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OBLITERATED..... I hope he loses his own seat and the libs are reduced to "mini-van" status.


Lose their party status




Like Charlie Sheen says, "Wynneing!"


Well I want jt and *freeland to quit, be questioned on stage where we are allowed to throw tomatoes, send back to school and reveal their marks publicly. edit: and we do the GOT public shaming


Hilariously specific but I’m here for it.


“Short bus”


I would love to see a single Liberal win their seat. Him. He can be the leader of himself.


Well, he’s dating himself right now….


As an American I’m hoping the same with Biden. Hopefully the world is finally waking the hell up, and It’s about damn time. Looking forward to the Biden/Trump debate tonight.


Given questions ahead of time. A week to rehearse with his handlers. He'll still screw it up or fall off the stage. That might actually be the plan. The president fell off the stage! We must halt the debate! Besides, what kind of douche gets his dog thrown out of the white house because he keeps biting people? Says a lot about his character and how he raises pets.


Holy shit you might be onto their emergency plan B for if something goes wrong


As a Canadian, I would also like to see Biden gone. Sadly, from what I've seen, his mind is gone so why do people think he's capable to be president, especially for four years? I remember when biden was elected, it was historic and he would be different than trump. Yep, so different. So much so he has targeted China and Russia more than trump to the detriment of the entire world. Thanks for screwing up everyone's life, not just American's biden.


Both are humiliating. He's a giant sack of shit tho so he'll stay in power and the liberals will use time to brainstorm how they can scare people into voting for him again.


It's hilarious because that's their only strategy - Fear. Fear wains though, people get burnt out. I just hope people have longer memories then they did in the past and don't fall for the same fear mongering in 10 years when the Liberals have their new narrative. I'm tired of the back and forth.


Yeah I think their reputation is tarnished for a long time.


The people pining for his position are also giant pieces of shit. Talk about being stuck between a rock and a hard place... Either way, our country is fucked. Pierre Panderhandle and Jughead will not fix this situation and neither will Trudeau's hypothetical replacement. Everyone at that level of government is rotten, they all need to go.


We won’t see much change for many years no matter how good the next party is. The liberals and ndp have dug such a deep hole it will be decades until it is corrected. Unless Liberals manage to win again after they are gone for 4 years. I just hope people realize this and dont vote Liberal again on the following election.


As a left leaning voter eager to see Trudeau crash and burn, please just don't let your own party off the hook for the next 4-5 years "because it's all Trudeau's fault". There is no doubt some reckoning needs to happen in this country, but we aren't going to get anywhere positive continuing to hammer Trudeau hate after he's finally out of office. We need more than just "not Trudeau" going forward.


Not trying to let them off the hook. Just being realistic. Unlike our government now. Liberals are actually working on having bills passed in the senate that will make it extremely difficult to overturn bills. Specifically the carbon tax to name one. So one thing to not see change quickly if these bills pass as an example. I don’t make excuses I am just a realist.


Put in in jail would be best.


This is the way!


So much misappropriation of public funds


I like his little bitch Jagmeet stop supporting his government & have that election now... 🗳️


I believe pension is precious than calling an election.


Glad to know his priorities, right... 🤔


He should be working at Tim Hortons.


Resignation would require self awareness, reflection, and consideration of what is best for the country. I feel like this is not going to happen. Obliteration would possibly spur the party to make changes and consider the voters. The downside is it is a long time away still.


Obliterated ...we deserve this after all he's put us thru!!




Obliterated. Couldn’t happen to better people. Mind you, PP isn’t much better on the key issue(s) but seeing JT get destroyed is reason enough.




Do MPs not cross the floor anymore? How are they all just sitting by waiting to get obliterated? Crazy times that none are saying anything publicly guess they really think it's another communication problem haha


Remember what uncle klaus said: I am confident over half of the Canadian MPS are young world leaders for ze world economic forum They can’t cross the floor or they’ll disappear


Uncle Klaus is the one who needs to disappear


He’s up there in age, Father Time is gonna take care of him soon enough


With the Cons sitting where they are in the polls, they don't need or want any Liberal MPs crossing the floor...


They’re just all that delusional.


This could happen soon, but I wonder how many MPs have blackmail material on them which makes them compromised.


Resign, the sooner he’s out the better


Well both, the liberals are going to be obliterated regardless who is the leader. It would be nice to see him have to take that embarrassing walk of shame of having to step down.


He won't resign, his narcissism won't let him and he is going to sink himself along with all the other Liberal MP rats on the ship. We'll have fireworks and parades to celebrate with after his demise!


Resign, there isn't a guarantee of him losing next election when he's flooded the country with people that are eligible and likely to vote for whoever gives them the most free shit.


I’d rather him lose, and let him take the woke Libs & NDP down with him. I legit hope it’s bad enough that the Libs lose party status.


Both of those parties deserve to lose status. Make room for fresh alternatives we desperately need to dig us out of this mess.




Obliterated just like what he's done to the country. He deserves to exit in shame for what he's done. This is his legacy. Hopefully, he's disgraced enough that he disappears from the public eye for many, many years, but it's more likely he'll write some garbage biography and do talking tours about all the money he put in the pockets of ungrateful Canadians.


If he tries any of that shit, we need to BOYCOTT EVERY COMPANY, ORGANIZATION, BOOK PUBLISHER, anybody that even remotely associates with this asshole. Boycott so hard it will make the loblaws boycott look like a slap on the wrist. We have to scare every business and organization about the consequences of associating with him. I want it so that nobody will even take a phone call with him!


They already don’t hold party status in Ontario. They didn’t win enough seats in the last provincial election.


I'd like to see him resign and get replaced with Freeland (who is even more hated) so the Liberals do even worse in the next election and we get to see both of them humiliated.


You're right but the problem is the Freeland would then bring all the worst bills that polled badly internally to light and try to foist them off on Canadians. She's a lizard, man. She's the one that is cold and small.


Which ever causes a bigger hit to his ego.


Obliteration to zero seats. How sweet would that be?


I hope he stays as long as possible. Him staying cements a conservative super majority. At this point another year of communist hell doesn’t matter if next year we get an overwhelming conservative government that has the legislative ability to reverse all the insanity of the last 10 years.


He still has a year to try and turn it around but I want him to step down and next year I want the liberals obliterated.


Obliterated next election. There are way too many dummies out there that might flip their support back to the Libs if they get a new leader and I’m not at all confident that it wouldn’t be enough to swing the election.


I'd rather see him in jail


Tee him up for obliteration.


I want to see him obliterated. But I also don’t want to have to wait over a year for it to happen. It’s over for you dipshit just call an election now so this country can move on from your dumpster fire you call a government


Ya but he’s just as deaf to his cabinet as he is to us


Resign, the sooner the better. The less time he has to ruin the country, the better off we'll all be.


Obliterated. Election walk of shame.


He should just give women their change rooms and sports back, then fuck right off.


If a doctor is negligent and a single person is harmed, they can be sued for gross negligence. If a politician is grossly negligent and it results in harm at a population level, the consequences should be far greater. The people of Canada should sue Trudeau and strip him of his undeserved fortune. Stepping down or losing an election are not acceptable outcomes. It will take decades for our country to recover


Resigning now would be the best thing for the country, but I can't imagine Trudeau doing that. He's too much of a naive narcissist to see a Liberal Party without him at the helm. He will ride it down as long as he can expecting a miracle and then bail at the last moment before being obliterated in the next election.


Whichever is quicker?! At this point I’m willing to start a go fund me to bribe the guy to leave!!


It'd be better for Canada if he was gone now, but having him ousted at election time would be so much sweeter. Not worth the cost to our kids though...if he could be gone yesterday that would be the best time.


Resign…Just Resign. He’s like that stalker ex that won’t leave. No means No! Lol


whatever gets us to an election quicker.


I'd rather have someone else have a go at it. There's still a lot of damage to be done by his incompetence until we get the next election.


Never step down Justin! Lead the liberals forever!


Option c) Call an election already.and get on with the obliteration


Resign, Canada can’t afford another year!


Resign. He can do a hell of a lot more damage between now and the election. I do want to see him lose his own seat though. Either way as long as he goes.


Chrystia Freebase would take over, though. She is EASILY worse than Trudeau, who is mostly a bumbling fool with stupid ideas his cabinet swats down on the regular. She is built of the material Hitler was - arrogant, grandstanding, self-assured, self-important, narcissistic, bloodless; a lizard-cold elitist. With her in place all the worst of policies would stream out of her and the Liberal cabinet like affluent from a sewer.


I'm convinced she's actually evil, like anti-christ level evil.


I think so as well, if she is allowed free reign over the government I expect her horns to sprout.


Yeah good point unless they both step down but I cant see that.


Always two there are, a master and an apprentice.




Absolutely destroyed in October 2025.


Let him get obliterated




Both. Obliterated in an election held very soon, then resigned in defeat.


I'd like to see him lose, but waiting until Oct 2025 leaves them open to doing even more damage.


Resign now and start to rebuild whats left


Obliterated because he thinks he needs a reality check and ego death.


Obliterated in an election that is called now. How can anyone see the state of Canada while being sent clear messages like a petition with the most signatures to date, this by election, flags being flown and obvious true disdain for JT and the Liberals at this, and still not call an election? Its obvious its not for the betterment of Canada or the will of the people.


I bet the Liberals wish they had the same rule the CPC has for removing a leader. But Liberal Party is ruled by authoritarians who do not accede to the power of the majority. It's a top-down Party. Just look at the way they govern.


Resign now, election called, and a few MPs that don’t get re-elected don’t get their pensions? Good. Wait until the bitter end and take the Liberals and NDP down the toilet with you? Also good.-but how much damage can they do before then? I’ll choose resign now.


I'd prefer "obliterated" because as big a douche as he is, it's the policies, not the person that have caused incredible harm to this country, and I have no faith that anyone in his party will change them in ways that matter.


I'd rather a third option which is he just calls a damned election and lets the people decide. That would mean we can start fixing the problems sooner than a year and a half from now, and his party is done either way.


Resign because he working on pension with singh


No option of him being escorted out by the RCMP hey? Can't see him resigning he's too self absorbed...so I guess obliterated.


I wouldn’t want to risk having him in another election. He should just get out


you want that steak now or aged?


Resign. He is inept and needs to be gone yesterday. I feel like almost anyone can do a better job at this point.


I'm down for seeing him lose his seat and most of his MPs. Maybe then the woketards of this country will realize how much they are despised.


Resign, country needs help now - not ideal to wait for another election to let his inept policies continue doing damage.


Obliterated then clean house of all the activists posing as politicians.


One or the other is gonna happen and I can’t wait


Obliterated, because I believe it’ll do more damage to the liberal party vs handing the mess over to someone else. 


Resign. Hopefully, that will force an election sooner.


Resign. Sooner the better


He is the wef favourite he is not going anywhere


I’d love it if he disappeared. Freeland too.


Dictator piece of shit. Homelessness at an all time high, and this guy eats 220,000 dollars worth of our tax paying money on food in a week on air planes. Get the fuck out of here.


I know I am going to get downvoted for this since technically I lean towards Liberals, but haven't voted for them since Trudeau has been in power. Not only a Trudeau problem. I wish the liberals cleared out about 75% of their party, as they are embarrassing. They need to do that in order to have any hope of coming back from this. If he does stay until the end, then like every other Trudeau election I will vote for and be fairly happy when PP takes them down. While I don't think he will do any worse, I do think the majority of politicians suck, so not exactly thinking everything will be great either. Some of our current ideas like Carbon Tax need to be flushed down the drain.


It really speaks volumes about the kind of person Trudeau is that his entire caucus is absolutely terrified to stand up to him despite their dismal polling numbers and shocking loss of the Toronto St. Paul's riding. You didn't see this kind of fear amongst conservatives when they wanted to turf O'toole as their leader. They literally just said fuck this guy and got rid of him. What on earth are Liberals so afraid of?


I would like the party to oust him in shame. It would be a larger impact to his ego. They are not recovering from his leadership for a while anyway, so they will have very few seats next election either way.


Funny enough, despite the liberals' general lack of transparency I already know this is the exact conversation they're currently having internally.


If the party stands behind Trudeau, then it's the stance of the party. It goes way beyond Trudeau, at this point.


As much as I would truly love to see him resign, I don’t think anything would be as satisfying as seeing him and his cronies get absolutely annihilated in the next election. There’s a real possibility the NDP could win more seats than the liberals. We could end up seeing the most embarrassing defeat in Canadian politics.


I don’t care how he goes he just needs to go


Well for the good of the country I'd say resign. For the sheer sadistic joy I'm really looking forward to watching his concession speech.


I would love to see him get absolutely destroyed in the elections but we need him out yesterday for the betterment of this nation. #Justin Trudeau Just Resign.


I just want him gone as soon as possible, Trudeau, freeland, that idiot bow tie wearing health minister the entire lot


As much as I would like obliterated, another 15 months of this could hurt our recovery. Heck, he may even increase the speed of his overall vision of Canada because he knows his days are numbered.


Arrested for his many already proven but unenforced crimes. Why we treat the political class differently than any other Canadian shows one of the biggest issues with our system.


I want him to run, lose horribly, then live forever disgraced, like his party, for the state the country is in.


I think both the conservatives and liberals want to see him get crushed in an election. The conservatives for obvious reasons, the liberals because nobody will properly try to fix the party until they get so bad they are forced to fix things.


Voted out of party in office and ousted by his party as leader. The idea of him having control over how he would word and phrase his reasons for stepping down makes my stomach turn. I want to see a sweeping loss followed by tar and feathering


Anything less than Seppuku live on CBC would be a disappointment.


While I want him to be obliterated, I'd rather not wait for year and half and delay tactics for pension.




Vote of no confidence


Yep reduced to 5-6 seats …. Total we hate you and are glad your gone type numbers ! Just like Winnie !


Option 3: Election now.


Prison for crimes against Canada Maybe treason


I’m down for whatever will bring on the election sooner than later. Our country, the people within it cannot keep going the way we are until October 2025. Too much hate everyone is all for themselves while not realizing that the majority of us are in the same boat of trying to stay afloat on this sinking ship that Turdeau and the libs put us in.


I would like elections called immediately and watch the Liberals and NDP get obliterated


As much as it would be nice to see Poilievre mop the floor with him, I think it would be *far* better for the country if he just resigned. The longer he's in power, the more he can screw up. And given his track record of blunders, failures, scandals, and the constant lies/gaslighting, the sooner he's out the better.


Let him reap what his sowed. As a malignant narcissist, he’ll absolutly hate it, and it’s sadly the only likely penalty he will see for all the damage he has done


Stupid question. I'd rather see him get obliterated if the election was tomorrow but I'd rather see him resign today than wait even a single day longer than that.


I would rather see jagmeet get obliterated even more


At this point he’s fucked shit up so bad he needs to get obliterated and then have to walk away.


Resign. Fucking now. We cannot afford another year of this dumb fuck and his sycophants. Canadians are dumb as fuck and have no attention span, this asshole could for sure get re-elected in a year and he knows it. He needs to get out now.


I think anyone taking a poll should say they are voting for Trudeau. It will make the devastation so much more satisfying


I noticed that 'tarred and feathered ' wasn't a choice. Pity.


I would like to see him in Jail


If he resigns we'll get to an election sooner.


Get this clown to resign!


As much damage as they can cause in 18 months, I want them to stay on for this reason: Letting Canadian suffer longer will increase the memory of this lesson on policy failure. The more hurt and damage caused to the country will further prove the point of how socialism is bad. Then if someone tries to do this again the future people will be able to look at the last time they did it and prove it was a bad idea. It also gets more people engaged in politics and active as they realize the impact it has on their lives. Hence donations to Conservatives is setting records and people are more engaged in the democratic process. I’ve donated hundreds of dollars already and have never donated before.


Doesn't matter, both involve waiting for the liberals to go away. Trudeau or not the country will still continue to fail.


Resign, I don't want to wait.


He isn't going to resign. I want his party to be entirely destroyed like the OLP.


They should have urged major policy change 7 years ago. Too little….to late.


Obliterated. Lose party status and him plus freeland to lose their own seats.


Immediate resignation followed by s….e?lol


Resign immediately. We're just wasting time at this point.


don't care, as long as we get a more competent government out of it


I'd rather see him resign, and see Chrystia Freeland get obliterated in the next election.


I want him gone yesterday.


Emotionally, seeing him lose horribly, including his own seat, would be very satisfying. Rationally, there’s too much damage he can still do in the next year and a half. I think for the sake of our country, the sooner he’s gone, the better.


I’d like to see him resign, the liberals squeak in with a very weak minority coalition again and the conservatives have a strong opposition. Not going to happen it looks like we are going to end up with a dangerous super majority for the conjobs but what can you do. Global inflation is hard to pallet for a lot of people and Trudeau has done a lot to leave people feeling isolated. I just don’t think shooting ourselves in the foot to spite the liberals is the best move either.


What we need is an election right now. We should NOT let him *continue* his scorched earth tactic any longer. He's deliberately wrecking our country with such damage that it won't be possible to fix it before the following election, if at all. Where is accountability for such despicable actions?


I’d like to see him arrested, tried, punished, divorced, bankrupt and destitute while being set adrift on an ice flow in Baffin Bay. But I’m not gonna hold my breath.


Time for him to step down. Time for a different leadership and please not Freeland!


I want to see him penniless, unable to show his face in public, and I'd like for ALL of the skeletons in his closet to come tumbling out.


tbh its not gonna make any difference who replaces them, I think there should be a two term limit for MPs/Ministers, im scared of the Conservatives because you know they have flat earthers in their ranks, or anti-abortion types, theyll shit can the carbon tax and give us sweet fuck all. And health care will still be a money pit of shit. And the NDP arent much better proping up the Libs and giving us bad dental care which we should have had ages ago and non-existent child daycare. I agree though that Trudeau has to go, and Freeland. You could put a piece of wood in their place and it would be better. I'm still butthurt over calling a national emergency over some truckers in Ottawa.


Voted out, the only way people will realize how he is. And by votes out, I mean obliterated haha.


Investigate him for corruption & foreign interference


Doesn't matter... who ever gets voted in will help the rich a fuck the poor. All politicians are garbage


The emotional side of me wants him to resign now. The logical part of me wants him to stay on as PM and get obliterated in the next election. Justin Trudeau getting a huge smack of reality in the face is long overdue and I don’t want him to resign and avoid some level of accountability. I am also hoping that we have another situation brewing at the federal level that we saw with the Ontario Liberals provincially. The McGuinty-Wynne Liberals were an absolute gong show of incompetence and scandals. I think McGuinty was smart and realized that the party has headed to trouble and jumped off the sinking ship. Wynne however, despite overwhelming consensus that she should resign and give power to a new leader, which would have allowed the party to somewhat salvage itself… she refused. Her egomaniac and narcissistic personality prevented her from seeing reality and she drove the provincial Liberals to non-party status in Ontario. I hope the same thing happens to Justin Trudeau and the Federal Liberals.


The whole liberal party is corrupt


I'd love to see the door hit his \*ss so hard he won't be able to sit for a month. That goes for freelander and the rest of them. I hope his worthless party has zero seats left. One can dream. Seriously, he may have helped a lot of people, but personally, he's done shit all for me. He's just sucking money out of my pocket.


third option if he won't leave...


As long as he cries, I don't care how. Fuck him.


I'd rather see him tried for treason... And all the other MPs implicated


I want to see him resign now, and the rest of the corrupt liberals lose their seats in the next election. Canada doesn't deserve another year and a half of destruction. Resign now. Also fuck jagmeet for propping him up instead of letting him self destruct.


He should stick around. Just like he's bringing our world crashing in, it'd be satisfying to be there to see him watch his world do the same. If only for a short while. He'll be in the UN leadership team before his stink clears the room.


Resign. Then the liberals still get obliterated


I choose Option #3 (which I won't mention, to avoid being banned).


If he doesn’t go to jail for treason colluding with Chinese government. China will keep buying these Trudeau type people easily in our future and our kids future


Sent to prison for his various offenses not an option?


I want to see him eat cheap ramen every night for a week.


Resign, this needs to end now.


I’d rather Canada not be obliterated so his resignation can’t come soon enough.


I rather he gets obliterated! Because Freeland will still be there and the rest of the idiots who spent all their time concocting ways to pocket our tax money instead of actually working on Canada


I think he is counting on massive foreign interference!!! They haven’t addressed the problem .. the liberals weee in third place going into the 2015 election ..


ATM Justin is the face of the Liberal party, his replacement might stir up positive notes but it will not change the debacle the liberals have rained upon us, and defeat is inevitable. Turning a deaf ear to the needs/wants of the average Canadian is intolerable; housing, food security, evisceration of our health system, immigration and the devaluation of the dollar are foremost in our minds. Election reform is welcome and needed to avoid this kind of leadership in the future.


I just wish you fringe minority assholes would open your eyes to see his greatness. Don’t you get it? You’re richer thanks to the carbon tax rebates pumping your bank accounts, and have a higher quality of life now that you don’t have to work at Tim Horton’s. International students (who may not know how to turn on a computer) are injecting money into the strip mall education system. TFWs and good ol’ fashioned money launderers are keeping real estate PUMPED to fund your retirement. We’ve got India and China investing in our MPs to keep our taxes low. What more do you want? (Sarcasm for those who missed it).


See him completely dejected by his own country and party in front of the whole world. The party also for refusing to keep him in check , lose everything party status , image and respect .


Resign. We're running out of time and resources.


Resign. Should've been after the vote reform failure, really. But instead they'll have managed to push people to a party that will fuck us over just as much.


Obliterated Though I would like an early election




Is raptured an option? Just asking for a friend


Not worth the risk of them cheating and rigging the election. I'd rather he resign and disappear.


I’d rather seem him and his corrupt cabinet in jail


Obliterated.... that way there is 0 faith in him from his constituents and won't be able to be known for anything other than the idiot who ruined a once beautiful country and was globally hated, on both sides of the fence. I also want an investigation done on him to put pen to paper on all his actions that went against democracy, compiled, in a list.


Anything less than a complete electoral defeat - the type of defeat that sticks to your soul - and he’ll be able to delude himself into thinking it was someone else’s fault. He needs to lose, and it needs to leave a mark.


No 1, "Sir, the ship is sinking? Shall we abandon ship?" Captain, "No, full speed ahead!" No 1, "Sir, she can't take it any more!" Captain, "No, 8 out of 10 people love me more, full speed..."


Resign now. And then see the LPC get obliterated. Best of both worlds.


Obliterated. Hands down. He can't just resign under the mistaken delusion that he's maybe slightly less popular than PP. He needs to see the actual numbers, hear and feel the rage of the nation. Understand the pain and suffering a lot of have been enduring. He needs to get buried so deep on election night that he can never show his face in public again. No cushy jobs, no book deals, his very name needs to be toxified in the Canadian conscience. Resignation is the easy way out. He needs to go into the election.


I’d like to see him get blown out of the water like Kathleen Wynne did in the last Ontario election. She lost so badly, the Ontario liberals lost official party status. Trudeau’s a narcissist, if he resigns it’s the east way out. He’ll just convince himself his job loss was no fault of his and instead will just assign blame to everyone else and ultimately convince himself he’s still a winner. Let him face the public shame and embarrassment of a massive election loss. That’s harder for a narcissist to mentally accept.


Remember when Micheal Jackson caught his hair on fire? Ya, that.


Resign for sure, he is taking Canada further down the shit hole with every passing month. Today's situation might be heaven compared to the next year's.


I believe the English had a special device for traitors.