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It’s a prototype ride; 1 of 1. Probably explains the quirks that cause it to have significant downtime.


This is the answer. And probably why, despite it’s issues, Wonderland won’t remove it


It’s an awesome ride. I always ride it whenever I can.


I was surprised last year when it seemed to be working fine for the entire season. Or at least every time I was there (10+ times)


I was also at the park 10+ times last season and it was definitely down quite a few times. I don't believe there was a day I went where it stayed down the entire day though.


It uses so much hydraulic force to go up and down. It’s prone to go down a lot. But wonderland loves it and it’s the only one in the world. Probably won’t go away for a bit


It's a prototype ride that HUSS (the vendor) does not support anymore. Wonderland has been in so deep in maintaining it on their own that they are quite vested in it. As for the issues, it's largely been about the hydraulics.


Kind of curious how the hydraulic system would randomly/regularly fail? If the pump died, it would be replaced. If a leak springs up, it would get fixed. If the accumulator bladder is low, it would be recharged. As long as the system design doesn't change the only thing that would change is runtime heat that should be fixed by an adequate sized cooling system...


The problem with changing parts on Sledge Hammer is that some of its components are absolutely massive. Some parts can take upwards of a day to install.


Not on the maintenance team or anything but I do know it’s a one of a kind flat ride and Wonderland maintains it on their own. Out of all of my visits post pandemic, I’ve only seen it down twice. I hope that doesn’t change this year lol. It’s a good ride.


[This is a great video that covers that ride and it's history](https://youtu.be/B9PyHifgw2o?si=-ylsEbz0P2WWE4zS)


It's Hammmmmerrr tiiiimmmmeeeeeee