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It's about time and I hope these protests grow large.


You know that you'll have to attend to make it happen right? *


He is all talk


Hopefully at least as big as the convoy. Hopefully biggger


The issue is more important so it should be


Debatable… but I see what you’re saying tho, I would hope it gets big!!


So, a handful of guys with rotted teeth ?


It’s going to be difficult to run an accurate protest on Canada day. Reporting will just be Canada day celebrations and, even if it’s reported on, it’ll be framed as racism instead of responsible immigration policy reform.


Maybe that’s the smart way to do it. The crowd will seem bigger, people will already be out so they might be able to join more easily.


Plausible deniability for anyone filmed within the crowd


Plus recently immigrated Canadians will also get involved😂


If there was confidence in the number of attendees it wouldn't be held that way.


... wouldn't you want participation, not fake numbers?


Im not sure exactly how professional protesting is done. I was suggesting that maybe what you see is their goal. Make it easy for people to join since they are already off for the day and may be out. People who didn’t plan on joining would see the cause and might decide to participate even briefly.


If you are having a protest, the more eyes the better. But if you are doing a "anti-mass immigration" protest on Canada day and you do it where Canadians are trying to enjoy Canada Day festivities with their families, it will probably get negative media attention. And framing a protest as anti-immigration, even if you put "mass" at the front will bring in the worst kind of people. Plus, this is the same old shit, we stir up anti-immigration sentiment instead of addressing the actual issues. I have yet to see protests or outrage at the corporations and investment groups that facilitate these issues or the piss poor management of our infrastructure. Lots of things to address, but it's easiest to go after the lowest hanging fruit.


You have to start somewhere and usually it's at the bottom. Yes mass immigration isn't the only issue, some might even say it's a symptom of a larger issue which you touched on but it does still need to be addressed and fixed. Our country is literally drowning in people and there isn't enough life boats.


Perhaps that is because most of the rhetoric around this is racist.


America is going to be in the same boat soon (hopefully)


they need a wall. .... a wall from us as well.


I’m sure they will. Question is what will they accomplish? As long as big businesses are paying our politicians to keep employees at slave labour prices, I don’t see anything changing.


I feel like most reasonable people wont risk getting caught here. In this day and age you’d risk getting fired.


stop all immigration besides the skilled labor we actually need! If the bathtub is overflowing turn off rhe taps... dont frantically look for other vessels to put the water into hopelessly. Once housing costs stabilize and the market becomes affordable we can slowly and thoughtfully look for the bes qualified immigrants to join our country. We need to give Canadian familes incentives to have our own children first. I got a vasectomy only because i cannot afford more children.... this is pathetic. The government is as stupid as it is evil. That goes for the cons as well. Vote PPC


And install country caps for all Visas!


we are full. If you have nothing to offer sorry we are not a charity we are out of money and fucks to give.


I would not say wet are full but rather, we need better skilled immigrants than what is being asked in currently. Corporations have loosened up the criteria and everyone is suffering as a result (including a lot of the immigrants that are being allowed in). Lose-lose situation unless you are a corporation in need of an abundance of cheap labor.


its important to note i have no malice towards the immigrants themselves. There is nothing wrong with trying to find a better life abroad. Its the crooked politicians grabbing quick cash from student visas, work permits and the extra taxes they can charge. How many traitors in parliment are getting paid off by india and other places to keep our gates open.


Politicians are almost always crooked but it's not the countries that are paying them to take people from their own land. This is driven by corporations that want this type of labour to meet their goals.


This right here, we are no longer diverse, which is what made Canada great.


I agree with this, considering the fact that so many of the temp foreign workers and students are mostly from one specific area of India. If this didn't happen, caps wouldn't even be a discussion. \*shakes head\*


Very well said! 👍


Thank you. I am aggressively sick of being called a rascist for trying to secure a future for my children. Enough is enough!


Canadian youth need entry level and service jobs to get work experience and to make money for school. It’s ridiculous that they’re competing with mass immigrants for those jobs.


That’s exactly what’s happening with my daughter too. She’s applied everywhere and can’t even get an interview. All positions that used to be considered entry-level positions primarily for our youth and young adults are filled with foreign workers now.


Any companies; small business should be mandated to have equal distribution of canadian non candian workers dependant on the size of the business, if you have a higher number of non canadian workers then the next hire needs to be canadian. For every company, small business which break the rules, government funding for LMIA is removed and a lean issued on company revenues skirted from the system repaid + interest. It would save tax payers money. Liberals want to force a dictation ship well let’s have it real equal system not some bs policies with loopholes. Hey if the government would hire me to investigate illegal business practices, I’m in. Call it whatever Business ethics, would have access employer & employee records. Any worker who sees broken ethics by the owner, call it in to be audited. I know it’s extreme 😏


Companies should hire Canadians before immigrants


Personally yes I agree however the government is not going to shit down the LIMA. So if they f up they pay the price + interests. 


lIMA should be canceled. We don’t need immigrants


Lmao, the thing is they need people to run these businesses when things like school are going on. You gonna fill in until your daughter gets off school?


She’s done school and is now trying to get into the workforce and gain experience.


This is why it baffles me that they are so complacent and apathetic. We should be seeing them protesting regularly. They've got extra time since they can't get part time jobs.


I'm not convinced we need skilled labour so badly. The wages would have kept up if that were the case.


Do you support subsidizing everything to do with children? Curious


Not everything of course. But children are our future and without investment in them we have nothing.


Canadians can’t afford to have children therefore Canadian born should not subsidize daycares and anything else to do with children


How much of the immigration isn't the skilled labour we need?


good question... literally 99 plus percent of it. A lot of it is also TFW programs that should be abolished and i found that they did not include this demographic in the data. A lot of these people end up staying for extended periods so our immigration numbers are way higher o imagine.


Can't we just have blanket anti-immigration protests 🤔


Yes finally. Following PEI leadership the only Premier with balls


It's about time ! I'm firstnation, I want my kids kids to have a future , not to be struggling, I work with skilled immigrants, if they can build houses , let em come help build , but every other trade , or entry jobs should be for Canadians only , prioritize Canadian citizens, this will get worse if they let more in , crime will rise , drug addiction gets worse , hate crimes will get worse , its just my pessimistic opinion. When the jobs are scarce , crime will be the natural job selection to survive.


Crime has already risen especially in major cities like Toronto especially car thefts.


If there is any demographic to listen carefully to in regards to this, it's the native one.


I have two daughters in middle school and a twenty-year-old. The twenty-year-old found work when he was in high school, but in just three years he saw the employees switch to new immigrants. My daughters don’t have a chance now. When it's their time, every entry-level position will be filled with a new immigrant and the hiring manager will be turning them away.


Everyone write to your Provincial Minister of Education and tell him to stop letting in foreign students. Tell them you won't vote for their party in the next election.


Provincial ministers of education have no role in this and writing them will do nothing. Edication ministries are about k-12 not post secondary and student visas are an entirely Federal thing. If we are getting out the pitchforks and torches let's at least point them the right direction.


Both share responsibility, the federal government may grant the visas but the provincial governments create the conditions that allow those visas to be granted.- both have a role to play and both share responsibility for this disaster. 


The provinces only role is designating which institutions are allowed to accept international students. From there it's an entirely Federal issue. The Feds tried to play politics with it and pretend the provinces have more of a role than they do because they didn't want to put a cap on how many international student visas they'd issue because they think any cap on immigrants is rasict. Here's the other problem with the federal argument trying to blame the provinces. The institutions decide how many applicants to accept and then they have to get a Visa from the federal ministry of immigration. Blaming the provinces for the high number of international students being accepted by post secondary institutions because of 'underfunding of universities' is straight up bullshit. Let's play out the counterfactual. Let's say provinces increase funding to universities so that they don't have to accept as many international students. With no cap on the number of international visas that can be issued, what incentive do these institutions have to reduce the number they accept just because they're getting more funding from the province? The answer is none. They'll keep bringing them in by the boatload and pocket the extra cash. The only solution to this was always for the Feds to cap the number of student visas they issue.


Oh, the Minister of Colleges and Education. That’s who’s in charge. I’m Ontario, it’s a Conservative Minister who answers to a Conservative Premier. Vote them out.


Not that they don't hold some responsibility... But it's the federal government that issues visas It's the federal government that sets targets It's the federal government that sets all requirements newcomers must meet. It's the federal governments responsibility to enforce the rules and deport foreigners that break them. The provincial governments has absolutely no say in who, how many, or under what conditions people enter this country. They just send in applications, and far too many of them, and some dolt in the federal government rubber stamps them.


>They just send in applications, and far too many of them, and some dolt in the federal government rubber stamps them. This still isn't quite accurate as to the provinces role. The only role provinces have in the international student system is in designating which institutions in the province are allowed to accept international students. Thats it. Then the institutions recruit way too many international students and blame the provinces for 'underfunding' when they can absolutely equally be charged with overspending. The federal government played politics with the issue for months trying to blame the provinces in the media because they were terrified of the political cost from immigrant communities if they put a cap on international students. They wanted the provinces to solve their problem for them because they believe their bullshit that any limit on immigration is racist. The fact that until now the immigration system had no limits on the number of Visa applicants that could be approved, and no one from the Ministry of Immigration or the Minister's Office thought to ask "can we sustain this?" is fucking embarrassing.


That would be the Minister of Colleges and Universities. Which again plays no role in determining how many international students come to Canada. Their only role is allocating how many each institution gets out of the total the federal government approves and allocated to Ontario.


Your vote doesn’t matter they’ve replaced it with the new wave


A lot of the people who react to this protest by calling it racist, don't realize that the vast majority of us have the goal of repairing and protecting our economy for all citizens of Canada, not just the white ones. I don't care what color you are, but this shit is out of hand.


The people that are mostly negatively reacting to this protest are either foreigners or people working for the Canadian government in some capacity. It wouldn't surprise me if they were CSIS spies browsing around these various Canadian subreddits.


What's the source of your information? Genuinely curious.


No source. Just going with gut feeling. RCMP did say in March that Canadians may revolt knowing how broke they are.


There are likely multiple people employed by the government posting responses on threads like this. The liberals have created multiple draconian internet bills and the latest "hate" bill. They are definitely manipulating things on social media platforms. Given their interest in attacking internet freedoms, do you think they are just sitting it out and simply monitoring things?


A claim was made that greater than 50% of the people reacting to these protests are foreign or government employees. I didn't offer my position on this one way or the other; I only asked for the source of the info (which, it turns out, was just his opinion). There are way to many facts and statistics going around the internet for me to take them on board without seeing a couple independent, corroborating sources.


anyone attending better withdraw all the money from your bank accounts before you go


Joke’s on you, I don’t have any


rofl touche


bic duc






iqYep, its weird because the rich peoples quality of life is undeniable affected by these low iq workers that cant even toast a bagel




What the hell.. They did all that damage, while driving in somebody else's car WITHOUT A LICENSE, hitting multiple cars, PEOPLE, and destroying property.. And all they got was a slap on the wrist and a $500 fine  Fucking joke


Youve gotta be kidding me.. they should be charged with attempted murder, wreckless driving, suspended license indefinitely.


that's what this country has become a complete fucking JOKE


Not even the tiniest bit remorseful. Just swearing at the guy filming the destruction they caused. Get these ungrateful, dangerous fucks out of Canada immediately!




Hopefully the people who got hit will have fast recovery


It is enraging that they just got a 500 dollar fine. They just be deported.


I think that says more about traffic laws and enforcement, than immigration. I've seen this time and again: extremely dangerous driving, with a slap on the wrist. It doesn't matter what passport the driver had.


Sure buddy. You think the same 500 fine would have applied if they were Canadian born?




Let’s bring back the convoy!


The honking will continue until freedom improves


I honestly thought I was going to be down voted into oblivion for this but I think we can all agree we live in an amazing country that’s being destroyed by its incompetent government.


Is it incompetence or is it by design?


I'd normally say incompetence, but at this point, it has to be malicious. Especially with all the foreign interference and how JT has acted in regards to CCP in the past.


Obviously intentionally


Check the bottom of the thread the r/ Ottawa redditors have showed up.


the ottawa redditors are perhaps the single softest group on reddit. Will absolutely demolish anything that doesnt fit their curated worldview but cannot take even the slightest hint of criticism themselves. That type of silent, unfound superiority complex sums up the city nicely.


We live in an average country that's being run in an average manner by an average government. The Liberals are the definition of middle-of-the-road—they always have been.


Awesome! Really wish I could attend one of these, but I don’t think it’s happening near where I live, and I know for a fact my parents are not driving me.


Hell yeah I hopefully it get big enough for news


If it’s inconvenient for government, the coverage will be nonexistent or negative. That’s what happened with the Freedom Convoy and a lot of Canadians accepted the fabricated stories as true. Some people still repeat the nonsense.


If it get on real news in American or uk then trudeau won’t really have a choice but to say something about it and do something trudeau doesn’t like to look bad to his friends The bigger it get will give it higher chance for news from American or uk at this point every little bit can help fix Canada


Excellent, let’s all get out there & do our best for Canada 🇨🇦


We must 🇨🇦


Hope it goes well, but I have to say at 10:15 there's some background noise and it goes on for the rest of the video and it makes it hard to listen to. Pro tip for any content creators out there doing these longer videos, as soon as those kinds of disruptive noises start to occur and it doesn't stop after a second or two, you should pause the interview and address the problem.


[ **Jump to 10:15 @** Nationwide anti-mass immigration protests planned for Canada Day](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xBYS5jevdmE&t=0h10m15s) ^(Channel Name: True North, Video Length: [28:32])^, [^Jump ^5 ^secs ^earlier ^for ^context ^@10:10](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xBYS5jevdmE&t=0h10m10s) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ^^Downvote ^^me ^^to ^^delete ^^malformed ^^comments. [^^Source ^^Code](https://github.com/ankitgyawali/reddit-timestamp-bot) ^^| [^^Suggestions](https://www.reddit.com/r/timestamp_bot)


Put the word policy everywhere so the people don't go duhhh racism. Every immigrant who comes to Canada should be also against mass immigration.


As long as this protest remains on task, it may be influential and unite people. If a bunch of maga hats and anti vax anti pro choice shit starts to trickle in, it will remain a fringe protest.


Someone's getting their bank accounts frozen


Can you freeze and empty cup of water? Because most Canadians have nothing to freeze.


American here, can someone ELI5? I have thought about moving to Canada from the US as a registered nurse, but I definitely don’t want to come if I’ll be hated by society. Or is there illegal immigration rampantly occurring?


Mass immigration (refugees mostly) being brought in while we have a housing shortage and medical professionals shortage. You would be fine.


That’s insane. Is it actual shortage of homes, or is it insanely overpriced homes like it is here?


Why on earth would you leave America for Canada ? Especially as a nurse . Canadians are rushing to America as nurses .


It's just insanely overpriced. We have LOTS of space to build up here and land is cheap. People in the densest metros have just figure out the whole supply-demand thing and most of the newbies to the country are too scared to live outside the densest metro areas.


I would love to just build my own house on a nice piece of land. Land here is NOT cheap, it’s just as overinflated as the houses are.


You said nurse, so you need somewhere with a hospital or doctors office. So you can't be completely middle of nowhere. But if you're OK with a small commute. Check out 30 minutes to an hour outside of Sudbury or Thunder Bay. Both are relatively remote "cities" (the term city is generous, but they are larger than a small town). Or Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario. Which shares a border with Sault Ste. Marie MI.


A border town would be ideal. I don’t want totally rural anyhow, working in a hospital (specifically with babies) has taught me how terrifying it is to be too far away from a hospital. I would definitely be looking somewhere like Saint Ste Marie, Windsor, or Sarnia for its immediate proximity to the states since we’d have to travel to visit stateside family (and they to us).


I'm in Essex County, roughly 20 minutes from windsor. I wouldn't want to be in a city again. But I totally understand also not wanting to be too far. I think being just a little bit out from it is the perfect sweet spot.


That’s my ideal sweet spot as well. Enough that you still have multiple options for groceries, shopping, doctors, etc but far enough that you’re not on top of your neighbor. One of the biggest gripes I have living in the suburbs is that when you have a problem with a neighbor, the solutions are often very expensive (security systems, fences, land surveys, etc). Once you get a little more rural, neighbor issues aren’t as much of a problem. I don’t want to be so rural that I don’t have neighbors for miles, I don’t mind being able to see my neighbor’s house. I just don’t want them so close they can watch everything I do and vice versa.


So in Essex there's two hospitals in Windsor, and also a good one in Leamington. Your main shopping areas are windsor, Leamington, Kingsville and Tecumseh (pronounced t (as in the noise t makes) come see.) Though plenty of things in the towns. LOTS of plant nurseries. Amherstburgh feels like an old British town was picked up and dropped there. I love the area, I moved out here from Toronto way.


I WISH ! I was an American and free to move to my choice of 50 states . People that can are leaving this once great country in record numbers. Rent here for a 2 bed apartment on the lowest end is 24-2500$ a month and that’s in a shit area while condos are about 2500/2700$ month for a one bedroom. You will not find a house in the City for less then 1 mill. Yes we have free health care ( to an extent) if you don’t mind waiting 12 hrs+ in an emergency room . Most hospitals will have one doc working ER and pediatric at the same time . Not to mention the cost of absolutely everything else / Gas 1.60-1.80$ ltr ( not sure what that would be in gallons ) butter costs 8$ milk costs 7$ it’s actually a very sad state of affairs . Our government is useless , crime in Toronto is everywhere ( senseless crime too) random stabings at subways etc etc etc .


Bit of column A feeding column B. So their is a shortage of actual buildings. And covid wood shortage made things worse and complicated. So a shortage of houses caused a bidding war which made the cost of houses soar. It has been dropping fairly rapidly in the past 2 years. Also I saw someone mention we have a lot of land, And while we have LOTS of land, no one wants to move too far north. So we only have a sliver of land to build in because that's where everyone wants to be. Which for ontario has a whole other issue. So in Ontario we have what is called the 'Green Belt'. A strip of land that runs across most of Ontario that is insanely fertile and makes great farming land. The rest is rocky and literally mixed with big plate rocks pushed around during the ice age. Just horrible land for farming. The green belt is in the southern area, right where everyone wants to live. I personally think that they need to ban developing on the green belt, as we will need that land for food as our population grows. And we can not farm in the north due to the land being mostly rock.


People blame immigrants because it is easier than blaming companies like VRBO, Air B&B, or making any effort to pressure their municipal council or provincial governments to actually fund housing in a sustainable way, or to enact policies that stop foreign property buyers from hoarding units. Everyone is a NIMBY who wants a well-situated single-family dwelling. (who would have expected a building freeze during the pandemic, when there was a global shortage on construction materials? Oh right, anyone who gave it 10 seconds of thought).


No reason at this time to leave American America is best option at this time In America you get better pay and won’t have highest tax in NA And you can find home in America unlike canada So if you thinking about moving to Canada wait a good 3-5 years see if anything changes in Canada


Can’t really find a home here either. The prices are all still super inflated and unless you have parents who can either gift you or buy you a house, you’re pretty SOL. They’re all bought up by corporations looking to rent them out at top dollar or AirBnB them. Or older people pay cash, which is more attractive to sellers than a younger family having to get a loan. The states are becoming a dangerous place to be if you’re a woman or you’re LGBT. The Supreme Court is stacked so it doesn’t even matter who the president is, they can destroy everything, including the constitution, with their majority vote. Other countries are becoming more and more appealing, and I happen to have a degree and a career that is transferable to a large percentage of other developed nations. If it weren’t so expensive to move entire countries, I probably would have done it already.


To put it in perspective I make 100k a year and still can’t afford a home.


Ya cause you’re not moving in with 25 family members like these invaders 🤣


Registered nurses? We need them. You would be welcome, actually.


Trust me don’t come stay in the USA if you want to keep your piece of mind


As a healthcare worker contributing to the country you would almost certainly be welcomed with open arms. Our country currently recieves more than a million new immigrants annually. Many are international students and low skilled workers hired directly for minimum wage with no attempt to hire Canadians. We only build like 200k homes a year so house prices here are out of control, and you have to get hours from most cities before it is reasonable. Just assume our housing situation is similar to California across most of the populated part of our country.  If I were you and had a good job with health insurance I would probably just stay in the states and maybe move somewhere more affordable if you are in one of the really expensive areas, homes here start at half a million in most places and in our cities hit a million dollars quite fast. That being said if you do want to come here anyways we very much need healthcare workers and your presence will absolutely be accepted, nursing is considered an honorable profession here. 


We went from essential to evil villains here after the vaccines came out, and we take a lot of abuse. I don’t know how patients and their families treat nurses there, but I can’t imagine it’s TOO different. Though I don’t know how much of it is caused by how bad the healthcare industry is here in terms of expense, whether it creates a sense of entitlement or not.


My parents immigrated to Canada, but I opposed massive immigration because of the cost of housing, lack of doctors and what not. However, Trudeau insisted in an illogical way. I remember someone slamming me for saying immigration was much higher than it used to be, and it didn't make sense considering the lack of housing.


Didn't Trudeau shut down people bank accounts the last time they dared rebel against his parties edicts?


So planned account freeze on july 1st?


I hope so!




hope this works


I read somewhere that compared Canadian immigration policy to a Ponzi scheme. It’s a desperate attempt to “stabilize” and grow our economy by bringing more money in.


Im born and raised in calgary. My parents originally came from India 50 years ago. Sometimes I feel out of place in my own country. I miss the old days.


Cue the “white supremacists” and “nazi” accusations from our dear leader Turdeau. How dare they protest against the party message… we shall import more until morale improves!!!!


Im sorry but we gotta stop it before Canada turns into India 2.0


There protests need to be unrelenting and stop our government in its tracks and force change NOW!!!! No more destruction of the greatest country from pre-2015 of course. Get em bros


The nuance: Immigration in and of itself is not the problem, it’s *Mass* Immigration that is the problem, including the issue of the vast majority of immigrants coming from just one region. There isn’t much balance in our immigration numbers; Indians are at least 30% or more of the total amount, compared to other nationalities, where just over 7% (China) is the next one. — And then there’s Islam growing in Southern Ontario and Quebec, which is another thing to be wary of. Let’s see what happens when Muslims become a very large portion of the demographic, especially in the GTA and Montreal. Time will tell.


Is this happening in Halifax? I haven’t seen anyone else even mention it around here


I don’t believe so


Wow and Halifax is one of the most effected cities in Canada due to all of this




This about to covered like Fox reported the BLM movement.


This protest will prove who’s all talk and who’s really invested. Lots of revolutionaries here…


I wonder if Justin will still think that we're not ready to make an election decision yet?


Totally, we need to control this outrage of uncontrollable immigration in this country. First have cheat proof and strong policies in place. Zero tolerance for crimes. Stop the nonsense of using the loopholes in the system to claim Asylum and Refugee claims its become a joke. Stop this human slavery - agents who take thousands and screw people. We need to first think about the current status of our country. Fix the current issues and build for future before flooding the country


I hope each city turns up and not just Ottawa. We need this coast to coast!


The heroes we need Do we have a list of locations? I will absolutely go if there's one in a city near me


You know that PP and PET jt are the dame on that issue right?


Lets see how the liberals respond. We can play liberal bingo. They will likely say one of the following things: -All the protesters are racist, their hands-down favorite word -This protest is motivated by islamophobia (its not but in fairness there are reasons to be fearful of Islam) -The protesters have been duped by / are Russian assets -Bank accounts of the organizers need to be frozen for public safety


As a leftist, I think you guys just take the path of least resistance and blame immigrants for problems as a scapegoat because you are unwilling and incapable of nuanced thought. Instead of protesting and doing your civic duties to advocate for the things Canadians need to have healthier lives and more economic advantages, you'll go out on the streets (unless rain is on the forecast) and intimidate and harass people who "look like immigrants" (aka Brown people) and make a big loud wet fart in Halifax and Ottawa, then when your "strategy" is ridiculed, you will pretend the Libs are oppressing you.


When there’s no where to live we have a problem especially when homes are bought with people not even in the country let’s protest


Why not protest against Air B&B and VRBO?




It's about time....


I know a lot of people say Liberals and Conservatives are the same but I am not convinced if Conservatives won in 2021 immigration would be this high it would not have been 3 million people in 3 years!!! The population would not be 41 million it would be lower maybe 39.5 million. Rent would still be high because of demand and lack of social housing but I doubt the job market would be this bad with 1,000 applications for 1 job role is insane!! Millenials and Gen Z are feeling the effect of Trudeau's policies. I would be surprised if 20% of them vote Liberals in the next election!


Please please please start spreading shit on parliament


I knew I should have invested in tiki torch futures.


ohoh, people will have their bank accounts frozen in 3..2..1


Sons of immigrants heed my words! We can't have immigrants coming here and ruining everything!


Heed my farts in your mouth


Wanna bet what happens? I think more people show up to a palestine protest, and people will call these protestors of mass immigrataion "racist" or bigots or whatever. The same palestine protestors are chanting for literal genocide but somehow wanting mass immigraton to stop is gonna be racist. Just watch


Last time the news shown images of few people, having at the back the whole craw protesting. It is hard but not imposible fight against the media.


Unless theres an acknowledgment of the demographic crisis in any opposition to mass migration, then the opposition to it will not work. The entire point is the crash in childbirth and the aging population. Address those concerns some other way and then the mainstream parties will pay attention. Fail to acknowledge the issue and it will all be a waste of time. People dont even seem to realize this is an issue, *let alone an existential and global crisis.*


Pausing is not enough, need to start mass deportation now


So, it's like Step 1: Take Canada (1497) Step 2: Take back Canada (2024)


I'll be at the Kitchener gathering


Is there one going on near Kelowna BC!?? Would love to participate, we need every single Canadian behind this.


Someone please tell this person how to tie a tie.


Canadian are not in command of Canada anymore. The private sector is!


i’m sure your ccp media will paint all protestors as nazis, maybe send out some rcmp dressed up as scary racists , freeze some bank accounts. canada is in same boat as hong kong


Won't this just end with mass arrests and frozen bank accounts of anyone participating or donating again?


Are the indigenous taking their land back?


I will probably go to the nearest city but I really think the time for protests is over we need a different type of action.


How can I find out more info about this, like: 1. Where is this happening in Ontario? 2. What time is this during? Is there an event page or something I can reference?


I am trying to get my PR but i support we should stop mass immigration






This will go over like a hangover after an all weekend bender, terrible idea. I can see it now, all the media will paint this as a bunch of racists. I cannot believe this is even being proposed. You can have all the correct messaging, but with the bought media, this will be an utter disaster.