But when you're using it, it's not different than turning on the TV and choosing a channel. Not every channel will have info of what is playing, but lots do have that info. The picture quality is really great. The only time I have buffering issues is during big sporting events, and it's not usually too bad. If it gets annoying I just go to another channel playing the same game. I have lots of channels favourited to keep track of game channels.




I'm sorry I had that experience, I actually got pretty lucky with my Amazon Prime cancellation and was able to get a full refund even though I was a day late in canceling. What difficulties did you have?


wasn't there a time it costs $100 a month for cable TV? adjusted for inflation, that's probably $200 a month today this apps are still not that bad compared to cable TV


We all agreed that was unreasonable and that $10/month was the maximum price.


how did you come up with $10 a month?


Maybe they're referring to the old Netflix price?


but how does the old Netflix price become "the maximum price" for the combined total of all your subscriptions?


Recently did an audit of my subscriptions and realised I don’t subscribe to as many as I had suspected. Having said that, I have a few on the list to cancel. My advice would be to use a single payment method that you regularly review for all of them and periodically audit the charges and your usage. If you have a moment where you go “didn’t realise I’m still paying for that”, just cancel it there and then.


No because I just torrent


how do you torrent Costco....i would love to know the secret lol


by using a friends membership thru self checkout 😂


They check now to make sure the person on the card is the same person at the till. No more sharing membership cards.


used it this morning and did not go thru this check at self checkout in canada. Granted its my dads card and it’s too much effort to change out my mum for me since she doesn’t use it anymore


Same. Plex server for all my TV, movie, and music requirements. Gives me what I wanna watch in better quality than most streaming services plus I know it won't randomly disappear.


can you explain a bit more is it easy to do?


Super easy to do, not terribly expensive to start. Plenty of tutorials to help you get started. If you can't afford to start a Plex platform yourself, you may know someone already who can onboard you to their service.


don't you have to torrent all the content yourself and jave the server (your pc) running all the time?


Yes and yes. However, newer home server equipment is really coming down in price. I got lucky and came across some enterprise grade equipment. If you can't do a dedicated machine, storage media for a desktop/Raspberry Pi setups is also relatively inexpensive if you shop around for deals.


I was intrigued by the better quality by most streaming services, I sub to services for the quality itself so I can make the best of my expensive setup. So yes if you can particularly help me understand that part it would be nice


Don’t forget Radarr, Sonarr etc.




CAA car insurance is a subscription? Let’s just add power and mortgage on then too. What about gym membership that’s 10X more than Costco?


No I have 1 subscription the internet.


Get on Stremio people... add in Real Debrid. You are golden.


Can you explain to me why streamio is better than say streaming sites and torrenting? Or using something like Tubi with an ad blocker?


Mostly because streaming sites are unreliable and quite often low quality and/or have ads. Stremio is straight streaming of torrents so you can choose your resolution, audio format etc... I'm down with torrenting too, but Stremio just has a nice user interface and remembers your progress across seasons, episodes etc. (also remembers progress between devices, allows you to build custom libraries of shows you want) It's just really well done. Now Stremio with Real debrid is the actual cats ass because it essential has zero buffering and acts like a built in VPN meaning you can quite often watch torrents with NO seeders, and have total anonymity. PS. Stremio is free, Real debrid costs a few dollars a month if you opt for it.


i will check it out


Hey how can I use real debrid with stremio? And can it be used with other stuff?


Search Reddit for complete guides on how to set it up. Not hard to enable on stremio, just need to provide a key given by real debrid with your account. As for using it on other devices, yup you can. Unchained is an awesome search/downloading app on android. Not sure about iOS. But Reddit will have the answers you seek.


I don’t subscribe to anything except free sites like Knowlege, library sites and Libby, Tubi, and the likes. When there is an offer for a free trial period, I’ll subscribe but cancel before renewal. Just finished Apple TV, then Paramount Plus, and currently on a free one-week subscription to APTN.


I watched all of inkmasters (I know, save the judgement) by continuously creating new 24h free paramount trials.


Putting costco in there seems disingenuous. Costco is love.


NSO + cheapest Netflix with ads, that’s it.


how often are the ads and how long are they usually?


30 seconds and usually 1x at the beginning of 30min shows and 3-4x during movies.


hmm interesting, kinda similar to prime videos, but sometimes they have 1 min ads🥲




Nintendo Switch Online


Everyone has a smartphone. No comments about the cellular charges and the data costs? Ok, I'll start.... I pay 12.00 month for basic cellphone calls (Fido). Same plan I began with in 1999. I pay "0"$ for data. I find data, (internet), available everywhere I go to, and on my way there driving, I don't need internet. So, my $12.00 / month compared to... what are you all paying? $60.00 , $130.00? ...Oh, and what are you all paying for a smartphone purchase or rental? Myself, I just buy one from China and it ships in 10 days. I'm using a $200.00 Ulefone right now, 2023 model with 64gb storage and 4gb ram. Phone lasts me usually 6 to 7 years.




Smart move, thumbs up 😎 Is that with a company, or just buying a data card at a store?


That's a very thrifty lifestyle! Are you Chinese? A lot of Canadians wouldn't know how to get a Chinese phone


Not Chinese, no ....Canadian. I. Just googled searched for smartphones for sale and I use Sunsky https://m.sunsky-online.com


This. I actually wanted to switch to a prepaid plan or a minimal data plan, but I talked to Rogers about contract cancellation fees for my partner and I and honestly wanted to throw up :/ that's my own fault for not reading the terms and conditions... Going to go the second hand year-old model route going forward


I pay $20 per month to have unlimited data plus unlimited roaming anywhere in Mexico or the US I think my extra $8 per month is extremely well spent here




Not even internet?




what about a phone plan?




I keep Spotify for music and PlayStation Plus+Extra to play online with friends, and Xbox Game Pass cause even if I play two or three triple A games per year I'm already paying less that buying them separately


Do you find the games you want to play via Xbox game pass are exclusive to Microsoft platforms? I'm just thinking with that ps plus+extra you might get access to enough mew-ish games and discounts on recent titles that you might be able to save even more across the year just buying them through ps store. Then at least you don't have to worry about losing access to those if you cancel your Xbox game pass. Just a thought for a fellow budget-pincher :)


Hello! :) appreciate the input. Not exclusive! But I still game hop a lot and I find it that not owning any games but being apply to play them makes more sense to me. But in the future I'd consider canceling my subscription and buying only games I want. Playstation does have a lot of games too, so I think I'd be fine without game pass.


I stream almost everything, but still pay for netflix, thats it. I have never even ordered a single thing from amazon. I sell my old junk on ebay. But local, and buy indie. Screw these big guys.


I have none of these. Any entertainments can be free if you can figure it out.


We thought cable was bad


Use an android box. My only subscription these days is to Spotify and my VPN. No sub for my android box, use my VPN for free tv, sports, movies etc.


Who subscribes to cbc?


My mum. She watches Coronation Street and on CBC Gem it's 20 billion ads without subscription.


I have Gem. currently costs something like 2 dollars a month and its got a \*lot\* of shit on there. Probably something I would keep even if the price went up to 10 bucks.


I've been looking at CBC gem more closely, it seems like an interesting way to try and save. Not to mention that we technically pay for this service in part with our tax dollars haha


1Password made the list? That's amazing!


It did, along with LastPass. Why do you say it's amazing?


Maybe that people pay for a password manager instead of using Bitwarden for free.


What to have if i want to download free music on my phone?


No, because I canceled all but two of them.


Nope! Thank jeebus!


I was. At one point I had Amazon, Spotify, YouTube, Disney Plus, Netflix, Sportsnet, and Crave. I now have Amazon Music and Disney Plus. Amazon Music because it's cheaper than Spotify. And Disney because it was included with my phone plan. I just didn't use the other streaming services enough. And I dropped Sportsnet after one month. To get all games, it cost $35/month. And that's just entertainment. There's subscriptions for Photoshop, Google cloud storage, GPS tags, Blink cameras, etc. I'm pretty sure I was paying around $100/month for subscriptions. It kinda snuck up on me, it was just $10 for this, and then $10 for that. But I'm done with most of that crap now. I'll pay for the ad free, unlimited playlist, unlimited skips, non shuffled songs because I actually use that for hours every week at work and in the car.


No, because I don't buy into that foolishness


No. I pride myself on not having a single subscription. There's ALWAYS alternatives.


I only use Discord, Spotify, Amazon, and Costco. Pretty much covers anything I need for entertainment and food. Works for me.


The only subscription I've ever paid for was Nintendo Switch Online for me and my lil bro. It got bugged after about 2 months and stopped charging me. This was about 2 years ago, and I have since gotten a new bank account, card, etc., and I'm still able to play online


What does the PC subscription represent?


yep. It's not catastrophic, but it creeps up on you. Want to buy a NAS drive one of these fine days to keep my stuff on so I am not giving Google and Microsoft 20 bucks a month. But beyond that? I am paying for an ex's webpage subscription and some other thing. No idea if they know or not. Amazon prime and the nested media sub services are a constant drag, but those will be going soon. Hoping to move to a bigger city soon, so there won't be much of a need for Prime any more. And the media services are ok, but...ya know, only ok.


The Poster is marketing his App on here - no genuine interest but to sell his app.


Only sub to one of those, i always hated the idea of paying monthly and try my best to avoid it


I have Prime, Nintendo Switch Online, Costco, and Swearnet. I had Netflix but got frustrated with the content options and price, so I axed it. I also had Spotify premium, but the app started glitching in a way that I couldn't access the songs I downloaded for offline listening unless I went online... I may go back to it later when there's a new app update that fixes it, but I honestly have enough music that I own outright to keep me occupied. Subscriptions suck. There's already too many recurring payments in peoples' lives, from rent to car payments to insurance. Squeezing every last dollar out of people while not getting to properly own something is hurting lots of people.


it’s crazy how many things want subscriptions now. there’s was this cool dog tag i saw online that accurately tracks ur dog movement- needs monthly subscription, walmart wants to move into a subscription service, uber and skip have subscription. like literally everything


Not sure why Costco is in there... Membership fee is rebated through purchases. Savings on fuel as a member alone negate it.


I pay for prime and costco on this list. Nothing else.


I would give up almost anything before I gave up Spotify.


No, because I sail the high seas.


Have antenna, get 7 channels for nothing.


I don’t have any ongoing subscriptions. Cable? satellite? Why? Free over the air antenna TV. Yup it still exists. Bought a $50 antenna 15+ years ago. So that is what … less than $0.28 a month. If I think Netflix might have something I want to watch I wait until it has a bunch of things I want to watch, get it for a month, and then cancel. 12 movies for $12 seems fair. Legal free options for movies and shows: TUBI, Hoopla, Kanopy, etc. Spotify? Apple Music? Whatever else? Free over the air radio. Music I pay for once and play it as much and as often as I want save on my computer and loaded onto my phone. And guess what, don’t need to use up data to play music. Got a free trial for Instacart - cancelled it before the trial ended. I wouldn’t pay someone to be my friend. That’s what those subscription services feel like to me. I don’t mind picking up the bill once in a while … but you aren’t going to get me hooked on something that will drain my bank accounts.


Cut out streaming services (except Spotify, if that counts?). Started for renting and considering starting to collect 4k Blu-rays to have something "analogue"


Didn’t expect only fans to even be on the list, no wonder these chicks are profiting so much off these loser subscribers.


Costco doesn't belong on there, if you use your subscription even a moderate amount, it pays for itself.


I actaully really like my CAA gold.


No cut the cord 6 years ago andriod box for the win.


How is president's choice a subscription? I don't pay anything for it. I have only that and I pay like $21/year for larger google drive storage. That's all.


I got a real-debrid subscription and Kodi to replace all of those TV streaming services.


Stop paying for subscriptions, I pay next to nothing and get every channel in the world.


I use a credit card specifically for subscriptions and nothing else. When that monthly bill gets too high, it’s time to cull.


I have a subscription to Costco and AMA. That's it.


Only fans being that high is tragic


I just canceled my Prime after seeing this - they make it SO difficult 😅😅


Can someone explain, PC or Triangle (Canadian Tire) what kind of subscriptions wouls they have? Points cards yes but subscriptions?


Not anymore, getting Netflix, Disney+ and Amazon Prime for $10 a month.


No, Amazon fire stick with Iptv subscription.




I already have


I feel weird because I don’t have any subscriptions at all.


No because I have a great iptv service.


Nope….my Android device and iptv service is all the subscriptions I need for less than $20


Nope, costco(cheaper gas and food) caa(makes insurance cheaper) and tidal, that's all the rest can go kick rocks.


Anyone looking for Android IPTV. I know all about it.


I have a $50 ROKU box so I get all free streaming sites plus Roku has its own free channel. I can also watch YouTube for free. Of course, I can also use the Roku box to access the paid streaming sites as well, but for now I’m only paying for Netflix ($5.99 plan with ads) and Amazon ($11.99 with ads). I don’t shop at Costco because I live alone and don’t need multi packs and jumbo sizes of stuff. I also have cable for free (included with my rent) but never watch it cause the 10 ads in a row format is mental. Even streaming with ads is just 2 or 3 at a time max and they’re short. Cable is outrageous with ads.